
Displaying 1 - 10 of 34533
Four Shillings In The Pound Aid 1693/4
… Mordent, Judeth 1.80 9.00 0.00 0.00 Comment: Or Unicell. River, John 1.80 9.00 0.00 0.00 Fauscett, William 3.20 16.00 …
Four Shillings In The Pound Aid 1693/4
… Second Division [Note: sub-division is by street], New River Side City of London, Farringdon Ward Within, Second Division [Note: sub-division is by street], New River Side 26 records Name Property Stock Tax assessment £ …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
… in leading his company. When his company arrived at the river bank the enemy opened very heavy machine-gun and rifle …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… if he came within the reach of his pistol... he would kill him whensoever he should meet him and offer Titus 60 li …
10th April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… First read. An act for repairing and maintaining the river and haven and channel of Colchester and for the paving …
11th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… take care of our liberty but not to embrace it so hard as kill it. Now the King's judgement that purpose not, but the … 67v] He loves this House as well as any but he would not kill it with too strict embracements. We may blow up this … House as well as any man in it, yet would I be loath to kill it with too strict an embracing, we may strain it so …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… and partner in a ship of Yarmouth which ventured for fish. First, Sir S[imon] Harvey, going down to Yarmouth, took … Was at length forced to take some of his own refuse fish for his money to his great loss. Middlesex compounding … when he was also forced to take some of his own old rotten fish. That he played the legerdemain with one Leichland …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
Displaying 1 - 10 of 34533