Deeds: A.1820 - A.1900

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.1820 - A.1900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 22 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.1820 - A.1900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 22, 2024,

"Deeds: A.1820 - A.1900". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 22 October 2024.

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A.1820 - A.1900

[Middx.] A. 1820. Grant by Geoffrey son of Richard Blund, of Edelmeton, to Nicholas, son of Ralph Talp, for 6½ marcs, of an acre of land with the buildings thereon, &c., in Brembelley, between lands of the prioress of Stratford and of the prior of Holy Trinity, London, extending westward to the street called 'Brembeleye strate'; paying therefor to the prior of Holy Trinity 2s. yearly and doing suit twice a year at the prior's court of Brembelley, and paying Geoffrey a rose yearly. St. John the Baptist's Day, 10 Edward I.
[Middx.] A. 1821. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Edward Scot, for 3 marcs, of three acres of land at Brambeley, in the field called 'Northcroft,' paying therefor 18d. yearly. Witnesses:—William de Piro, John de Lesnes, Turgis, Stan hard, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "Modo Stephanus Con' anno Domini mcccviij°; pro xviijd."
[Middx.] A. 1822. Release by Albric son of Baldewin to John Young (Juveni), for 3 marcs, of two acres of land he had, and which Benedict his elder brother held of the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, at Bradeley, in Northcroft, in the west part by the ditch. Witnesses:—Thomas de Stebehe, Roger de Angles, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "Brembellee."
[Middx.] A. 1823. Grant by R[ichard], the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, for 5 marcs, to Michael son of John of 4 acres at Brembeley in Northcroft, paying therefor 4s. yearly. Witnesses.—William de Pyro, Richard May, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1824. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John de Cotes, citizen and glover of London, of the messuage that Warin the clerk formerly held at Bremlegh, in Stratford parish, with two acres of land and the croft called 'Wroggescroft,' paying therefor 23s. yearly. Other covenants specified as to repairs, securing the croft against the water, &c. Witnesses:—William le Long, Alan le Ferron, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "Johannes de Cotes filius fratris Johannis de Cotes sursum reddidit et quietum clamavit istud tenementum in festo Concepcionis beate Marie, anno Regis Edwardi filii Regis Edwardi tercio, in curia de Bremb' per cartam suam."
[Middx.] A. 1825. Grant by Giles Porter, of Brambeley, to John Brok, of the same, and Robert de Weryngton, of Stebbenheth parish, of 4 acres of land in Brambeley parish which he formerly acquired of Henry atte Rothe, extending northwards along the lane called 'le Grove Strete' and land of the prioress and convent of St. Leonard's, Stratford atte Bowe. May 20, 49 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1826. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Richard Smith, of Stratford, for 20s., of two acres of land in Northcroft, paying therefor 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—John de Lesnes, Richard de Melcleghe, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Brembellee."
[Middx.] A. 1827. Grant by Ralph Tricket, the King's Chamberlain, in frank almoin, with consent of Hugh his son, to Christchurch, London, of the land of Hografe which was Baldwin's, and a morsel of land by their barn in Brameley. Witnesses:—William son of Hugh, and others (named). [Richard I.]
[Middx.] A. 1828. Grant by Yda Triket, daughter of Hugh Triket, to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, of a rent of 2lbs. of wax which Ralph son of Yvo de London was wont to pay yearly at the Purification for the lands which Wulfwin de Rocholt, Aluric son of Salova and Tyeb' son of Yvo held of her in Brambeley; which 2lbs. of wax Robert Burel paid after the said Ralph. Witnesses:—Ralph the Clerk of Stebenhethe, William Cole and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1829. Grant by R[ichard], the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Benedict son of Baldewyn, for 2 marcs, of 2 acres in Brembeley in Northcroft, in the west part by the ditch; paying therefor 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—William de Piro, Hamo de Cruce, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1830. Release by John son of John Atte Hulle, to E[ustace], the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the messuage with buildings thereon which he had of the fee of the said canons, between the road and the Lea, with the land, wall, &c., between Ralph Daniel's land on the west and the Lea on the east, in Brembellee; and grant by the same to the same of his land called 'Salevecroft,' and 12d. rent that Fulk his brother pays him yearly for land with buildings at the north end of the said croft; paying therefor yearly a rose to himself, and 2s. to Ralph Daniel. Witnesses:—John de Stebenhethe, Ralph Huscarl, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "Carta J. fil' J. Wrog de Salevecroft et xij denariis annuorum, et quieta clamacio ejusdem de mesuag' Tuthayt in Brambele."
[Middx.] A. 1831. Grant by Robert son of Robert de Pynkeni, to Geoffrey de Sandon of 16d. yearly rent that William the Clerk, son of Alulf, and Edith, mother of the said William, paid him for the wood (wilda) in Brembeley they held of him, which is of the fee of Yda Triket and opposite Pykeshoc, the other side of the Lea. Witnesses:—John de Lyesnes, Elyas de Croyland, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1832. Confirmation by Geoffrey de Mandeville, son of Earl Geoffrey, to the, canons of Holy Trinity, London, of Edward de Schelgeford's land, which Earl Geoffrey his father gave them, and the half hide of land in Brambele which William son of Wido gave them when he was made a canon, and which his said father granted them, in frank almoin; and grant to them of the remaining portion of William son of Wido's land in Brambeley, which Robert de Ponte gave them when his son was made a canon. He has caused this charter to be sealed with the seal of his steward, Henry son of Gerold, until he is a knight and has a seal, when he will confirm it with his own seal. Witnesses:—Rahesia the Countess, his mother, Warin son of Gerold, the King's chamberlain, Robert de Ponte, and others (named). [A.D. 1155–1158.] Portion of equestrian seal.
[Middx.] A. 1833. Grant by Gilbert, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Geoffrey, son of Richard Blund, of Edelmeton, for 40s., of an acre of land with buildings in Brambele, stretching westwards to the way called 'Brambelestrat,' paying therefor 2s. yearly and doing suit twice a year at the prior's court. Witnesses:—John Benneis, Adam Kebbel, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Modo Nicholas Bisouth anno r. R. E. fil' R. E. seeundo." also "A.D. M° cccxxxvto fuit tenens terre predicte et mesungii Stephanus filius Ricardi Talp, et quia nativus domini Prioris fuit, ideo precepit sibi Senescallus domini Prioris quod ostenderet quo modo tenuit terram predictam: venit et ostendit alteram partem hujus indenture sub sigillo communi. Tunc senescallus seisivit terram et tenementum predictum in manus domini et cartam retinuit apud dominura donec. . . ."
[Middx.] A. 1834. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Peter son of Savughel, for 7 marcs, of land at Brambeley called 'the garden,' and all their messuage at Brambeley on the road leading to Boiland, paying therefor 6s. yearly, &c. Witnesses:—William de Pontfret, William Kole, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "Modo Robertus le Fissere fil' Bartholomei piscator', anno domini mcccviij."
[Middx.] A. 1835. Grant by Robert Burel, son of William de London, to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, of 10s. rent, viz. 28d. from land that William, son of Ailric son of Saluva, held of him in Brambeley of the fee of Yda Triket, and from the said canons and William de Pontefract 7s. 8d. of the fee of the said Yda, whereof the canons paid half a marc yearly to Yda for their land in Brambeley, and William de Pontefract 12d. for land called 'Whynghyerd' which William son of Edmund held in Brambeley; which 7s. 8d. rent were adjudged to Burel in the King's Court at Westminster in exchange for 8s. rent from land which John de la Helle held of him in Brambeley, which he lost in the said Court against William son of Alulf by defect of warranty of the said Yda, who failed in warranty hereupon: paying to Yda 2 lbs. of wax yearly on the vigil of the Purification. Witnesses:—John Buccoint, Roger Huscarll, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1836. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to Richard son of Eynulf de Stratford, of a messuage and three acres of land in Brambeley, to be held by the yearly rent of 30d. which they have of the gift of Roeisia, daughter of Robert de Brambeley. Witnesses:— William Dun, Richard le May, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Modo, scilicet anno domini mcccviij, Ricardus Poterel." Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1837. Grant and sale by Milcencia, relict of Adam de Mundene, 'Batur,' late citizen of London, Richard Thrug, Laurence de Hadham, and Robert de Hadham, executors of Adam's will (which was enrolled in the Busting of London, Tuesday after the Translation of St. Edward the King, 12 Edward II.) to Adam called 'le Hussher,' of St. Albans, ironmonger, citizen of London, of all the tenements with shops, &c., in St. Stephen's pariah, Colmanstreet, which Adam de Mundene acquired of the said Thrug, situate as described; paying yearly 4l. to Holy Trinity, London, and 2s. 8d. to St. Stephen's, as chief lords of the fee. Witnesses:—John de Wangrave Mayor of London, and others (named). Thursday before the Annunciation, 12 Edward II. Three seals.
[Middx.] A. 1838. Release by Milcencia, late the wife of Adam Mundene, 'batur,' to Adam called 'le Hussher,' of St. Albans, of all her right in the above premises in St. Stephen's parish, Colemanstreet [see A. 1837], by wav of dower or otherwise, which her late husband by his will left to be sold. Witnesses as above. Saturday before the Annunciation, 12 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1839. Grant by Adam, called 'le Hussher,' of St. Albans, citizen and ironmonger of London, to Sir Gilbert de Wygeton, rector of the church of North Mymmes, of the tenements with shops, &c., in the parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street, London, situate as described, which he had by grant and sale of the executors of the will of Adam de Mundene; paying the chief lords of the fee the yearly rents specified in A. 1837. Witnesses:—Hamo de Chigewell, Mayor of London, and others (named). Tuesday before St. Nicholas the Bishop, 13 Edward II. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1840. Final concord between Thomas cardinal archbishop of York, Primate and Chancellor of England, William FitzWilliam, and Richard Rokeby, knights, Hugh Assheton, clerk, Master Robert Tonys, Thomas Henege, William Elys, Richard Page, and William Shelley, plaintiffs, and Michael Nevell, and Joan his wife, John Rufford, William Chesill and Alice his wife, deforciants, concerning seven messuages and six gardens in the parishes of St. Clement Danes without the bars of New Temple, London, and St. Mary Strand, which the latter release to the plaintiffs, who pay them 40l. for such release. Morrow of the Purification, 11 Henry VIII.
[Middx.] A. 1841. Grant by Richard Martyn, of Dartford, Kent, and William Wybaru, gentlemen, to John Catesby, knight, one of the Justices of the Common Bench, William Stokker, knight, and John Warde, citizens and aldermen of London, Thomas Wyndesor and John Northwode, the elder, esquires, William Philipp, goldsmith, and John Berell, grocer, citizens of London, of a moiety of. a messuage called 'le Lyon Key,' in St. Botolph's parish by Billingsgate, and the fourth part of a messuage called 'le Dycekey' in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East, in Tower ward, to the use of John Bamme; which moiety and fourth part they lately recovered by the King's writ of right directed to the Mayor and sheriffs of London, against the said John Bamme and Elizabeth his wife: appointing Robert Preston their attorney to deliver possession of the premises. 10 April, 1 Edward V. Seal and fragment. Injured.
[Middx.] A. 1842. Grant by Master Simon de Cornhulle, clerk, to Margaret, daughter of Joan de Tichesmers, of a half marc yearly rent issuing out of the tenement of John de Bissopesgate, marshall, in the parish of St. Edelburg in Bishopsgate, situate as described; paying therefor yearly a clove gillyflower to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, to whom the said rent is to revert on Margaret's death. Witnesses:—Gregory de Rokesle, Mayor of London, William le Mazerer and Robert de Basinges, sheriffs, Philip le Tailur, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [A.D. 1279–80.]
[Middx.] A 1843. Grant by John de Bisshopesgate, marshall, to Master Simon de Cornhulle, clerk, for 3½ marcs, of a yearly rent of half a marc issuing out of his tenement in the parish of St. Ethelburga, Bishopsgate, situate as described: paying therefor a clove of gillyflower yearly. Witnesses:—Gregory de Roquesle, Mayor of London, John Adrian and Walter le Engleys, sheriffs, and others (named). [A.D. 1278–79.]
[Middx.] A. 1844. Grant by Guy le Hurer, citizen of London, and Alice his wife, to William de Briklesworth, woolmonger, citizen of London, that whereas their tenement with buildings thereon and garden adjoining, in the lane called 'Seuedenlane' in the parish of All Hallows, Berkyngchirche, is charged with a yearly rent to him of 4s., and they have also granted him a piece of land from their said garden, of the size and situation specified;—they now grant that their said tenement with buildings and the remainder of the garden reserved to them shall in future be charged with the said rent. Sunday after St. Faith the Virgin, 13 Edward III. Two seals.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London, Monday next before the Annunciation, 13 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 1845. Sale and release by Alice, daughter of Reginald Tanner, to Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, for 11s., of 12d. quit rent they were wont to pay her for land with buildings that Ralph do Barsham, chaplain, formerly held in the parish of St. Botulf, Billingsgate. Witnesses:—Richard Renger, Mayor of London, Roger Duc:, Martin son of William, sheriffs, and others (named). [10–11 Henry III.] Seal. Injured.
[Middx.] A. 1846. Grant by Alice, daughter of Reginald Tanner, to Ralph the Chaplain, son of Richard de Barsam, for 6 marcs and a gold ring, of certain land in the parish of St. Botulf, Billingsgate, of the size and situation specified; paying therefor 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Ralph Sperling, William Sare, Richard de Ho, and others (named). [John.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1847. Grant by William de Fynchyngfeld, citizen of London, and Felicia his wife, to Thomas de Langeford of their messuage in the parish of All Hallows, Berkyngecherche, extending westwards to the street called 'Syuethelane.' Witnesses:—John de Gysorcio, Mayor of London, and others (named). Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 6 Edward II. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London, Monday next before St. Perpetua and St. Felicitas, 7 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 1848. Grant by John de Beauchamp, of Holt, knight, to Richard II. of a messuage and two shops, with quay adjoining, in the parish of St. Benet atte Wodewharf, in Baynardscastle ward, reaching from Thames Street to the river Thames, which the King had by grant of Thomas de Newenham, parson of Newebury church, and Henry de Newenham, citizen of London; and of a parcel of ground containing 104 feet by 4 ft. 2 in. adjoining the premises on the west, which the King had by grant of the prior and convent of St. Bartholomew, Smithfield: all which he had by grant of the King by letters patent. 21 March, 11 Richard II. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll, March, 11 Richard II.; and in the Exchequer Memoranda amongst the Records of Easter, 11 Richard II., on the part of the King's Remembrancer.
[ ] A. 1849. Grant by Peter the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, to Roger de Waltham of one of their three tiled houses in Blankesapelton, with the land belonging, containing 32 ells by 10, for 5s. yearly. Witnesses:—John son of Bruninge, Richard Gulaffre, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1850. Release by Ralph, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity by Alegate, for 40l., to Sir Robert de Aspale, knight, heir of Sir Roger de Aspale, lately deceased, of all their right in the houses in St. Clement's Street, London, by Candelwyke strete, which Sir Roger bequeathed to them by his will. Saturday the morrow of St. Margaret, 7 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 1851. Release by P[eter], the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to IIelias de Cornhill, for 5 marcs, of the capital dwelling house that was Roger Palmer's in the parish of St. Peter's, Wood Street, in exchange for 11s. rent in the parish of St. Botulf without Bishopsgate, which Helias has conveyed to them; doing therefor the service to the lords of the soil that the land and shop granted to Walter and his brothers, sons of the said Roger, owe yearly. Witnesses:—Roger son of Alan, then Mayor, Alan son of Peter, Thomas de Haverhill, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1852. Release by Thomas Balard, esquire, and John Lynche to Hugh Wyche, citizen and mercer of London, and Edmund Chertesey, esquire, of all their right in lands, rents, &c., in the parishes of All Hallows Bread Street, St. Peter's Westchepe, St. Laurence's in the Old Jewry, All Saints in the Ropery, St. James' at Garlikhithe and St. Michael's at Queenhithe, and in a quit rent of 7l. yearly issuing from a tenement in St. Vedast's parish, Westchepe, except a yearly rent of 28s. 4d. due to Lynche yearly from a brewery called 'le Key' in the parish of All Hallows in the Ropery: which lands, &c., they lately held conjointly with the said Hugh and Edmund. 31 December, 33 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Middx.] A. 1853. Grant by the abbot and convent of Lesnes to Adam . . . . . and Juliana his wife, for 50 years, of lands, tenements and a yearly rent within Crepulgate, London. Chapter house at Lesnes, Monday . . . ., 2 . . . . . Fragment of document.
[Middx.] A. 1854. Release by Peter the Clerk, son of Benedict Kokelin, of London, to Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of all actions relating to 3s. yearly rent in the parish of St. Botulf without Bishopsgate, which he said his father had bequeathed to him, and concerning which he had summoned the prior and convent before the abbot of St. John's, Colchester, and his fellow-judges. Witnesses:—Osbert, dean of Arches, William the chaplain of St. Botulf, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1855. Counterpart of A. 1840.
[Middx.] A. 1856. Mandate to the Mayor and sheriffs of London setting forth that whereas Stephen de Abyndon, late citizen of London, by his will bequeathed 4l. 13s. 4d. annual rent in the parish of All Hallows, Bread Street, to Thomas, son of John Torell, and Margery his wife, to hold after the death of Isabel, wife of Benedict de Ditton, for his life, with remainder to John, brother of Thomas; after the death of Isabel aforesaid, Thomas Ongrave, master of the hospital of St. James by Westminster, John atte Wode, and Margery his wife unjustly defrauded John, brother of Thomas, of the said rent to his great damage, contrary to the testator's will and the custom of the city. Wherefore they are directed to call the parties before them, and having inspected the will to do full justice to the said John. 16 February, 1 Richard II.
[Middx.] A. 1857. Grant by Eustace, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Stephen le Batur, of Bassieshawe, of land with buildings thereon in the parish of St. Michael Bassieshawe, stretching from King Street (a vico regio) to the curtilage of 'la Gihalle,' of the size and situation specified; paying therefor yearly 20s. 6d. Witnesses:—Gregory de Rokesle, Mayor of London, Robert de Araz, Ralph Fevre, sheriffs, Ralph Blund, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [5 Edward I.]
Endorsed; "Vacatur quia habuimus tenementum per Gavel' et Schartf."
[Middx.] A. 1858. Grant by John le Gray, lord of Codenore, knight, to Thomas de Brandon, citizen and mercer of London, of his tenement with buildings, shops, &c., thereon which he inherited on the death of Sir Richard le Gray, knight, his father, in Seuethelane in the parish of All Hallows Berkynggcherche by the Tower, of the size and situation specified. Adam Fraunceys, Mayor of London, William de Wolde and John Lytle, sheriffs, Thomas Parle, alderman of the ward. 20 February, 28 Edward III.
Underwritten: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London, Monday after the Apostles Philip and James, 28 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 1859. Assize held at the Guildhall, London, to determine whether Robert, the prior of Holy Trinity within Aldgate, had been unjustly disseised of his tenement in the parish of St. Margaret in Bridge Street, London, by Robert Ramsey and William Derhant, and of 13s. 4d. annual quit rent issuing therefrom, which Ramsey and Derhant had refused to pay. The jury find the said prior had been unlawfully disseised as above, and award him 20s. arrears of rent and 10s. damages against Ramsey and Derhant. Saturday before St. Valentine the Martyr, 8 Henry IV.
[Middx.] A. 1860. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John Dode, citizen of London, for 10 marcs, of land with buildings thereon in the parish of St. Michael, Bassyeshawe, stretching from King Street to the curtilage of the Guildhall; paying therefor yearly to the prior and convent a marc of silver, and 20s. in their stead to Joan, daughter and heiress of the late William de Hodestok. Witnesses:—Sir John le Blound, Mayor of London, and others (named). Wednesday the vigil of St. Thomas the Apostle, A.D. 1301. Seal.
Endorsed: "Istut tenementum recuperavimus versus Georgium de Acra per Gavelettum in Husting' Lond', die Lune proxima ante Festum Sci. Jacobi Apli., Anno r. r. E. filii Regis H. xxvj°. Deinde adjudicatum fuit Schartfort die Lune proxima post Festum Sci. Martini Episcopi, anno r. r. E. filii Regis H. xxvij°."
Also: "Carta Cirograffata contra Johannem Dode de tenemento quod quondam Stephanus le Batur emit in Bassieshawe."
[Middx.] A. 1861. Certificate by Hugh Wyche, citizen and mercer of London, Edmund Chertesey, esquire, and John Bamme, son and heir of Richard Bamme, esquire, deceased, that whereas Hugh and Edmund, by indenture dated 20 March, 33 Henry VI., demised to Walter Moyle, a Justice in the Common Bench, Stephen Forster, citizen and alderman of London, and 16 others (named), all their lands, &c., in the parishes of All Hallows Bread Street, St. Peter's Westcheap, All Hallows in the Ropery, St. Laurence's in the Old Jewry, St. James' at Garlykhithe, and St. Michael at Queenhithe (which they lately had jointly with Thomas Balard, esquire, and John Lynche), for the lives of Arthur Ormesby, esquire, and Idonia his wife; and afterwards, by indenture dated 26 June, 33 Henry VI., demised to John Carler, citizen and goldsmith of London, their messuage in the parish of St. Mary Fanchirche in Langborn ward, formerly Richard Bamme's, deceased, for term of his life, with remainder to the said Moyle and the rest, for the term abovesaid: they have now ratified the estate of the said 18 persons in the premises after the death of John Carler during the life of Arthur and Idonia aforesaid, and also granted them the remainder of the said messuage for the same term. 7 November, 34 Henry VI. Three seals.
[Middx.] A. 1862. Grant by Roger le Duk to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 2 marcs, of 3s. quitrent, issuing out of land in the parish of St. Botulf without Bishopsgate. Witnesses:—William Burel, Gervase Baronn, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1863. Grant by John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Richard, son of William de Hadestok, chaplain, of land with buildings thereon in the parish of St. Mary del Axe, of the size and situation specified, paying 2s. 6d. yearly. Witnesses:—Adam de Basinges, Mayor of London, and others (named). June, A.D. 1252.
Middx. Hereford. A. 1864. Grant by Hugh Marbull, alias Hugh Goldesmyth, to Richard Warnecombe, Thomas Gibbes, John Sebronde, and Philip Perrott of all his lands, &c., in the parishes of St. Margaret and Eye in Westminster, and his tenement with garden and stable adjoining in the city of Hereford. 21 June, 20 Henry VIII. Seal. Injured.
Annexed: Declaration by Marbull that the intent of the above deed is that the said feoffees shall be enfeoffed of one moiety of the premises in Westminster to the use of himself, Anne his wife, and their issue, or in default of such, to the right heirs of Hugh; and of the other moiety as well as of the tenement in Hereford, to the use of himself and his right heirs. English.
[Middx.] A. 1865. Demise by Adam de Braughingg, clerk, to Sir Ralph, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, for fifteen pounds of good sterling crowns, of the two tenements he lately acquired of Geoffrey de Hakeney, and Agnes his wife, in the parish of St. Botolph without Alegate, and the annual quitrent of 6s. 8d. which he had by gilt of Thomas le Kyng, butcher, and Alice his wife, daughter of Walter de Holherst, issuing out of a tenement in the parish of St. Sepulchre without Neugate; for 20 years from Michaelmas, 1 Edward II. Witnesses:—John le Wyte, Mayor of London, Nicholas Picot and Nigel Druri, sheriffs, and others (named). 1 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 1866. Grant by Stephen Chese, of Charyng, son and heir of Thomas Chese, deceased, to John West, keeper of the King's private palace at Westminster, of a parcel of meadow in Westminster, situate as described, which the said Thomas Chese and Egidia his wife had by gift of William Clerk and Edith his wife. 10 February, 1 Richard II.
[Middx.] A. 1867. Grant by Ralph Marshal and Matilda his wife to Stephen de Wendene, clerk, for 24s., of land with the house thereon in St. Botulph's parish, without the gate of Alegate, of the extent and situation specified, paying therefor 2d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph Hardel, Mayor of London, William Eswy, Richard de Ewelle, sheriffs, Thomas de Wymburne, alderman, and others (named). [41 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1868. Grant by brother E[ustace], the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to Walter, son of Robert le Flemeng, of Bixle, of the messuage that Stephen Quernebetere held of them in the parish of St. Botulf without Alegate, of the extent and situation specified; paying therefor 14d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir John Adrian, Mayor of London, Henry Wallensis and Gregory de Rokesle, sheriffs, Thomas de Wymburne, warden of the soke, and others (named). [55 Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 1869. Grant by John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity London, to Hugh de Grisnelle, mason, of land with two houses built thereon within Alegate in London, situate as described, paying therefor yearly 6s. 4d. Witnesses:—Adam de Basing', Mayor of London, Nicholas Bat, Laurence de Frowik, sheriffs, and others (named). [36 Henry III.]
Endorsed: Now a moiety is in our hands, and the other moiety Philip de Salisbery, goldsmith, holds. Now, the heirs of Agnes de Goseham hold a moiety.
[Middx.] A. 1870. Demise by Adam de Stratton, clerk, to William de Winton, baker, of a bakehouse with an upper storey (solio) belonging, and two shops under another upper storey within Aldridesgate in the parish of St. Agnes, in the south part of the land leading into St. Agnes' churchyard, for 12 years from Michaelmas, 53 Henry III.; paying therefor yearly 34s. If William construct any easements within the messuage, he may remove them at the end of the term unless Adam purchase them of him. Witnesses:—John de la Blakethorn, Reginald Aurimalliator. Robert le Bret, and others (named). 53 Henry III.
[Middx.] A. 1871. Grant by James de Haverhull to Seyher, son of Henry son of Reiner, for 40s., of the yearly rent of 5s. that descended to him from the free marriage of Alice his mother, issuing out of land in Abbecherch parish that was John de Cheseburg's, adjoining the said church; paying yearly ½ lb. of cummin or 1d., within the Octaves of Easter. [Deed ends "Hiis testibus," witnesses' names being omitted.]
[Middx.] A. 1872. Grant by Thomas Marchant, chaplain, and John Ridel to Adam de Sancto Ivone, citizen of London, and Joan his wife, of a messuage with curtilage and garden at East Smithfield by the Tower of London, in the parish of St. Botolph without Algate, and in Portsoken ward, adjoining the messuage of the abbot of St. Mary de Graciis by the Tower and the lane called 'Toddyneslane' on the east. East Smithfield, 4 June, 13 Richard II. Two seals, broken.
[Middx.] A. 1873. Grant by Adam de Sancto Ivone, citizen of London, and Joan his wife, to William Vaggescombe, citizen and grocer of London, and Margaret his wife, of the messuage with curtilage and garden at East Smithfield by the Tower of London in the parish of St. Botolph without Algate, and in Portsoken ward, which they lately had by grant of Thomas Marchant and John Ridel. East Smithfield, 16 June, 13 Richard II. Portion of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting of London, Monday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 14 Richard II.
[Middx.] A. 1874. Grant by Salveya, daughter of Henry son of Reiner, to William Mulvel of land with buildings in the parish of St. Mary Abbecherche in Cande[wille]strate, situate as described; paying therefor 40s. yearly except two marcs which the said William must pay yearly to the brethren of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, the chief lords of the fee. Other covenants specified. Witnesses:—James, then alderman, Master Helyas de Supherke, Robert de Winton, and others (named). [Henry III.] Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1875. Release by Philip Balun, of London, to Edward King of England of the 40s. yearly rent he and his ancestors were wont to receive from a certain tenement at 'la Brokenewharf' in London that formerly belonged to Roger le Bygot, late Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, deceased. Witnesses:—Sirs William Ingge, John de Foxle, William de Ormesby, John de Mitford, knights, and others (named). London, 5 May, 2 Edward [I]. Seal.
Endorsed: "Istud scriptum irrotulatur in rubeo libro de Scaccario."
[Middx.] A. 1876. Confirmation by Joan (Jahanna), late the wife of Henry son of Reyner, to William Mulvel of the grant that Salveya her daughter made to him of land with buildings in Candewillestrate, in the parish of St. Mary Abbecherche. Witnesses:—James the Alderman, Master Helyas de Sutpherke, Gerard Bat, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1877. Grant by William Chamberlain, son of Jordan Chamberlain, to Holy Trinity, London, of one marc yearly rent that John Travers ought to pay him for land he holds of him in the parish of Aldemariechirche, situate as described. For greater security he has delivered to the canons the muniments he has relating to the said land. Witnesses:—Henry de Castell', Walter de Dacia, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Endorsed: "Carta W. Mercata redditus," &c.
[Middx.] A. 1878. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the canons of Christchurch, London, to Oger, son of Oger de Cabulian, of that portion of the land which Leuilda, wife of Godfrey, held that is next to Oger's house, for 8s. yearly, to be held as Oger his father held it. The land is without the gate of Alegate and is 7 perches wide by 27 long, a perch containing 17½ feet. Luilda has rendered this land to the canons in their chapter house, and Oger father of Oger gave her 20s. for her right, and the canons a sextary of wine, London measure. Oger son of Oger also holds of the canons other land without Alegate at a yearly rent of 12d., and land at Liesnes for 2½ marcs; and has given them 'de gersuma' 20s. and a sextary of wine. Witnesses:—William and Richard de Sancto Phileberto, William de Rochela, John de Anesti, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1879. Grant by Roland Schenc, son of Martin Sench, deceased, to John de Hingeston, citizen and goldsmith of London, of the tenements with garden he had by legacy from Martin his father in Aldresgate-Strete in the parish of St. Botolph without Aldresgate, London, situate as described. Simon de Swanland, then Mayor of London, Henry Gisors, Richard le Later, sheriffs, Henry de Secheford, alderman of the ward. Tuesday after the Annunciation, 4 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1880. Grant by Norman, the prior of Christchurch, London, to Liuilda, daughter of Walter Smith (Fabri), of the houses and land he held of the said church without the gate of Allegate, for her life, paying therefor 9s. yearly. Witnesses:—Ralph de Cornhelle, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1881. Release by Alice daughter of Ralph de London, to Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, for 10s., of 18d. quitrent which Roger Caucer, and afterwards Marsilia his wife, was wont to pay her for land and buildings in the parish of St. Mary of Aldermanbury. Witnesses:—Richard Renger, Mayor of London, Roger Duk, sheriff of London, Andrew Bukerel, alderman, and others (named). [10–11 Henry III.]
Endorsed: "Carta de xviijd. de terra Caucer, inde prius habuimus ijs. de Ric' Flit."
[Middx.] A. 1882. Grant by Atheliza Holebagg to Gilbert de Reding, limeburner (calcario), of land in the parish of St. Mary Aldermanbury, paying therefor yearly 2s. to the lords of the fee (seignuragiis feodi), viz. Alvred Mercer and his heirs. For this grant Gilbert has given her a gold buckle (firmaculum). Witnesses:—Henry son of Ailwin, Roger son of Alan, Robert Bisant, Jukell, then sheriffs, and others (named). [7 Richard I.]
Endorsed: "Carta de duobus solidis redditus de domo et terra Rogeri Caucer in Aldermanbury, quos Ricardus Flit et Alicia filia Alvredi Mercerii concesserunt priori et conventui ut patet per cart' xxij de pluribus parochiis."
[Middx.] A. 1883. Deed of sale by Robert son of Robert de Pinkeny, to the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the rent of 3s. he had in the garden that Hamo Sprakeling held of him in the parish of All Hallows Colemanechurch, for 20s. If he cannot warrant to them the premises he will return them the 20s. Witnesses:—Alan son of Peter, Roger Huscarl, Geoffrey Waterladere, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1884. Release by Richard Somer, son of Ralph Somer, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity of a certain garden that Hamo Sprakeling or Albin Ruffus formerly held of the said convent in the parish of All Hallows Colemannechurch, London. Witnesses:—Henry le Waleis, Mayor of London, William le Mazcrer and Richard de Chikewell, sheriffs, John de Norhamton, alderman of the ward, and others (named). Monday next after the Octave of Holy Trinity, 10 Edward I.
[Middx.] A. 1885. Release by Nicholas, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Richard Lacer, citizen and goldsmith of London, of 34s. yearly rent issuing from Richard's tenement in the parish of St. Mary Aldermanbury; saving to them the 4s. by service of which the tenement is held of them. Thursday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 29 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 1886. Confirmation by William, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity the Great within Algate, London, of the demise by Sir Martin Elys, rector of St. Faith's, London, and John Blakeneye, citizen and fishmonger of London, to John Gele, clerk, citizen of London, his executors and assigns, of a tenement with three shops annexed in the parish of St. Botolph without Aldrichesgate for 40 years from Christmas next, paying therefor yearly 60s. to the said Martin and John; undertaking to warrant the premises to Gele and his heirs during the said term if they perform the covenants specified in the indenture of demise. In the chapter house of the convent, 20 May, 5 Richard II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1887. Licence to the executors of the will of Robert, formerly hermit in the hermitage of Cripplegate, London, to assign in mortmain to William de Wynterburne, hermit in the said hermitage, a messuage and 4d. rent issuing from a messuage that was Cristiana's, late the wife of Simon de Bereford, in the parish of St. Nicholas Hakun in Abbechirche lane, and 2d. rent issuing from a messuage that was John le Chaloner's in Fanchirche parish; in accordance with the aforesaid will. Westminster, 6 February, 20 Edward [I. See Patent Roll, 20 Edward I., m. 18.]. Great seal, broken.
[Middx.] A. 1888. Final concord between Robert Triket, plaintiff, and Peter, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, tenants of land in Berkedene which Stephen, Robert's brother, held of the canons. Robert released the said land to the prior and canons, who for this release granted him for life a servant's corrody of a servant's loaf, a dish of pottage, a dish of meat or fish, and two gallons of beer daily, and 3s. yearly to clothe himself. The morrow of the Apostles Philip and James, 9 Richard I.
[Middx.] A. 1889. Grant by Simon de Merworthe, bureller, citizen of London, to William de Briklesworthe, woolmerchant, citizen of London, of a portion of his garden in Suedenelane in the parish of All Hallows Berkyncherche, London, adjoining the garden the said William acquired of Guy le Hurer, and containing 6 ells by 17¾. 8 October, 13 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 1890. Confirmation by Peter son of Richard de Hispannia, for 10 marcs of silver, of the grant by Clementia his mother, in her widowhood, to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the yearly rent of 20s. 2d. that Richard his father assigned to her in dower, issuing from the stone house, cellar and messuage that Edmund Mercer formerly held in the parish of St. Benedict Schorhog, until the said Richard or his heirs should have paid to Clementia 50 marcs of silver or 5 marcs of gold wherewith he had formerly dowered her; releasing all his right in the said rent to the canons, who shall pay him 1d. yearly and 2d. on the death of his mother. Witnesses:—William son of Benedict, alderman, Philip de Winton, Ralph Blund, goldsmith, and others (named). [Edward I.]
[Middx.] A. 1891. Surrender by John Child, carpenter, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of all the tenements he had of their grant in the parish of St. Stephen, Coleman-street. Sunday after the Assumption, 3 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 1892. Release by Margery, late the wife of Henry the Cutler, to Richard the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the land with buildings that Arnold Arcenarius her father gave her said late husband on their marriage in the parish of St. Clement by Eastcheap. For this release the prior and convent have given her 9 marcs in full husting before Peter son of Alan, then Mayor, and Simon son of Mary and Laurence de Frowik, sheriffs of London. 31 Henry III.
Endorsed: Candelwyk strate.
[Middx.] A. 1893. Sale and release by Pain Buscher to Joce Young (Juveni), for 20 marcs, of 20s. quit rent from land and three shops in Brygestrate in the parish of St. Margaret by London Bridge, of the fee of the hospital of St. Giles without London, situate as described; 12s. yearly to be received from the shop that Alexander Ruffus, fishmonger, held of him, and 8s. from the other shops. If Alexander's shop cannot pay 12s. yearly, Joce shall be at liberty to distrain on the whole tenement, whoever may hold it, until he have received the whole 20s. Witnesses:—Richard Reynger, alderman, then Mayor of London, Roger Duk, Martin son of William, sheriffs, and others (named). [10–11 Henry III]
[Middx.] A. 1894. Confirmation by Roger de Stanham and Aelicia his wife of the grant by Peter Crisp to Peter, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of a rent of 32d. that Benedict Joie was formerly wont to pay them for land he held of them in the parish of St. Botolph without Alegate. Witnesses:—John Bokeointe, John Walraun, Henry son of William, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Carta de xxxijd. redditus juxta gardinum nostrum."
[Middx.] A. 1895. Grant by Henry le Cresp to Benedict Joie of all his land between the lands of Constantine and Cristina Merchers, by the orchard of Holy Trinity, at a yearly rent of 32d. Witnesses:—Ralph the Chaplain of St. Botolph's, Benedict Long, Edward son of Constantine, and others (named). Seal, injured.
[Middx.] A. 1896. Confirmation by Alice, daughter of Henry Crisp, of the grant that Peter Crisp, her brother, has made to Peter, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 32d. rent issuing from land that Benedict Joie formerly held of her said father in the parish of St. Butolph without Alegate; and release of the premises by the same to the said canons. Witnesses:—John Walraun, Henry son of William, then sheriffs, John Bokeointe, and others (named). [John?] Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1897. Release by Walter Giffard, goldsmith, to Holy Trinity, London, of the land in the parish of All Hallows Colemannechirch that Peter the Chaplain, his brother, left him for life; paying therefor yearly to Gerard de Manegedan 2s., and towards the socage of William de Aubeni 2d. on the eve of Easter. Witnesses:—Gilbert son of Fulk, alderman of the ward, Thomas and William Colnere, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1898. Release by Margery, daughter of William Osbern, of London, formerly shearer of cloth (tonsor pannorum), to William de Orliens, of Rydon, of a tenement with shop that her said father held in the parish of St. Laurence Candelwikstrate in Thames Street, 'in scenerio' of St. Martins Orgar near Ebbegate, London. Thurston, Sunday next before Michaelmas, 16 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1899. Grant by William Neuport, citizen and fishmonger of London, to Sir Robert de Beche, rector of the church of Ightham, Kent, John Chalveton of the same place, John Poignaunt, Roger Seggebrook, citizens and fishmongers of London, John Gretford, of Ramsey, co. Huntingdon, and William Sergeaunt, of Clopton, co. Cambridge, of all the tenements with buildings thereon which he has by grant of John Potenhale, formerly shoemaker of London, in the parish and adjoining the churchyard of St. Andrew's at Baynard's Castle, London. 30 November, 48 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1900. Grant by Ralph, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, to Maurice de Teletei, sheriff, of the land that Teobald the Goldsmith held by Colemaneschirche, paying therefor 5s. yearly. [Henry II. ?]