
Displaying 1081 - 1090 of 33306
A History of the County of Lancaster
… 13 Roger's gifts to the Norman abbey were confirmed by Pope Innocent II on 3 May, 1139, 14 by Ranulf Gernons, earl of … Bracqueville was abbot (11851210) of Sées (Dugdale, Mon. vi, 990; Neustria Pia, 582). A dispute in the previous …
A History of the County of Somerset
… adjoining the said parish of St. Andrew. In 1204 Innocent III 4 confirmed to the prior and monks of St. … charge. Godfrey in reply appealed to Canterbury and the pope and the archbishop appointed the Abbot of Athelney and … IV. Cal. Pat. 143641, p. 140. Ibid. p. 304. Pat. 19 Hen. VI. pt. viii, m. 20. The details of the sequestration are …
A History of the County of Hertford
… to Hugh de Grentemaisnil's gift of the church, tithe and 2 carucates of land here 1 to the abbey of St. Evroul in … serve the church. The parishioners therefore appealed to Pope Gregory IX, and the Bishop of London and Dean of St. … de Welles (Cant. and York. Soc.), ii, 274, 319; see also Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com.), passim. Round, op. cit. 229. …
A History of the County of York
… The priory of Allerton Mauleverer was granted by Henry VI to King's College, Cambridge. 6 Of its internal history … Ecclesfield Church had been appropriated to the abbey by Innocent II and Gregory [ ], formerly popes of Rome, that … date 1179, it is referred to as being in existence, the pope then confirming to the priory at York its 'cellulam de …
A History of the County of Hampshire
… war, there were found, besides grain, 11 plough horses, 2 draught horses, a two-year-old colt, a mule, 51 oxen, 1 … 1 boar, 4 sows, 42 pigs, 23 young pigs, 7 sides of bacon, 2 poids of cheese and 3 sacks of wool. 11 In 1333 the prior … See also V.C.H. Hants, i. 407-8. Dugdale's Monasticon, vi. 1040-1. Transcript of Carisbrooke chartulary. Pat. 13 …
A History of the County of London
… is constantly used with the meaning of anker-hold, 2 and a recluse is sometimes styled hermit. 3 There is no … 59 The cell was sometimes occupied by a woman: Henry VI in 1443 gave an annuity of 6 marks to the anchoress there, … Survey, iii, 128, says that Lambe obtained it from Edward VI, a mistake noticed by Newcourt, Repert. Eccl. Lond. i, …
A History of the County of Suffolk
… and yet again to John Beauchamp, alias John de Holt. 2 In May, 1385, Robert Dovorr, king's clerk, obtained life … numerous endowments of 'Goddishous' College, Cambridge. 5 Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com.), 122. Pat. 6 Ric. II, pt. i, m. … 21, 19. Pat. 8 Ric. II, pt. ii, m. 14. Ibid. m. 1 d. Pat. 2 Edw. IV, pt. ii, m. 16. …
A History of the County of London
… place previously occupied by a synagogue. 1 In the bull of Pope Alexander V confirming the grant the place is not … master, two priests, a schoolmaster, and twelve poor men, 2 but there appears to have been no endowment, for in 1291 … buildings for the convent were not yet finished. 25 Henry VI, in June of that year, describes the house as wretched and …
A History of the County of London
… of the Priory of St. Mary at Rouncivall in Navarre. 2 The brothers are mentioned between 1244 and 1260 as the … the vicar of St. Martin's in the Fields complained to the pope that the master and brothers under pretext of letters of … found to be justified, the letters of Boniface IX, Urban VI, Clement VI, and Urban V were declared forgeries, and the …
A History of the County of Essex
… the chapel of Romford, were confirmed by a bull of Pope Alexander III in 1177. The grants of land were confirmed by Richard I and Henry III; 2 and the latter in 1253 confirmed to the master and brethren … 1370. 26 John de Curia, occurs 1384. 27 Dugdale, Mon. vi, 652. See an article by J. H. Round in Trans. Essex Arch. …
Displaying 1081 - 1090 of 33306