
Displaying 1 - 10 of 26252
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
… List of illustrations LIST OF PLANS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. With Titles and Principal Dates. 1. ABBERTON. PAGE (1) The Church, 14th-century and later: Plan 1 2. ALDHAM. (1) The … xxxvii 4. ALRESFORD. (2) The Church, mostly rebuilt in the 14th century: Plan 5 5. ARDLEIGH. (1) The Church, …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
… Report ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE ANCIENT AND HISTORICAL MONUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF … civilization, and conditions of life of the people in England, excluding Monmouthshire, from the earliest times …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
… Report ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE ANCIENT AND HISTORICAL MONUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF … culture, civilization and conditions of life of the people in England, excluding Monmouthshire, from the earliest times …
Survey of London
… South Kensington' and the Science and Art Department CHAPTER V - 'South Kensington' … of the 1851 Exhibition Commissioners' estate reviewed in the previous chapter the buildings raised on it expressed …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… Dando, co. Somerset November 1637 - November 1638 Bath in 1610. William King's witnesses were examined at the Three Tuns Inn there in March 1638 (From, John Speed, … Claxton for security for a loan he was arranging for him and that he was provoked by Claxton calling him 'base drunken …
11th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… of the yearly rent of £82 10s. to the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield and his successors forever out of certain … if computations could have been made what would be lost in the customs if a war, which the customers cannot as yet … ships built, besides many houses for magazines. For the forts, a commission this last summer to Sir Richard Moryson …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… graciarum actiones. Et vos rogamus attencius quatinus in hoc, quod ipsi patri nostro bene et fideliter semper … cerciores, rogantes quatinus eidem G. fidem habeatis in hiis que vobis dicet ex parte nostra ad fidem, commodum et … pertinenciis suis ei liberabo. Et si de jure quod clamo in predicto manerio versus ipsum dominum regem loqui voluero, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… et aliis pertinenciis suis, tenendo et habendo usque in quartumdecimum annum etatis nostre completum. Ita quod, … castrum cum homagiis et omnibus pertinenciis suis, nec in eis aliud jus sibi vendicabit propter tradicionem istam … anno eodem.[ Crossed through as though to be racated, the following words being written in above] quia noluit …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Et ideo vobis mandamus quod a crastino Sancti Martini in viij dies conveniatis apud Cantuariam, incepturi ibidem … dominicis Sussexie ( sic), [apud] Wintoniam. Ab octavo die in octavum vos transferatis talliagium, assidentes super … vobis videritis expedire. Inquiratis autem diligenter in singulis comitatibus, unacum vicecomitibus, quibus …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… usque Dorking, qui nos de hiis que nuper acciderunt in partibus de Rya plenius certificavit, unde vobis mandamus rogantes quatinus, in Deo mercem habentes, nullatenus desolemini in hiis que casu infortu [i] to ita acciderunt, set tanquam …
Displaying 1 - 10 of 26252