
Displaying 111 - 120 of 652
Court of common pleas: The National Archives, CP40
… John T. gave and granted the aforesaid property to Thomas E., John Bekyngham, and defendant RP. And, to the ruin and … comes and says that he is not able to deny either the debt or the validity of the bond. Postea text: Therefore, the … next comyng. In wytnysse heroff I the seyd Thomas Radclyff have setto my seall the 22nd day of July anno 1475 …
Survey of London
… was weighed for Customs purposes, and the King's Troneur or weigher, the equivalent of the Customs Officer of the … present day, would necessarily have some sort of office or Custom House on the quay. Old Wool Quay can be traced back … 2 This transaction no doubt refers to some lease or lien on the property, since, seven years later, we find a …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541
… year previously ( CPP. 1 264). Either he was unsuccessful or this is an error, as he does not appear in any of the …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… co. Chester, 'yonian,' to John Wilkynson, of the lordship or manor of Chedelton, &c. as in A. 11237, which he had by … gombry, the younger, knights, by charter indented dated at Radclyff on Soore, 14 May, 7 Henry V, gave to the said Ralph … his body, of his right in the manors of Colston Basset and Radclyff on Sore, co. Notts, the manors of Rakedale, Wilowys …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… of Robert de Croxston, the lord of Holt and Thomas de Wevr[e] and the river Qwelok. Tuesday before Whitsuntide, 1321. … his mother, Joan his wife and all other claiming the same or part thereof by seisin of William his father or himself, … Bartholomew Mountgomery and Thomas Staunton, esquires. Radclyff on Sore, 20 [ blank], 9 Henry V. Two seals, (1) on a …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… of William Smythe, now of John Martyn; and of the profit or occupation of all the feedings or pastures called 'Shepgaytes' in Forthyngton and Oulceby, … to do suit to the mills, &c. English. Endorsed: S r John Ratclyff. Hants. A. 12457. Indenture being a feoffment by …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… his right therein 'by reason of the said particion devided or in jointure undevided.' 6 May, 9 Elizabeth. English. … the feast of our Lady 'contenyt' in the said obligation, or if the said Margaret 'degh befor the same fest,' the … of 'Cannynges Chauntery,' founded within the church of Ratclyff, between a storehouse late Henry Sharington's now …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… Names of witnesses. Somers. A. 5504. Demise by Sir John Radclyff, knight, to Robert Wyllycumb, John Wyllycumb, and … his manor of Olde Clyve, 'from a place of the sea banckes or see clyves ther callyd the estmust stakes' &c. 'almost to … esquires, and thirty other persons (named), of the manor or lordship of Contokyshed alias Estcontoky shed, and all …
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds
… le Sheremon, appointing Thomas de Budenhale, chaplain, or Thomas Baskervill her attorneys to deliver to Maud de … VI. Seal. Notts. Derby. C. 6786. Bond by John Smalley, of Ratclyff on Trent, and Oliver Asheton of Norwell, yeomen, for … by Richard Sawnderson, of Ketilston, and John Balard, of Radclyff on Trent, yeomen, and Robert Ferthyng, of Baseford, …
The Diary of Henry Machyn
… the rope burst, and a whylle after and then th[ey went f] or a-nodur rope, and so lyke-wyss he burst yt [and fell] to … and all the shypes shott of gonnes [all the way to] Ratclyff, and ther the iij shypes that was rygyng 42 [there, … Hospital. merry. wyrt in MS. ribands. devil. soudan, i.e. sultan, or Turk. shriving. mistresses. plue in MS. …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 652