
Displaying 131 - 140 of 459
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… Pollexfen, Mr. Prior. Plantations General. Letter to Mr. Borrett. Laws. The secretary acquainting their lordships that … attending upon him to pay him fees, ordered that Mr. Borrett [ fo. 37] be acquainted that their lordships desire …
Records relating to the Barony of Kendale
… the oath of Geoffrey Sigswicke, Anthony Garnet, Geoffrey Borrett, James Ward, Thomas Thekeston, Christopher Mawson, … Bainbrigg and Robert Wilkinson, who say that: Richard Borrett was seised of one messuage and tenement in Killington … for all services and are worth yearly clear 20s. Richard Borrett died 22 January, 10 James I. (16123) and Geoffrey …
Records relating to the Barony of Kendale
… James Mowson, Nicholas Cocke, Roger Bateman, Gollphridus Borrett, Edward Bland & Adam Coocke, who say: Edward Archer …
Survey of London
… Sir Humphrey Winch. 17048. 5 Mr. Butler. 170930. W.Borrett. 173037. J. Verney. 174955. Sir Robert Henley …
Records relating to the Barony of Kendale
… clerk, and George Stockdall gent., plaintiff, and Nicholas Borrett and Jane his wife deforciants. Seven messuages, seven …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of Surrey [his petition is read]. Ref [ erred] to Mr. Borrett. Laur[ence] Ambrose [his petition is read]. Respited. … He must pursue his remedy at law. The report [from] Mr. Borrett [is read on the petition of] widow Rachell Payne …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Bonython hath killed himself my Lord Treasurer directs Mr. Borrett to inquire what interest accrues thereby to her Majesty and to take care thereof. (Mr. Borrett's report hereon read 2 May). Boteler Sir Phil : [his] …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Judith Nezereau : [my Lord reads the] rep[ort from] Mr. Borrett. Agreed. [?] Tho. Newton, woodward of Whittlewood and …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… said father. This petition having been referred to Mr. Borrett he reports that the several allegations therein are … that is proper she will be willing to gratify him. Mr. Borrett's report on several petitions relating to some orders … Stephen Cantolive [Cambolive] an alien who died intestate. Borrett is of opinion the same ought to go to his …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Jos. Gifford et al.] together with the report [from] Mr. Borrett. Referred to the Attorney General. [8 August. … p. 329. Tho. Walder [my Lord reads the] report [from] Mr. Borrett [on his memorial concerning Bankers' annuities … Taylor late Paymaster of the Million Lottery]. Order Mr. Borrett to procure a purchaser and sell for the most that may …
Displaying 131 - 140 of 459