
Displaying 81 - 90 of 241
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh
… Ordanis the baillies to aduerteis James Adamsoun, yonger, Alexander Scott, William Harwy and James Lowdan, to …
Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow
… water baillie. Be pluralitie of voittis, Colein Campbell, yonger, is elected watter bailyea for this yeir to cum, and …
A Survey of London
… the towne of Calles, made his will the yeare 1492. He was yonger son of Iohn Earle of Shrewsburie, and Margaret his …
February 1655: An Order and Declaration of His Highness the Lord Protector with the Advice of his Council, for an Assessment of three-score thousand pounds by the Moneth, for six Moneths. for and towards the Maintenance of the Armies and Navies of this Commonwealth.
Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum
… and Sub-Collector by vertue hereof, unto John Blackwel the yonger, and Richard Dean, Esquires, Receivers-General for …
General Index - Y
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… , William le, of Langele, the younger, 67. See Juvenis. Yonger, John, 245. Yongwyne, John, presented to St. Peter the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… of the, see Sherburne, Edward. comptroller of the, and see Yonger, Capt. Henry. gentlemen of the House, defective …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… Somerset, lease of Ynis Enlli Yolgrave parish, co. Derby Yonger, Dr. York (city) ainsty of assizes at augmentation …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… Simon Yong, Sir John Yonge, Justice Yonge, Dr., a Recusant Yonger, Mr. Yonge, Richard Yonge, Richard Yonger, Mr. Yongfroe, see Ships' names. York York, Archbishop …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… see Hay, John. Yong, Sergeant, brass ordnance cast by Yonger, Captain Henry, Comptroller of the Ordnance York, Sir …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… petition of Ynis-Here, co. Cardigan, and see Inshier. Yonger, Edward York documents dated from Cathedral church …
Displaying 81 - 90 of 241