
Displaying 4561 - 4570 of 27406
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… Canterbury, Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, William, bishop of Durham, Edward, bishop of Carlisle, Thomas, marquis of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… of Canterbury, Laurence archbishop of York late bishop of Durham, William lord Hastynges, William Skelton clerk, Thomas …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… Membrane 25 d. 371 May 2. Westminster. William, bishop of Durham, to Laurence, archbishop of York. Bond in 8000 marks, … payable on 8 May next, or levied etc. in the bishopric of Durham. Condition, that if the said bishop obey the king's … 2Laurence, archbishop of York, to William, bishop of Durham. Bond ( as above, under the same conditions). 1476. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… if by assent of her friends William Dudley bishop of Durham, John Wyngfeld, John Henyngham, Henry Grey knights, … advowson of Lirlyng, with remainder to the master of the college of Russheworthe who shall find three secular priests … of Russheworth for pious observances: to which master and college is bequeathed sufficient of the revenues of Lirlyng, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… epitaphs shall be placed. Appointment of William bishop of Durham and John son of Thomas Hugford surveyor to be her … Thomas bishop of Lincoln, William Dudley, now bishop of Durham, Henry earl of Essex, Anthony earl Rivers, William …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… Wells, Thomas bishop of Lincoln, William Dudley bishop of Durham, John Russell bishop of Rochester, Henry earl of …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… her late husband; with bequests to the master of the college and those celebrating masses for her soul and for the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… 22 September. 696 Walter Felde clerk, provost of the royal college of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Cambridge and the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III
… once merchant of Bristol, now dean of the church and college of the Trinity of Westebury on Trym co. Gloucester, … R. of St. Asaph, Th. of Hereford, R. of Bangor, W. of Durham. Report on the Dignity of a Peer, IV, p. 984. To the … and John Grey knight, his son, to William Dudley bishop of Durham, Thomas lord Stanley, Sir William Stonore, Thomas …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV
… Vicary of Bradynynch, to Robert Kirkeham clerk dean of the college or free chapel of St. Stephen within Westminster …
Displaying 4561 - 4570 of 27406