
Displaying 81 - 90 of 220
Journal of the House of Lords
Survey of London
A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 18, Benson, Ewelme, and the Chilterns (Ewelme Hundred)
… Hugh, 248 John, 248 Wm, 40 Spicer: John, 428 n fam., 428 Spier, see Spyer Spindler: Hen., 77 Thos, 77 Wm, 77 fam., 77, … shooting; quoits; tennis springs, holy, see wells Spyer (Spier): Edm., 321, 328 Eliz., m. Wm Gibbons, 348, 359 John, …
A History of the County of Oxford
… marquess of Blandford, fam., spicer, Ric. the, see Richard Spier: John, Wm., Spigurnel: Hen., Mary, see Brown Spilsby, …
A History of the County of Oxford
A History of the County of Oxford
Displaying 81 - 90 of 220