
Displaying 71 - 80 of 333
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… taken by Nicholas Dagworth knight, by virtue of the king's commission to him, dated Westminster palace 7 October 1 … II the said Nicholas seized the said manor into the king's hand; and after at the now archbishop's suit the king commanded the said Nicholas to certify in the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… Walsham of London 'taillour' for leaving Ralph Walsham's service before the term agreed. Nov. 20. Westminster. To … at suit of the king only, shewing that he is upon the king's service in the company of John de Holand earl of … of forfeiture if need be, and that if they do not the king's intent is then to take order for his advantage; as the king …
Survey of London
… STREET 1. ? Rev. Dr. Joseph Smith, later Provost of Queen's College, Oxford, 1720 to 17246. 2. William Capon (? the … Elliott, 173764; Lady Frances Elliott, 176473; Lady Ladd, 17826; General Sir David Dundas, 17971803; Henry … 180325; third Baron Braybrooke, editor of Pepys's Diary, 182558; fourth Baron Braybrooke, 185861. 11. Thomas …
A History of the County of Huntingdon
… after line 44 add 'Vanessa antiopa, L. Ellington, 1880. (S. Inskip Ladds.)' " " 164, line 25, for 'Lower' read … 3, for 'iron' read 'urn.' " " 259, line 10, for 'St. Mary's' read 'All Saints'.' " " 259, line 11, for 'along' read … and 56.' Vol. II, page xi, line 9, after '1730' add 'Buck's view.' " " xi, line 18, for 'Buck's view, 1730' read 'c. …
Court of common pleas: The National Archives, CP40
… 20/11/1403 before justice WR and associate justice Thomas S. The jury found that WD is culpable for his trespass against JH and assesses JH's damages at the full £20, and the same WD is to be arrested. … John Wykes (m) Esquire Lately Marshal of the King's Bench King's Bench [court] Defendant Nicholas Caldecote (m) …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… Beryngton and Jarmy Goodwyn. English. Two seals; a unicorn's head out of a coronet, for Goodwyn. Witnesses' names … laid to it, from Lady-day then last for eight years, at 40 s. rent, which lease, by conveyance dated 11 July, 11 … Banister,' widow, for twenty-one years from Philipp's death, at 40 s. rent, &c. English. Seal. Chester. A. 12206. …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… gardino) between the tenements formerly Alan Skathelok's and Robert Chilterne's; rendering therefor yearly from the feast of St. Michael … the Archangel then next for the first thirty-two years 56 s. and to the heirs of John de Franketon of Coventry 4 s. and …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… the mill of Cornay for the term of her life; rent, 100 s. 40 d. The feast of St. Benedict the Abbot, 15 Richard II. … of the half-virgate John Page formerly held there; rent, 5 s. The morrow of St. Michael, 19 Edward II. [Cornw.] A. 9410. … term, the said William and Richard 40 d., and the rest 20 s., &c. Friday the feast of the Apostles Philip and James, 51 …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… yer' bourde of hym and hys wyffe and hys chylder,' 48 l. 6 s. 7 d. ( In different ink.) And this is due to the said … past,' and the board of himself wife and chidren, 27 l. 5 s. 4 d. 'Writton the x. dey of June,' 9 Edward IV. English. … II. Fragments of seals. Kent. C. 4455. Grant by Thomas Ladd of Horton to William Neuport, citizen and fishmonger of …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… Sturley, knight, on condition of the payment of 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. by Martinmas, 1543. 16 February, 1539. Signed, … in his lordship of Ecclesall for twenty-one years; rent, 6 s. 8 d.; other conditions as in C. 7578. 14 March, 30 Henry VIII. English. Seal, marked R.S. York [W.R.] C. 7611. Demise by the above Sir Nicholas to …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 333