
Displaying 17961 - 17970 of 61022
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… there is come from Rome, 'for a two months past,' one Sir Richard Shelley, who is called the Lord Prior of England, who …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… ; Charles Philip de Croy, Marquis of 'Havereigh' ; Richard Martin and Richard Saltonstall ; Lord Henry Seymour ; M. Jean de Bex ; …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… the sum paid by the said James in 1553 for the ransom of Richard Bowes, captain of Norham. who, being taken prisoner … his pledge in respect of a bond made to him by the said Richard and Sir James Wilforde; which bond still remains in …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… and endd. by him, Copy of my letter to Mr. Secretary by Richard Cole, 7 [ sic] December, 1583. 2 pp. [ Ibid. X. 98 …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
Displaying 17961 - 17970 of 61022