
Displaying 34851 - 34860 of 73608
Journal of the House of Lords
… p. Ds. Darcie de Chiche. p. Ds. Chandois. p. Ds. St. John de Bletso. Ds. Burghley. Ds. Compton. p. Ds. … Billa, An Act for Confirmation of Grants made to the Queen's Majesty, and of Letters Patents made by Her Highness to … that they could take no Exception against it. Ld. Norris's Writ of Summons. Hodie introductum fuit Breve Francisci …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Howarde. p. Ds. Northe. Ds. Chandos. Ds. Hunsdon. p. Ds. St. John de Bletso. p. Ds. Buckherst. p. Ds. Dalaware. p. Ds. … the Counterfeiting of any of the Hands of Her Majesty's Privy Council, and for the Avoiding of Counterfeit … of a Street without Aldgate, leading to Her Highness's Storehouse at The Minories, and others. Increase of …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Chiche. p. Ds. Northe. p. Ds. Chandos. p. Ds. Hunsdon. Ds. St. John Bletso. p. Ds. Buckehurste. Ds. Dalaware. p. Ds. … City, quæ commissa est. Erroneous Judgements in the King's Bench. Hodie allatæ sunt a Domo Communi tres Billæ: Prima, … de Chiche. p. Ds. Northe. Ds. Chandos. Ds. Hunsdon. Ds. St. John p. Ds. Buckehurst. Ds. Dalaware. Ds. Compton. Ds. …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Ds. Darcie de Chiche. p. Ds. Northe. Ds. Chandos. p. Ds. St. John. p. Ds. Buckehurst. p. Ds. Delaware. p. Ds. Compton. …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Sheffeilde. Ds. Darcie. Ds. Northe. Ds. Chandos. p. Ds. St. John. p. Ds. Buckehurst. p. Ds. Delaware. Ds. Compton. p. … of a Statute, made in the 23d Year of Her Majesty's Reign, for repairing of Dover Haven, quæ communi omnium …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Darcye de Chiche. p. Ds. Northe. p. Ds. Chandos. p. Ds. St. John. p. Ds. Buckhurst. p. Ds. Delaware. p. Ds. Compton. …
Journal of the House of Lords
… p. Ds. Northe. p. Ds. Chandois. p. Ds. Hunsdon. Ds. St. John. p. Ds. Compton. Ds. Norreys. p. Ds. Knollys. p. Ds. … Hereditaments mentioned to be to him granted by the King's Majesty's Letters Patents. Letters Patent. Moved by the … Bp. of Chester. L. Bergevenny. L. Lawarr. L. Chandois. L. St. John. L. Petre. L. Danvers. L. Carew. Lord Chief Baron, …
Journal of the House of Lords
… de Effingham. Ds. North. Ds. Chandos. p. Ds. Hunsdon. Ds. St. John. Ds. Compton. Ds. Norreys. p. Ds. Knollis. p. Ds. … Peterburgh. L. Bp. of Norwich. L. Bp. of Oxford. L. Bp. of St. Assaph. L. Bp. of Chester. L. Bp. of Rochester. L. Bp. of …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Ds. Darcie. Ds. North. Ds. Chandos. Ds. Hunsdon. Ds. St. John. p. Ds. Buckeburst. Ds. Dalaware. p. Ds. Compton. … lecta est Billa, An Act to provide Remedy for Her Majesty's Wardships, Liveries, and Primier Seisin, in certain Cases, … omnium Procerum Assensu conclusa est. Milton and King's Ferry Road. Expedit. Item 3 a vice lecta est Billa, An Act …
Journal of the House of Lords
… Sheffeilde. p. Ds. Darcie. p. Ds. North. Ds. Chandos. Ds. St. John. Ds. Buckehurst. Ds. Delaware. Ds. Compton. Ds. … Billa: Hanford. An Act for the Sale of Thomas Hanford's Lands. Lords refuse to read a Bill from the H. C. they …
Displaying 34851 - 34860 of 73608