
Displaying 1 - 10 of 72
A Topographical Dictionary of England
… in her arms: there are also numerous memorials to the Rabett family, who have resided at Bramfield Hall for more …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… Car. II., 319A.] ADDITIONAL ADDENDA. [March 25 ?] [Ralph Rabett] to [Williamson]. About eleven to-day passed by this … Castle. It is a strong gale, N.N.E. [ Probably enclosed in Rabett's letter of 25 March, calendared ante, p. 235. See …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… S.P. Dom., Car. II. 305, No. 4.] April 1. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. Explaining that it was the messenger's … these two days. [ Ibid. No. 37.] April 3. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to James Hickes. No news. [ Ibid. No. 38.] April 3. … to Dartford. [ Ibid. No. 58.] April 5. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to James Hickes. No news. [ Ibid. No. 59.] April 5. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… the Dragon. Wind yesterday E.N.E., and to-day E.S.E. Mr. Rabett wrote Wednesday, and if you did not get his letter the … Wind N. [ Ibid. No. 40.] April 22. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to James Hickes. To-day twenty laden colliers came … Dom., Car. II. 306, No. 41.] April 22. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to James Hickes. Since I wrote, a vessel with a …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… for the fleet. [ Ibid. No. 262.] Aug. 9. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. Neither men-of-war nor privateers have …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… good weather. [ Ibid. No. 67.] Aug. 16. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. To-day were put ashore by a Danish ship … so continues. [ Ibid. No. 90.] Aug. 19. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. Yesterday and to-day sailed by upwards …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… Dom., Car. II. 372, No. 168.] Aug. 9. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. No news. [ Ibid. No. 169.] Aug. 9. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… storm. [ Ibid. No. 208.] Dec. 11. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. No privateers have been seen on this … Robert Oxe, now or lately bailiff of Aldeburgh, and Mr. Rabett, a Customs officer there, took care of them, and can … to-day, S.E. [ Ibid. No. 34.] Dec. 18. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. Yesterday about 30 sail were seen at …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… present. [ S.P. Dom., Car. II. 363, No. 6.] Dec. 7. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. No news. There has been no loss on this …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… their convoy. [ Ibid. No. 20.] Feb. 3. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. The coast is somewhat clear of … them. Wind N.W. [ Ibid. No. 76.] Feb. 10. Aldeburgh. Ralph Rabett to Williamson. Last Friday night sailed by this town …
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