
Displaying 10231 - 10240 of 43107
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… 1580, 1-15 Aug. 1. 385. "Advertisements from Badajoz of the 1 of August 1580." On the 28th of last month the Duke of Alva … designs were everywhere impeached ; for he could not leave France burning in these seditions, and his native soil …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… 1580, 16-31 August 1580, 16-31 Aug. 17. 400. The DUKE OF ANJOU to COBHAM. I am sending a courier to the Queen of England, whom I pray you to furnish with a letter of … what M. la Fin said to me from you. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [ France IV. 134.] Aug. 18. 401. A REPORT ON PAPISTS. The Earl …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… 15. This bearer, my friend, has declared to me some part of your lordship's good disposition and inclination to the … how ready and willing I have been to the good nourishment of amity between both these realms, and the same good respect … home, with the Earl of Lennox's daughter, whom he saw in France before his home coming. She is of the age of nine …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… Montgomery ; M. d'Elbeuf arrived about Monday. 13 pp. [ France VI. 1.] Aug. 6. 288. WALSINGHAM to BURGHLEY. At the making of this dispatch I was so sore troubled with the headache and … to sign the dispatch ; which caused me to use the hand of another for the letter I write to her Majesty, wherewith …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… 1581, 16-31 August 1581, 16-31 Aug. 16. 300. The BISHOP OF HALBERSTADT to the QUEEN. The bond of blood by which your ancestors were united to our ancient … of L. Tomson and endd. by him, as for Walsingham. 1 pp. [ France VI. 13.] Aug. 17. 302. WALSINGHAM to BURGHLEY. Paris, …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… fol. 33. I have let this Queen understand the contents of your last letters, but so soon as she heard that her … to enter no further into any matter with me, who was one of the said Council, and that desiring sincerely to satisfy … to Archibald Douglas. [Aug. 12] Since your going from France I have been in very great "paine" as well to …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… shortly from Fontainebleau, as it appears by the opinion of the Court and the present show of some preparations. But however he resolves, the young … the Empire.Paris. 1 Aug. 1582. Add. Endd 6 pp. [ France VIII. 1.] Aug. 1. 210. Cobham to Walsingham. I was …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… in judicial matters; which is not being done in the case of some who are detained here contrary to all right, in favour of a doctor. I send you their memorials. I did not wish to … Anjou Marriage; letters to Sir Fra. Walsingham. Fr. p. [ France VIII. 11.] Aug. 11. 233. The King of Sweden to the …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… been able to learn the reason, unless it were the coming of the Spaniards to the other camp, which I mentioned in my … I heard that all licenses and passports for the transport of munitions of war were prohibited, both on our side and on … (sic)pleases.-Paris, 18 August 1582. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [ France VIII. 17.] Aug. 18 256. M. de ena to Walsingham It is …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… Cobham to Walsingham I have 'stayed' to write anything of the sundry bruits and advertisements sent to the Queen … by Meilleraye, Charlevoix and M. d'O, touching the meeting of the Spanish and French navies, with the disorder which is … the navy fly, sought the means to take his course towards France. Captain Neppeville reports that he saw M. Strozzi's …
Displaying 10231 - 10240 of 43107