Deeds: A.2001 - A.2100

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: A.2001 - A.2100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.2001 - A.2100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"Deeds: A.2001 - A.2100". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.

A.2001 - A.2100

[Middx.] A. 2001. Letter of Joseph le Achatur, and Juliana his wife, empowering Thomas Abel, citizen of London, to receive for them the yearly rent of 9s. for their tenement in 'la Crokedelane,' London, by the churchyard of St. Michael de Candelwestrete. Saturday next after Holy Trinity, 6 Edward I. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2002. Grant by William son of Roger, for 12 marcs, to John, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of annual rents of 24s. from houses in London in St. Martin's lane by Kandelwrihtestrate, and 23d. from houses in the parish of St. Martin Otheswych; they paying 10s. yearly to the monks of Bermondsey. Witnesses:—William son of Richard, Mayor of London, Adam Bruning, Henry de Coventre, sheriffs, and others (named). [44 Henry III.] Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2003. Indenture tripartite between Richard Charnok, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity beside Algate, of the first part, Thomas Roche, a Baron of the King's Exchequer, John Huse, and — Morgan, executors of the will of Dame Beatrice, late the wife of William Lemyng, citizen and grocer of London, of the second, and John Hardyng, the master, and the brethren of the college of St. Thomas of Acre in London, of the third: containing an agreement that the convent shall keep a yearly obit for the souls of William and Beatrice, and give 20s. in alms, and continually sing a 'solempne colet' at our Lady Mass daily, and three masses weekly, and also grant to William Matthew the tenement he now lives in rent free for life, for his good service to William and Beatrice, a gown of 'yomen' linen or 6s. 8d. yearly, and 16d. weekly for his commons; or if they fail to perform these covenants they will pay 10l. yearly to the said master and college to perform them. 1 August, A.D. 1496, 11 Henry VII. English.
[Middx.] A. 2004. Grant by John Cass and Margaret his wife, a daughter and heir of John de Seynt Jermayn, to Thomas Swettenham, citizen and grocer of London, of the third part of 53s. 4d. yearly, which Margaret together with Thomas Berners, her late husband, had by demise of Stephen Browne and others (named), issuing from lands and tenements lately belonging to John Burcetre, knight, in the parish of St. Mary Colchirche and in Westchepe ward. 23 May, 38 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Middx.] A. 2005. Grant by William Lemyng, citizen and grocer of London, to John Porter, vintner, and Bartholomew Horwode, grocer, citizens of London, of all his lands, &c., in Westchepe in St. Mary Colchirch parish. Richard Lee, Mayor, Robert Drope and Richard Gardyner, sheriffs of London, and others (named). 19 September, 10 Edward IV. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2006. Demise by Richard Whityngton, citizen and alderman of London, William Shepton, and William Grove to William Est, citizen of London, of 10s. yearly rent issuing from the tenement of the Mayor and commonalty of London that Robert Coton, citizen and clothier of London, inhabits in Candelwykstrete in St. Swithin's parish; which rent they had by grant of Richard Wyltsshire, of Haydon, Essex, 8 Henry V. William Caumbrigge, Mayor of London, John Welles and John Boteler, sheriffs. 29 March, 9 Henry V. Three seals.
[Middx.] A. 2007. Grant by John Burcestre, knight, son of William Burcestre, knight, to William Lemyng, citizen and grocer of London, and others, of all his lands and tenements in the parish of St. Mary Colchirche by the conduit in Chepe Ward. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Fyldyng, Mayor, Richard Lee and Richard Allen, sheriffs of London, and others (named). 14 June, 31 Henry VI. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2008. Confirmation by Inspeximus by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of A. 1994, and of the grant by Henry le Galeys to Sir John de Sandale, clerk, for 100l., of the same two pieces of land in the parish of All Hallows Colmancherch, dated 28 Edward I. Witnesses:—John le Blount, Mayor, Hugh Pourte and Simon de Parys, sheriffs of London, the aldermen, and others (named). London, in full chapter, A.D. 1302, end of 30 Edward I.
[Middx.] A. 2009. Grant by Thomas Abel, citizen of London, to Joseph le Achatur and Juliana his wife of land with buildings thereon in London by the tenement in 'la Crokedelane' that formerly belonged to Matthew Bokerel, paying 9s. yearly as well for the tenement as the said land. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokesle, Mayor of London, John Adrian and Walter le Engleys, sheriffs, and others (named). [6 Edward I.] Seal and portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2010. Grant by Adam, son of Robert Flemyng, of Byxle, brother and heir of Walter, formerly the porter of Holy Trinity, London, to Sir William, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, of the land with buildings thereon that was his brother's, in the parish of All Hallows Colemannecherche. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwico, Warden of London, Thomas Romayn and William de Leyre, sheriffs, and others (named). [19 Edward I.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2011. Grant by the convent of Christchurch, London, to William Goldsmith, brother of Godard, of the land at Crepelegate that Suethman held, paying 4s. yearly. Witnesses:—Geoffrey, priest of St. Elfege, Algar, priest of St. Benedict, Ernulf, alderman, Peter, alderman, Reiner son of Beng', Brichmar de Haverhell, and others (named). [Henry II.] Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2012. Grant by Walter le Fuster to Bartholomew Tailor, for 8 marcs, of 10s. yearly rent issuing from two pieces of land, in Bassishawe in St. Michael's parish, and in the parish of All Hallows by London Wall, extending to Walebroc. Witnesses:—John son of Adrian, alderman of Bassishawe, Nicholas son of Joce, alderman of the parish of All Saints by the Wall, and others (named). [Edward I.] Injured. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2013. Grant by John Rosamunde, executor of the will of Gervase Bray, deceased, to Henry le Ferun, citizen of London, of land in the parish of All Hallows Colemanechurch, London, belonging to the said Bray. Witnesses:—Sir John Adrien, Mayor of London, Philip le Tailur, Walter le Poter, sheriffs, and others (named). [.54 Henry III.] Seal, broken.
[Middx.] A. 2014. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Robert de Katilon, for 12 marcs, of land with buildings in the parish of St. Clement, paying 6s. 8d. yearly. Witnesses:— Thomas de Duraulmo, Robert Blund, aldermen, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2015. Release by John Ive, rector of St. Michael's Wood Street, and Laurence Wynpool to Thomas Mordone, citizen and chandler of London, of the tenement with buildings thereon which they together with Mordone had by feoffment of Juliana, late wife of Adam Rous, surgeon, of London. Nicholas Brembre, knight, Mayor, Nicholas Extone and John Frosh, sheriffs of London. Feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 8 Richard II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2016. Grant by James de Sancto Edmundo and John de Dannehurst, executors of the will of Elyas Gofayre, deceased, to Sir William, rector of St. Swithin's, London, of 10s. yearly quitrent from the tenement Andrew de Ronewell holds in the parish of St. Swithin in Candelwykestrate. Witnesses:—Thomas Romeyn, Mayor of London, and others (named). Sunday after Michaelmas, 4 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 2017. Grant by Martin son of Benedict to Eustace son of David of land in the parish of All Hallows Colemanechurch, paying 4s. yearly to the lords of the soil; with remainder to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, if Eustace die under age. Witnesses:—Gerard Bat, Mayor of London, Reiner de Bungeie, Ralph Aswy, sheriffs, and others (named). [24 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2018. Release by Margery, daughter and heir of William Osebern, late citizen and barber of London, to William de Stamford and William de Orliens of all her right to the tenement she lately demised to them in the parish of St. Laurence Candelwykstrete. The Vigil of the Purification, 16 Edward II. Seal, broken.
[Middx.] A. 2019. Grant by John de Chelsea, vintner, of London, to William, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of a portion of the shop he had by grant of William de Willehale, in the parish of St. Mary Colkirche, containing 3½ ells square; and a place in the north-east corner of his said shop to make a staircase (degradus) for the tenants of the convent to go to their upper rooms beyond his shop, the foot of the staircase (pes degradus) from Ismongereslane, including the stone wall of the shop, being l¼ ells 4½ ins. and its length 4 ells 2½ ins. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwico, Warden of London, and alderman of the ward, and others (named). Saturday before the Exaltation of Holy Cross, A.D. 1288. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2020. Demise by Sir John Sevenok, the- prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity within Algate to John Dobull, citizen and clothier of London, for 80 years from Easter, 1440, 18 Henry VI., of the tenement with shop, &c., that Stephen Grene inhabits in Cornhill in St. Christopher's parish, paying 50s. yearly. If Dobull or his assigns wish to build a new cellar (celarius) and a new 'story' within the tenement, the convent will supply him with sufficient timber from their woods at Highgate. Easter, 18 Henry VI. Seal.
Herts. A. 2021. Confirmation by King Stephen to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the land of Berchedena that Gervase de Cornhell and Richard son of Hubert granted them; of which confirmation the King informs the bishop of London, the justices, sheriffs and all others of Hertfordshire. Witnesses:—Warner de Lusor' and Hugh de Essart.' St. Albans.
[Middx.] A. 2022. Release by Gilbert de Waletone to Master Alexander de Dorecestria, for 80 marcs, of the land with buildings which Sir Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex and Gloucester, gave to him in the parish of St. Mary of Colechirche in the corner of Ysmongereslane. Witnesses:— Serlo, Mayor of London, William son of Benedict, alderman, Richard Renger, Joce Young, sheriffs of London, and others (named). [A.D. 1220–21.] Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2023. Grant by Martin Horn and Alice his wife, daughter of the late Stephen Nicolas, to Thomas Jordan, citizen of London, and Alice his wife, of a marc yearly quit-rent issuing from a capital messuage with two shops in front, formerly Edmund Goldsmith's, in the parish of St. Michael Candelwestrete. Witnesses:—Sir John Adrian, Mayor of London, Gregory de Rokesle and Henry le Waleys, sheriffs, and others (named). [55 Henry III.] Seal and portion of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in full Husting the morrow of St. Andrew's day, 55 Henry III.
[Middx.] A. 2024. Grant by Lucy daughter of Humphrey Buqueynte, widow, to William, son of Robert de Paris, of 18s. yearly rent issuing from a tenement which Gerard le Cordewaner held in the parish of St. Mary le Bow, in the street called 'Corveyserestrate.' Witnesses:—Richard Renger, Nicholas de Sancto Albano, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2025. Grant by P. the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, to Henry, son of Reiner son of Berengar, of land in Candelwrithestrate in St. Martin's parish, paying half a marc yearly. Witnesses:— James Alderman, Matthew Alderman, Richard Blund, and others (named). [Richard I. or John.]
[Middx.] A. 2026. Grant by William Flory, citizen and burgess of London, to John de Hodesdon and Katherine his wife of his tenement with shops, &c., in the parish of All Saints Colmanchirche, by Belyeterslane, paying the services specified. Witnesses:—John le Blunt, Mayor, William Cosin and Reginald de Thonderlegh, sheriffs of London, and others (named). [34 Edward I.] Injured.
[Middx.] A. 2027. Grant by Helena, late the wife of Thomas de Sarterino, citizen of London, widow, to Sir William, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of a portion of land in the parish of All Saints Colemancherche. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwyco, Warden of London, Thomas Romayn, William de Leyre, sheriffs, and others (named). [19 Edward I.]
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in full Husting at London, Monday before St. Dunstan, 19 Edward I.
[Middx.] A. 2028. Note of the reading and enrolment at the Husting of a grant by Ralph le Tapicer and Alice his wife, daughter of the late Stephen Nicolas, to William le Neve, butcher, of London, of a tenement by the churchyard of St. Michael Candelwykstrete, paying the services specified. Monday after Mid Lent, 10 Edward I.
[Middx.] A. 2029. Grant by the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Roger Pigas, of Claveryng, citizen and fripperer of London, and Joan his wife, of a shop which they have by bequest of John de Brendewode in the parish of St. Christopher, London, in Cornhelle, from Easter next, for their lives. The grantees have paid 20l. for the first five years of the term, and at the end of that time will pay 4l. yearly, &c. Monday the feast of St. Ambrose, A.D. 1356. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2030. Grant by Richard Wyltsshire, of Haydon, Essex, to Richard Whityngton, citizen and alderman of London, William Schepton and William Grove of 10s. yearly rent issuing from the tenement Robert Coton inhabits in the parish of St. Swithin in Candelwykestrete. He recites the five following conveyances of the said rent and other property:— J. de Sancto Edmundo and J. de Dannehurst to William, rector of St. Swithin's, 4 Edward II. [A. 2016.]: William, rector of St. Swithin's to Warin Myngy, 11 Edward II.: Margaret, late the wife of W. Myngy, to Henry de Preston, 3 Edward III.: Isabella, daughter and heir of H. de Preston, to John Wyltshire, John Rydere, and others, 1 Richard II.: John Rydere to R. Wyltshire and R. Gyn. 5 Henry IV. Richard Whityngton, Mayor, Robert Whityngham and John Boteler, sheriffs of London. 10 July, 8 Henry V. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting, Monday after St. Wulstan, 8 Henry V.
[Middx.] A. 2031. Release by Ralph Weaver, of Edelmeton, to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of an acre of meadow in Edelmeton marsh, and land between the field called 'Langeheg' and Medesinge in Edelmeton. Witnesses:—William de Forda, Thomas Pykot and others (named). [Henry III.]
A. 2032. Duplicate of the above.
[Middx.] A. 2033. Confirmation by Ydonea daughter of Andrew Blund and Cicely Waleram his wife, of the grant by her mother Cicely to Lucy her sister of the lands of Eggeswere and Stanmere. Witnesses:—Sir Andrew Bukerel, Mayor of London, Sirs Richard Reynger, Roger Duce, and others (named). [16–22 Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2034. Grant by Joan de Sancto Donstano, late the wife of John de Arcubus, citizen of London, to E. the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of six acres in Totenham by their pasture called 'Langemad,' in exchange for 20s. and 4 acres in Edelmeton. Witnesses:— Laurence Duket, Simon de Solio, and others (named). [Edward I.]
[Middx.] A. 2035. Grant by Geoffrey de Say, son of Alice de Chetnay, to Robert Silvan of land in Edelmeton that Ralph de Marisco and Edith his wife held, with covenant not to alienate to religious persons or Jews. Witnesses:—Sirs Engeram de Say, Robert de Catillun, Luke de Trie, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2036. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Jordan, son of Coleman the Fishmonger (Pessunarii), of land in the parish of St. Leonard Estchepe, paying 8s. yearly. Witnesses:— William Alderman, John Domesofte, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 2037. Remission by Ralph de Walepol, archdeacon of Ely, and Ralph de Fotheringheye, clerk, executors of the will of Hugh, late bishop of Ely, to the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the arrears of 2s. yearly rent for a tenement in Goderonelane in the parish of St. John Zakarie which they owed the said bishop. London, 5 Idus Februarii, A.D. 1288. Portions of two seals.
[Middx.] A. 2038. Grant by William de la Forde, of Edelmeton, to William his son of a wood called 'Scottesgraf,' and land in the fields called 'Estfeld' and 'Storlresnest' and in 'la Dane' in Edelmeton. Witnesses:—Thomas Picot, Richard de Anesty, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 2039. Demise by John Blund to Andrew Bukerel, son of Andrew Bukerel, citizen of London, of the land in Edelmeton he had by grant of Roger, son of Richard Blund, for six years from Michaelmas, 20 Henry III. Witnesses:—John de Cudres, sheriff of Middlesex, and others (named). [20 Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2040. Grant by John de Anesty, for the souls of himself and Hawisa his wife, to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of land in Edelmeton in the field called 'Langehegh,' extending to Totenhammarke on the south. Witnesses:—John Blund, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2041. Release by Margaret, late the wife of Thomas Berners, to William Lemyng, citizen and grocer of London, of all the tenements, shops, &c., lately belonging to William Burcestre, knight, by the Great Conduit, London. 30 January, 36 Henry VI. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2042. Grant by John, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, to Nicholas de Ware of land in the parish of All Saints of Colemannecherche, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—John Norman, Mayor of London, Humphrey Smith (Fabro), William son of Richard, sheriffs, and others (named). [35 Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2043. Grant by Gilbert de Grantebruge to Michael de Sancto Albano, vintner, of London, for 40s. 40d., of part of the lower portion of his garden, adjoining the churchyard of St. Stephen in the Jewry. Witnesses:—John Adrian and Walter Hervy, bailiffs of London, and others (named). [52 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2044. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Peter de Michham of land with buildings in the parish of St. Clement by Kandelwrithtestrate, paying 40d. yearly. Witnesses:— Thomas de Dunolm, alderman, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2045. Grant by Thomas Jurdan and Alice his wife to Eustace, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 10 marcs, of a marc yearly rent from a capital messuage with two shops in the parish of St. Michael Candelwrihtstrate, which rent they bought of Martin Horn and Alice his wife, daughter of the late Stephen Nicholas. Witnesses:— Walter Hervi, Mayor of London, Richard de Paris and John de Buddele, sheriffs, and others (named). [56 Henry III.] Seal and portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2046. Grant by Thomas de Leuesham, skinner, and William Doder, fuller, citizens of London, to Richard Andreu, brewer and citizen of London, and Elena his wife, of a certain dwelling house (mansionem) with a shop within Algate, London. John Lovekyn, Mayor of London, Thomas Legh and John Warde, sheriffs. Sunday the feast of St. Valentine, 41 Edward III. Two seals.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting, Monday after St. Valentine, 41 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 2047. Grant by Richard atte Seler, citizen of London, to Richard Andreu and Elena, late wife of William Danyel, brewer and citizen of London, of four shops with houses which he acquired of Thomas de Hale and Thomas Clayman, cook, executors of Danyel's will, in the lane called 'la Porejewerie' in the parish of Holy Trinity by Algate. John Lovekyn, Mayor of London, John de Brikelesworth and Thomas de Irland, sheriffs. 18 April, 40 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting, Monday after St. Agatha, 41 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 2048. Release by E. the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to John de Cancia, citizen of London, of all arrears of the 4s. yearly rent for land in the parish of All Hallows Colemanescherche due to them up to Easter, 53 Henry III., provided that within two years from the said Easter he build thereon to a sufficient value to secure that rent in future; otherwise the arrears shall be paid at the end of the two years. Palm Sunday, 53 Henry III.
[Middx.] A. 2049. Release by John Chelrey, clerk, Richard Forster, Thomas Vynent and Paul Gisors to Sir William Burcestre, knight, and lady Margaret his wife of all their right to shops and chambers by the Conduit of London, lately belonging to John Gisors; they paying a yearly rent of 8 marcs for the same. Eve of St. John the Baptist, 9 Richard II. French.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London, 9 Richard II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2050. Grant by Reginald de Walsingham, 'barbitonsor,' of London, and Marroya his wife to William the Minstrel (Istrioni) of the Queen of England, of a tenement at Ebbegate in St. Martin's lane in the parish of St. Laurence Candelwikestrete. Witnesses:—John le Blund, Mayor of London, Robert le Callere and Peter de Bosenham, sheriffs. 15 May, 30 Edward I. Two seals.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting, 33 Edward I.
[Middx.] A. 2051. Release by Robert Ferthyng, apprentice of William Osebern, deceased, to William de Stanford and William de Orlions, sharegrinder, citizens of London, of all claim by virtue of bequest by Osebern's will to a tenement in the parish of St. Laurence Candelwykestrete. Witnesses:—Hamo de Chygewell, Mayor of London, and others (named). Feast of St. Philip and St. James, 17 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 2052. Duplicate of the above, omitting the principal witnesses. Tuesday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 16 Edward II.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting, 16 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 2053. Release by Margery, daughter and heir of William Hosebern, or Osebern, late citizen and barber of London, to William de Stanford and William de Orlyens of the tenement she lately demised to them for a term of years in the parish of St. Laurence Candelwykestrete, formerly her father's. Thouston, Wednesday before St. Simon and St. Jude, 16 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2054. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Richard de Chingeford, potter, of land with buildings in the parish of St. Katherine by Alegate, London, paying 40s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokesle, Mayor of London, and others (named). The Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 13 Edward I.
[Middx.] A. 2055. Grant by Amfrey de Beckenham, rector of Hodleg', to Stephen de Gisseburn of the land he had in the parish of St. Michael Cornhill of the gift of John Bonaventure, goldsmith, son of William Bonaventure, of the fee of the canons of Holy Trinity, London. Witnesses:— William son of Richard, Mayor of London, Thomas son of Thomas, William Grapefige, sheriffs, and others (named). [42 Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2056. Grant by Alice atte Welle, John atte More, and John de Conyngton, executors of Adam atte Welle, deceased, to John Blakethorn, dyer, for their lives, of shops with houses in the south end of a certain lane called 'Wringesaley' in Colmanstret, London, paying 65s. yearly. 20 October, 37 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 2057. Demise by Bartholomew Horwode, citizen and grocer of London, to Robert Racheford and others (named), citizens of London, of the lands, rents, &c, near the Great Conduit in Westchepe in St. Mary Colchirche parish which Bartholomew and John Porter, citizen and vintner of London, lately had by grant of William Lemyng, deceased; to perform the will of the said Lemyng. John Stokton, knight, Mayor of London, John Shelley and John Aleyn, sheriffs. 5 October, 11 Edward IV. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2058. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to Stephen le Paumer of land with buildings in the parish of All Hallows Colemannecherche, paying 4s. yearly. Witnesses:—Gilbert son of Fulc, then alderman, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2059. Release by Thomas and William, sons of Ralph Brun, to Roger King of lands and buildings that belonged to their father in the parish of St. Michael "as one goes towards London Bridge," extending to the Thames. [John?] Incomplete. Seal and portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2060. Grant by E. the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to Adam de Bassieshawe, tailor, citizen of London, and Agnes his wife, daughter of Thomas de Compeworthe, of a messuage with houses and shops in the parish of St. Michael Bassieshawe, in Colemanestrate, paying 6 marcs 2s. 8d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokesle, Mayor of London, John Horn and Ralph Blund, sheriffs, and others (named). [4 Edward I.] Two seals.
[Middx.] A. 2061. Grant in frank almoin by Avicia daughter of Ernold de Gotherunlane, widow, to John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of land with buildings in Gotherunlane, and of the capital messuage that was John de Valascines' her brother's, in the parish of St. John Zakary, they granting her daily a small loaf (micham) and a gallon of conventual beer, with an extra gallon on Sundays and Thursdays, for her life, to her maidservant a guest loaf (unum panem hospitis) and a gallon of medium beer, to be received twice or thrice a week, a reasonable portion for both "de potagio conventuali," and half a marc yearly rent. The canons have received her in chapter as a sister. Witnesses:—Ralph Hardel, Mayor of London, Mathew Bukerel, John le Mynur, sheriffs, and others (named). [40 Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2062. Sale and release by Ralph Erun to Roger King, for 24 marcs, of land and houses in St. Michael's parish, "as one goes to London Bridge," extending to the Thames. Witnesses:—William Alderman, and others (named). [John.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2063. Release by William Leyk to King Edward [III.] of a tenement and shops adjoining in London in the parish of St. Andrew at Castle Baynard. 10 January, 49 Edward [III.] Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the Close Rolls.
[Middx.] A. 2064. Grant by Ralph, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John de Cokermuth, clerk, of land in the parish of All Hallows Colemanchurch, London; he paying 2 marcs yearly and undertaking to put up a sufficient enclosure between his land and the convent's. Witnesses:— Richer de Refham, Mayor of London, and others (named). 3 March, A.D. 1310, 4 Edward II. Seal.
Endorsed: "Modo vero tenet eam Simon Simean. Quam quidem placiam habuimus de Johanne de Enefeld in feoffamento cum capitali tenemento suo in parochia Sancte Trinitatis Magne."
[Middx.] A. 2065. Demise by Stephen Brown, citizen and grocer of London, William Babyngton, Robert Babyngton, Richard Quatremayns, esquire, and Robert Burton to Thomas Berners, esquire, and Margaret his wife, a daughter and heir of John Seint Jermayn, and the issue of the said Margaret, of a third part of a yearly rent of 53s. 4d. issuing from lands and tenements now belonging to John Burcetre, knight, in St. Mary Colchirche parish, Westchepe ward, London, with remainders successively to the right heirs of John Seint Jermayn, the heirs of Joan, late wife of Thomas Goodlak, of Margaret, late wife of John Philpot, knight, and of Agnes, late the wife of John Whatton. London, 18 July, 30 Henry VI. Five seals.
[Middx.] A. 2066. Release by Peter le Mazerer and Margaret his wife, daughter of Alexander le Mazerer, late citizen and goldsmith of London, to Roger de Mymmes, chandler, citizen of London, of the tenement the latter inhabits within Crepelgate, in the parish of St. Alphege, London. Reginald de Conductu, Mayor, Walter de Mordon and Ralph de Upton, sheriffs of London, John de Hingston, alderman of the ward. Sunday after All Saints' day, 9 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting held Monday after St. Valentine, 12 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 2067. Grant and sale by Sir John Burcestre, knight, and Thomas Hoo, of Sussex, squire, to William Lemyng, citizen and grocer of London, of Sir John's tenement beside the Great Conduit in Westcheap in St. Mary Colchirche parish. Sir John shall also find the said William sufficient surety that if Dame Elizabeth his wife survive him she shall not claim dower in the said tenement. 13 June, 31 Henry VI. English. Fragment of seal. Damaged.
[Middx.] A. 2068. Agreement by Guillot dou Salterium, minstrel of the Queen of England, that whereas he has granted to William Osebern and Mahaut his wife, citizens of London, the tenement he had by feoffment of Renaut le Barbier and Marie his wife in Thames Street, in the parish of St. Laurence Candelwicstrate, for 12½ marcs, and Marie was joined in the grant that William de Flete, barber, made them thereof; he will induce the said Marie to relinquish her right to the said tenement in the Guildhall of London before Christmas next, or will repay William and Mahaut the 12½ marcs and their costs for repairing the said tenement. 7 August, 30 Edward [I.] French.
[Middx.] A. 2069. Grant by Hervy le Feron, citizen of London, to John de Enefeud and Cristina his wife of land in the parish of All Saints Colemancherche, London. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokesle, Mayor of London, Ralph le Fevere and Robert de Arraz, sheriffs, and others (named). [5 Edward I.] Seal, injured.
Endorsed: "Johannes de Enefeld dedit nobis cum tenemento suo alio." "Modo hered' Johannis Page ex dimissione nostra."
[Middx.] A. 2070. Grant by Ranulph de Dacre, knight, to Sir Gilbert de Wygeton, clerk, of all the houses and tenements he had by feoffment of the said Gilbert in Coleman Street, by St. Stephen's church, London. Witnesses:—John de Preston, Mayor of London, Nicholas Pyk and John Hosebond, sheriffs, and others (named). [6 Edward III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2071. Release by Ranulph de Dacre, knight, to Sir Gilbert de Wygeton, clerk, of the lands and tenements he had by feoffment of the said Gilbert in Colemanstrete by St. Stephen's church, London. Witnesses:—Richard de Aldburgh, William de Denum, Justices of the King, and others (named). York, 20 April, 7 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2072. Grant by Gilbert, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Roger le Serjaunt of land with buildings thereon in Chepe ward in Colecherch parish, paying 57s. 4d. yearly. Witnesses:— Sir Thomas, son of Thomas son of Richard, Mayor of London, Thomas de Forda and Gregory de Rokesle, sheriffs, and others (named). [48 Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2073. Grant by Master Alexander de Doreset to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, of land with houses in the parish of St. Mary of Colecherche at the corner of Ysmongeres-lane, to support a canon to say mass daily for his soul for ever, such canon to be appointed by the prior; the convent also providing for seven paupers every day a loaf each and a gallon of beer, some pottage and a dish of fish on fish days and of meat on meat days, and paying yearly to the heirs of Geoffrey de Mandevilla, Earl of Essex, a tercel or 4 besants, 7s. to the monks of St. Albans, and 11s. to the monks of Holy Trinity, Canterbury. Witnesses:—Robert, the prior of the Hospital of Jerusalem in England, Gerard, the prior of St. Bartholomew's, Warin, the prior of the New Hospital without Bishopsgate, Alexander, canon of Bridlington, "my nephew," Andrew Bukerel, Mayor of London, Gererd Bat, Henry de Edelmeton, sheriffs, and others (named). [17 Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2074. Release by Thomas Hoo, esquire, to William Lemyng, citizen and grocer of London, of all lands, tenements, and rents formerly belonging to William Burcestre, knight, and then to John Burcestre, knight, his son, in the parish of St. Mary Colchirche, by the Conduit in Chepe ward, London. 22 July, 34 Henry VI.
[Middx.] A. 2075. Grant by Walter Flemeng to Walter Scot of the land and buildings thereon which he had of the fee of the canons of Holy Trinity, London, in the parish of All Hallows Colemancherche towards Alegate, London, paying the said convent 16s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokesle, Mayor of London, Nicholas de Wintona and William de Farendon, sheriffs, and others (named). [9 Edward I.] Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2076. Grant by William the Minstrel (Istrio) of the Queen of England, to William Osebern and Matilda his wife, of his tenement at Ebbegate in the parish of St. Laurence Candelwikestrete, in Thames Street, by St. Martin's Lane. Witnesses:—John le Blund, Mayor, Robert le Callere and Peter de Bosenho, sheriffs of London, Adam de Rokesle, aldermen of the ward, and others (named). [30 Edward I.] Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2077. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Richer le Boton', citizen and merchant of London, of two shops and a cellar in the parish of St. Mary Colcherche, paying therefor 40s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwico, Warden of London, Henry le Bole and Elias Russel, sheriffs, and others (named). Sunday after St. Martin, 20 Edward I. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2078. Grant by Richard Trug, citizen and girdler of London, to Adam de Mundene, 'batour,' citizen of London, of a tenement with buildings thereon and garden in the parish of St. Stephen of Colemanestrete, London; paying 4 marcs yearly to Holy Trinity, London, and 2s. 8d. to St. Stephen's church. Witnesses:—Stephen de Abindon, Mayor of London, Hamo Godchep and William de Bodele, sheriffs, and others (named). Sunday before St. Matthew the Apostle, 10 Edward II. Portion of seal.
Endorsed: "In manu nostra pro cantaria pro anima domine Margarete, quondam Regine Anglie, comitis Regis Edwardi filii Regis Henrici, per dominum Gilbertum de Wigetone, dicte domine executorem."
[Middx.] A. 2079. Grant by Richard Thrug, citizen and girdler of London, to Adam de Munden, 'batour,' citizen of London, of four shops with curtilages in the parish of St. Stephen Colemanestrete, London. Witnesses:—Stephen de Abyndon, Mayor of London, Hamo Godchiep and William de Bodelee, sheriffs, and others (named). Friday after the Epiphany, 9 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2080. Grant by John, son of John son of Peter, citizen of London, to Richard Thrug, citizen and girdler of London, of four shops with curtilages in the parish of St. Stephen Colemanestrete, London. Witnesses:—Richer de Refham, Mayor of London, Richard de Welleford and Simon de Mereworth, sheriffs, Nicholas Pycot, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [5 Edward II.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2081. Release by W., the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Simon de Bereford, baker, of the 38s. 7d. arrears due to them for a house in the parish of St. Michael in Bassishawe, London, that Robert Sturdy formerly held of them at 13s. 6d. yearly, provided that he repair it at his own cost as long as he inhabits it, and by Michaelmas, 14 Edward I., make it distrainable by the canons, and pay the rent faithfully; otherwise they may distrain on it till their arrears are satisfied. The morrow of St. Margaret the Virgin, 14 Edward I. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2082. Grant by John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John de Bekeham of land with houses in Colemancherche parish, paying 4s. yearly. Witnesses:—Gervase Barn, alderman, Thomas de Basing, and others (named). [Henry III.]
Endorsed: "Modo heredes Ricardi de Chingeford: modo Willielmus de Coventre, sadeler: modo Robertus Knechebol." Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2083. Grant by John called Marshal, of Aulton, to Gilbert de Cantebruge, palmer, of the lease that Edmund son of Benedict Bellmaker (Campanar') made him of land in the parish of St. Stephen Colemannestrete. Witnesses:—William Eswy, then alderman, Peter son of Alan, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2084. Release by Walter le Vyelur, painter, to Walter le Fuster of all his land with buildings in Bassishawe in St. Michael's parish. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph Hardel, Mayor of London, William Eswy, draper, and Richard de Ewell, sheriffs, John son of Adrian, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [41 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2085. Demise by Elice, late the wife and the executrix of the will of Albred Gubbe, citizen and fishmonger of London, to Sir Thomas Richer, of Sauston, rector of All Hallows on London Wall, of all her term and estate in the lands and tenements in London which Thomas de Chiggewell, son of Thomas de Chiggewell, the elder, citizen and cordwainer of London, had by bequest of his said father and granted to the said Albred for 10 years from 30 November, 9 Edward III. Tuesday the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, A.D. 1339, 13 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2086. Grant by Nicholas de Chiggewell, son of Thomas de Chiggewell, the elder, citizen and cordwainer of London, to Sir Thomas Richer, rector of All Hallows on London Wall, of 13 shops in the parish of St. Katherine in the churchyard of Holy Trinity, London, in Alegate ward; also release of the lands and tenements Richer had by demise of Elice, late wife of Albred Gubbe, in the same parish [see A. 2085]; and grant of two shops with two solars and 4s. rent in the same parish that Robert de Fordham granted Thomas de Chiggewell, his brother, to make a well in the latter's garden to receive the water from the houses that are now Thomas Sauvage's, who holds them for 4 years from the present date, when they revert to Nicholas. Andrew Aubrey, Mayor of London, Roger de Forsham and William de Thorneye, sheriffs, Richard de Berkyng, alderman of the ward. Friday, Christmas Eve, 13 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2087. Will of Thomas de Chigewell, citizen of London. Bequeaths 100s. for his obsequies: 5s. to the work of London Bridge: to Elice his wife his capital messuage with shops, &c., in London in the parish of St. Katherine by Trinity, Alegate, and yearly rents of 10s., 24s. 8d., 4s., 10s., and 11s. for her life, with remainder after her death to Thomas and Nicholas, his sons, in the proportions herein specified; after the death of either the other to inherit the whole, with ultimate remainder to his own right heirs. Bequeaths also to Elice his chamber and all utensils in chamber, hall and brewhouse; and to John de Lincoln, his servant, all the implements of his trade, with the chests and forms in his shop, &c. Tuesday after St. Gregory the Pope, A.D. 1312. Two seals.
Endorsed: Memorandum of probate before the official of the archdeacon of London, 16 March, A.D. 1312, and granting of administration: also of probate and enrolment at the [Husting for] Common Pleas, [London,] Monday after the Translation of St. Edward the King, 7 Edward II.
Middx. A. 2088. Final concord between Thomas Torkesey, of Southwark, plaintiff, and John Iford, brewer, and Agnes his wife, deforciants, concerning a messuage and land in Edmenton and Enefeld, which, for the sum of 10l., the latter acknowledge to belong to the former by their gift. Quindene of Hilary, 15 Richard II.
[Middx.] A. 2089. Memorandum of the enrolment at the Husting for Common Pleas, Monday before St. Martin, 11 Edward II., of the grant by Ralph de Storteforde, citizen and glover of London, to John Traynel, of the same city, of the lands and tenements he had by gift of Thomas de Vernoun in the parish of St. George's Eastcheap, London, save a stone house with a kitchen and the land it stands on; paying therefor yearly 56s. 8d. to Edmund Lambyn, 4s. to the prior of Holy Trinity, London, 4s. to St. George's aforesaid, and 40d. to the heirs of Matilda le Blount. Witnesses;—John de Wenegrave, Mayor of London, and others (named). Sunday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 11 Edward II.
Endorsed: Memorandum of an acknowledgment by Richard de Perstede and William de Fisseburne, tenants of a tenement formerly Thomas de Estchepe's in St. George's parish, at the Husting, London, that they are bound for the said tenement in 4s. yearly to the prior of Holy Trinity, London, who had impleaded them by writ of gavelette: and the recognisance is in the red book. Monday before the Purification, 16 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 2090. Surrender by Matilda, executrix and late the wife of John de Tedewale, to the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the tenement that her said husband held for term of years by their demise in the parish of St. Stephen's Colmanstrete. Monday after Michaelmas, 23 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] A. 2091. Grant by Richard Thrug, citizen and girdler of London, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of 6s. 8d. yearly rent from the shops that John, son of John son of Peter, gave him in the parish of St. Stephen's Colemanstrete, and from the tenement the said prior and convent granted him. Witnesses:—John de Gysorcio, Mayor of London, Simon de Mereworth and Richard de Welleford, sheriffs, and others (named). Sunday after St. Edmund the King, 5 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 2092. Release by Agnes, late the wife of John Walensis, of Kentish Town, to Richard, the prior, and the cauons of Holy Trinity, London, of all the land pertaining to her as dower of the tenement the said John held in the said town of the fee of William de Blemont. Witnesses:—Master Robert de Teffunt, Roger de Beuchedrey, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Middx.] A. 2093. Release by William Tanner, of Edelmetun, to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 10d. yearly rent that Richard Black, of Edelmeton, pays for a messuage in Edelmeton, between the road to Edelmeton church and Rymor. Witnesses:—John Blund, Thomas Pikot, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Modo solvit istum redditum Thomas Baron."
[Middx.] A. 2094. Grant by Geoffrey de Say, son and heir of William de Say, to Ralph, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of all the lands and tenements they recovered in the King's Court for a debt of 40l. by the Statute Merchant against Stephen le Cover in Edelmeton, which are extended at 18s. yearly; to be held till the said debt be completely levied. "Caunterbures," Wednesday before the Translation of St. Thomas, 6 Edward II. French.
[Middx.] A. 2095. Final concord between William de Say, plaintiff, and Richard, prior of Holy Trinity, London, tenant of land and a messuage in Edelmeton, which the said William acknowledged to belong to the prior and his church; and grant by the same to the same of 8 acres that John Richer formerly held in the same town. Octave of St. Hilary, 28 Henry III.
[Middx.] A. 2096. Grant in frank almoin by William de Say, son of Geoffrey de Say, to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the land that John Richer held in Edelmeton; and confirmation by the same to the same of the land they have of the gift of William Walding. Witnesses:—John Blund, Richard de Gisortz, Gilbert de Toteham, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 2097. Grant by William de Raimes to Humfrey Bucheunte of a hide of land in Eggeswere, at the wood between the ways to St. Albans and Watford, and the land he held of his father, to be held by the service of a fifth part of a knight's fee to be paid in money; for the 16 marcs he and his father owed Humfrey, who releases them from the debt. Witnesses:— Ralph Brito, constable, Baldwin Crisp, sheriff, William de Coveham, Geoffrey Bucheunte, and others (named). [15–19 Henry II.] Injured.
[Middx.] A. 2098. Licence to Richard Andrewe to assign to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, a messuage and toft in the parish of Holy Trinity, London, held of the King in capite in free burgage, as is all the city of London; the statute of mortmain notwithstanding. 6 November, 1 Richard II.
[Middx.] A. 2099. Grant in frank almoin by Ralph de Gardino and Roesia his wife to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 12d. out of the 4s. that Robinel Butcher paid yearly for the moiety of a shop he held of them in Eastcheap market. Witnesses:—Gilbert son of Fulk, alderman, Robert Long, Roger de Beucoudroy, and others (named).
Middx. A. 2100. Counterpart of A. 2088.