Deeds: A.5701 - A.5800

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Deeds: A.5701 - A.5800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Deeds: A.5701 - A.5800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025,

"Deeds: A.5701 - A.5800". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025.

A.5701 - A.5800

Surrey. A. 5701. Demise by John Wynge of Cobham alias Coveham, tailor, to John Burges of the same, yeoman, for sixty years, with the consent of the lord of the manor, of lands called 'Newelandes' and all other lands &c. in Cobham which he had of Thomas Brokeholl by surrender according to the custom of the manor. 19 April, 19 Elizabeth. English. Seal.
Surrey. A. 5702. Sale by Thomas Dallett of Woollidge, co. Kent, silkweaver, son and heir of Edward Dallet, late of Rigate, yeoman, deceased, to Frauncis Wyllmer of the parish of St. George the martyr, Southwarke, 'inholder,' for 33l. of all his tenement known by the sign of 'the Trowell' in Longelane in the parish of St. Marie Magdalene, Barmonzeye. 6 December, 26 Elizabeth, A.D. 1583. English. Signed. Names of witnesses. Portion of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll on the 9th December of the year within written.
Surrey. A. 5703. Acknowledgment by Robert Anketil, canon of Doll, rector of the church of Ewell, that he has borrowed 20 marks from Reginald Henrici and Francheskin Palmeri, citizens and merchants of Florence, and that he is bound to repay the same at Midsummer next, at the New Temple, London, &c. for which repayment, Luke, archdeacon of Surrey, undertakes to be surety. October, A.D. 1239.
Surrey. A. 5704. Demise by Thomas Shorter of Blecchynglighe, to Rycherd Shorter, of the same, one of Thomas's sons, for forty years, of all his lands and messuages &c. in Blecchyngleigh. 16 September, 4 Edward VI. English. Names of witnesses. Seal.
Sussex. A. 5705. Grant by William Coplye of Gatton, co. Surrey, esquire, to Anthony Ashlye, James Bacon, and Robert Cotton, of the city of London, knights, Nicholas Revett of Greyes Inn, co. Middx. and Edmund Hills of Friston, co. Suffolk, esquires, of an annuity of 40l. issuing from his manor of Roughye. 29 November, 6 James I. A.D. 1608. Signed. Names of witnesses.
Kent. A. 5706. Release by Richard Paysshe of Godalmyng, co. Surrey, son and one of the heirs of Richard Paysshe, late of New Romeney, deceased, to Thomas Dodde, jurat of the same, of all his right in a messuage and garden in New Romeney, in the parish of St. Nicholas the bishop, by the high road leading from the high cross to the meat market, adjoining a tenement called 'le Courthouse,' the lands late parcel of a tenement called 'Hertons,' and another road leading from the church of St. Nicholas to Southlease. 3 June, 3 Edward VI. Signed.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses.
Surrey. A. 5707. Duplicate of A. 5704. Portion of seal.
Surrey. A. 5708. Mortgage by William Sterre the elder, of Cobeham, husbandman, to James Bygenale of the same, tanner, of a messuage and land called 'Cosyns' in Cobeham, for the term of years comprised in a pair of indentures dated 20 May, 15 Edward IV., between John, late abbot of Chertesey, and John Sterre, late of Cobeham, grandfather of the said William. 22 February, 24 Henry VIII. English.
Bucks. A. 5709. Sale by Thomas Broke of Wyngrave, to John Blakhed of Tryng, of a messuage and lands &c. in Wyngrave and Rowsham, with all the muniments &c. belonging thereto; the said John undertaking to convey the premises to Thomas, for his life; also defeasances of bonds by the respective parties for the observance of the covenants specified. 3 October, 9 Henry VIII. English. Name of witness.
[Bucks.] A. 5710. Grant by John Dunnesmore of Wycombe, to Geoffrey Lauer and William Pycott, of the same, of land in Little Missenden, in the field called 'le Millefeld,' between the land of John Brewes, knight, and the high road from Missenden to Agmondesham, and abutting on the lane called 'Wycombelane.' 3 June, 7 Henry VI.
[Oxford.] A. 5711. Letter of attorney by Thomas More of Bokyngham, co. Bucks, and John Ardrun in the county of Oxford, gentlemen, authorising John Tyrell to deliver to Edmund Rede and Richard Quatermayns, esquires, Richard Fowler, Thomas More and Florence his wife, seisin of a messuage with all his lands &c. in Baynton. Feast of St. Barnabas, 35 Henry VI. Seal.
Bucks. A. 5712. Grant by Thomas Batter of Dachet, to William Wylde, William White, and Edmund Grace, of all his lands &c. in Dachet, to the use of the grantor, and for the fulfilment of his will. 6 March, 9 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to delivery of seisin.
Bucks. A. 5713. Grant by Richard Bosse of Byrton, gentleman, to Richard Saunders of North Marston, gentleman, of a messuage with two little closes &c. in North Marston. 13 September, 21 Elizabeth. Signed. Names of witnesses.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to delivery of seisin.
Bucks. A. 5714. Release by Thomas Tresham, knight, to William Staveley, now seised of the manor of Broughton near Aylesbury, of all his right in the said manor, with warranty against the abbot of St. Mary's, Notteley, 18 August, 8 Edward IV.
Bucks. A. 5715. Grant by John Kynbell of Agmondesham, to John Jourdeley and Peter . . . . . ., of lands and tenements &c. in . . . . . . . Feast of St. Edmund, 2 Henry V. Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 5716. Demise by John the abbot, and the convent of Holy Cross, Waltham, to Master John de Manhale, clerk, for life, of a dwellinghouse with a curtilage and garden in Stansted Abbots which Sir Roger de Leicester held of the said abbot and convent for life, and all the land &c. in Stanstede and Amwelle, assigned to the pittances of the said convent, which John Hulle held, for life, from them. Saturday, the vigil of Holy Trinity, 32 Edward I.
Herts. A. 5717. Grant by Raphe Smith, citizen and merchant tailor of London, to Richard Smith of Whetston, co. Middlesex, gentleman, the grantor's nephew, of a field called 'the Dowle,' in the parish of Totterydge, with free passage for horses and carts &c. by the gate called 'Payes croft gate,' through the close called 'Payes croft' to 'a place there barred with rayles, entring and openinge' into the said close called 'the Dowle,' with the reversion &c. of the said premises to the use of the said Raphe and Isabel his wife, during their lives, with reversions to the use of the said Richard, for life, then to the use of his son and heir Richard, then to the use of the heirs of the said Richard and Richard. 6 October, 17 James I., A.D. 1619. English. Signed.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and to delivery of seisin.
Herts. A. 5718. Bond by John Mayhewe, late of St. Albans, yeoman, to William Colmorth and Thomas Stratton, for 40s. Last day of February, 35 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Herts. [Beds.] A. 5719. Bond by Thomas Barbour of Asshwell, yeoman, and Margaret, late the wife of John Drawe of Bykelyswade [co. Beds.], widow, to Thomas Stratton, for 6l. Thursday after the Epiphany, 3 Henry VI. Two seals.
Herts. A. 5720. Demise by Ralph Verney, Richard Tornor, Roger Jakys, and Richard Parker, to John Parker, in tail male, of lands and tenements &c. in Langley Regis, with remainders in tail male to John's brothers Ralph Parker and George Parker, and in default of such issue to the right heirs of Nicholas Parker; the said lands &c. having been demised by William Carter, Robert Marke, Thomas Halsey alias Thomas Chamber, Edmund Herve and Robert Grove, to the present grantors, to the use of the said Nicholas for his life, with remainders in tail male to the use of the brothers John, Ralph, and George Parker, and to the right heirs of the said Nicholas, who had previously granted the premises to the said william Carter, Robert Marke &c. to the above uses; with letter ot attorney authorising Thomas Forster and William Baldwin to deliver seisin. 7 May 27 Henry VIII.
Herts. A. 5721. Sale by George Clerke of Ashwell, yeoman, to Henry Howe of Baldocke, clerk, and Angelleta his wife, of a messuage and lands &c. in Walkerne called 'Lordes'; with letter of attorney authorising John Wilson, gentleman, and Francis Cromer, yeoman, of Walkerne, to deliver seisin. 22 October, 39 Elizabeth, A.D. 1597. Signed. Seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and to delivery of seisin.
[Herts.] A. 5722. Grant by John son of John de Titeburste, to Adam de Stratton, clerk, of a yearly rent from a tenement in Titeburste called 'Wyneberdesworth' and 'Horsedenforlong,' which John son and heir of Thomas de la Forde holds of the grantor. Witnesses:—Ran[ulph] de Mimmes, William de Okers, and others (named).
Surrey. A. 5723. Sale by Elizabeth Scott, daughter of William Scott late of Peckham in the parish of Camerwell, gentleman, to John Drew of Camerwell, yeoman, of a messuage and garden in Peckham Ry, in the said parish, which she had of the gift of John Crofts, deceased, her grandfather. 26 June, 81 Elizabeth. English. Signed.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and to delivery of seisin.
Surrey. A. 5724. Grant by Thomas Lucke of the parish of St. George the martyr, Southwarke, yeoman, to George Dalley of the same, yeoman, of all his interest in the lease of a tenement and garden &c. in the said parish made by Anthony Cage, citizen and salter of London, in 15 Elizabeth, to Edmonde Butler of Southwarke, yeoman, and Alice his wife, both since deceased, for twenty-four years, the said Alice having, after Edmonde's death, married the said Thomas. 7 August, 31 Elizabeth, A.D. 1589. English. Signed. Name of witness. Fragment of seal.
Surrey. A. 5725. Sale by John Evelyn of Norbyton, in the parish of Kingston upon Thames, and Elizabeth his wife, to Thomas Godman of Lethered, gentleman, of messuages and tenements &c. in Lethered, Asheted, and Hedley, which the said Elizabeth had of the gift of William Stephens, her father, deceased. 1 October, 28 Elizabeth. English. Signed. Seal.
Underwritten: Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said John.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses. Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll of the year within written.
Surrey. A. 5726. Grant by Henry Freke of Coveham, to John Dogell of the same, and Walter Milis in the same county, of a messuage called 'Dodewikes' in Coveham and of all his lands &c. in Bokeham. 16 June, 19 Richard II. Seal.
Salop. [Middx.] Surrey. A. 5727. Defeasance of a recognizance of even date by William Lee of Bridgnorth, co. Salop, gentleman, to Fulke Lee, citizen and haberdasher of London, and Richard Pawlle of Southwark, co. Surrey, gentleman, witnessing that if the said William continue to pay to Elizabeth Lee of Bridgnorth, widow, during her life, a yearly rent of 8l. then the said recognisance shall be void. 27 October, 7 Elizabeth. English. Signed. Two seals.
Surrey. A. 5728. Demise by Thomas Barratt of Coveham, tanner, and Elizabeth his wife, sometime wife of James Gully, deceased, to Thomas Brockboll of Coveham, yeoman, for fifteen years, of four closes called 'Hethawes' alias 'Greners' in Coveham. 6 August, 11 Elizabeth, A.D, 1569. English. Signed. Names of witnesses.
Surrey. A. 5729. Release by John Dogell and Walter Milis, to Juliana Freke, relict of Henry Freke, of all their right in a messuage called 'Dodewikes' in Coveham, and in lands &c. in Bokeham. 4 September, 2 Henry VI, Portions of two seals.
Surrey. A. 5730. Letter of attorney by Margery Scarresbrick of London, authorising her brother, John Daniell of Lyncolnnes Inne, co. Middlesex, gentleman, to act for her in the obtaining possession and removing of all her goods from the two rooms occupied by her in the dwelling house of John Oldfyne in Southwork, and to receive from the said Oldfyne and Margaret his wife, 'one cloth gowne of violett collour and one. caskett of jewelles of gould and sylver coyne with fyne lynnen' &c. which she had delivered to them to keep for her. 16 June, 23 Elizabeth, A.D. 1581. English. Seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses.
Surrey. A. 5731. Grant by Robert Gavell of Coveham, gentleman, to James Sutton and John Gavell, of all his lands and tenements &c. in certain closes in Coveham called 'Chilbroke Garden,' 'Hanginge filde,' 'Barne feilde' alias 'Hilefeilde,' 'le Little Crofte,' alias 'Hamcrofte,' and 'le Fursye Close,' with a void piece of land or lane abutting on 'Hanginge feilde' and 'Padebroke mede,' and two coppices, all of which he lately had of the grant of Henry Besbeche of Killingworthe, co. Warwick, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife. 10 February, 26 Elizabeth, A.D. 1584. Signed. Seal.
Surrey. A. 5732. Duplicate of A. 5699. English. Signed. Names of witnesses. Portions of seal.
Surrey. A. 5733. Grant by John Sutton, citizen and merchant tailor of London, and James Sutton of Coveham, alias Cobham, gentleman, in accordance with an award, to Thomas Gavell and Thomas Middelton, gentlemen, of all their right in a lease for forty years of the manor of Coveham granted in 26 Henry VIII. by John the abbot, and the convent of the late dissolved monastery of Chartsey, to Richard Sutton, late of Coveham, the grantors' father. 28 April, 6 Elizabeth. English. Portions of two seals.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses.
Surrey. A. 5734. Conveyance by Francis Wylmer of the parish of St. George the martyr, Southwark, 'Inholder,' to George Dalley of the same, yeoman, of four messuages &c. in Long lane, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, near Barmondesey. 27 October, 29 Elizabeth.
Endorsed: Memorandum of delivery of possession, with names of witnesses.
Surrey. A. 5735. Grant by John Atwyke in the parish of Coveham, to Laurence Downe, John Bowet, Thomas Burgeys and William Atwyke, of all his lands &c. in Coveham and Bokeham called 'Dodewykys. 4 April, 8 Henry VI.
Surrey. A. 5736. Agreement between Charles Hoskyns, citizen and merchant tailor of London, and Robert Gavell of Cobham, gentleman, witnessing that whereas the said Robert has granted to the said Charles, by indenture of even date, certain lands in Blechingleigh free of charges, the said Charles agrees nevertheless to pay a certain yearly rent claimed by the churchwardens of the parish church of Blechingleigh, if the said claim shall be made good, to be paid out of a piece of ground, called 'Belcroft, parcel of the said lands, for providing bell ropes for the said church; the said Robert agreeing to discharge all arrears of the said rent. 25 May, 28 Elizabeth, A.D. 1586. English. Signed.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses.
Surrey. A. 5737. Demise by Laurence Downe, John Bowet, Thomas Burgeys, and William atte Wyke, to John atte Wyke, of all the lands and tenements &c. in Coveham and Bokeham which they lately had of the grant of the said John atte Wyke. 6 June, 27 Henry VI. Seal and portions of two seals.
Surrey. A. 5738. Release by Nicholas Fuller of Coveham, to John atte Wyke of the same, of all his right in all the lands and tenements at Dodewyk, in the parish of Coveham, and in the lordship of Little Bokeham, which the said John and Nicholas jointly had of the gift of Juliana Freke of Coveham. 20 December, 5 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. A. 5739. Grant by John Dogell and Walter Milis, to Juliana, relict of Henry Freke, of a messuage called 'Dodewikes' in Coveham, and of all their lands &c. in Bokeham, which the grantors lately had of the gift of the said Henry. 3 September, 2 Henry VI. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 5740. Grant by Juliana Freke of Coveham, widow, to John atte Wyke and Nicholas Fullere of Coveham, of all her lands and tenements &c. at Dodewyk, in the parish of Coveham, and in the lordship of Little Bokeham. 8 October, 5 Henry VI. Seal.
Surrey. A. 5741. Grant by Juliana Freke, relict of Henry Freke, of Coveham, widow, to William Thornle of Pirforde, and Henry atte Wone of Certeseye, of all her lands &c. in Coveham at Dodewykes and in Little Bokeham, which she lately had of the gift of Sir Robert Gamelyn, clerk, and Richard Freke of Feccheham. Monday before St. Matthew, 2 Henry VI. Seal of arms.
Surrey. A. 5742. Grant by Henry Freke and Juliana his wife, to William Poleyn and Joan his wife, of all the lands and tenements &c. which the grantors lately had of the gift of John atte Nalderet and Stephen atte Well in Cobeham, Little Bokeham, and elsewhere in the county named; also grant by the above grantees to John, their son, of the said premises. 8 August, 1 Henry VI. Two seals.
Surrey. A. 5743. Grant in tail by John atte Nalderet and Stephen atte Welle, to Henry Freke and Juliana his wife, of all the lands and tenements &c. in Coveham and Little Bokeham, and elsewhere in the county named, which the grantors formerly had of the gift of the said Henry Freke. 19 July, 1 Henry V. Two seals.
Surrey. A. 5744. Grant by Henry Freke of Dudwyk, to John atte Nalderet in the parish of Rigewyk, co. Sussex, and Stephen atte Well of Horseley, of lands and tenements &c. in Coveham and Little Bokeham, and elsewhere in the county named. 4 May, 1 Henry V. Seal.
Suff. A. 5745. Grant by William Peryn of Naylonde, to John Malle of the same, clothier, of a messuage in the same, abutting on the high road to Boxford, and on the mill pond of Naylonde. 2 May, 38 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to delivery of seisin.
[Middx.] A. 5746. Demise by James Batty of Burton on Londesdale, co. York husbandman, and Jane his wife, daughter and sole heiress of Gilbert Yate, late of Burton, deceased, to Roger Robynson, citizen and goldsmith of London, for eighty years, of their mansion house or inn called the 'Whyte Harte withowte Bushoppgate' with a garden &c. belonging thereto in the parish of St. Buttolphe without 'Busshopp Gate of London.' 12 March 13 Elizabeth. English. Signed.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses.
Middx. Surrey. A. 5747. Defeasance of a recognisance by Richard Hill and Edward Holte of London, gentlemen, John Tadlowe of Southwark, co. Surrey, alebrewer, and Walter Lambe, citizen and grocer of London, to John Danyell of the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, co. Middx., for 300l.; witnessing that if the said Richard, Edward, John Tadlowe, and Walter, shall pay 150l. to the said Danyell, by a certain date, then the above recognisance shall be void. 42 Elizabeth, A.D. 1600. English.
[Middx.] Linc. A. 5748. Release by William Adderley, citizen and merchant tailor of London, to Richard Conye of Kirton in Holland, co. Linc., gentleman, of all actions &c. 13 December, 32 Elizabeth. English. Signed. Names of witnesses. Portion of seal.
[Chesh.] A. 5749. Letter of attorney by John Danyell of Lincoln's Inn, co. Middx., gentleman, authorising John Percivall to prosecute Thomas Webster of Dursbury, gentleman, for pulling down the manor or capital messuage of Dursbury and committing other waste in the demesnes there. 24 May, 13 Elizabeth, English. Signed.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses.
Middx. A. 5750. Bond by Samuel Chambers of the parish of St. Martin in the fields, carpenter, to Ralph Croft of the same, yeoman, for 80l. 28 September, 14 James I., A.D. 1616. Signed. Names of witnesses.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond witnessing that if the said Samuel shall observe the covenants of a pair of indentures of mortgage, of even date, then the above bond shall be void. English.
[Middx.] A. 5751. Bond by Richard Bryton, to Thomas Lewys, both citizens and goldsmiths of London, for 120l. 13 February, 33 Elizabeth, A.D. 1590. Signed. Name of witness.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, witnessing that if the said Richard shall pay to the said Thomas 60l. on the 13th August next, at his dwellinghouse near the conduit in Fleet street, then the above bond shall be void. English.
Middx. A. 5752. Release by Robert Unwyn, to William Chadworth, Thomas Fethirston, John Jones alias John Gloucestre, Thomas Shayle and Robert Mildenhale, of all his right in all that manor with lands and rent &c. in the parishes of Wyllesdon and Hendon, which the said Unwyn with the grantees lately had of the gift of Nicholas Bildeston, and Richard Petteworth, clerks. 20 February, 18 Henry VI.
Bedf. [Middx.] A. 5753. Release by William Campion of London, gentleman, and Rachel, his wife, late the wife and executrix of Edward Partridge of London, gentleman, deceased, to Nicholas Fulham late of Polloxhill, co. Bedford, and now of Flitton in the same county, clerk, of all actions &c. August, 19 Elizabeth. English.
[Middx.] A. 5754. Sale by Elizabeth Meredith of London, late the wife of Henry Meredith, citizen and goldsmith of London, deceased, to Richard Adams, citizen and stationer of London, and Margaret his wife, of all her goods and chattels, jewels, lands &c. in and about her dwelling house in Muggle street, London, and elsewhere. 13th January, 39 Elizabeth, A.D. 1596. English. Signed.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and to delivery of one penny in the name of possession.
Essex. Middx. A. 5755. Bond by John Welles of London, gentleman, and Henry Bellingham of Chigwell, co. Essex, esquire, to Thomas Grove of Ratcliff, co. Middx., gentleman, for 40l. Last day of January, 36 Elizabeth, A.D. 1593. Signed. Name of witness.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, witnessing that if the said John and Henry shall pay to the said Thomas 20l. on the last day of October next, then the above bond shall be void. English.
Middx. A. 5756. Release by John Puckering, serjeant-at-law, to George Chowne and Giles Fluyd, esquires, and John Lyons, gentleman, of all his right in a wood called 'Pars Wood' alias 'Pares Wood,' a little grove called 'Anmershe Grove,' another wood called 'Bromefeild Halfe,' all in Whitchurch alias Little Stanmer, and in a messuage with lands &c, called 'le Lyon' in Edgeware. 24 February, 32 Elizabeth. Signed. Names of witnesses. Seal of arms.
Middx. Surrey. A. 5757. Release by John Morrys of Newington, co. Surrey, gentleman, and William Okey of the parish of Strande alias Savoy, co. Middx., gentleman, to Robert Ladyman of the city of London, carpenter, of all actions &c. except one bond whereby the said Robert and one John Huiche are bound to the said Okey, to perform the award of certain persons named. 23 June, 33 Elizabeth. English. Signed. Name of witness. Two seals, defaced.
[Middx.] A. 5758. Bond by William Okey of the parish of 'Le Savoy' alias Strand, gentleman, to Philip Cotten of London, gentleman, for 12d. 23 June, 33 Elizabeth. Signed. Name of witness. Seal.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, witnessing that if the said Philip may quietly possess the house in which he now dwells in Bassinges Hall, London, during the term of a lease thereof to one John Harlowe, gentleman, deceased, then the above bond shall be void. English.
[Middx.] A. 5759. Release by John Smyth, citizen and clothier of London, to Richard Gresham and John Gresham, citizens and mercers of London, of all actions &c. 15 February, 13 Henry VIII. Signed. Portion of seal.
Middx. A. 5760. Bond by Richard Wylmott of Westminster, blacksmith, to William Williams, Gregory Williams and Martha Williams, children of Richard Williams, late of the parish of St. Martin in the fields, yeoman deceased, for 40l. 18 September, 21 James I. A.D. 1623. Signed. Names of witnesses.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, witnessing that if the said Wylmott shall pay 22l. to the said William, Gregory, and Martha, at the house of Edward King, scrivener, near Charing Cross in the paid parish, in manner specified, then the above bond shall be void. English.
Surrey. A. 5761. Letter of attorney by Gregory Williams of the parish of St. Olave, Southwark, tailor, authorising Robert Perkins of the same, citizen and 'iremonger' of London, to recover certain moneys from Richard Willmott of Westminster, blacksmith, and John Grime, citizen and cutler of London. 11 August, 12 Charles I., A.D. 1636. English. Paper. Signed, Names of witnesses. Seal.
Middx. A. 5762. Mortgage by Robert Losse of Cannons in the parish of Stanmer, esquire, to John Puckering, serjeant-at-law, George Chowne of Faier lane, co. Kent, esquire, Giles Fluyd and John Lyons, gentlemen, of the wood called 'Pars Wood' or 'Pares Woode,' a little grove called 'Anne Marshe Grove,' and another wood called 'Bromfeild Halfe,' all in Whitchurch alias Little Stanmer, also the messuage called 'le Lyon' in Edgeworth, in the tenure of Randall Bevyngton, with all the lands &c, in Edgeworth and Whitchurch, leased to the said Randall; on condition that if the grantor shall pay 165l. to James Hogowbert, by a date specified, for the payment of which sum the said Puckering and the grantor are bound to the said James, then the present grant shall be void; with letter of attorney authorising Henry Francklyn of Whitchurch, husbandman, to deliver seisin. 21 June, 31 Elizabeth. Names of witnesses. Seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to delivery of seisin.
[Middx.] Surrey. A. 5763. Bond by Thomas Booth, citizen and haberdasher of London, to Francis Gavell of Cobham, co. Surrey, gentleman, for 200l. 22 May, 18 James I., A.D. 1620. Signed. Names of witnesses. Seal.
Endorsed: Condition of the above bond, witnessing that if the said Thomas Booth shall pay 52l. 10s. to William Roberts, citizen and grocer of London, at or on the font stone in the Temple Church, London, by a date specified, for the payment of which sum, the said Thomas and Francis are bound to the said Roberts, then the above bond shall be void. English.
[Middx.] Devon. A. 5764. Release by William Riche, citizen and haberdasher of London, to George Jones of Plymouth, co. Devon, of all actions, &c. May, 43 Elizabeth, A.D. 1601. English.
[Middx.] A. 5765. Deed poll by Thomas Bagnall, citizen and grocer of London, witnessing that whereas Peter Lyly, clerk, prebendary of the prebend of Cadington Major in St. Paul's cathedral, London, has demised to him for forty years, certain messuages in St. Paul's church yard, and one shop, in the occupation of the tenants named, he the said Thomas Bagnall, undertakes to [grant] leases to the said tenants on conditions specified, and to make certain allowances to them out of their arrears of rent, which the said Peter has authorised him to receive. 29 September, 44 Elizabeth. English. Signed. Injured.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses.
Chesh. A. 5766. Bond by John Capper of New Inn, co. Middx., gentleman, to the Queen for 20 marks. 31 October, 14 Elizabeth. Signed.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, witnessing that if the said John deliver to the feodary of the county of Chester a certain writ of even date, of diem clausit extremum, directed to the exchequer of the said county after the death of Roger Wettenhall, gentleman, so that the feodary may be present at the inquiry &c. then the above bond shall be void. English.
Middx. A. 5767. Demise by Bartholomew Willesdon, Richard Chalkehill, and John Braynte, the elder, to John Gloucestre and Nicholas Stathum, gentlemen, and Alfred Rolston, esquire, of two pieces of land in Wyllesdon called 'Horslonde' and 'Horslondcrofte,' reserving to the said Bartholomew the gravel and earth called 'Dawbyngerthe' in the said land, with a right of entry to take the same. 20 June, 5 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] Surrey. A. 5768. Bond by Francis Gavill of Stoke Dawbernon, co. Surrey, esquire, to Edward Norton, citizen and innholder of London, for 150l. 27 January, 21 James I., A.D. 1623. Signed. Names of witnesses. Portion of seal.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, witnessing that if the said Gavill shall pay 52l. 10s., to Theoder Owle, baker, by a date specified, at the house of William Manby, scrivener, in Thames street, for the payment of which sum the said Gavill, Norton, and Thomas Sutton, gentleman, are bound to the said Owle, then the above bond shall be void. English.
[Middx.] A. 5769. Demise by Stephen Craske, citizen and vintner of London, and Anne his wife, to John Nortone, citizen and pewterer of the same, for ten years, of a messuage with shops &c. in the parish of St. Katherine Christchurch within Aldgate, London, late in the occupation of John Poster, bowyer. 26 October, 16 Elizabeth. English. Signed. Name of witness. Portion of seal.
Middx. A. 5770. Bond by John Churchill of Lincolns Inn, gentleman, and Ellis Churchill of Barnards Inn, Holborne, gentleman, to Godfrey Hurst of the parish of St. Clement Danes, without the Bars of the New Temple, London, gentleman, for 100l. 25 April, 3 James I. Signed. Names of witnesses. Two seals.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, witnessing that if the said John and Ellis shall pay to the said Godfrey 52l. 10s. by a date specified, then the above bond shall be void. English.
Middx. A. 5771. Grant by John Henry, citizen and butcher of London, to Henry Staunford of Leicester, grasier, and Richard Staunford of the same, butcher, of four messuages with an orchard and gardens adjoining, in Popler in the parish of Stebunhethe (Stepney), by the high road, which the said John and Margaret his mother lately bought from William Vernon of Little Bileigh, co. Essex; also grant of a messuage with shops &c. in a street called 'St. Mighclles lane,' in St. Michael's parish, London; to hold the said premises to the use of the grantor and Mary his wife, for their lives, with remainders to the use of the heirs begotten between them, and of the heirs of the said Mary for ever. 14 February, 12 Elizabeth, A.D. 1569. Signed. Names of witnesses. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to delivery of seisin.
Middx. A. 5772. Bond by William Cooke, of the parish of St. Martin in the fields, esquire, to John Churchehill of London, gentleman, for 300l. 12 October, 43 Elizabeth, A.D. 1601. Signed. Names of witnesses. Seal of arms.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, witnessing that if the said William shall pay to John Grainge of the parish of St. Giles in the fields, esquire, 106l. by a date specified, for the payment of which sum the said Churchehill, with the said Cooke and one Fraunces Cooke, widow, is bound to the said Grainge, then the above bond shall be void. English.
Middx. A. 5773. Demise by William Chadworth, Thomas Fethirston, Thomas Shayle, and Robert Mildenhale, to John Gloucestre and Joan his wife, of the manor, lands, and rent &c. in Wyllesdon and Hendon, which the grantors, with the said John and one Robert Unwyn, lately had of the demise of Nicholas Bildeston and Richard Petteworth, clerks. 4 June, 27 Henry VI.
Kent. A. 5774. Bond by Robert Dawson of London, merchant tailor, and Thomas Wode of the same, skinner, to Richard Turner, for 6l. 11 February, 4 Edward VI. Portions of two seals.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, witnessing that whereas by a decree of Sir Nicholas Hare, master of the request, one Agnes Dawson, of Maydeston, is bound to pay to one William Dawson an annuity of 3l. out of all her lands in Maydeston, Rownden, and Hawkeshurst, if the said Robert shall receive, for the use of the said William, any part of the said annuity after William's death, then the said bond shall remain in force. English.
Middx. A. 5775. Bond by John Newce of the Barbican in the parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate, London, gentleman, to John Chesterton, of the parish of St. Giles in the fields, gentleman, for 100l. 8 July, 12 James I., A.D. 1614. Signed. Names of witnesses.
Endorsed: Condition of the above bond, witnessing that if the said Newce shall pay to the said Chesterton, at his house in High Holborne, 52l. 10s. at a date specified, then the above bond shall be void. English.
Middx. A. 5776. Sale by Edmund Caman, citizen and fruiterer of London, to William Hore of London, yeoman, of all his goods and chattels &c. in London and elsewhere in England. 12 October, 17 Elizabeth, A.D. 1575. Signed. Name of witness. Seal.
Warw. A. 5777. Defeasance of a recognisance for 400 marks, by Simon Worth, esquire, to Edward Pye of Markstoke, co. Warwick, lately acknowledged before Sir Edward Mountague, knight, chief justice of the Common Pleas; witnessing that if the said Simon shall pay to the said Edward 200l. in manner specified, then the said recognisance shall be void, 23 April, 2 Edward VI. Signed. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 5778. Mortgage by Thomas Hebbes, citizen and clothworker of London, to Rowland Colston, citizen and weaver of the same, of all his estate &c. in two stables with haylofts over them, demised to Thomas by William Angell, citizen and fishmonger of London, for thirty years, and situate in Fyvefootelane, in the parish of St. Nicholas Olave, near Oldfishstreete, London; witnessing that if Thomas shall pay to Rowland 6l. 6s. by a date specified, then the above mortgage shall be void. 22 March, 7 James I., A.D. 1609. English.
Endorsed: Mark of the mortgagor. Name of witness.
[York.] A. 5779. Bond by Robert son of Alice de Pontefr', to Richard son of Thomas de Baghille of Pontefract, for 20l., viz. 10 marks to be paid at Easter A.D. 1276, 5 marks on the day when Richard marries Hawisia daughter of the said Robert, and ten pounds on the day when he takes her to his house; for which payments Robert binds himself and his heirs in 40s. to the steward of Pontefract; William son of the lady Joan de Pontefr' being surety for the above bonds. Witnesses:—Simon de Thorp, steward of Pontefract, Robert the goldsmith, and others (named). The word 'obiit' occurs over the name of each witness. [Edward I.]
[Norf.] A. 5780. Acknowledgment by Thomas de Ingalstorp, knight, that Robert Kineford, and Thomas his son, are the bondmen (nativos et servos) of Sir Albert the prior, and his church, of Lewes, and that the tenement held by the said Robert and Thomas his son in Hecham is the villenage of the said prior and church; with release by the said Thomas de Ingalstorp, to the said prior and church, of the said bondmen. Witnesses:—Sirs A. de Haggebech and W. Rustem, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 5781. Acknowledgment by John son of Robert le Scot and of Christina ate Hallegate, of Hecham, that he is the bondman and fieldman (servum et rusticum) of the prior and convent of Lewes, and born of the said Robert and Christina who is the bondwoman and fieldwife (serva et rustica) of the said prior and convent; also that he and all his issue &c. are at the disposal of his said lords, as being born and bred (nutrito) in their manor of Hecham; in witness of which, his seal, which he carries by permission of his said lords, is attached. London, Tuesday after the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, A.D. 1290, 18 Edward [I].
Marches of Wales. Worc. Glouc. A. 5782. Grant by William la Zousche of Mortimer, to the king, of all his castles and manors &c. in the land of Glamorgan and Morganon, in the marches of Wales, and of his manors of Hanle, co. Worcester, and Teukesbury, co. Gloucester. Witnesses:—Henry, bishop of Lincoln, chancellor, Sirs Roger de Mortimer, earl of March, John Mautravers, Oliver de Ingham, Geoffrey le Scrop, William de Herle, and others. Kenilworth, 30 December, 3 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
York. A. 5783. Grant by Mariota, relict of Robert de Herdonel, of the Marsh, York (de Marisco Ebor'), with the consent of the parishioners of the church of St. Saviour of the Marsh, York, to the altar of the Virgin Mary in the said church, and to Sir Michael de Sancta Bega, the chaplain serving there, of all her land in Petrigath' (St. Peter's Gate), extending to the lane of St. Bennet. Sealed by the grantor and by Sir Simon, rector of the said church, dean of the court-christian (Christianitatis) of York, and others (named). 7 kalends of September, the day after St. Bartholomew, A.D. 1280.
[Leic.] A. 5784. Release by Roesya, late the wife of Roger de Mouubray, widow, to John the prior, and the convent, of Lewes, of all her right in a third part of the advowson of the church of Melton Mouubray and in a third part of six virgates of land belonging to the said church, which she claimed, as dower, in the king's court against the said prior. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Creppynges and Roger de Bello Tofto, knights, and others (named). Eppeworth in the isle of Axiholm, the morrow of the Purification, 27 Edward [I].
[Warw.] A. 5785. Grant by Sibyl, the prioress, Robert the prior, and the convent of Eton (Nuneaton), to all who hold or shall hold burgages from them in the said town, that they may hold their burgages as freely as the burgesses of the prior of Coventry hold theirs in Coventry; for this the grantors have obtained the confirmation of the abbess of Fontevraud. Witnesses:—Geoffrey, prior of Coventry, Albin, prior of Erbury, Richard, prior of Hynkeley, William de Stutevyll, sheriff of Warwick and Leicester, and others (named).
Confirmation of the above by B. abbess of Fontevraud, 1 Gregory IX.
Endorsed: Leic. Extracts from Curia Regis roll relative to a suit between John Roberdys, plaintiff, and William Reynold, defendant, concerning two tofts in Dunton Basset.
Underwritten: 'Hill' tercio Ro. clxxxiiij.'
Copies on paper.
[Essex.] A. 5786. Grant by Beatrice de Lucy, widow, to Ysolda de Lichesbarewe, of land in Cristeshale held by William the tailor (parmentarius) at a yearly rent of two shillings to the canons of St. James' abbey, Northampton, for a 'pittance' (pitanciam) on the anniversary of Roger de Neville, viz. on the morrow of the translation of St. Thomas the martyr. Witnesses:—Humphrey de Rokel', Reinbald de Clavering, Ralph Campiun, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[ ] A. 5787. Obligation by Robert de Trillawia, clerk, undertaking to act as proctor for his lord, William de Monte Kaniso, in all causes in ecclesiastical courts. London, Monday after St. Peter ad Vinculs, A.D. 1263.
Hertf. A. 5788. Sale by Henry de Brachyng, to the Lady Denise de Monte Caniso, of all the grain &c. in his messuage of Brachyng, which he has granted to the said lady, with all his lands &c. in the county named. Tuesday after the nativity of the Virgin, 13 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] A. 5789. Grant by Robert Mallore of Welton, knight, to John his younger son, of a messuage and croft in Weltone which the grantor bought of Simon Mallore, his kinsman, with other land in Weltone, viz. part in 'le Hemewog',' part on Crocho, part at Colemaneslake, part 'into Dedemor,' part at Thursputemor, part upon Mulnehul and Longefurlong, part into Wiliesiche, part upon Howeretonstal, part beyond Sandfortdeweie, part upon Herdeberuwe, part 'into Kyveleswelescherd,' part under 'le Ho,' part at Smalbrockdiche, part at Fuleforde, part on Gostifurlong, and part on and under Fayreberewe, part at 'le Poukeput,' part on Merthelong' and Wrosenhul, part at Plasch at Depedalebrege, part at Rochewellelinch, part upon Redmor, part at Essebi mere, part on Estlond and Westlond, part at Thademansfurlong, part at Holdegore, part under Wylien', part on Blakelond, part at Wiliewelleheved, part on Smethemede, part in Smethemedehulles, part on Stretfurlong, part on Watlingestret, part upon Fernesfurlong, part upon Hulken, part 'into the Plash,' part under Witherspat, part behind and before Hoberhul, part at Coklesmede overhende, part upon Walesho, part 'into Gretham Weye,' part on Owerwalesho and Longeleyefurlong, part by Essebymere, part by Bischopesweye, part on Longebrocfurlong and Scortebrocfurlong, part under Waterilond, part at Wakelowe, part on Brenfurlong, part beyond Swemewelleweye, part on Longelangefurlang and Schellen', part by Brampthemweye, part on Dedechurl and Thurlewellehul, part 'into the Hassokis,' part 'into Thurnewellebroc, part on Schorteonthorn, Longeocthorn, Onethorn, Schorteknerslade, Longeknerslade, and Foweleswelleshul, part by Foweleswellesgore, part 'into Fowelleswelleslade,' part on Michelewellehul, part at Stanidelf and Michelewelles Siche, part in the Aylwyneslade, part at Mulnepound, part on Owerchurchehul, and part under Haliwelle; with further grant to the said John of pasture for certain animals in the grantor's demesne pastures, rendering yearly to the grantor a rose at midsummer and 12d. to the heirs of Stapelton. Witnesses:—Sirs Eustace de Watford, William de Weltone, and Hugh de Tywe, knights, Sirs John de Craunford, and William Mallore, Thomas de Watford and William de Watford, brothers of Sir Eustace. Copy.
Endorsed: 'Copia carte Roberti Mallore de Welton, miles (sic), facte Johanni Mallore filio suo' &c.
[Hunt.] A. 5790. Grant by Geoffrey de Aylinton, chaplain, to Ralph de Aylinton, clerk, son of Matilda, of a tenement in Aylinton (Ellington), between the mill of the abbot of Rameseye and the house of Henry son of Robert Franceys. Witnesses:—Sir John, parson of Aylinton, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[ ] A. 5791. Release by Walter Chek, to Sir John le Despenser, his lord, of a third part of his meadow in 'la More.' Witnesses:—Sir John de Sancto Johanne, Nicholas de Dydenham, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Kent.] Rutland. A. 5792. Grant by Robert de Corby, to the king, of all his lands &c. in Eltham and Mandevill, in exchange for the manor of Lyndon, co. Rutland, which the king granted to the said Robert and Joan his wife. Witnesses:—Master John de Offord, elect of Canterbury, chancellor, William de Edyngton, bishop of Winchester, treasurer, John de Sancto Paulo, archdeacon of Cornwall, David de Wolloure, and others (named). London, 23 June, 22 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Derby.] A. 5793. Release by Margery daughter of Nigel de Midilton, widow, to Hugh son of Robert de Wedinslegh, of all her right in land with buildings in Midilton, which her said father formerly held of Roger father of the said Robert. Witnesses:—Robert de Derlegh, Matthew de Kneveton, Stephen de Irton, Jordan de Sniterton, Richard de Caldelowe, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Herts.] A. 5794. Grant in frank almoin by Thomas son of Ralph Thede of Bordesdene, to E. the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of a messuage with buildings and land &c. in Bordesdene, part lying in Bordesdenefeld extending to land called 'Redingge,' and part extending to land called 'Seinte Marie Acre,' part adjoining Tunmanlond, and extending from the high road to land called 'le Burne,' part adjoining Portweie; part in another field called 'Bordesdenefeld,' extending from Langheg to Hunteresdelle, part extending to the land called 'Langemad,' and part in a third field called 'Bordesdenefeld,' at Lynlonde &c. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Rokell', knight, Robert de Melcleye, Richard de Gatesbir, Henry de Bracking, and others (named).
[Devon.] A. 5795. Grant by John Damarle, knight, to John Isaak, John Prous, and Nicholas Tremaen, of the manors of Lustelegh, Flitte, Damarle, and Tavy St. Mary's, with the advowson of the church of Tavy St. Mary's, and of a third part of the manors of Holboghton, Coleton, and Whytchurche. Sunday before the apostles Simon and Jude, 16 Richard II. Portion of seal of arms.
[Essex.] A. 5796. Letter of attorney by brother Alan de Miltone, proctor of the prior and convent of the Holy Trinity, London, authorising Thomas son of Ralph le Spenser of Bromfeld, clerk, to act in his stead. Sealed with the seal of the Official of London. Chelm[sford], 4 Ides of July, A.D. 1298. Seal.
[York.] A. 5797. Grant by Robert son of Roger de Wyverunthorp, to Sir John, earl of Warenne, of all the land &c. which he inherited from his father in Scambenedene; in return for which the said earl has released to him part of the reut which he used to pay for tenements in Wyverunthorp, Wakefeud, Stanleye, Linleye, and Ossete, and has also granted to him land in Wyverunthorp called 'Cristescroft.' Sandale, Wednesday before Michaelmas, A.D. 1284. Portion of seal.
[Surrey.] A. 5798. Letter of attorney by Theobald de Verdoun, authorising Thomas de Wyncelade to deliver to Sir Hugh le Despenser, the elder, for five years, seisin of the manor of Biselegh, the advowson of the church there, and of all Theobald's share of the hundred of Biselegh. Lambeheth, Wednesday before the apostles Simon and Jude, 7 Edward [II]. Portion of seal.
[Notts.] A. 5799. Release by Alice de Furnews, of all her right in lands and tenements &c. held by Adam de Argoges in Ossynton, which she claimed against him by right of dower through Henry de Columbariis, her late husband. London, Saturday in Whitsun week, 42 Henry III. Portion of seal.
[ ] A. 5800. Bond by Henry Guldeford, knight, controller of the king's household and one of the king's council, to Henry Wyat and John Daunce, knights, members of the king's council, for 1,002l. 28 January, 17 Henry VIII. Signed. Seal.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond witnessing that if the said Sir Henry Guldeford shall pay to the said Sir Henry Wyat and Sir John 1,000l. to the king's use, within the next ten years, then the above bond shall be void. English.