
Displaying 3511 - 3520 of 3665
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… the Commissioners provide at their own charge parchment, wax, pens, paper, ink, and books for themselves and deputies, …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… the Lord William Pawlett, receiver of the revenue of Green Wax, at a rent of 500 l. per ann., to the Lords of the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… Protector. Our father, John Light, was collector of Green wax 2 years since, under Mr. Cole, then sheriff of co. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… wreck and goods, as cheese, bacon, butter, soap, pepper, wax, furs to line coats for Don John's officers, and other …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… proposed to be laid on charcoal, orchall, starch, sealing-wax, wafers, &c. 3 pages. 20. Petition of Francis Hoffman to …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… by candles, commonly called the candle tax, exclusive of wax candles. All without date, but probably in the reign of …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… of the Treasury, on the petition of Stephen Chase, chafe-wax to the Great Seal of England, in favour of his claim of …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… heads and revers of medals and coin, skild in embossing of wax, as also to do all other work of engraving in steel, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… for payment from Council's Contingencies for paper, wax, fire, candles, and other incidental charges. 16. The …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… for that of Chafewax, lately granted to Stephen Iles, a wax chandler. This expense is needless, as he has performed … his duties 8 years. [1 page.] 81. Stephen Iles, chafer of wax to the Great Seal. Salary 50 l., 2 s. d. a day wages, and … 14 s. yearly livery; also 360 l. a year for provision of wax; fees from 1 s. to 2 d. 4 Feb. [1 page.] 82. Jas. Dewy, …
Displaying 3511 - 3520 of 3665