
Displaying 531 - 537 of 537
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… every occasion. Last Saturday after dinner Sig. Federico d'Alefeldt, ambassador extraordinary of Denmark had public … his cousin Charles Stuart, son of George Stuart, seigneur d'Aubigny. An Italian translation is printed by Barozzie …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… officers concerned, that they be allowed a poundage of 4 d., to be paid by those whose accounts they state and … of any discovery to be made by them, and a poundage of 6 d. from those on whose accounts they certify, or for which … 9/19. 12. Copy taken on behalf of Lodovic Stuart, Lord Aubigny, from the original at Aubigny, in presence of the …
A History of the County of Essex
… it in marriage (1138) to her second husband William D'Aubigny, later Earl of Arundel. 105 Stephen, soon after his … her victory in 1141, confirmed the manor to Adeliza. 107 D'Aubigny appears to have held it until his wife's death in …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… anno 1712: viz. in further part of 1,324,728 l. 18 s. 7 d. for the charge of her Majesty's Forces in the Low … deduction 1,075 in further part of 475,385 l. 7 s. 8 d. for the war in Spain anno 1712. for James Milner for the … Kensington to Spencer Compton to pay 1,000 l. to John D'Aubigny as royal bounty. Queens Warrant Book XXV, p. 280. …
A History of the County of Sussex
… to be held by yearly render of a pair of gloves or 1 d. as knight's fee. 53 It was held in 1302 by 'the communar ( … In 1535 'the farm of West Dean called Hilster', 4 11 s. 8 d., is entered as belonging to the Precentor of Chichester, … West Dean from the dean and chapter in 1535. 67 William d'Aubigny, 2nd Earl of Arundel, in about 1180 gave to the monks …
A History of the County of Sussex
… stalls in the market-place for which they paid 1 10 s. 6 d. rent. 7 In 1327 the tolls of the market were worth 13 s. 4 d.; in 1330 the market was said to be worth 20 s.perhaps in … with the honor of Arundel, and on the death of Hugh d'Aubigny, Earl of Arundel, in 1243 it was assigned to his …
A History of the County of Sussex
… in North End Road from c. 1982. 97 The poet Andrew Young (d. 1971) retired to Park Lodge in or before 1967. 98 MANORS … OTHER ESTATES. The 2½ hide held by Ansgot of earl Godwine (d. 1053) and by Acard of earl Roger in 1086 seem likely to be … in 1066 and by Warin in 1086. 77 At the division of the d'Aubigny inheritance after 1243 one fee at Bilsham formed part …
Displaying 531 - 537 of 537