Deeds: B.2301 - B.2400

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.2301 - B.2400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.2301 - B.2400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.2301 - B.2400". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.2301 - B.2400

[Middx.] B. 2301. Letter of attorney by Reginald Sweyn of Knyghtekote, and Matilda his wife, authorising Master John de Burton, rector of the church of Black Notteleye, and John Poynaunt of London, to deliver to William son of Robert Newman of Warmynton, seisin of tenements, rents, and services in Bisshopesgate Without, or in the city of London. Friday after Midsummer, 40 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2302. Release by Reginald Sweyn of Knyghtekote and Matilda his wife, to William son of Robert Newman of Warmynton, of their right to tenements, rents, and services in Bisshopesgate Without, or in the city of London. Friday before St. Lawrence, 40 Edward III. Fragments of two seals.
[Middx.] B. 2303. Release by Adam le Lokyere, son of Thomas le Skynnere of Westsmethefelde without the bars of London, to Henry de Basyngge and Isabella his wife, of his right to a messuage abutting on the road to 'la Barnett,' and upon land of St. Bartholomew's hospital in Westsmethefelde. Laytone, Monday after SS. Philip and James. 19 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: Le Belle.
[Middx.] B. 2304. Grant by Richard Arnald of London, to Sir John de Neville, lord of Raby, of a tenement in London, abutting on Mugwelstrete. 23 February, A.D. 1368. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2305. Release by Emma de Oldefisshstrete, widow, late the wife of Nicholas Bastard of London, to John de Hynetone of the same, of her right to a tenement in the parish of All Hallows, Bredstrete, which he had of the feoffment of Alice Trentemars, relict of William de Salesbury of London. Witnesses:—Hamo de Chiggewelle, mayor, John de Oxonia and Adam de Sarum, sheriffs, of London, John de Causton, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Friday the feast of St. Blase, 17 Edward II. Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2306. Grant by Robert de Balsham of London, to Richard . . . . and Juliana his wife, the grantor's daughter, of land in . . . . . . . . London. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokesle, mayor of London, William de Farendon . . . . . . . . . . Sir John de Blakethorn, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Feast of the Nativity . . . . . 9 Edward I. Much injured. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2307. Grant by John de Groustoke of London, to John Cory, clerk, of a tenement in the parish of St. Botulph without Algate at Estsmethefeld, which he had of the feoffment of Adam de Skypton and Alice his wife. Witnesses:—Henry de Sucton, William de Salesbury, Geoffrey Messager and others (named). Fourteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2308. Release by Alice Billyngburgh, widow, late the wife of Richard Billyngburgh of Chikewelle, to Nicholas Mille, William Boylet and John Kyffyn, all of London, of her right to a tenement and garden in the parish of St. Botolph without Algate, which they had of the feoffment of her said late husband. 4 December, 4 Edward IV.
[Middx.] B. 2309. Letter of attorney by Richard Billyngburgh of Chikwell co. Essex, William Spaldyng and William Bernewelle of London, authorising Thomas Cosewyn and John Porker to deliver to Nicholas Mille, William Boylet and John Kyffyn, seisin of a tenement and garden in the parish of St. Botulph without Algate. 10 February, 30 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2310. Grant by Elena Cros daughter of Robert Cros of London, to John Cory, clerk, of a messuage and curtilage in Estsmethefelde. in the parish of St. Botulph without Alegate, which she had of the feoffment of William Bonefaunt, esquire, of London. Fourteenth century. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2311. Release by Agnes Bonefaunt, daughter of William Bonefaunt of London, to John Cory, clerk, of her right to a messuage and curtilage in Estsmethefelde, in the parish of St. Botulph without Alegate. Fourteenth century. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2312. Release by William Spaldyng and William Bernewelle both of London, to Nicholas Mille of the same, of their right to a tenement and garden in the parish of St. Botulph without Algate, which they, together with Richard Billyngburgh, had of the grant of Margaret late the wife of William Holy. Witnesses:—William Gregory, mayor, Matthew Phelipp and Christopher Wartre, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). 14 February, 30 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2313. Grant by Thomas Haywode son and heir of Thomas Haywode, to the King, of a brewhouse, called 'le Ram,' at 'La Tourhill' and Estmethefeld and other tenements there. Thursday the feast of the Annunciation. 35 Edward III. Faded. Seal broken.
[Middx.] B. 2314. Release by John de Middelton of London, to Nicholas Potyn and Henry Derby, of his right to those lands, tenements, rents and services, together with two water-mills called 'Crassh mylles' and a hermitage called 'le Swannesnest' with the meadows, gardens, &c., appertaining to the said mills, in the parish of St. Botolph . . . . called 'la Whytechapel' without Algate in the suburb of London, in Estsmythefeld and upon 'le Tourhulle'; the reversion of all which lauds, &c., had been granted by Sir Nicholas Loveyn, knight, to the said John de Middelton, Nicholas Potyn and Henry Derby, the same being then in the possession of Sir John Pekkebrugge, knight, and Margaret his wife, the sister of the said Sir Nicholas Leveyn. Witnesses:—Adam Stable, mayor, John Northamptone and Robert Launde, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). Vigil of All Saints, 50 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2315. Letters patent by Walter, lord de Manny, notifying that an agreement having been arranged between him and Sir Michael de Northburgh, bishop of London, with reference to the church of the Annunciation of Our Lady without Smethefeld, which he had lately founded, it had pleased him- that the said bishop for the advancement of that church, and of the religious house (Charterhouse), which they both intended to found, and for the benefit of the said place, might henceforth act as he, the said bishop, thought fit without hindrance from him, or without obtaining his consent, if absent. 10 May, A.D. 1361. French. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2316. Grant by Elena Cros daughter of Robert Cros of London, to John Cory, clerk, of a messuage and curtilage in the parish of St. Botulph without Alegate. Witnesses:— . . . Weston, Peter atte Vyngne, Roger atte Ponde and others. Fourteenth century. See B. 2310.
[Middx.] B. 2317. Indenture between Henry Flegge de la Tourhulle, son and heir of John Flegge, and Agnes his wife, and John Cory, clerk, protecting the latter against any claim for dower on the part of the said Agnes, in the messuages, gardens and curtilages lying upon 'la Tourhulle' and Estsmethefeld in the parish of St. Botolph without Alegate, of which the said John Cory had been enfeoffed by the said Henry. 16 April, 21 Edward III.
[Middx.] B. 2318. Grant by Roger atte Ponde of London, and Juliana his wife, to Sir Walter de Ellesworthe, chaplain, of a toft and land with a dovecote in Estsmethefeld, in the parish of St. Botulph without Algate. Monday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 21 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2319. Grant by John de Horwode of London and his son John, to Nicholas de Horwode and Joan daughter of Hamo le Barber, of a dwelling house and shops with a garden in Estsmethfeld without Algate. 23 December, 21 Edward III. Seal and fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2320. Release by William Botevyleyn, knight, to John le Botiller of Cotesbroke, of his right to lands, tenements, &c., called 'Wappyngge atte Wose,' in Estsmethefeld by the Tower of London, the reversion to which had been granted to the said John le Botiller by Thomas son of the said William Botevyleyn, and of his right to a rent from the said premises. Kelleshale, Monday after the Purification, 19 Edward III.
[Middx.] B. 2321. Grant by Thomas, son of William Boteveleyn, knight, to John le Botiller of Cotesbroke, of his reversion of lands, tenements and rents called 'Wappingge atte Wose' in Est Smythefeld by the Tower of London. Lexden, Saturday before St. Nicholas, 18 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2322. Grant by Matilda, late the wife of Geoffrey de Henewode of London, and by her brother Richard Botoner, to John de Asshebourne, of a brewhouse, &c., upon 'La Tourhulle' in the parish of St. Botolph without Alegate. Friday after St. Gregory, 16 Edward III. Two seals, one broken.
[Middx.] B. 2323. Attornment by Richard de Walton, chaplain, to John Botiller of Cotesbroke, for tenements called 'Wappynge [atte Wose]' in Estsmethefelde by the Tower of London, formerly leased to the said Richard by Thomas son of William Boteryleyn, knight. 13 February, 19 Edward III. French. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2324. Release by William de Kent of London, and Katherine his wife, daughter of John de Ditton of the same, to Richard de Parys also of London, of their right to land, &c., in Estsmethefeld in the parish of St. Botulph without Alegate. Monday the feast of St. Gregory. 15 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2325. Grant by William Guile of Hakeneye, to Peter le Draper of London, and Joan his wife, of land and houses in the parish of St. Botulph without Alegate at Est Smithefeld, by the Tower of London, of which he had been enfeoffed by Luke de Thaxstede, clerk. Sunday after Martinmas., 6 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2326. Grant by Walter in le Hirne, of Estsmithfeld, and Deonisia his wife, to John de Sudbery, clerk, of London, and Christina his wife, of a rent issuing out of three shops in Est Smithfeld in the parish of St. Botulph without Alegate, in the suburb of London, which the said John and Christina held of the feoffment of James le Teulere and Roisia his wife. Witnesses:— Nicholas de Farndon, mayor, John de Grantham and Roger de Ely, sheriffs, of London, the prior of the church of the Holy Trinity then alderman of that ward, and others (named). Sunday after the Translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 17 Edward II. Two seals, one broken.
[Middx.] B. 2327. Grant by John de Carswelle, to Luke de Thaxsted, clerk, of land and houses in the parish of St. Botulph without Alegate at Estsmethefeld, by the Tower of London. Sunday the vigil of the Purification, 14 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2328. Grant by Emma, late the wife of Thomas le Bedel, widow, to Simon le Vanner and John de Carswelle, of land and houses in the parish of St. Botulph without Alegate at Estsmethefeld, which he had of the gift of the said Simon. Friday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 10 Edward II.
[Middx.] B. 2329. Confirmation by Margaret, daughter of Samson Enganet, to Edward son of Alexander, of the grant which her father made to him of land in the parish of St. Pancras, and also of a quit-rent. Witnesses:— Richard Richeman, Gamel de Portepol, John Bockeler, Ailwin Chese and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2330. Sale by Roisia, Emma and Clarice, daughters of William Le Long of Portepul, to Adam de Basing, of the land held by him from Alice their mother, in the parish of St. Pancras. Witnesses:—Simon de Purtepol, Robert de Purtepol, Ralph Clonche, William de Leicestria, Geoffrey the wheelwright (rotario), John the smith (fabro) and John the clerk (clerico). A.D. 1249. Three seals, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2331. Demise by Ralph de Purteple, to Gladewin the carter (caretario), of land of the prebend of Master William de Lichesfeld, a canon of St. Paul's, in the parish of St. Pancras. Witnesses:—William le Frutur, Hugh le Aguler, Martin Brunig and others (named). Thirteenth Century Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2332. Confirmation by William the tailor (parmentarius), and Alice, daughter of Samson Enganet, to Edward, son of Alexander, of the grant which the said Samson made to him, of land in the parish of St. Pancras, and of rents there. Witnesses:—Richard Richeman, William Fruitur, Gamel de Portepol, John Bockeler, Ranulph de Portepol, James Colyer and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Seal broken, and fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2333. Release by Cicely, late the wife of Thomas Buker son of Thomas Buker, widow, to Adam de Basing of London, of her right of dower in lands, rents, and tenements in the town of St. Pancras without London, and in the parishes of St. Giles the Lepers and St. Andrew Holeburne. Witnesses:—Sir John de Gatesden, Thomas de Dunholmia, Ralph Eswy, Richard Derekin, Walter le Bacheler, John de Coudr' and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2334. Demise by John Pigun son of Ralph Pigun, to Juliana, niece of William, vicar of the church of St. Sepulchre without Newgate, of land in the parish of St. Pancras, lying in a field called 'Netheresote. Witnesses:—James de Novo Redditu, Richard Pikot, Richard de Solio, John Fundur, Richard sub-dean of St. Sepulchre's and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2335. Grant by Roisia, Emma and Clarice, daughters of William Le Lung of Purtepol, to Adam de Basing of London, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses: Simon de Gardino, James de Novo Redditu. Robert de Purtepol, Peter ad Duo Hostia, William de Leicestria, and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Three seals.
[Middx.] B. 2336. Demise by James son of Ralph the mason (cymentarii), to Andrew Bokerell, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London, lying in Samsoneslo, of the prebend of William de la Fere. Witnesses:— Richard Renger, mayor, Roger Duc (duce) and Martin son of William, sheriffs, of London, John Walram, sheriff of Middlesex, Thomas Bokerell Robert le Venur, Eylwin Chese, Gamel de Purtepol, Edward de Purtepol, Rand' de Purtepol and others (named). [11 Henry III.] Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2337. Grant by John de Gatesden, to Adam de Basinge of London, of lands, rents, and buildings which he had of the grant of Thomas Bukerel, son of Thomas Bukerel of London, which had descended to him from Andrew Bukerel his uncle, formerly mayor of London, in the parishes of St. Pancras of 'Lakentistone' (Kentishtown), St. Giles the Lepers and St. Andrew, Holeburne, rendering yearly to the grantor sixpence or a cap of Paris (capellum paris'). Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Mucegros, Bartholomew Peche, Imbert Pogeys, and Robert del Ho, Roger de la Dune, John de Coudres, sheriff of Middlesex, Thomas de Dunholmia, Simon de Clifford, James de la novele rente, Robert de Purtepol, Richard de Camerwelle and others (named). [Henry III.]. Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2338. Grant by Adam le Tuler and Dionisia his wife, to Adam de Basing of London, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London, part in Sortelond field. Witnesses:—Simon de Gardino, Robert de Purtepol, Robert Luvecote, Ralph Clunch, Robert Osegod and Walter the tailor. Thirteenth Century. Two seals.
[Middx.] B. 2339. Demise by Martin Brunig, guardian of the heirs of Simon Brunig, to Andrew Bukerell, son of Andrew Bukerell, of land in the parish of St. Pancras, at Samsonesslo, for ten years. Witnesses:—Roger Blundus and Simon son of Mary, sheriffs of London, William de la Dune, sheriff of Middlesex, Richard de Camerwelle, James de Novo Redditu, Eylwin Chese, Gamel de Purtepol, William le Frutur and others (named). 17 Henry III. Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2340. Grant by Richard de Bevyndon, to Thomas Starlingg of a messuage, wind-mill, land and a rent in the towns of St. Pancras and Iseldon, and in the parishes of St. Andrew, Holebourne, and of the Hospital of St. Giles the Lepers, without the bar of the Old Temple. Witnesses:— Richard de Cornhulle, John de Middelton, Henry Cros, John le Chesman, William Hamond and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2341. Grant by James de Novo Redditu, to Adam de Basing of London, of a rent issuing out of land in a field called 'Samsonesloghe' in the parish of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses:—Simon de Gardino, Richard de Camerwelle, Robert de Purtepoll, Ralph Clunch, Robert Osegod, Peter ad Duo Hostia and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: James de la Novele Rente, &c.
[Middx.] B. 2342. Grant by Simon Brunig, to Glademan the carter (caretario), of land in the parish of St. Pancras near Purtepol. Witnesses:—William le Frutur, Hugh le Aguiller, James de Novo Redditu, Ranulph de Purtepol, and others (named). [Henry III.] Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2343. Grant by Robert the merchant (mercator), to Andrew Bokerell of London, of land in Samsonesslo in the field called 'Vitaliscroft' rendering yearly to the grantor 2d., or one pound of cumin. Witnesses:—Richard Renger, mayor, Roger Duc (duce) and Martin son of William, sheriffs, of London, Martin the clerk (clerico), sheriff of Middlesex, James de Novo Redditu, Eilwin Chese, and others (named). [11 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2344. Grant by Gamel de Purtepole, to Andrew Bukerel, of land [in the parish of St. Pancras]. Witnesses:—Roger Duc (duce) mayor, Henry de Chocham and Stephen Bokerell, sheriffs, of London, Richard son of Walter, sheriff of Middlesex, Stephen de Strandia, James de Novo Redditu, Eylwin Chese and others (named). [12 Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: Pancras.
[Middx.] B. 2345. Release by Hugh le Aguler, to Adam de Basing of London, of a rent payable by the said Adam for land, part of the fee of Simon son of Richard de Clifford, and part of the prebend of Master William de Lichefeld, in the parish of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses:— Sir Simon son of Mary, sheriff of Middlesex, Richard de Camberwelle James ad Novum Redditum, Simon de Clifford, Gilbert ate Luvecothe, Peter ad Duo Hostia, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Middx.] B. 2346. Demise by John le Noble of Edelmetone (Edmonton), to Adam de Basing of London, of land in 'Lakentissetone' (Kentishtown) without London. Witnesses:—Richard de Kamerwelle, William de Kancya, Simon de Purtepol, Peter ad Duo Hostia, Richard Gladewine, Geoffrey del Hok, Adam Cheze, and others (named). Thirteenth Century. [Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2347. Release by Cicely, daughter of Jordan de Purtepole and relict of Ranulph de Purtepole, to Adam de Basing of London, of her right to land in the parish of St. Pancras without London, given to her by her father on her marriage. Witnesses:—Walter le Taylur, Osbert de Littlebiri, Walter de Essex the younger, John Curteys, Thomas de Wimburne, Eustace de Burewes, William de Laceles and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2348. Grant by John Pijun, to Andrew Bokerell, son of Andrew Bokerell, of land with a mansion house in the parish of St. Pancras without London, rendering yearly to the grantor one pound of cumin or 2d. Witnesses:—Richard Reinger, Walter le Bufle and Michael de Sancta Elena, sheriffs of London, Richard son of Walter, sheriff of Middlesex, John Travers, Richard de Camerwelle, Aeilwin Chese, James de Novo Redditu, and others (named). [16 Henry III.] Seal, broken.,
[Middx.] B. 2349. Release by Walter the tailor (parmentarius) son of Aelwred to Adam de Basinges of London, of his right to land in the parish of St. Pancras without London lying in a field called 'Herthnotelond.' Witnesses;—Simon de Gardino, Richard de Camerewelle, Robert de Purtepol and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2350. Grant by Randulph de Purtepole, to Andrew Bokerell, son of Andrew Bokerell, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London, in a field called 'Homfurlang' Witnesses:—Roger Blundus and Simon son of Mary, sheriffs of London, William de la Dune, sheriff of Middlesex, Stephen de Strandia and others (named). [18 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2351. Sale by Thomas le Merser, to Andrew Bukerel, son of Andrew Bukerel, of London, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London, lying in a field called 'Nethersohte.' Witnesses:—Master William de Dona, sheriff of Middlesex, Gerard Bat and Robert Hardel, sheriffs of London, Richard Renger, John Viel, Peter de Duobus Hosteis, James de Novo Redditu, and others (named). [20 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2352. Release by Alice Smerewif, daughter of Ralph ad barram Holeburne, to Adam de Basinges, of London, of a rent payable by the said Adam for lands in the fields of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses:—Richard de Camberwelle, Simon de Clifford, Robert de Purtepol, Peter ad Duo Hostia, James ad Novum Redditum, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2353. Grant by Edith, daughter of Pentecost le Aguler, to Adam de Basinges of London, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses:—Hamo de Castellis, Richard de Camberwelle, Simon de Clifford, James ad Novum Redditum, Peter ad Duo Hostia, Hugh le Aguler, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2354. Demise by Simon Broning, to Andrew Bokerell, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London, at Samsoneslo. Witnesses:— Richard Reinger, mayor, Henry de Chocham and Stephen Bokerel, sheriffs, of London, Richard son of Walter, sheriff of Middlesex, and others (named). [12 Henry III.]
[Middx.] B. 2355. Demise by James the goldsmith son of Ralph le Aguler, to Andrew Bokerell, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses:—Richard Reinger, mayor, Roger Duke (duce) and Martin son of William, sheriffs, of London, Martin the clerk (clerico), sheriff of Middlesex, Walter the chaplain, master of the Hospital of St. Giles, and others (named). [11 Henry III.] Seal, broken.
[Staff.] B. 2356. Letters patent by Thomas de Ednesover to Robert, son of William Astinger of Longenover, signifying that he had granted the rent, payable by the latter for a tenement in Longenover (Longnor), to the nuns of Langley. Thirteenth Century.
[Middx.] B. 2357. Grant by John son of Ailbern Pecok, to Adam de Basing of London, of land in 'La Kentissceton' in the long field in the parish of St. Pancras without London, rendering yearly to the grantor one pair of gloves of the price of a silver halfpenny. Witnesses:— Richard de Kamerwelle, Geoffrey Attenhoke, William de Kancia, Simon de Gardino, Robert de Purtepcl, James de Nove Redditu, and others (named) [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2358. Grant by Hamo de Castellis of London, to Adam de Basinges of the same, of land in 'La Kentissceton' without London, in exchange for land in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers. Witnesses:— Richard de Kamerewelle, William de Kancia, Simon de Purtepol, James de Novo Redditu, Adam Cheze, Peter ad Duo Hostia, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: Hamont de Chasteus &c.
[Middx.] B. 2359. Grant by John Pijun and Alice his wife, to Andrew Bokerell, son of Andrew Bokerell, of land with a mansion house in the parish of St. Pancras without London, rendering yearly to the grantors one pound of cumin or 2d. Witnesses:—Richard Reinger, Walter le Bufle, and Michael de Sancta Elena, sheriffs of London, Richard son of Walter, sheriff of Middlesex, and others (named). [16 Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: Charter of John Pigon and his wife.
[Middx.] B. 2360. Grant by Samson Enganet, to Eadward son of Alexander Bungy, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London, and of a quit-rent. Witnesses:—Richard Richeman, William Fruiter, Gamel de Portepole, Ailwin Chese and others. [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2361. Grant by Alice, relict of Edward de Purtepol, widow, to Adam de Basinges of London, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses:—Richard de Kamberwelle, Simon de Clifford, Robert de Purtepol, James ad Novum Redditum, Peter ad Duo Hostia, Gilbert ate Luvecoth, Hugh le Aguler, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2362. Sale by Alice, daughter of Samson Enganet and widow of Edward de Purtepol, to Adam de Basinges of London of land in the town of St. Pancras without London, abutting upon 'la Greneweye.' Witnesses: —Simon de Clifford, Richard de Camberwelle, Robert de Purtepol, Peter ad Duo Hostia, James ad Novum Redditum, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2363. Grant by Geoffrey de Otheby, chaplain, to Henry de Bidik and Joan his wife, of a messuage, windmill, lands and rents in the towns of St. Pancras and Iseldon (Islington), and in the parishes of St. Andrew, Holebourne, and the hospital of St. Giles the Lepers without the Bar of the Old Temple. Witnesses:—Richard de Cornhulla, Hugh de Busci, Henry Cros, John de Podynton and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2364. Grant by Adam de Basyngges of London, to William de Hadestok, son of Augustine de Hadestok of the same, and to his daughter Avice, wife of the said William, of lands and tenements and a windmill in the towns and parishes of St. Pancras, Iseldon, St. Giles the Lepers and St. Andrew, Holebourne. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey le Rous, Richard de Camerwelle, Robert de Lovecote, Robert de Pourtepol,' Peter ad Duo Hostia, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2365. Demise by Ranulf de Purtepol, to Adam de Basinges of London, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses: —Hamo de Castellis, Richard de Camberwelle, Simon de Clifford, Peter ad Duo Hostia, James ad Novum Redditum, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: La chartre Randulf de Purtepol.
[Middx.] B. 2366. Release by Robert son of Richard the smith (fabri) at the Bar of Smethefeld, to Adam de Basinges, of London, of his right to land in the field called 'Walfephescot' in the parish of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses:—William de Kancia, Simon de Pourtepol, Richard de Kamerwelle, James de Novo Redditu, Peter ad Duo Hostia, Adam Cheze, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: Rob' le fiz Ric' le feure de Smethefeld &c.
[Middx.] B. 2367. Grant by Adam de Basinges of London, to Simon son of Richard de Clifford, of lands in the parish of St. Pancras without London, part in a field called 'Vifaker' in exchange for a rent and land in a field called 'Hunifield.' Witnesses:—Richard Abel, Richard de Kameruuelle, James de Novo Redditu, Robert de Purtepol, Peter de Duobus Hostiis, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal, broken.
Endorsed: La chartre Simon de Purtepol.
[Middx.] B. 2368. Grant by Roysia, Emma and Clarice, daughters of William le Loung of Portepol, to Sir Adam de Basirighes of London, of land in the parish of St. Pancras without London, and of a toft where their chief mansion was. Witnesses:—James de Novo Redditu, Robert de Portepol, Peter ad Duo Hostia, William de Leicestria, Ralph Clounche, and others (named). [Henry III.] Three seals, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2369. Demise by Simon son of Richard de Clifford, to Adam de Basinges of London, of land abutting on 'la Greneweie' in the parish of St. Pancras without London. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Durem, Serlo del Bordhawe, Robert de Purtepol, Peter ad Duo Hostia, James de Novo Redditu, Richard de Kamerwelle, William de Leycestria and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Essex [Middx.] B. 2370. Release by Gracian le Palmere and Juliana his wife, to Roger de Bedefeld, Matilda his wife and their son Nicholas, of their right to the lands and tenements, &c., granted to the said Roger and Matilda and their son Nicholas, by William Pyket of London, in Kentyssheton in the parish of St. Pancras and in Blemondesbury in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without the Old Temple, and other lands in Leyton co. Essex. 24 January, 12 Edward III. Two seals, one broken.
[Middx.] B. 2371. Sale by William Pycot of London to Roger de Bedefeld of the same, Matilda his wife and Nicholas their son, of all his goods and chattels in his lands and tenements at Kentissheton and Blemondesbury, in the parishes of St. Pancras and St. Giles the Lepers without the Old Temple. Monday after Michaelmas, 10 Edward III. Fragments of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2372. Release by Richard de Gloucestre, son and heir of Richard de Gloucestre of London, and Juliana his wife, to William Pykot of the same, of their right to lands, tenements, rents, &c., in Blemundesbury, in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without the bar of the Old Temple, and in Kentishton in the parish of St. Pancras. Monday before St. Lawrence the Martyr, 9 Edward III. Fragments of two seals.
[Middx.] B. 2373. Release by Juliana late the wife of Hereward le Megucer, widow, to Adam de Basinges of London, of her right to land in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without London. Witnesses:—Robert de Portepol, Ralph Clonche, Peter ad Duo Hostia, James de Novo Redditu and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: Charter of Juliana la Megucere.
[Middx.] B. 2374. Grant by Richard Pinche, to Adam de Basinges of London, of land in the parish of St. Giles without London, for which Adam has given him a robe of russet. Witnesses:—William de Kente, Robert de Purtepol, Robert Luvecote, William de Haliwelle, William Lindraper, Simon de Pappewrde, William de Lasceles, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2375. Confirmation by Gilbert de Wygornia and Christina his wife, of the grant of William le Jay to Andrew Bukerel, son of Andrew Bukerel, of London, of a messuage and land in the parish of St. Giles without London, for which Andrew has given them a gold ring. Witnesses:—Henry de Cokam and Jordan de Coventre, sheriffs of London, John de Cudres, sheriff of Middlesex, John Viel, John de Wuburne, Martin de Sancto Egidio, John de Wroting, John de Bedefunte, and others (named). [21 Henry III.]
[Middx.] B. 2376. Grant by William le Jay, to Andrew Bukerel, son of Andrew Bukerel, of London, of a messuage and lands in the parish of St. Giles without London, paying yearly 8s. 7d. to St. Giles's hospital, &c. Witnesses:—Henry de Cocham and Jordan de Coventre, sheriffs of London, John de Cudres, sheriff of Middlesex, John Tulesano, Gilbert Chibolle, Edward Wrigenel, Peter le Lorimer, and others (named). [21 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2377. Demise by William de Harewe, to Sir Adam de Basingghes of London, of land in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without London, rendering yearly to the grantor one pair of gloves of the value of ½d. whenever he should claim service for that land. Witnesses:—James Baldewine, James ad Novum Redditum, Robert de Purtepol, Ralph Clonche, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2378. Grant by Thomas de Basinges, son and heir of Adam de Basinges, to Richard de Ludgate, the marshal, of land and buildings thereon, in the parish of the hospital of St. Giles without London, abutting upon 'The Grene lane.' Witnesses:—William Lindraper, William Cristemasse, William de Camerwelle, and others (named). Thirteenth Century. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: La Chartre Ric' le Mareschal de Lodgate.
[Middx.] B. 2379. Grant by William de Stapelherst, to Stephen Bukke, of land with a house, in the parish of St. Giles's hospital without London. Witnesses:—Sir Walter the chaplain, rector of the hospital of St. Giles, Robert de Haliwelle, William Cristemasse, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2380. Grant by Clarice, late the wife of Stephen Bukke, to Adam de Basinges of London, of land and a house in the parish of the Hospital of St. Giles without London, rendering yearly to the grantor a gilly flower. Witnesses:—Sir Walter, rector of the hospital of St. Giles William de Kancia, Simon de Pourtepol, Hugh de Wellebourne, William son of Robert de Haliwelle, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2381. Grant by William son of James Kingeschild, to Adam de Basinges of London, of a rent payable to him by the said Adam for a croft in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without London. Witnesses:— Sir Simon son of Mary, sheriff of Middlesex, William de la Rie, Robert Brith, Gilbert ate Luvecothe, Peter ad Duo Hostia, James ad Novum Redditum, Hugh le Haftere, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: La Chartre Will' le fiz Jake Kingeschild.
[Middx.] B. 2382. Demise by Richard de Mapledoreham and Beatrice his wife, to Sir Adam de Basinghes of London, of land in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without London, rendering yearly to the grantors a pair of white gloves whenever they should ask for the same. Witnesses:—William de Kancia, Robert de Haliwelle, James ad Novum Redditum, Robert de Purtepol and others (named). [Henry III.] Two seals, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2383. Foot of fine between William Pycot of London, querent, and Richard de Gloucestria and Juliana his wife, deforciants, of a messuage lands and rents, &c., in Kentisshetone and in the parish of St, Giles the Lepers without the bar of the Old Temple, London. Michaelmas, 9 . . . . Fourteenth Century.
[Middx.] B. 2384. Sale by Richard Pinch, to Adam de Basinges, of London, of land in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without London, paying 12d. yearly to the hospital of St. Giles. Witnesses:—Gilbert Ate Luvecoth, William de la Rye, Robert Brith, Gilbert Chibole, Robert de Haliwelle, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2385. Grant by William de Kancia, to Adam de Basinges of London, of a rent payable to him by the said Adam for a house situate in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without London, rendering yearly to the grantor, for the same, three gilly flowers. Witnesses:—Simon ad Gardinum, Robert de Pourtepol, Geoffrey le Rour, Robert Lovecote, Germus le Gorgerer, William le Lindraper, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: Will' de Kent, &c.
[Middx.] B. 2386. Grant by Adam de Basinges, to Robert Osgod, of land with houses &c., without the bar of Holeburne in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers. Witnesses:—Gilbert ate Luvecote, Robert de Haliwelle, Robert Paage, Ralph Snav, Richard son of Robert Knifsmith, and others (named). [Henry III.]. Seal, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2387. Confirmation by Richard son of Robert the smith (fabri), to Sir Adam de Basinghes of London, of the land which the latter holds of Hereward le Megucer and Isabella de Spreitone, in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers. Wituesses:—William de Kancia, Robert de Purtepol, William de Leicestria, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: Le confermement Richart le fiz Robert le Cnifsmith de la terre, &c.
[Middx.] B. 2388. Receipt by George Sutton, master of Burton St. Lazarus of Jerusalem in England, warden of the hospital of St. Giles without London, for payment by the prior of the Charterhouse of the rent of tenements called 'le Whytebytche' in Holbourne, in the parishes of St. Andrew, Holbourne, and St. Giles without London. Morrow of Michaelmas, 7 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
Essex. [Middx.] B. 2389. Foot of fine between Roger de Bedefeld, Matilda his wife and their son Nicholas, querents, and Gracian le Palmere and Juliana his wife, deforciants, of a messuage, lands and rent in Kentissheton and parish of St. Giles the Lepers without the bar of the Old Temple, and of lands in Leyton co. Essex. Westminster, Hilary, 13 Edward III.
[Middx.] B. 2390. Grant by the prior of the Charterhouse, to Nicholas de Exton of London, and Katherine his wife, and the survivor of them, of a yearly rent to be received from the said prior, in the hospital of St. Giles without Holbourne; also other grants of rents by the said prior, to Richard de Exton, brother of the said Nicholas, and to John Curteys of Peterborough. 1 June, 49 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2391. Grant by Bartholomew de Helmyngham and John Wyt of Bedefeld, to Roger de Bedefeld and Matilda his wile, of a tenement, land and rent, in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without the bar of the Old Temple, abutting upon the street called 'Holbourne.' 13 March, 14 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2392. Sale by Robert Dorturer, to Roger de Bedefeld, of all his goods and chattels in the parish of St. Giles in Holbourne without the Bar of the Old Temple. Wednesday after St. Thomas, 13 Edward III. French. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2393. Letter of attorney by Joan, late the wife of Walter Waldeshef, appointing John de Brunleye to receive from Richard de Gloucestria, son and heir of Richard de Gloucestria alderman of London, seisin of the manor of Blemundesbury. Wednesday the vigil of the Purification, 9 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] B. 2394. Letter of attorney by Alice, late the wife of Thomas Sely of London, and by Robert Sely of the same, appointing Peter de Cornubia to deliver to Nicholas Crane of the same, seisin of tenements, rents, lands and a messuage without the bar of Holeburne in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers. Tuesday, Christmas Eve, 19 Edward II. Two seals, broken.
[Middx.] B. 2395. Defeasance of grants by Alice late the wife of Thomas Sely of London, widow, and Robert Sely their son, to John de Cherletone, of certain tenements, land and rents, at Holbourne without Bar in the parish of St. Giles. Sunday, Michaelmas day, 19 Edward II.
[Middx.] B. 2396. Grant by Alice, late the wife of Thomas Sely of London, widow, to John de Cherletone of the same, of the tenements and rents, which they acquired from Emma, sister of William Scot of London, at Holebourne without Bar in the parish of St. Giles. Michaelmas day, 19 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2397. Grant by Robert Sely of London, to Nicholas Crane of the same, of a messuage and land without the bar of Holeburne in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers. Witnesses:—John Peytevyn, John Prentis, Henry Boumarche, clerk, and others (named). 19 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2398. Release by Robert son of Walter Bigge, to Thomas Sely, of his right to tenements, lands and rents, formerly Richard Lovecote's, in the parish of St. Giles the Lepers without the bar of the Old Temple. Wednesday after St. Barnabas, 1 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2399. Demise by John Mapilstede, prior of the Charterhouse, to John Murdon, of three cottages in the parish of St. Andrew in Holleburne without the Bar of the Old Temple, for twenty-four years. 4 February, 9 Henry VI. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 2400. Grant by Walter Knotte and Joan his wife, to John Giffard, William de Gaynesburgh, and William de Rouden, clerks, and others, of a messuage and garden in the parish of St. Andrew Holburne, without the bar of the Old Temple. Witnesses:—William atte Marche, Stephen Child, John Fissh, John Goldbeter, and Richard Coke of St. Giles. 20 December, 1 Richard II. Two seals, one broken.