
Displaying 241 - 250 of 296
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… archbishop of Tuam. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, they having committed fornication several times and …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… ( Triburnen.). Mandate, after imposing penance for their incest, to dispense to marry Magonius Yryarich, layman, and …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… of Killala ( Aladen.). Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense to marry Thady Macegayn, layman, of the … Killaloe ( Laonien.). Mandate, after imposing penance [for incest], to dispense to marry Theoderic Ybryen, layman, and … Ibid. To the same. Mandate, after imposing penance [for incest], to dispense to marry Laurence Miccommara, layman, …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… third and third degrees of kindred, imposing penance for incest and decreeing the said and the offspring to be born of …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… bishop of Killaloe. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense to marry Theoderic Macmahuna, layman, and … of Sodor. Mandate, after enjoining penance on account of incest, they having often committed fornication and had …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… ordinary, publicly kept, and was keeping and committing incest with, certain women akin to one another and related in … being condemned to death, has committed perjury, committed incest with two sisters, and, after the said letters were …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… archbishop of Tuam. Mandate, after enjoining penance for incest, to dispense John de Uxonis ( sic), layman, and …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… Ibid. To the same. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense Alexander son of John Alexandri of …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… of kindred and affinity, enjoining penance for their incest and decreeing the said offspring and that to be born …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… of Kildare ( Daren.) Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense Cornelius Oconcubair, layman, and Morina … bishop of Lichfield. Mandate, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense Robert Donne, layman, and Helen Donne, of … Tuam and Annadown being united, after imposing penance for incest, to dispense Maurice Yheyn, layman, and Granina …
Displaying 241 - 250 of 296