
Displaying 1 - 10 of 44323
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
Survey of London
… he was unable to manage a factious and unbusiness-like Council'. 6 Yet it was Dyce who established the aims which … manner in the interior of the Horticultural Society's council chamber and of the southern loggia of their garden … P. P., 1847, LXII, Report of a Special Committee of the Council of the Government School of Design, p. 37. …
10th April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… disarming of [the] popish, with reference to the acts of Council. Allowed the other 2; and the fourth referred to us … the Lords restrained it to what was used by letters of the Council and acts of state. And the Prince added at the …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… Scargill White Hill Topics of the case denial of gentility Council of the North insulting letter other courts …
11th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… To entreat the Lords to join with us in a committee of a Council of War to advise of the fittest means to secure … To constitute a committee of both Houses, in nature of a Council of War, for the securing Ireland, strengthening our … MR. [CHRISTOPHER] BROOKE. Find now true that this court a council of state. The report made of the King's wants not to …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… now a question about the ranking and placing of the Council of War in the bill of subsidies, a question being … was tried by 12 men for treason. We are now to place the Council of War in a statute. Let us place them legally, … act have power to judge with Lords of the treasurer[s] and Council of War, etc. if offend against the act, and not only …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the king's lands, rents and castles there ; the mayor, council and jurats of Bordeaux are commanded to revoke all …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… which they hold of the king, not to presume to hold a council touching anything belonging to the crown, or … the king's person, or his estate, or the estate of his council ( consilii). Nov. 28. Hereford. Grant to Henry de … Appointment during pleasure, with the assent of the common council ( Rex de communi consilio) of Henry de Tracy to keep …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… command the unanimous assent of all, they shall with the council ( de consilio) of the city elect as mayor one of … trial if anyone will proceed against him. By K. before his council for the archdeacon of Northampton. The like to the … not do so without licence of the king and assent of his council. June 7. Wenlock. Vivian de Roshale, William de Albo …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… more especially because it has been provided by the council and agreed by the king that all castles on the sea …
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