
Displaying 271 - 276 of 276
A Topographical Dictionary of England
… extensive tracts of woodland abounding in stately oak and larch trees. The manorhouse, a handsome mansion of white …
A History of the County of Somerset
… 1936 included oak, ash, poplar, wych elm, and lime. Beech, larch, and spruce were planted. In 1936 over 1,690 trees, …
A Topographical Dictionary of Scotland
… Scotch, silver, and spruce firs, intermixed with ash, elm, larch, and birch; they are well managed, and in a thriving …
A Topographical Dictionary of Wales
… new plantations, comprising beech, large numbers of larch, and some beautiful sycamores, which grow very …
A Topographical Dictionary of England
… Moorland and other barren hills, chiefly of Scotch fir, larch, and spruce. The East Riding is little remarkable for … different parts by plantations of Scotch and spruce firs, larch, beech, ash, &c, to the amount of several thousand …
A History of the County of Somerset
… Leigh Woods, etc. The larv are sometimes common on larch heparana, Schiff. Common in woods ribeana, Hb. Common … in his garden lariciana, Zell. Leigh. Scarce amongst larch trees aceriana, Dup. Bristol, Burnham. On poplars ; … and not common occultana, Dg. Leigh Woods; scarce among larch solandriana, Linn. Generally distributed Ephippiphora …
Displaying 271 - 276 of 276