
Displaying 41 - 50 of 285
The medieval records of a London City church
The medieval records of a London City church
The medieval records of a London City church
… iij l'i iiij s. * * * * * 7 Clark es wag es, beame lyt, & pascal lyt. ffirst, Receyvyd for a hole yere, q uartely …
The medieval records of a London City church
The medieval records of a London City church
The medieval records of a London City church
The medieval records of a London City church
The medieval records of a London City church
The medieval records of a London City church
The medieval records of a London City church
… xvj d * * * * * 4 Resseitt es of e clark es wag es, pascal money & Bemeligh't. Ress' is yere of the Gadryng of e …
Displaying 41 - 50 of 285