Deeds: D.301 - D.400

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Deeds: D.301 - D.400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Deeds: D.301 - D.400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025,

"Deeds: D.301 - D.400". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025.

D.301 - D.400

Norf. D. 301. Release by Sir Matthew de Charnelis, to his lord, Sir Henry de Hastinges, of Sir Henry's manor of Asleye in Norfolk, which the king gave to the releasor in a time of disturbance (occasione turbationis) and of which the releasor has delivered seisin to Sir Thomas de Hastinges, Sir Henry's uncle, and Nicholas de Burbach, his clerk, Sir Henry's attorneys, on Sunday after All Saints, 53 Henry III. for a certain sum of money to be paid to the releasor for the redemption of the said manor, by Sir Henry, according to the dictum of Keneyleworthe. Witnesses:—Sir Kaldewyn de Charnelis, Master Richard de Stapilton, and others (named).
[Hants ?] D. 302. Release by brother Peter, called the abbot, and the convent, of Lieu Dieu in the diocese of Amiens, to the abbot and convent of Netley (Loci sancti Ed[wardi]), of the manor of Nordleg', with all the muniments &c. relating thereto in the grantors' possession. A.D. 126[1]. Much injured. Seal.
[Kent ?] D. 303. Grant in frank almoin by Juliana and Clemencia, daughters of Robert son of Baldewyn le Sawere, to the abbot and convent of Battle, of land in the meadow called 'Stokmed,' adjoining the meadow called 'Sandherstesmed.' Witnesses:—Ralph de Hencsolle, Roger de Wesole, James Heyrun, and others (named). 54 Henry III.
Endorsed: 'Wy.'
[Wilts.] D. 304. Grant by Walter, bishop of Salisbury, with the consent of the dean and chapter, to the prior and convent of Farley, for their own uses, of the church of Chyppeham, the right of presentation to which the grantees now possess by grant from Matilda, late queen of England; reserving sufficient support for the vicars of the said church &c 2 kalends of January, A.D. 1270, the eighth year of Walter's pontificate.
[Kent.] D. 305. Grant by Simon son of Stephen de la Tune, to the abbot and convent of Battle, of land at 'la Tune' in the parish of Wy, in the field called 'Nortfelde,' adjoining land called 'Darindane.' Witnesses:— Adam de la Cumbe, bailiff, and Hugh de Romonal, bedel, of Wy, and others (named).
[Berks,] D. 306. Grant by Sir Roger de Somery, to John de Englefeud, son of Sir William de Englefeud, of licence to sport on the water (ad riperiandam riperiam) called 'Pangeburn,' in return for which John has released to Sir Roger, all his right in the warren belonging to Sir Roger's manor of Bradefeud, viz. from certain boundaries (devisis) between Englefeud and Bradefeud, from the water called 'la Burne' to the water called 'Pangeburne,' as specified in a deed between the said Sir Roger and Sir William de Englefeud, levied at Lichefeud, before the justices in eyre; the said John is neither to hunt with hounds nor take pheasants or partridges in the said warren without Sir Roger's leave, and should John's hounds, while running, enter the said warren, the huntsmen are to stay at the boundary and call them off with a horn; for which grant &c. Sir Roger has given John 5 marks. Witnesses:—Sirs Peter Achard, John de Thedmers, Bartholomew de Jatingeden, William de Brutinoll, Richard Fukeram, Erreke Rydel and Richard de Berkeley, knights, and others (named). Friday after St. Gregory, 55 Henry III. Portion of seal.
[Berks.] D. 307. Grant by Roger de Somery, to John de Englefeud, of licence to sport on the water (licenciam riperiandi riperiam) of Pangeburne, with release of all suits of court which John's ancestors owed at the grantor's court of Duddelegh for a tenement, in Humeleye, so that the grantor may not be able to distrain in the said tenement for any services due for a tenement which John holds of the grantor in Englefeud and Craumford. Witnesses:—As above.
[Wilts.] D. 308. Grant by John the prior, and the brethren and sisters, of Maydenebradelegh, to William de Swaleweclive, of the temporal and spiritual benefits of their house, and of a mass to be daily celebrated in their church for his soul and those of his relatives, for which end they promise to add a tenth priest to their present number; in return for which the said William has assigned, for the support of the celebrant, a carucate of land in Bayleciive. Witnesses:—John de Aungirs and others (named). November, A.D. 1270.
[Middx.] D. 309. Bond by Gilbert Cusin, citizen and vintner of London, dwelling at the Conduit (Cundut'), to Stephen de Cornhell, draper, of London, for 6l. 9s. on account of cloth sold to Gilbert, to be paid at Christmas, A.D. 1271; the Treasurer and barons of the Exchequer and justices of the Bench and the mayor and sheriffs of London &c. to distrain upon the said Gilbert and his goods, and the dean of St. Mary le Bow, London &c. to excommunicate him, in case of default. London, the morrow of St. Giles, 55 Henry III.
Endorsed in French: Memorandum of amount of above debt paid, with dates assigned for payment of remainder.
[Kent.] D. 310. Sale by Stephen son of Gilebert de Pirie, to the abbot and convent of Battle, of woodland at Bocholte in Wy. Witnesses:— Stephen de Kingeswode, Thomas de Tokinghamme, and others (named) 52 Henry III.
[Kent.] D. 311. Grant by Roger son of John Souke, to Master William de Bruneford, of land in Wy, part in East Stanteghe, by land of the abbot of Battle called 'Northharifeld,' part in West Stanteghe, and part in the field called 'le Pie.' Witnesses:—Simon de Bruneforde, John de Cranebroke and others (named). 56 Henry III.
[ ] D. 312. Receipt by John son of John, to Sir Hugh de Plesceto, for 60 marks, in part payment of 300 marks in which John de Plesceto, Hugh's father, was bound to the said John by a recognisance made before Sir Hugh le Despenser, late chief justiciar. London, the morrow of St. Luke the evangelist, 53 Henry III.
[Oxford.] D. 313. Conveyance by Elyas de Bulestrod, to John le Kalewe of Dunesden, for six years from All Saints, 56 Henry III. of all his share of meadow land called 'le Ruthacre' which he had jointly with the said John, lying in Dunesden, in the meadow called 'Pendenemed,' and adjoining a meadow belonging to the bishop of Salisbury, called 'Budelmed.' Witnesses:—Richard de Bulehuth, Hugh de Bunefeld and others (named). Seal.
[Wilts.] D. 314. Ordinance by Henry de Branteston, official of R[obert], elect of Salisbury, to whom a dispute had been referred between William, perpetual vicar of the church of Chippeham, and the prior and convent of Farleye, to whom the said church belonged, relative to the support of the said vicar; viz. the said vicar is to have all the fruits and obventions of the chapel of Tiderintun within the parish of Chippeham, except the tithes of the sheaves from the demesne of Turpin, and is to pay the said prior and convent 40s. yearly, and to supply fit ministers for the said chapel. Salisbury, 16 Kalends of May (16 April), A.D. 1272.
[Wilts.] D. 315. Bond by Geoffrey Heosey, to brother John, the prior of Maydenebradeley, and Robert le Chaumberlang, executors of the will of Cicely Heosei, for 21l. 3s. 2¾d. for goods received from them, to be paid at Deverel, at the dates specified, beginning at Martinmas, A.D. 1268. Teffonte, morrow of St. John ante Portam Latinam, A.D. 1268.
[ ] D. 316. Release by John son of Robert le Brette, to the abbot and convent of Battle, of all his right in the land which he exacted from Robert Beneyt by a plea moved in the said abbot and convent's court of Hoton. Sunday the Epiphany, 53 Henry III.
[Kent.] D. 317. Agreement before Master Hugh de Mortuo Mari, archdeacon of Kent, in a dispute between Sir Robert de Bradegar, rector of the church of Bidindenn, and the abbot and convent of Battle, by Master Rengerus de Marisco, their proctor, touching the tithes of certain lands held by the said convent in the parish of Bidindenn; viz. the said abbot and convent are to be free from paying tithes from their ancient demesne lands in Wecchindenn, but shall pay to the said rector the greater tithes from the land of Brodeghe and from other newly acquired lands, and shall also pay him 3s. yearly, and so much oats from the field called 'Milesred' &c. Dudinton, 5 Ides of April, A.D. 1272.
[Warw.] D. 318. Grant by Geoffrey de Simili, to the abbot and monks of Stanley, of all the tenement in Cubinton which Henry Tysun and Juliana his wife held of the grantor, viz. his capital dwelling-house and land with a toft and croft, part held by William Baldewin, with the said William and all his issue, part of the land lying by Fidelond, part upon 'le Lcngehavetlond,' part upon 'le Russehemforlong,' part upon 'le Brodeportwei,' part upon Fifacres, part upon Mukeledon, and one free pasture called 'la Grave'; all which the said Juliana has granted to the said monks for all her term viz. for her life or for twenty years from Hokedei, [5 ?]6 Henry III. Witnesses:—William de Asseshou, Michel de Hurst, and others (named).
[Wilts.] D. 319. Grant by William le Blunde of Bayleclive, to Ralph le Waspre, for 100s., of his capital messuage, with a curtilage and croft, and land belonging thereto, in Bayleclive, part lying on 'la Leghe,' and part in Hulhanmelde by land of the prior of la Langelete; also release of all the grantor's right in Bayleclive. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Vernon, Yvo de Sturton, Ralfh Dangers, knights, and others (named). Wednesday after St. Gregory, 41 Henry III.
[Wilts.] D. 320. Agreement between Sir Simon, the prior, and the convent, of Farleye, and John Savory (Sawaricus) of Westbiri; viz. the said John, with the assent of John, his son and heir, has released to the said prior and convent a yearly rent of 12d. from messuages and lands which they have of the said John's fee in Westbiri, of the grant of John de Clavile, for which release the said prior and convent have convoyed to John nine royal acres of land in Westbiri in the field called 'Thrittiacres,' together with pasture on the hills of Westbiri, John paying 4d. yearly to the 'infirmarius' of Farleye. Witnesses:—Sirs Walter de Dunstanvill, then present, and Eichard Cotele, and others (named). Octave of the apostles Peter and Paul, A.D. 1265.
[ ] D. 321. Grant by Walter de Marisco, clerk, to the prior and convent of Monmouth, witnessing that whereas they have granted to him the tithes of Hurlestune, for his life, at a yearly rent of 2s. if he shall be able to recover them at law, he agrees that after his death the said tithes shall be restored to them, but if he fail in recovering them, the said prior and convent are not to be bound to him in any ecclesiastical benefice by reason of their said grant &c. Sunday after the Epiphany, A.D. 1258.
[Kent.] D. 322. Grant in frank almoin by Jordan Copping, to the abbot and convent of Battle, of one acre of wood in Wy parish, lying in the wood called 'Boccholte,' paying 2d. yearly to Simon de Chiltone. Witnesses:— Thomas de Shorne, Stephen de Kingeswode, and others (named). 50 Henry III.
[Wilts.] D. 323. Agreement between brother Walter de Cheseldene, abbot of Lettelee (Netley), and Henry de Kyngeston Deverel, as to services claimed by the said abbot after the death of Walter Wymund, father of the said Henry, for a messuage and land in Kyngeston Deverel, viz. homage, heriot, relief, and suit at the abbot's court there every three weeks, also attendance at the ploughings (precarias carucarum) called 'Beinhurthe,' the mowing of the meadows, and the reaping of the corn, of the abbot in Kyngeston; Henry is to pay the abbot 39s. yearly at Michaelmas, in lieu of the said services, and to do suit twice a year at the abbot's court in Kyngeston. Salisbury, Wednesday before St. George, 31 Edward [I].
[Devon.] D. 324. Recognisance by Geoffrey de Aubemarle, before Gilebert de Prestone and his companions, justices in eyre in the county of Devon, acknowledging that he is bound to acquit Sir William de Englefeud for 100s. in which the said William was bound to William Bauszan, yearly, during Bauszan's life, for the land of Levestone. Feast of St. Nicholas 41 Henry III. Seal.
[ ] D. 325. Undertaking by J. de Mara, rector of the church of Kidermunster, that whereas the day of the exaltation of Holy Cross, A.D. 1265, had been fixed for the settlement of the dispute between himself and the prior and convent of Maydenebradeley in the Roman court and elsewhere, as to certain tithes and other things belonging to the said church he promises to take no further action in the matter before that day and if peace be not re-established between them the hearing in the Roman court may be prorogued until the morrow of St. Matthias the apostle. Morrow of the Assumption, A.D. 1265.
[York.] D. 326. Release by Peter de Sabaudia, to John de Engelfeld, until the full age of the son (fil) and heir of Matthew de Tornton who was then in Peter's wardship, of suit at the first 'wapentac' of Grilling after Michaelmas, wherever held, commonly called 'Frendleswapentac,' which suit Peter had claimed from the said John for his land in Ellreton on Simalam. London, the feast of St. Cuthbert the bishop, 45 Henry III. Portion of seal.
Surrey. D. 327. Grant by Matthew Besylle, to the abbot and convent of Netley, of all his land of Gumeshylle, which he had of the gift of the king. Henry III. Injured.
[Glouc.] D. 328. Certificate by John, bishop of Hereford, of the institution of Stephen de Askeby, clerk, to the church of Staunton in the forest of D[ene], on the presentation of brother Matthew, the prior, and the convent, of Monmouth. 16 October, [A.D. 12]70, in the [second] year of his pontificate. Injured.
[Somers ?] D. 329. Grant by Nicholas de la Forde, to Michael de Winkelegh, of all his right in land in Athelingwode, which he claimed against the said Michael by writ of entry before the justices at Exeter, and which the grantor's mother gave to Michael de Suthecott, father of the said Michael. Exeter, day of St. Clement, 47 Henry III.
[Carmar.] D. 330. Grant by Thomas Ace, to Master Elias de Kermerd[yn], for 100s. of his land 'del Wytecastel,' doing service to the lord of Landesteph[an]. Witnesses:—Sir Gr. de Bryon, Richard deTunderlech, steward of Kermerd[yn], and others (named). Saturday before St. Barnabas, 47 Henry III. Copy.
[Bedf.] D. 331. Release by Hawyse, late the wife of William de Hyda, to Sir Nicholas the prior, and the brethren, of the church of Fontevraud, abiding at Grovebury (Gravam) in the parish of Leighton (Lecton'), of all her right in lie?, yearly rent which they were wont to pay to her and to William her son for a tenement in Stodham. June, 47 Henry III.
[Wilts.] D. 332. Grant by Eustace Blowe of Merleberge, son of Hugh Blowe, to Ydania de Mildehal, in dower, of land in Merleberge, and of a butcher's stall in the same; paying 6s. yearly to St. Mary's church, Merleberge, for the support of the work of the said church and for celebrating the mass of the Virgin Mary in the same. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas the chaplain, rector of St. Peter's church, Merleberge, Robert, rector of the church of Mildehale, and others (named). Trinity Sunday, A.D. 1258.
[Kent ?] D. 333. Grant by Richard son of Hendeman del Ho, to John son of William de Prestone, for 11s. of land, part in the fields of Ho, lying on Hegefurlong and abutting towards the water of Haile, and part on Middelfurlong, rendering yearly an iron pin (acum) at Easter. Vigil ot St. Nicholas, A.D. 1259.
[Worc.] D. 334. Ordinance by Vincent, archdeacon of Worcester, in a dispute between the abbot and convent of Pershore, and Sir Richard de Budon, rector of the church of St. Andrew, touching tithes arising from newly tilled lands in Besford and Defford, confirming a previous ordinance between the said parties by Walter, bishop of Worcester. 11 Kalends of July, A.D. 1256.
[Cumbld.] D. 335. Demise by Gilbert de Umframvill, earl of Angus and lord of Cokermouth, to Thomas Forest, John Milner, Michael Makcarnican, and Thomas Pateson, of Cokermouth, for 44l. for one year from Michaelmas last past, of the herbage of Cokermouth park, reserving sufficient pasture for the beasts of the forest (la savagnie) of the said earl, with the weir (le fishgarth) and all the fishery of the water of Derwent from the said weir to the sea, with the water corn mill of Cokermouth and all the suit belonging thereto, with the toll, and the farm of brewings (braceressez) and measures &c. the grantees are to make the 'hecks' (les hekkis) of the said fishery, from the earl's timber, at their costs, when any are injured by sand or otherwise, but are to be exempted from the payment of 1 mark, yearly, to the parson of Brigham for the tithe of the said mill as agreed on between Sir Anthony de Lucy, lord of Cokermouth and the former parson of Brigham church; with other covenants between the said parties. Monday after the Conception, 4 Richard II. French. Seal and portions of two seals.
[Dorset ?] D. 336. Release by Matilda Lungespee, widow, to the canons of Burencestre, of all her right of dower in all the tenement which Sir William Lungespee, her late husband, conveyed to them. Witnesses:—Sirs Walter and Roger de Clifford, William de Breuse, Roger de Leyburne, William de Bello Campo, and John Bek, knights. Kaneford, Ascension day, A.D. 1257.
[Berks.] D. 337. Grant by Giles, bishop of Salisbury, to the abbot and convent of Battle, of 5 marks yearly pension from the church of Brichtwalton, which belongs to their patronage. London, Kalends of May, A.D.1258.
[Somers.] D. 338. Conveyance by William the prior, and the convent, of Maydenebradeleigh, to Richard Dou, the younger, and Juliana, his wife, for their lives, with remainder to Margaret, their daughter, for her life, of a tenement in Bekynton, and a croft called 'Smalmede,' also of land in Bekynton, part called 'Moreakre' abutting on Muchelmor, and part called 'Litelmede.' Sunday after St. Bartholomew, 36 Edward III.
[Worc.] D. 339. Demise by the prior and convent of Maydenebradelegh, to Thomas Mal, chaplain, and John Mal, of the county named, for thirty-four years, of the third part of their manor of Kydermenstre, with Oldyngton and Comberton, with tithes &c. reserving the profits of the grantors' woods of Bourlash &c. and reserving the pension which the vicar of Kydermenstre pays them yearly, and certain rents and services which John atte Wode renders yearly for lands in Horkote &c. paying yearly, 32l. for the first ten years, and 34l. afterwards if no great pestilence come to those parts &c. 6 June, 13 Richard II. Portion of seal of arms.
[York ?] D. 340. Conveyance by Sibyl Crapet, to Geoffrey le Hoper, son of Reginald le Hoper, of land in Syttlint[on] (Shitlington ?), in the field called 'Morfurlong,' to hold for the grantor's life, from Sunday before St. Ambrose, 46 Henry III. Witnesses:—Adam de Benetham, and others (named).
[Kent.] D. 341. Grant by Richard Asce, to the abbot and convent of Battle, in frank almoin, of land and wood, viz. all the tenement which he had of the heirs of Godfrey de Fraxino, which is of the tenure of the court of Wy. A.D.1256.
Endorsed: 'Bocholte.'
[Surrey.] D. 342. Agreement between Ebalus de Montibus, knight, and William son of Gilbert de Colevile, by which the former binds himself to pay 95 marks for the delivery to the said William before the quinzaine of Easter, A.D. 1263, at the king's exchequer, of two deeds of mortgage (cartas in judeismo factas) of William's manor of Kersaunton, one to Isaak son of Jorum, the Jew, late of Norwich, for 50l. and the other to Aaron le Blund, the Jew, late of London, for 20 marks, which manor had been demised to the said Ebalus for the delivery of the said deeds, with clause for re-entry on the said manor in case of Ebalus not fulfilling this agreement. Westminster, Conversion of St. Paul, A.D. 1262. Witnesses:—J[ohn], abbot of Peterborough (de Burgo), Treasurer of the Exchequer, Sirs G. de Langele, Bennet de Blakeham, John de Weston, knights, and others (named).
[Middx.] D. 343. Bond by Henry de Kensinton, to Cresse son of Genta, the Jew, for 20s. to be paid at the Epiphany next. 26 October, 39 Henry III. Portion of seal.
[ ] D. 344. Bond by William son of William le Moyne, to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 16s. one moiety to be paid at Easter next, and the other at Michaelmas following. 6 September, 38 Henry III.
Endorsed: Memorandum that the said William further owes half a load of corn &c.
[Somers.] D. 345. Bond by Baldewin de Weyford, to Isaac son of Deulecresse son of Genta, the Jew, for 2 marks, to be paid at the Purification next. 21 December, 39 Henry III.
[ ] D. 346. Bond by Geoffrey de Rubrok, son of William, to Master Aaron, the Jew, for 40s. to be paid at the dates specified. 26 September, 34 Henry III.
[ ] D. 347. Bond by William le Bel, to Jacob son of Master Mosseus, the Jew, for 17s. to be paid at Easter next. 10 October, 34 Henry III.
[ ] D. 348. Bond by Fulk de Straford, to Isaac de Suwrk, the Jew, for 50s. to be paid at Michaelmas next. 15 December, 34 Henry III. Seal, broken.
[Essex.] D. 349. Bond by William son of Gilbert de Welcumestowe, to Abraham son of Bonamus, the Jew, for 20s. to be paid at Mid-Lent next. 10 January, 38 Henry III.
[ ] D. 350. Bond by Wygan de Chereburg, to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 10 marks, to be paid at the dates specified. 7 October, 38 Henry III.
[ ] D. 351. Bond by Ralph de Harpesfeld, to Josceus son of Fluria, the Jew, for 20s. to be paid at the dates specified. 13 July, 29 Henry III. Portion of seal.
[ ] D. 352. Bond by James Wa . . . . ., to Peytevin de Wintonpa], the Jew, for 30s. to be paid at the dates specified. 9 March, 37 Henry III. Seal.
[ ] D. 353. Bond by William Pride, to Tsac son of Ester, for 8s. to be paid at Michaelmas next. Vigil of the Epiphany, 37 Henry III.
[ ] D. 354. Bond by Ralph de Waleshal, to Isac son of Abraham, for 40s. to be paid at the Purification next. Friday after the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 73 Henry III.
[ ] D. 355. Bond by James le Lung, to Deulecresse son of Aaron, the Jew, for 20s. to be paid at Michaelmas next. 10 August, 37 Henry III.
[ ] D. 356. Bond by Richard son of John de Kingeston, 'le charpinter,' to Jacob son of Josceus, the Jew, for 2 marks, to be paid at Christmas next. 22 July, 37 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
[ ] D. 357. Bond by John son of Godfrey, to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 1 mark and one quarter of corn, to be paid at All Saints next. Wednesday after the Purification, 24 Henry III.
[ ] D. 358. Bond by Thomas de Mora, to Elyas son of Mosseus, the Jew,' for 43s. 4d. to be paid at the Nativity of the Virgin Mary next. Friday before the Annunciation, 24 Henry III.
[ ] D. 359. Bond by Roger Crok, to Josceus son of Fluria, the Jew, for 20s. to be paid at Easter next. Thursday before St. Matthias, 24 Henry III. Seal.
[ ] D. 360. Bond by Geoffrey Batall, to Abraham son of Aaron, son of Abraham, the Jew, for 30s. to be paid within a year from Easter next. 22 March, 24 Henry III. Seal.
[ ] D. 361. Bond by Stephen de Stranda, to Josceus son of Fluria, the Jew, for 14s. to be paid at All Saints next. 4 July, 26 Henry III.
[ ] D. 362. Bond by Matthew de Vermy, to Josceus son of Fluria, the Jew, for 4l. to be paid at the dates specified. 28 October, 26 Henry III.
[ ] D. 363. Bond by Maurice de Matros, to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 54s. half to be paid at All Saints next and half at Christmas following. 25 April, 32 Henry III. Seal of arms.
[ ] D. 364. Bond by Robert de Ylling, to Isaac Crespin, the Jew, for six loads of oats and two cartloads of hay, part to be paid at the Beheading of St. John the Baptist next and part at the octave of Michaelmas following. 30 June, 28 Henry III.
[ ] D. 365. Bond by Joan, daughter of Richard son of Hubert, to Pacceninus son of Ysaac de Bedeford, for 5 marks, to be paid at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. 1 February, 27 Henry III.
[ ] D. 366. Bond by Adam de La Lese of Sorham, to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 40s. yearly, for five years, to be paid at the terms specified. 3 July, 20 Henry III.
[Kent ?] D. 367. Bond by Simon de Chivenning (?), to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 10l. to be paid at Midsummer, 21 Henry III. 15 April, 20 Henry III.
[ ] D. 368. Bond by John Osgood, to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 30s. to be paid at the terms specified. 2 November, 30 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
[ ] D. 369. Bond by Geoffrey de Say, brother of William de Say, to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 30l. a moiety to be paid at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, and the other moiety at the same term next following. 14 October, 30 Henry III.
[ ] D. 370. Bond by Ralph de Launton, to Deulecresse son of Aaron the Jew, for 20s. to be paid at Easter next. 19 October, 30 Henry III. Seal, injured.
[ ] D. 371. Bond by William Godulf, to Poitevin de Wint[onia], the Jew, for 40s. to be paid at the quinzaine of Martinmas next. 21 November' 30 Henry III. Portion of seal.
[ ] D. 372. Bond by Thomas Becaz, to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 4 marks and ten loads of oats, to be paid at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, and the quinzaine of Easter following. 26 May, 31 Henry III. Portion of seal.
[ ] D. 373. Bond by Walter de Rekelee, to Aaron son of Abraham, the Jew, for 100s. to be paid at St. Andrew next. 2 December, 31 Henry III.
[Surrey.] D. 374. Bond by William son of Roger de Croyndon, to Isaac de Suwrk, the Jew, for 2 marks, to be paid at the Purification next. 28 August, 31 Henry III.
[ ] D. 375. Bond by Ralph de la Newelonde, to Aaron son of Abraam, for 30l. to be paid at the Purification next. 13 August, 23 Henry III.
[Suff.] D. 376. Confirmation by John, bishop of Norwich, to Adam the prior, and the canons, of Dodnash (de Alneto) in Burcholt, at its foundation, of the grant made to them of the same place (eundem locum de alneto), in frank almoin, by Baldewin de Toeni and Alda, his mother, at the instance (obtentu et perquisicione) of Wimar the chaplain, founder of the said place, who has assigned to the said canons his land of Dodenes and the church of Terston; as the said place is within the limits of the parish church of Burcholt which belongs to Battle Abbey, the said canons have sworn to observe the rights of the said church, and if any quarrel should arise between the canons and the said church, it is to be referred to the decision of the churches of Battle and Dodnash and the parson of Burcholt, with a final appeal to the bishop of Norwich. Witnesses:—Alan, the prior of Holy Trinity, Ipswich, William de Brisete and Jordan, canons of St. Peter's, Ipswich, and others (named). 7 Kalends of October, A.D. 1188.
[This document, with the three succeeding ones viz. D. 377, 378, 379, is printed in Vol. X. of the Pipe Roll Society's Publications.]
[Glouc.] D. 377. Confirmation by Gilebert son of Hinganus the archer (arcarii), to the brethren of the church of Pershore, of assarted land in Hauochesb[ury] (Hawkesbury) which his father gave to the said church for the souls of Henry, king of England, son of Matilda the empress, and of Robert, earl of Gloucester, his lord, and of himself and his ancestors. Witnesses:—Gregory, dean of Quenton, Maihel de Tormarton, and others (named), with many knights and freemen of the seven hundreds of Grimboldesesse, and many others of the halmote of Hauochesbury. 7 kalends of December, A.D. 1183.
[Hants.] D. 378. Grant by William Griwerr', to the canons of St. Denis near Suthamton, in frank almoin, for the souls of king Richard and king Henry, his father, and for the grantor's soul, and those of his wife and children &c. of 20s. rent which Edmund de Marisco used to pay to the grantor. Witnesses:—John, abbot of Hyde, Hugh Bard[olf], John de Rabez, sheriff of Southampton, and others (named). [3 Richard I.]
[Leic.] D. 379. Instrument by Geoffrey Trussel stating, that fearing lest he or any of his heirs should hereafter call in question the right of the church of St. Nicholas, Kyrkebi, to the church of Sarneford, he has come to Kyrkebi on Palm Sunday, the Ides of April, A.D. 1169, and has confirmed it by his oath; he promises that if any question arises as to possession of the said church, ho will come to the aid of the monks of Kyrkebi wherever necessary, they providing him with a horse if he has not his own; this second confirmation is sworn in the time of Robert the prior. Witnesses:—Robert the dean, Siward the chaplain, Robert de Copest, and others (named). [15 Henry II.]
[Worc.] D. 380. Agreement in a cause before Sir Giles the bishop, and William the precentor, of Hereford, between Walter the prior, and the convent, of Great Malvern, and Andrew, the vicar of St. Andrew's, Pershore, of the one part, and the abbot and convent of Pershore of the other part, concerning certain tithes; viz. the said prior and convent and the said vicar are to receive all the tithes of Wike, Burlingham, and the parish of St. Andrew's, Pershore, of which the monks of Pershore former ly received a moiety; the said monks of Pershore are to receive all the tithes in Brihtellemeton, Pendesham, Pendefen, Beszford, and Defford. The great church at W[orcester?], vigil of the apostles Peter and Paul, A.D. 1204. Sealed by Sir Mauger, bishop of Worcester &c. Witnesses:— Masters Robert de Clipston, Albin de Esseburn, and others (named). Injured.
[Herts.] D. 381. Confirmation by the king, of the gift made by Rolland de Dinan, to the nuns of Sopwell (Supewlla), of half a hide of Ikelineford (Ickleford), the said nuns paying one mark yearly. Witnesses:—Roger, archdeacon of Ba[yeux], Walkelin, Maminot, and Jocelin de Baillolo. Westminster, H[enry II]. Injured.
Endorsed: 'Ikylford.'
[Somers ?] D. 382. Confirmation by R[ichard] the dean, and the chapter, of Salisbury, of a grant made by H[erbert], bishop of the same, to the brethren dwelling in Loco Dei, of a yearly rent of 5 marks from the church of Heinton. Given by the hands of Hugh the chancellor, feast of the translation of St. Bennet, A.D. 1214.
Endorsed: 'Carta de v m[arcis] de ecclesia de Henlune de Lega'.
[Berks.] D. 383. Grant by Alan de Witchirche, to William de Englefeld, of the mill of Sefeld, with the waters, also the suit and multure of the grantor's men of the said town, and land called 'Mulaker' before the door of the mill, also land at Husseiebrigge called 'Mulnaker' with an island called 'Briggheit,' land called 'Wieland,' a meadow called 'Rugheneie,' and meadow land in Cunemede with fisheries &c. belonging; in return for which William has given him 39 marks and two great horses (dextrarios), one grey (liardum) and the other white; also further grant to William of pannage for eighteen hogs in the grantor's wood &c. if the grantor exchanges the said lands, he will give an equivalent in the same town or at Lecchinges. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas Basset, William de Uffinton, Thomas de Berghfeld, William Banastre of Silamested, and others (named). [9 Richard I.] Equestrian seal.
Endorsed:—'Anno regni regis Ric[ardi] ixocoram justic[iariis] d[omi]ni reg[is]' &c. Printed in Vol. X. of the Publications of the Pipe Roll Society, page 105.
[Sussex.] D. 384. Grant by the king, addressed to S[effried], bishop of Chichester, Anselm de Roth[omago] and the sheriff &c. of Sussex, of 40s. to the abbot and monks of Battle, which sum the grantor had retained in the manor of Apeldreham, yearly, with the farm of Boseham; the present grant being in part exchange for the grantees' land of Chaermerthen which the grantor has given to Bern[ard] the bishop, and the church, of St. Davids. Witnesses:—William, archbishop of Canterbury, Roger bishop of Salisbury, Geoffrey the chancellor, Robert de Ver, and W. de Ponteare'. Westminster, H[enry] I. [ante A.D. 1133.] Printed in Vol. X. of the Publications of the Pipe Roll Society, page 27.
[Kent.] D. 385. Demise by the abbot and convent of Boxle, to John Lefton' of Boxle, of land in the same called 'Belys' adjoining the high road to Maydeston, for sixty years. Michaelmas, 31 Henry VI. Injured.
[N'hamp.] D. 386. Grant, in tail, by Richard Tumor, perpetual vicar of the church of Laxston, and John Corby of Little Weldon, to William Wyllyngham the younger, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Thomas Asscheby of Lowysby, of the reversion of all their lands and tenements in Blatherwyk, Laxston, and Bolewyk, after the decease of John Bradenham and Eleanor his wife, except a messuage with land and two cottages, with reversion, in default of issue, to the right heirs of the said Eleanor. Saturday after St. Luke the evangelist, 11 Henry [IV].
[Pembr.] D. 387. Grant by Davyd Drew of Wyllyamystoun, to John Howell of Wodystok, of a messuage and land in Wyllyamystoun near Tankardystoun, in the lordship of Pebidyank. Monday after the Assumption, 5 Richard II. Seal.
[N'hamp.] D. 388. Grant by Katherine Adyngton, late the wife of William Adyngton of Estpirye, daughter and heiress of Simon de Pirye, widow, to Thomas Adyngton, 'smytb,' of Estpirye, her son, of a messuage and land, which she has, by right of inheritance after the decease of her said father, in Estpirye, Yerdeley Gobyon, and Couesgrave, the said messuage being situated in Blakewellende, part of the land lying in a field called ' Hardeleefeld' adjoining a lane called 'Templelane,' part in a field called' Claywellfeld,' lying on Stubwellhill, part under Fortho, part on Claywellhill, part upon Lamcoteforlong, part in a field called 'Wynmylitefeld,' part upon Pondeforlong, part at Stonycrosse, part in the field of Yerdeley Gobyon at 'le Haye,' and part in a meadow called 'Moynes mede'; also grant of yearly rents in Estpirye and 6d. yearly rent from meadowland called 'Thacheholme' in Yerdeley Gobyon. Wednesday after St. Andrew, 2 Henry IV. Seal.
Annexed: Paper copy of above.
Guernsey. D. 389. Copy of Letters Patent by the king setting forth the terms of an agreement arranged in Gascony between himself and Otto de Grandisono, knight, keeper of the Channel Islands, of the one part, and the fishermen of Guernsey, of the other part, in a dispute regarding the fishery and sale of eels, mackerel, and herrings &c. Witnesses:—J[ohn], archbishop of York, R[obert], bishop of Bath and Wells, Henry de Lasey, earl of Lincoln, and others (named). Lescar in Byern, 27 July, 16 Edward [I].
Given by copy under the seals of the bailiffs A.D. 1348, Sunday before St. John ante Portam Latinam, in the presence of Ralph de Bello Campo and John Estur, jurats of the king.
Endorsed: 'le tranescript dune charte de lespecheries.'
Oxford. D. 390. Grant by Philip de la Vache, knight, to Lewis Clifford, Richard Abberbury, and Richard Sturry, knights, and Thomas Broke, clerk, of the custody of the manors of Wygynton, Ardele, and Weston, and other lands &c. in the county named, during the minority of John son and heir of John Beauchamp, of Holt, knight. 5 December, 14 Richard II. Seal of arms.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll in December of the said year.
[Pembr.] D. 391. Grant by William Stone and Agnes his wife, to William Hamond, of a messuage in Haverford. Tuesday before Christmas, 4 Henry V. Injured.
[Wales.] D. 392. Grant by A . . . . and . . . . his wife, to John ap Gwillym ap David Lauren . ., of land and a meadow in . . . . . . Skyoc, Monday before All Saints, 9 Henry V. Much injured.
[Pembr.] D. 393. Grant by Richard Martyn, to John Pyrtegale and Beatrice his wife, of 20d. yearly rent from a half burgage in Haverford, situate in 'le Hulstrete.' 10 February, 1 Henry V.
[Worc.] D. 394. Grant by Robert the prior, and the convent, of Maydenbradelegh, to Richard Bykerestaff, of land in the high street of Kydermestre, for eighty years, paying 3s. yearly; the grantee is to build a new house on the said land within the next two years. All Saints, 2 Henry V.
[Herts.] D. 395. Release by John Fizjeffrey, son of William Fizjeffrey, of Sandon, to Stephen Cowherde of Newechepyng, of all his right in a grove called 'Ladygrove' with land &c. in the parish of Sandon, part lying in a field called 'Dylemere' and abutting on land called 'Wodekockeshern,' part lying in Wodekockeshern by the high road called 'Longstrete,' abutting on land de staciis, and part lying in Flodgatemede adjoining the meadow of Bergeys. Sunday before St. Barnabas, 9 Henry V.
[Worc.] D. 396. Grant by Philip Webbe of Evesham, to John Salysbury, parson of the church of Bradewell, and John Penne, chaplain, of Evesham, of a messuage with a curtilage in Evesham, in 'le Longstrete,' adjoining a tenement of the almoner of Evesham monastery. Monday before St. Barnabas, 3 Henry V.
Kent. D. 397. Grant by Thomas Rolf of Southwode in the parish of Hegham, to Robert Huchon of Frendysbery, and Adam Rycher of Cleve, of lands and tenements &c. with marshes (cum marysch'), in Cleve and Hegham. Witnesses:—Thomas Rolf, the younger, and others (named). Feast of St. Bartholomew, 7 Henry V. Seal.
Linc. D. 398. Grant by Thomas Gunthorp of Eppeworth, to Norman Babyngtone, Thomas Belwode, William Sutwolf, Robert Brytling, Robert Stathir, Robert Katerynson, and John Barr, of Gunthorp, of all his messuages, lands, tenements, and goods &c. in Eppeworth, Gunthorp, and Gitskarth. Witnesses:—Richard Tryvet, rector of the parish church of Eppeworth, and others (named). 1 January, 9 Henry V.
[Pembr.] D. 399. Grant by William Smyth of Cheriton, and Margery his wife, to John Pycton, esquire, of the same, of three messuages and land in Tenby, and one messuage and land in Polthhalok. Monday, the feast of St. Mark the evangelist, 6 Henry V.
[Pembr.] D. 400. Letter of attorney by Elena Perrot, widow, late the wife of Lewis David late of Tenby, merchant, authorising Thomas Wiriot, her son, and David John alias Hugh, her bailiffs, to enter upon all the messuages, lands, and tenements &c. in Tenbie, which she lately had of the gift of John Perrot of Woddestocke, and Thomas Maghaunle of Tenbie, merchant, and to deliver seisin of the same to William Perrot of Haroldeston, esquire, to whom she has granted the same. 19 September, 17 Henry VII. Seal. See D. 813.