Deeds: A.12101 - A.12200

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Deeds: A.12101 - A.12200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.12101 - A.12200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.12101 - A.12200". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.12101 - A.12200

[N'hamp.] A. 12101. Feoffment by Richard Warner, of Throp, to John Mallory, of Welleton, of a rose to be received from Robert de Welleton and his heirs as a yearly rent at Midsummer for three half acres of arable in the west field of Welleton which he gave the said Robert in fee, with all wards, reliefs, escheats. St. Mark's day, 17 Edward [I]. Seal with legend, s. ricardi. fl'. . . . . .
[Norf.] A. 12102. Grant in free alms by William Kokir to God and the church of St. Mary of Wendling and the abbot and canons there, of the homage and service of Walter son of Simon, of Skerning, to wit, 1d. at Michaelmas and 1d. at Easter, for a tenement in Wendling. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 12103. Grant by Julian, late the wife of Walter le Leche (medici), of Skerning, widow, to God and St. Mary and the canons of the Premonstratensian order at Wendlinge, of her right, by way of dower, in 4d. rent which Fucherus son of Hathewisa of Wendlinge used to pay her said husband for a piece of land there. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert de Frausham, Sir Saer de Frivill, and others (named). Seal, with legend, sig. ivlian. vxor'. walt'. Cf. A. 12132.
[Norf.] A. 12104. Feoffment by Walter le Leche (medicus), of Scerninge, to Fulcherus son of Hauuis of Wendlinge, for his homage and service, and for 15s. in gersum, of 1a. arable lying on 'Niuelinge,' between the land which was of Astild the chapman (mercatori) and land of Herluuin, and abutting on land of Aedmund son of Fulcher, and on the meadow of the prior of Acre; to give, &c. except to religion; rent, 4d. Seal, with legend, sigill'. walteri. medici.
[Norf,] A. 12105. Grant in free alms by Peter son of Walter le Leche (medici), of Skerninge, to God and St. Mary and the canons of the Premonstratensian order at Wendling, of 4d. rent which Fulcherus, son of Hathewisa, of Wendling, used to pay his father Walter and himself for a piece of land in Wendling. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert de Frausham, Sir Saer de Frivill, and others (named). Seal, with legend, sigill. petri. f.
Endorsed: Carta Petri le Mire de Skernige.
[Norf.] A. 12106. Grant in free alms by Ralph son of Henry 'eued,' of Frausham, to God and St. Mary and All Saints and the canons of the Premonstratensian order at Wendlinge, of all the tenements, which they had of his fee, as in lands, woods, turbaries, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert de Frausham, Sir Seyer de Frivill, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. radvlfi. rvffin.
Endorsed: Carta Radulfi Ruffin.
[Warw.] A. 12107. Counterpart of demise by John de Catesby to John Chatr', and Thomas, his son, for their lives of a toft in Nether Schuckeburgh, called 'Tappecrofte,' at 2s. rent; the tenant to build a house, &c. The Conversion of St. Paul, 4 Richard II. Seals.
[Norf.] A. 12108. Feoffment by Ralph son of Henry Ruffin, of Frausham, to William son of Lefthein, of Wendling, and Gilbert de Wesenham, of the whole moiety of the mill which (quod) was Robert Cuthem[er]'s which (quam) Robert held of Henry, his father, in Wendlingh', &c. with a moiety of the alder-carr (alneti) which is of the fee of Sir William de Stutewile, to wit which lies between the alder-carr of Emma, late the wife of Lewin and the watercourse; to give, &c. except to religion; rent, 12d., to wit, 4d. at the Purification, Whitsuntide and Michaelmas; and it is to be known that, out of the 12d., he and his heirs ought to give 4d. to the lord of Gresnale on account of the overflow (refulacionem) of the water and the moiety of the alder-carr; for this they gave him 8s. in gersum, and did homage. Fragment of seal, with legend, . . . . advlfi. fil. . . . .
[N'hamp.] A. 12109. Indenture of demise by Edmund de Watford to Thomas Bertram, of Creton, and Joan, his wife, for the term of their lives in sur- vivorship, of a messuage with a curtilage, between the messuages of Eustace Burneby and John Simons (Symonis); rent, a rose at Midsummer. Creton, Thursday after St. Peter's Chains, 18 Edward II. Seal.
[N'hamp.] A. 12110. Release by Robert le Juvene, of Sprotton, to Edmund son of Edmund de Watford, of a messuage and a virgate of land in Great Creton, that virgate, to wit, which Robert Hende formerly held. Wit- nesses:—Simon Maulore, and others (named). Northampton, Wednesday after St. Hilary, 3 Edward III. Seal, apparently of arms.
[Berks.] A. 12111. Feoffment by John de Rothynge to the abbot and convent of Stanleye, of 2a. arable in the south field of Lamburne, at 'Vitelhulle'; rent, an apple at Michaelmas. Seal.
[Cornw.] A. 12112. Feoffment by Silvester de Lannergh byghan to John Meyn, of Hellestonburgh, glover, and Joan, his wife, in tail of all his messuages, lands and tenements in Lannergh beyhan, with reversion in default to himself and his heirs. Hellstonburgh, Saturday before the Apostles Philip and James, 3 Richard II. Seal.
Endorsed: Lannargh byghan.
[N'hamp.] A. 12113. Release by Eustace Gulaffre, of Watfford, to Richard son of Martin Lovel, of Welleton, for his homage and service, of 23d. rent from a messuage which Richard held by the feoffment of his father Eustace and Benedicta, his mother, so that the said Richard Martin should be bound to pay him 1d. only at Michaelmas for all service; for this Richard Martin paid him 22s. beforehand. Witnesses:—Martin Lovel of Welleton, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: Relaxacio Eustasii Golafre de Watteford facta Ricardo Lovel de Welton.
[Warw.] A. 12114. Release by James le Goldsmyth, of Boston (de Sancto Botulpho), merchant, to William de Catesby, and Joan, his wife, and William's heirs and assigns, of 4 marks rent from the lands and tenements which were Giles le Waydour's in Coventre; which rent he had by the gift and feoffment of John de Benyngton of Coventre. Witnesses:— Richard le Frebern, mayor, Richard de Stoke, and John de Heydon, bailiffs of Coventre, Walter le Whitewebbe, and others (named). Tuesday in the second week of Lent, 24 Edward III. Seal.
[Warw.] A. 12115. Feoffment by Amissia Borcher, daughter of William de Swopstone, of Lodbrok, to William son of Roger de Sutham, of Lodbrok, of a messuage there, between the messuage of Thomas de Bausale, &c.; also of part of a messuage between the stream in Lodbrok and 'Luttele- doune', the messuage of John Borcher, &c.; also of 1½r. land in 'Borcher Longecroft'; also of 1r. land on this side of 'the Homoresclade' in the field towards Rodburne, &c.; bond in 40s. to the Holy Land if she claim anything in the premises; consideration 20s. beforehand. Witnesses:— John de Lodbrok, knight, and others (named). Sunday before Lady Day, 1 Edward II. Seal, with legend, s. amicie borcher.
[York, W.R.] A. 12116. Notarial instrument drawn up by John Deyce, clerk witnessing that, for the perpetuation of the testimony of George Newton, of Gaitforth, then over eighty years old, at the instance of Sir Thomas Darcy, lord de Darcy, knight, the said George deposed, 3 June, 1506, at Cawod castle, before Thomas, archbishop of York, that the said lord Darcy, then called Sir Thomas Darcy, knight, being about to cross the sea to Bullan in the army with King Henry VII, left his seal of 'lez buk hed' with the said George, then his steward, to be used only by the advice of Henry Rokley, his servant, John Topliff, and Thomas Grice; after Sir Thomas' departure, to wit on 30th October, Sir William Scargyl, knight, then called William Scargyl, the younger, came to him with a charter of feoffment and other writings, touching the manor of Temple Newsom, and induced him to seal it, on the ground that if it was not sealed before All Hallows day, then two days off, the said Sir Thomas would forfeit 1,000l. upon a writing obliga- tory; he sealed them, without taking advice; but the same night, at Thorp, William Scargyll, the elder, advised the said William Scargyll, the younger, his grandson, to desist from his project, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Marmaduke Constable and Sir Edward Savage, knights, Sir William Draycotes and Sir John Symson, clerks, Thomas Hardy, esquire. Signature of the Arch- bishop.
[Warw.] A. 12117. Release by Richard son of Simon 'in le Vale', of Coventre, to John le Warner, of Toneworth, and Thomas Colyns, of the same, of his right in land, &c. formerly of John 'in le Vale', his uncle, in Toneworth. Witnesses:—John de Toftes, mayor, John de Pounfret, Adam de Ker . . . ., bailiffs of Coventre, and others (named). 16 July, 43 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 12118. Release by Olive, late the wife of William le Buteler, of Rucham, widow, to the abbot and convent of Wendling, of her dower in 3s. rent in Frausham, which he gave them; for this they gave her ½ mark and received her in their prayers and alms. Seal, with legend, sigillvm. amoris.
[Wilts.] A. 12119. Inspeximus and confirmation by Henry III of the grant by Ela, countess of Salisbury, of the manor of Lacok, for an abbey of nuns there, to be called the place of St. Mary. 31 January, 14 Henry III. Fragment of seal. See Monasticon, Vol. VI, p. 502 note.
[N'hamp.] A. 12120. Feoffment by John Dicson, clerk, Thomas Dicson, esquire, George Dicson, of Yelvertoft, and John Boys, the elder, of Assheby Legger, to John Gundewyn, of Yelvertoft, the elder, son of the late John Gundewyn, of the same, and to Alice, his wife, in tail, with remainder in default to John's right heirs, of the land, &c. in Yelvertoft and Cleycoton, which they had by the feoffment of the said John by his charter of fee simple. 9 August, 5 Edward IV. Seals, (1) a bird, wings displayed, (2) Seated figure with spinning machine on table, (2 and 3) the letters R. and I.
[N'hamp.] A. 12121. Feoffment by Simon 'othe Hall,' of Nortoft beside Gildesburgh, formerly of Haselbech, to William Wright, of Swynford, and Maud his wife, and the heirs and assigns of William, of 20s. rent from the land, &c. formerly of Adam Terry, of Yelvertoft, chaplain, and afterwards of Simon Lorkyn, of Nortoft, which Henry de la Hewse, chaplain, son and heir of the late Thomas de la Hewse, of Yelvertoft, and of Alice, his wife, holds, for the term of his life, in Yelvertoft, by virtue of a feoffment thereof made, by charter indented, to the said Thomas de la Hewse, and Alice in tail, by the said Simon Lorkyn; together with the reversion of the premises expectant on the decease of the said Henry de la Hewse; which rent and reversion he had in fee simple, together with other lands and tenements, on the decease of the said Simon Lorkyn, by virtue of 'le remanere,' according to the form of a feoffment made to the said Simon, for life, by Richard Moton, late vicar of the church of Ravensthorp, and John Segrave, of Waldegrave, chaplain. Yelvertoft, Tuesday next the feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, 11 Henry IV. Seal (merchant's mark), with legend, s. roberti. de. mistirton.
[Salop] A. 12122. Feoffment by Richard son and heir of Richard le Goldsmyth, of Lodelowe, the younger, to Roger son of Simon of la Seete, clerk (clerici), and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs and assigns of Roger, of a messuage in the town of la Seete, with croft, curtilage and grange adjacent, and of 1a. land, of four selions, in 'Cassewallefeld,' between land of the prior and brethren of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist of Lodelowe and land of Thomas son of Roger de la Seete, formerly lord of the same; which messuage and land descended to him on his father's death. La Seete, Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas, formerly bishop of Canterbury, 27 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Norf.] A. 12123. Feoffment by Alexander son of Thomas, of Skernyng, to Ralph son of Ralph, of Wenling, for his homage and service, and 1 mark in gersum, of a piece of arable, and a piece of pasture belonging to it, which Ralph and Richard, sons of William son of Alfred, of Wenling, formerly held of him in Skernyng; and of a piece of his land 30ft. by 10ft., &c. and access to the common pasture, &c.; rent, 7d. and ½d. to a scutage of 20s. Witnesses:—Sir Saer de Frivill, and others (named). Seal, with legend, sigill. alexandri. fil. tome.
[Norf.] A. 12124. Release by Eda daughter of Thurstan, of Frausham, widow, and by Roger son of Simon, of Skerning, to William son of Leftein, of Wendling, of their right in a moiety of the land which the said Leftein held of the said Thurstan in the town of Fransham and of Wendling; to hold of the church of St. Mary of Mendham, and the monks there; consideration, ½ mark. Witnesses:—Master Simon de Skerning, Sir Roger de Frivill, Saer his son, Gilbert de Frausham and others (named). Fragment of one seal, with legend, . . . . eri. f'. simonis.
[Cornw.] A. 12125. Grant by William de Tregod to Sir Oliver de Carmenou, knight, and Elizabeth his wife, and their heirs, of the reversion of the moiety of a site (placee terre) in the town of Helleston, in Wyndesor Street, which site Thomas Godrou holds by the curtesy. Witnesses:—Sir Otto de Bodrugan, Sir John de Carmenou, knights, Osbert Hamely, Henry Serl, James de Trevyados, Silvester de Trefruthken, Richard de Nanshoc, clerk. Helleston, Wednesday the feast of St. Margaret, 2 Edward HI. Seal (a head), with legend, capvt. servi. dei.
[Wilts.] A. 12126. Grant by Robert, bishop of Salisbury, V Kal. January, in the 13th year of his pontificate, with the assent of the chapter, to Ela, the abbess, and the nuns, of Lakoc, of the tithe of sheaves of the parish, the demesne meadow and the chief house of the church of Winterborn Sureveton, of which they were the patrons, on the resignation or death of Hosbert, the then rector, with provision for the perpetual vicar there, and, meanwhile, 2 marks yearly from the rector on the feasts of St. Michael and the Lord's resurrection. Witnesses:—Robert, the dean, and others (named). See Monasticon, Vol. VI, p. 506.
[Wilts.] A. 12127. Letter of attorney by John Kyrchul, chaplain, to John de Compton, to deliver seisin to Gilbert de Berewyk, and Isabel, his wife, in tail, with remainder in default to the heirs and assigns of Gilbert, accord- ing to the charter made to them by himself and one William le Younge, chaplain. Salisbury, Monday after the Circumcision, 34 Edward III. Seal, with legend, johannis. gracia. dei.
[Wilts.] A. 12128. Feoffment by Reginald de Lavynton, and Emma, his wife, to William, abbot of Stanleg', and the convent of the same, of 1a. land in Ricardeston, which Roger le Blake held of them in bondage, between the tilth (culturam) called 'Akerfurlang,' &c. in exchange for 1a. in the same. Witnesses:—Sir John de Bachampton, knight, Joseph Fynamur and others (named). Seals, decaying, with legends, (1) ph . . os. filius. anore; (2) s. emme. de. litlecote.
I. of Wight. A. 12129. Notarial instrument, drawn up at Chichester by Eichard Awdebye, public notary of the diocese of York, in his dwelling house, situate in the parish of St. Peter commonly called 'le Subdeanrye,' being a declaration made to Master Ley, of Harting, and others appointed in that behalf, by William Cobdene, William Smyth, John Cobdene, of the parish of Bynderton, co. Sussex, William Collok, William Aylewyn, William Hall, William Tyll and John Aylewyn, of the parish of West Dene, in the said county, that whereas certain lands, held of the countess of Salisbury, as of the manor of Swaneston, being in the parish of Shalflete, called 'Gervis,' were seized into the countess' hands, as an escheat, for want of an heir to Agnes Butler, William Cobdene, of Bynderton is son and heir of John Cobdene and Agnes, his wife, which Agnes was daughter and heir of John Butler, late of Lurtington, in the said pasture called 'Gervise.' Dated 7 October, 1531, 23 Henry VIII. One seal, broken.
[N'hamp.] A. 12130. Feoffment by John Gundewyn, of Yelvertoft, the elder, son of the late John Gundewyn, of the same, to John Dicson, clerk, Thomas Dicson, esquire, George Dicson, of Yelvertoft, and John Boys, the elder, of Assheby Legger, of all the land, &c. which he then had in Yelvertoft and Cleycoton. 7 September, 3 Edward IV. Seal.
A. 12131. Acquittance by Giles de Barinton to Joan de Valence, countess of Pembroke, for 20l. for his fee due from her to Michaelmas in the 25th year, by the hands of Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford; and similarly for 10 marks 6s. 6d. wherein she was bound to him on account of a loan. Swyndon, Wednesday before Midsummer, 25 Edward [I]. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 12132. Feoffment by William de Frivill to Thomas son of Alexander, of Skerning, for his homage and service and for ½ mark in gersum, of ½a. arable there, between land of Martin 'le Leche,' William Leche and Roger 'le Leche'; rent, a peppercorn at Christmas. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] A. 12133. Grant by Robert (Rodbertus) de Crieueq[uer] to Terry son of Holto (Terrico filio Holtonis), for his homage and service, of all his uncultivated moor (moram friscam) outside the new ditch, under the old court, as the moor extends towards 'la Radeford,' and towards Fleckele, and 21½a. land which lie between the arm of the moor (brachium more) which extends towards Fleckele and the arm of the moor which extends towards 'la Radeford,' and between 'Dukepette'; to hold, &c. and to give, &c. by hereditary right, except to house of religion, doing service to him and his heirs of the twentieth part of the fee of one knight, for all service and custom and also exaction (exaccione) to his court of Leke. Witnesses:— Ralph de Lenh[am], William Buseird, Anfrid de Tutesh[am], Rodbert de Seinling, Ralph le Borne, Alexander son of Holto (Holtonis), Gileb[ert] de Pout', Albin de Chiuene, Stephen de Leke, John de Tokitune Gerard de Leflesh[am], Rodbert de Padih[am], Philip de Padih[am], Hernold de Aslinge, William son of Fulk Peyforer (filio Fulconis Peifforie), William de Boschier . . ., de . . . . . . ., William son of Etard de Crieu'q[uer], Gervase de W . . . . . Equestrian seal, broken, with legend, [sig]illvm. [rodbe]rti. de. c . . . . ., and counter-seal (a gem), with legend, [secr]etvm. mevm.
[Middx.] A. 12134. Feoffment by Thomas de Ford, brother of William de Ford, of Edelmetone, to Denis le Aveiner, citizen of London, and Isabel, his wife, and the heirs and assigns of Denis, of 3a. meadow lying in the marsh of Edelmetone. Monday before St. Barnabas, the Apostle, 2 Edward II. Seal, with legend, s. thome. de. la. forde.
Endorsed: Carta Dyonisii laueyner.
[Heref.] A. 12135. Award by Davy Gethyn and Rawlyn Voghan, arbitrators chosen on behalf of Thomas Jeyn and Richard, his son, and by John ap Rees, of Craghlan, and Hoell Rees, chosen on behalf of Alson Rees, touching land in Orcoppe. They directed 'that yiff the seyd Thomas Jeyn and Richard his son, with .v. tennauntes sufficiaunt dwelling in the parishe of Orcop wold swer uppon a boke that ther right wer better to the seyd londe then the seyd Alsonnes, that then the seyd Thomas and Richard to haav the seyd lond peesybly for evermor; and yiff the seyd Thomas and Richard wold not, or coude not, swer such an othe, that then yif the seyd Alson, with .v. sufficiaunt tenauntes,' &c. 'The which othe the seyd Thomas Jeyn and Richard his son coude not do, ne did not, wherfor the seyd Alson was admitte to the seyd othe and dud it lawfully and sufficiently. Wherfor we the seyd arbitratours juge and a waarde that the seyd Alson haue and enjoy the seyd londe,' &c. 11 February, 5 Henry VII. English. Fragments of seals.
[Glouc] A. 12136. Counterpart of demise by John Thorpe, 'gentilman,' to Robert Atthewell, for twenty years, at 18s. rent, of two several pastures in Twygworth, within the lordship of Kyngeshome nigh Gloucester, lately held by Thomas Dogat, 'bochour.' Christmas, 4 Edward IV. Seal.
[Wilts] A. 12137. Feoffment by John Colyngborn, son of Thomas Colyng- born, of Marleberg, to John Wynde, the younger, of the same, and Cristine, his wife of (1) a butcher's stall built in the high street on the north of the market, between the highway on the east and Adam Lynham's butcher's stall on the west; and (2) of a fishmonger's stall, on the north of the market, between the stalls of Hubert Wolwy and John de Polton. Certified under the common seal of the borough. Witnesses:—Roger de Beauchamp, knight, constable of Marleberg castle, Peter Baldry, mayor, William Nor- hampton, reeve of the said borough, and others (named). Monday before Lady Day, 51 Edward III. Fragment of seal (a castle), with legend, . . . . . . [m]arleberge.
[Warw.] A. 12138. Grant by Alice, late the wife of Giles de Asteleye, for the health of herself, Sir Thomas de Asteleye, her son, the lady Elizabeth, his wife, and William, their son, and of her children Sir William de Asteleye, Sibilla Basset, Alice de Herthulle, Joan de Langeton, Alice de Burneby and Margery de Asteleye, and for the souls of Sir Thomas de Wlveye, her father, dame Alice, late his wife, Sir Giles de Astleye and Sir Thomas de Clynton, [and] of Nicholas de Asteleye and Alice de Asteleye, her children, to Robert atte Wode, chaplain, and his successors, celebrating daily in the chapel of St. Mary, in the parish church of Wlveye, for vestments, &c. as in the bishop's ordinance of the said chantry is more fully contained, of a messuage in Wlveye, which Richard le Cartewrite formerly held, half-virgates which Alexander Basesone and Richard Russel formerly held, 2½a. land there which she had by the feoffment of William Payn, 1½a. land which she had by the feoffment of Amiscia de Deen, with the reversion of a half virgate there which Henry de Coppestoun, Amiscia, his wife, and John, their son, held of her for their life, of a messuage and a half virgate there which John Malyn and Isabel his wife held by her demise, and of a quarter virgate there which Roger de Burlache and Isabel his wife held of her for life by her demise; and 2s. rent from a messuage in the same town which Richard le Wollenewebbe formerly held. Witnesses:—Sir William de Clyntone, earl of Huntyngdon, Sir Thomas de Asteleye, Sir John Ryvel, Sir John Twyforde, Sir Ralph Basset of Sapcote, Sir Richard de Herthulle and Sir Nicholas de Burneby, knights, and others (named). Wolveye, Sunday after St. Hilary, 18 Edward III. Fragment of seal of arms.
Essex. A. 12139. Indenture between . . . . John Cheverel, woolman (lanar') Roger Payn, . . . . . of Joan, late the wife of John Payn . . . . . . . together with all other lands . . . . . and Brighous, co. Essex . . . . to hold . . . . . of John Payn between [them begotten], with remainder in default . . . . [in] Arlee and in the tenement . . . . ., with remainder in default . . . . the said manor, &c. . . . . Richard II. A fragment. Seal of arms (a chevron between three . . . . .), with legend, sigil'. edmvndi. . . . . .
[N'hamp.] A. 12140. Grant by Simon son of Oger of Buketona to God and the brethren of the Hospital of the Holy Trinity without Norhamton of a virgate of land in Buketona which Roger son of Thorth holds with the said Roger and his issue; for this the brethren gave him in charity (caritative) 7 marks. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Malesoures, and others (named). Seal, with legend, sigill'. simonis. fil'i. ogeri.
Endorsed: Bughtun.
Bristol. A. 12141. Feoffment by John Candevere and William Wermynstre, burgesses of Bristol, to John Thorpe, son of John Thorpe, late burgess of the same, and to Isabel his wife, in tail, of a tenement on (super) the bridge of the Avon, of the said town, on the west part of the said bridge, between the tenements John Beueley and Thomas Noreys dwell in; also of a tenement on the said bridge, on the east part, between the tenements Thomas Tumour and Angelus John dwell in; which tenements they had by the feoffment of the said John, son of John. Witnesses:—John Barstaple, mayor, and Mark Williams, sheriff, of Bristol, and others (named). 8 December, 7 Henry IV. Seals.
Endorsed: . . . de duobus schopis super pontem Abbone.
[Herts.] A. 12142. Release by Walter le Grant, of Huccote, to William de la Sale, of Draitone, and Alice, his wife, for 23 marks beforehand, of the tenement, with land, meadow and messuage, which William Selke, formerly his bondman, formerly held of him in bondage in Betelaue. Witnesses:— Sir Robert, treasurer of St Paul's, William le Grant, of Huccote, Ralph, lord of Merston, Ralph Clerk (clerico), of Trenge, Simon le Rotur, Stephen de Wywelestorne, and others (named). Eylesbir', the eve of St. Mark, the Evangelist, 11 Edward I. Seal, with legend, s. walteri. le. gravnt.
[Glouc.] A. 12143. Feoffment by John Carpeter, of Berkeley, and Clarice, his wife, to Richard Egeton, of all their land, &c. in Waneswelle within the hundred of Berkeley. Monday after Lady Day, 2 Henry IV. Seals.
[Heref.] A. 12144. Grant in fee and heredity by Madouch and Milo, sons of Wronou, son of Retherech, of Orcop, to Res son of Retherech of the moor (mora) of Orcop, of a messuage, with a croft, which Ithel Gam formerly held, between land of the said Res and land formerly of William son of Retherech; rent, 1d. for all except royal service; consideration, two oxen, of the price of ½ mark, and 15d. beforehand. Witnesses:—Seisil son of Retherech, and others (named). Seals, with legends, (1) sigill. madoc[i]. fil[ii]. wrio.; (2) sigill. . . . . . noc.
[Salop.] A. 12145. Feoffment by William le Fremon of Marchamleye, to Sir Geoffrey de Wolseleye, rector of the chapel of Marchamleye, of a selion (seylionem) of land there, called 'le Birchlond,' in 'le Leefeld'; also release of his right in a capital messuage with croft adjacent, and in all his land of inheritance which Geoffrey had by his feoffment, to wit two selions (seiliones) in 'le Leefeld' called 'le Frydaieslond' and 'le Kokschutelond,' three selions in Gateleye field, one called 'le Thwelinde- lond' and two beside 'Lodefordes Marleput,' three selions in the field between Hauekeston and Marchamleye, one called 'le Hevedlond,' one in 'Radeweyforlong' and one called 'le Sychelond', and the third part of his meadow in Bradeleye field. Witnesses:—Sir William de Lodelowe, Sir Thomas de Titteneleye, knights, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. will', l'. fremon.
[Wilts.] A. 12146. Letter of attorney by Edmund Wymondeswold, parson of the church of St. John the Evangelist, London, John Pleystowe, clerk, and John Clee, citizen and draper (pannar') and Stephen Spilman, citizen and mercer of London, to William Castel, to receive seisin from Maud Holbech, late the wife of William de Holbech, late citizen of London, and from Henry de Bracle, rector of the church of Fitelton, of two parts of the manor of Fitelton, with the advowson of the church of the same, and of lands there and in the towns of Northtudeworth and Combe, according to the feoffment made to them thereof by the said Maud and Henry. London, Friday after Lady Day, 6 Richard II. Two seals.
[Glouc.] A. 12147. Release by Richard Adames, of Pedynton, to John Broun, of Weneswelle, and Alice, his wife, of his right in land in Swonhongre and Weneswelle, which he had by John's gift. Witnesses:—John de Egeton and others (named). Weneswelle, Wednesday, in the octave of St. Michael, 13 Edward III. Seal, a pelican in her piety.
[Bucks.] A. 12148. Feoffment by Geoffrey son of Simon to William Aignel of the service which Alan le Neuman and Susan, his wife, owed him, to wit, 8d. yearly for a quarter virgate of land at Welpeleyh, whereof the said Susan and he were agreed in the king's court at Westminster; rent, a pair of gloves (unas cyrotecas), price ½d. at Easter. Witnesses:—Thomas Pudiwath, Roger de Denham, and others (named). Seal, with legend, sigill'. galfridi filii simonis.
Endorsed: Hemelamsted.
[Glouc.] A. 12149. Feoffment by John de Lorewynge to Ralph Waleys and John Aleyn, of Hulle, of 60s. yearly rent from John Walton and Sibilla, his wife, for lands, &c. which they held of him in Wyke and Lorewynge, with the reversion of the premises expectant on their decease; also of pasture for eight oxen in the pasture of the said John and Sibyl at Lorewynge; also of 6s. rent from John Gamel and Sibyl, his wife, for 4a. land in Walmegastun, which they held by his demise for the term of their lives, with the reversion of the said land; also of 4s. 4d. rent from Walter Beket, and Katharine, his wife, for land which they held of him for the term of their lives in Berkele and Hamme, with the reversion of the said land; also of 2d. rent from William Blanket and Isabel, his wife, for 1a. land in Alkynton, which they held of him for the term of Isabel's life, with the reversion of the said land; also of 5s. 4d. rent from John Sergeant, of Monemuth, for crofts called 'Gastones' next 'Yremongare- lone' at Halmar, held in fee; also of 20d. rent from John Fryg, of Halmar, for land which the said John held of him in fee; also of 8d. rent from the chaplain of the chantry of Neweport, for land in Alkinton which the said chaplain held of him, to him and his successors, for ever. Witnesses:— John Sergeant, Thomas fiz Nicole, and others (named). Berkelee, Thurs- day before St. Parnel, 44 Edward III. Seal, with legend, s. iohis. tangle.
Chester. A. 12150. Acquittance by John de Bromley, of Batynton, to William son of Ralph de Egerton, for 20 marks, for the terms of Midsummer and Martinmas last, in part of 40l. wherein William and others were bound to him by recognisance in the exchequer of Chester. The feast of St. George, the Martyr, 5 Henry V. Seal of arms ([Arg.] on a chevron [Gu.] five [bezants], a bordure engrailed [of the second], Chetilton), surmounted by crest, with legend, s. ricardi de bromley.
Chester. A. 12151. The like, for 10 marks, for Midsummer term next. Badynton, the feast of St. Dunstan, the Bishop, 5 Henry V. Seal, as above, with rush band.
Chester. A. 12152. The like, for 20 marks, for Midsummer and Martinmas last. Sunday after St. Andrew, the Apostle, 3 Henry V. Seal, as above, broken.
[Salop.] A. 12153. Letter of attorney by Thomas son of Sir Thomas de Hawkeston, knight (militis), to John Clerk (clericum) of Smalrys to deliver seisin to Isabel, daughter of Richard Venables, of Newbold, of the manor of Marchumley, in the parish of Hodenette. Hawkeston, Sunday before Christmas, 48 Edward III. Seal of arms (two bars, a bend, and label of three points), with legend, sigillvm. roberti. [de. l]egh.
[Norf.] A. 12154. Feoffment by Robert Nudde, of Skrowby, son of the late Nicholas Nudde, of the same, Richard Ranyngham, of Ormysby, Thomas Gardener, and Robert Marday, of Skrowteby, to William Palmer, clerk, perpetual vicar of Ormysby, John Willyhams, William Hanell, Thomas Willyhams, and Thomas Wattys, of the same, of a piece of arable and three pieces of bruery (bruar') in Ormysby, next land of Robert Cler', knight, lands late of Thomas Lyster, Robert Galme, and land of Simon Smyth, and abutting on 'Berghe Dykes,' 'Holme Dykys' and 'Barowe Dykys,' &c. which they had by the gift of John Hamond alias Eton, of Skrow- teby, by charter dated there 10 March, 13 Henry VIII; also release by Robert Nudde, at the request of Isabel Wetyng, of Scrouteby late the wife of John Wetyng, to the said William Palmer, clerk, vicar of the churches of Ormysby, and the others, of 2a. arable, one piece lying near the mill, between land of James Willyhams, and land late of Robert Galme, land of John Ylberd, of Great Yarmouth, and land late of John at Pole, the elder, and another next land of John Drye, abutting on 'le Syck,' &c., which 2a. descended to him, the said Robert, on the death of his said father Nicholas Nudde, the last feoffee of John at Pole, as appears by John's charter of feoffment dated at Skrowteby, 16 Edward IV; to hold to the said William Palmer, and the others, to the use of the said William, his heirs and assigns, &c. Ormysby, 6 October, 15 Henry VIII. Seals. Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Essex A. 12155. Grant by Nicholas Smythe, of Borham, Henry Cornewalle, and Thomas Grome, of the same, to William Bastewyke, of the same, and Alice, his wife, for the term of their lives in survivorship, and to his heirs and assigns, of all the land, &c. there called 'Booles' alias 'Radels,' which they had by his feoffment. 10 September, 5 Henry VIII. Seals.
London. A. 12156. Letter of attorney by Frances Moyses, of London, widdow, to her brother Henry Chyvall, citizen and draper of London, to receive from George Forman, citizen and skinner of London, and Anne, his wife, late the wife of William Chyvall, citizen and draper of London, father of her and of the said Henry, 'all suche childes parte and porcion of goodes,' &c. bequeathed to her by her said father's last will and testament, &c. 1 August, 1571, 13 Elizabeth. English. Signature. Fragment of seal.
[Camb] A. 12157. Counterpart indenture being an agreement by Paul Gressham of Lytle Walsyngham, co. Norfolk, gentleman, with Anthony Guybbon, of Cockfeld, co. Suffolk, gentleman, his brother-in-law, that, whereas by indenture of even date he had 'taken in ferme for terme of yeres' the said Anthony's 'parte purparte moyte and one halfe' of tenements in Lytleporte called 'Apesholte,' 'Thames howse' and 'Cowpers,' if the said Anthony 'shall departe from the ferme whych he now hath within the towne of Downeham in the Ile of Ely wherin my nephew Fraunces Guybbon hys sonne now inhabytyth,' he will take charge of such cattle, not exceeding the number of 'fourty heede,' as the said Anthony shall put into the 'fennes,' to be pastured with his own, &c. 12 September, 2 Elizabeth, 'by me Anthony Guibon'. English. Paper. Seal effaced.
Norf. A. 12158. Release by John Flegge, of Nedeham Market, co. Suffolk, to Thomas Godsalve, of Norwich, gentleman, John Marsham, William Hort, Edward Reede, John Tirry, Reginald Litleprowe, merchants of the said city of Norwich, and William Beynham, gentleman, to the use of the said Thomas Godsalve, his heirs and assigns for ever, of his right in the manor of Bokenhamfery, and the advowsons of the churches of Bokenham fery and Hasingham, and in all land, &c. in the towns of Bokenhamfery, Hasingham, and other towns near adjacent, which formerly belonged to John Jermy of Bokenhamfery, esquire, and afterwards to Margaret Ideley, late wife and executrix of the last will of the said John Jermy; also general release to them. 2 March, 10 Henry VIII. Signed 'per me Johannem Flegge.' Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Middx. Surrey. A. 12159. Feoffment by Richard Wray, of Soberton, co. Hants, 'yoman,' cousin and heir of John Wray, late of the king's household (hospicio), 'gentilman,' to Philip Wray, of London, 'taillour,' his son (filio meo naturali), William Blythman, 'clothewerker,' and John Whyte, 'peawtrer,' citizens of London, of all his land, &c. in the parishes of Richemonde, co. Surrey, and Braynford, co. Middlesex, or elsewhere in the realm, which descended to him on the death of the said John Wray; to hold to the use of the said Philip, his heirs and assigns; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Sterne, 'gentylman,' and John Wylford, notary public. 26 October, 24 Henry VIII. Seal. Cf. A. 6167, 6401, 8422.
Memorandum of livery seisin endorsed, by John Sterne to Philip Wray, Tuesday, 17 December, 24 Henry VIII, at 'le Rose' in the town of Richemounde and at . . . . . . . in the town of Braynforde, in the name of all land, &c. in the respective counties, in the presence of 'Massei' Villiard, of the king's household, gentleman, John Smyth, John Lovell, John Parkins, John Maxwell, John Millinett.
A. 12160. Indenture of bargain and-sale, 21 March, 28 Elizabeth, by Eleanor Thoresby . . . . . . . . . to William Mill, of 'Graies Inne,' co. Middlesex, esquire, in consideration of 12l. of 'one paier of goulde borders,' 70z. weight, redeemable on payment of the said sum at the 'lodginge chamber' of the said William in 'Graies Inne' at Michaelmas next. English. Signed 'Eliner Thorrisby.'
Essex A. 12161. Grant by Nicholas Smythe, of Borham, co. Essex, Henry Cornewall, of the same, and Thomas Grome, to William Bastewyke, of the same, and Alice, his wife, and his heirs and assigns, of a croft of arable there, called 'Gylescroft' and a messuage there called 'Goodeves,' which they had by his feoffment. 10 September, 5 Henry VIII. Seals.
Norf A. 12162. Bond by Henry Wynter, of Wynter Barnyngham, esquire, Thomas Wode, of Aylesham, 'yoman,' and John Dyxe, of Wykkemer, 'yoman,' to Robert Melle, gentleman, in 10l. at All Hallows, 1538, conditioned for the payment of 100s. 6 June, 26 Henry VIII. Signed 'be me Harry Wynter.' Seal.
Norf. A. 12163. Bargain and sale by John Waterman, of Carleton, co. Norfolk, 'yoman,' and Juliana, his wife, to Richard Wynshyppe, clerk, rector of Bokenham by 'le Fery,' to his own use, of a messuage with buildings, with croft adjacent, containing 1½a. land, in Bokenham Ferye, between land of Thomas Coupere, land of the manor of Bokenham, and the common way to Bokenham, together with an alder-carr (alneto), containing 1a., with a well (puteo) at the south end, called 'Bakkehouseyerd,' abutting on Thomas Couper's marsh, &c.; all of which they had, to them and John's heirs, by the feoffment of Joan Cullyng, widow, late the wife of Lawrence Cullyng, late of Bokenham aforesaid, deceased, by charter (A. 8023), dated at Bokenham Ferye, 20 February, 31 Henry VIII. Bokenham Ferye, 18 June, 34 Henry VIII. One seal. Cf. A. 12230.
Names of witnesses to livery of seisin endorsed.
Norf. A. 12164. Indenture made 24 January, 9 Elizabeth, between Roger Towneshende, of South Reyneham, co. Norfolk, esquire, and Thomas Godsalve, of Buckenham Ferye, in the same county, esquire, witnessing that in consideration of a marriage to be had between the said Thomas and Elizabeth Touneshende, Roger's sister, Thomas covenants, before 20 March next, to make an estate in fee simple to the said Roger, Thomas Blundevyle and John Anguyshe, gentlemen, of the manors of Buckenham Ferrye, Hasingham and Thurton, to his own use till marriage, and thereafter to the use of himself and the said Elizabeth and their issue male, with remainder in default to his right heirs, and of the manor of Langhall, in the said county, to his and her use, after such marriage, for the term of her life, with remainder to the use of him and his heirs; covenants by Thomas that he is seised of the premises in fee, that they are worth above 100l. yearly, &c. Signed 'Roger Touneshend.' English. Seal.
Endorsed: Concerninge my wifes joynter. Uppon Mr. Godsalves fathers mariadge.
Oxford. A. 12165. Bond by Christopher Crispe, of Copcote, gentleman, to Christopher Clement, in 20l. at Easter next, conditioned for the performance of covenants in indentures of even date. 7 April, 29 Henry VIII. Signed, By me Crystofer Cryspe. Seal.
Norf. A. 12166. Counterpart indenture being a grant by Edward Clere, esquire, lord of the manor ef Burgh Vaux, co. Norfolk, to Nicholas Kene, gentleman, his heirs and assigns, of 12d. rent from the said manor in discharge (pro exoneracione) of 10d. lately paid for lands and tenements of the same manor to the manor of Rollesbye, and of 2d. to the manor of Boyse in Rollesbye aforesaid; to receive the said rent of 12d. as often as it should be exacted in respect of 47a. 1r. land, in five and fifty pieces, in Rollesbye aforesaid, lately bargained by Edward to Nicholas, as by indentures of bargain and sale of even date appeared. 10 August, 5 Elizabeth. Witnesses' names endorsed. Signed, 'per me Nicolaum Kene.' Seal, quasi-heraldic.
Norf. A. 12167. Acquittance, St. George's Day, 1520, 12 Henry VIII, by John Blyaunt, of Intwode, co. Norfolk, esquire, and Anne, his wife, to Thomas Godsalve, of Norwich, 'gentilman,' for 60l. paid them 'in the churche there called Cristes churche, betwixt one and fyve of the clok after none of the same day,' in full of 120l. according to indentures of award made between them, dated 16 February, 10 Henry VIII. Signed 'John Blyaunt'. Witnesses' names endorsed:—Thomas Bawburgh alias Musterdere, alderman of Norwich, and others (named). English. Seal of arms (on a fess between two chevrons, three escallops) and seal. Cf. A. 12170.
[Essex] A. 12168. Grant by John Bolle, of Chelmefford, co. Essex, son and heir of John Bolle, late of the same, the elder, 'dier,' to John Tendryng, the elder, of Borham, Nicholas Cornewell, Robert Longe, Thomas White, John Gardener and John Borham, the younger, of Borham, to the use of the said John Tendryng, of (1) the land, &c. in Borham, formerly Robert Bubbe's; (2) a messuage and 18a. land, called 'Elyottes' in Borham, with 1a. meadow in Wroseney meadow; (3) a croft of land in Borham, called 'Grenelanecroft,' between 'Grenelane,' land late William Tabour's, land of Nicholas Borham, and the highway from Chelmefford to Witham; (4) two crofts of arable and ½a. wood in Borham, to wit 'Townhannescroft alias Cornwayleis Croft' and the croft called 'Lay acre,' now laid together and lying between William Hayward's land, land belonging to the manor of 'Borham Halle,' 'Lousheywode' and 'Elyottis lande,' and the ½a. wood lies between 'Tounhannescroft,' William Hayward's land and the wood belonging to the rectory of Borham, together with a lane to the said crofts and wood belonging; (5) the land, &c. called 'Redhodes' lying dispersed in Borham late belonging to Roger Rolff of Little Waltham; (6) a messuage and garden with two crofts of land adjacent in Borham, called 'Gerrardes' between land of the prior and convent of Leighes called 'Westfeld' on the east, land late Thomas Tailour's on the west, the highway from Chelmefford to Whitham on the south and the said land called 'Westfeld' on the north; all which lands, &c. descended to him the said John Bolle on the death of the said John Bolle, the elder, his father, who died solely seised thereof, inasmuch as he outlived John Appulton, Robert Dean, John Reve, the younger, John Tendryng, farmer (firmar'), John Pecchy, Thomas Kent and William Sampson, who were jointly seised thereof by the gift and feoffment of John Tendryng, late of Borham aforesaid, 'chaundeler,' and Agnes, his wife, by charter dated at Borham, 20 April, 2 Edward IV. Witnesses:—Nicholas Borham, and others (named). The last day of February, 14 Henry VII. Copy.
Endorsed: The dede that Bulle sole feoffe shall make to John Tendryng and his cofeoffes.
[Norf.] A. 12169. Acquittance by Richard Wentworth, of Netlested, co. Suffolk, knight, to Thomas Godsalve, of Norwich, gentleman, for 40l. according to the tenour of an arbitrament or laud (laudi) made between the said Thomas and John Flegge, of Nedham Market, co. Suffolk, by Francis Moundeforde, Thomas Rushe and Robert Flegge; also general release. 9 October, 11 Henry VIII. Seal.
Norf. A. 12170. Indenture of bargain and sale, 12 March, 10 Henry VIII, by John Blyant, of Intwood, 'gentillman,' and Anne, his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Jenney, of Intwode, 'gentilman,' and cousin and heir of Edmund Jenney, son and heir of William Jenney, of Intwod, to Thomas Godsalve, of Norwich, 'gentillman,' for 120l. to be paid according to certain indentures of award between the parties, dated 16 February last, of their estate, in her right, in the manor of Bokenhamfery, and in the advowsons of the churches of Bukenhamfery and Hasyngham, and in all other 'meses, londys,' &c. 'whiche late were of John Jermy, of Bokenham- fery aforesaid, esquyer, now deceassed, and after that of Margrete Ideley, wedow, late wyff of the sayd John Jermy, now also decessid,' in Bokenham- ferry, Hasyngham, and 'othir townes nere therto adjoynyng,' &c, 'and the said John and Anne covenaunten and graunten,' for them and the heirs of Anne, to observe all the 'articles on their partie to be kepte,' 'specifyd in the sayd indentures of award be fore this tyme made by Umfrey Wyngfeyld, esquyre, John Woodd, John Spylman and Frances Mounde- ford, gentillmen,' &c. English. Seal of arms and seal as to A. 12167.
Norf. A. 12171. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere, of Blickling, knight, to John Burton, of Burgh St. Margaret, clerk, of ½a. land in Burgh, between land late Robert Love's, on the east, land in the tenure of the said John on the west, the common way from Norwich to Great Yarmouth on the south, and land of Thomas Davye on the north; rent, 2d. at Michaelmas; attorney to deliver seisin, John Tasborough. 14 April, 38 Elizabeth. Signed 'Joh'es Burton.' Witnesses' names, Edward Clere, Richard and Thomas Heyward, endorsed.
Norf. A. 12172. Indenture, dated 12 July, 24 Elizabeth, being the counter- part of a bargain and sale by Sir Edwarde Clere, of Blicklinge, knight, to Robert Burre, of Bastwick, 'yoman,' in consideration of 93l. 8s. 2¼d. beforehand paid, of 12a. ½r. land, meadow and pasture, being in twenty pieces, in the town of Bastwick, aforesaid. Mark and seal.
[Norf.] Suff. A. 12173. Testament, with letters of administration annexed, of Dame Alice Clere, widow, dated 28 October 1538; to be buried in the church of St. Margaret of Ormysby near her husband; to repair of said church 20s.; for her funeral and in alms to the poor 20l.; 100 ells of canvas, 'to be made in sheetis, shirtes and smockes and distributed to poore foolkis in the townes where I had my lyving' within month after death; 'an honest preest of good and sufficiaunte larnyng to preache the wourde of God by the space of one yere' after her death at times and places to be appointed by executors; to the poor in Ormesby St. Margarete and Ormysby St. Mighell, 6s. 8d., in Burgh, 5s. in Stokesbye, 2s., in Winterton and Sommerton, 3s. 4d., in Freethorp, Lympenhow, and Sowoodd, 5s., in Frentham, 2s. and in Tokylston, 2s.; to repair of parish church of Takilston, 26s. 8d.; to 'mother Hubbarde,' 10s. yearly for life, 'Dernys wife,' 10s. for four years 'towardes the bringing up of the childe whiche she gave me,' 'Dewes wif of Wymondeham' the like for the same; to son John Clere 'a bedde of blue Dammaske and yellowe,' to his wife 'a canopie of tawnye tyncell and grene velvit and a fruntelett of white sateyn embrotherid wyth acornes,' also to said John 'a harte of golde with a large dyamounte in yt and a paier of beades of golde having fyftie aveis and eight p[ate]r n[oste]r; to son Thomas Clere 700l. 'to be paid as it maye be gatherid. of my dettes, therewith to bye a warde for his preferrement or to purchase lande for hym' at executors' discretion, if he die before such purchases, 500 marks of the said 700l. among the children of her son John, viz. 100 marks to each, and the residue to the said John; to said son Thomas 60l. of plate, her 'gilte plate to be valued at 4s. the ounce, and the parcell gilte at 3s. 4d.' 'also a salte of golde with a cover having a roose in the knopp, and a paier of beades of golde, whiche Quene Anne gave me, with divers precyous stones in them'; to her niece Knevett 'a tablett of golde with the picture of the Salutacion of our Ladie in it with viij. rubies and xxiiij. peerlis in the same'; to niece Elizabeth Shelton 'my ringe with the emerode in it'; to said son Thomas 'a bedde of russett satteyn, and my bedde of blacke Dammaske with Jhesus in yt, and a bedde of crymsen velvit and blacke embrotherid '; 'carpettes,' 'sheetis and napery,' 'apparrell,' and 'jewelles,' unbequeathed, equally between her said sons John and Thomas; to 'Maister Nicolas Hare, a pott of silver and gilte'; to niece Elizabeth Calthorp 'my pomaunder of golde'; to William Clere, 40s.; 10l. apieces to son John's children; 'to my lady Peyton my beades of 'em[ai]lles' with pater nosters of golde'; whereas Sir Robert Clere, knight, her late husband, by his testament and last will gave to their son Richard 600 marks, and to the said Thomas Clere, 400 marks with benefit of survivorship if either died, without issue, under 'thage of xxij. yeres,' and whereas Richard had so died, and Thomas was entitled to 1,000 marks under the said will, she had already enfeoffed the said Thomas, in full discharge, of her manor of Fretenham in tail, and of her manor of Wythertons, with all her lands in Hecham, Ketilberton and Bretenham, co. Suffolk, in fee; residue of goods to be disposed 'to the pleasure of God' by 'maister Edmonde Knyvett, esquier, and maister Nicolas Hare,' whom she appoints executors, with 10l. for his pains, with power to abate all legacies except that of 700l. to Thomas her son, 'for that legacye I will in no wise have dymynyshid.'
Letters of administration by the archbishop of Canterbury, annexed, to John Clere, the son, to administer according to the will, the executors renouncing, 27 January, 1538–9.
[Lanc] A. 12174. Indenture of demise, 30 September, 1564, 6 Elizabeth, by William Stanley, knight, lord Montegle, to Eichard Redmayne, of Thornton in Lonesdale, co. York, gentleman, of the tithe corn in the township of Wreyton, for twenty-one years, to begin at the expiration of a like term granted, 16 October, 4 Edward VI, to the said Richard, by the late lord Montegle, his father; rent, 26s. 8d.; consideration, 10l. Signed 'Wyll'm Mountegle.' Witnesses' names endorsed.
Essex. A. 12175. Counterpart indenture, 18 January, 7 Henry VIII, between Sir Thomas Boleyn, knight, and William Bastwyk, of Boreham, husband- man, being a bargain and sale by the latter, in consideration of 56l. whereof 53s. 4d. in hand and the residue at Michaelmas, of his tenement there called 'Bullys.' English. Paper.
Essex. A. 12176. Indenture of fine from Easter into one month, and after- wards in the octaves of the Holy Trinity, 9 Henry VIII, between the king, querent, and William Bastwyk, and Alice, his wife, deforciants, in con- sideration of 40l., of two messuages, two barns, two gardens, 80a. land, 4a. meadow, and 3a. wood, in Boram, with warranty for themselves, and the heirs of Alice, against John, abbot of Westminster. See A. 12245.
Norf. A. 12177. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere of Blycklyng, knight, to Henry Wale, of Burghe, husbandman, of two pieces of land in Burghe St. Mary, namely 1½r. between land of the manor of Ufford and land of Edward's manor of Burghe Vaux there, and ½r. near the church of St. Margaret, &c.; rent, 2¼d. to the lords of the manor of Burgh Vaux for the time being, and double the rent, as a relief, when the premises are sold or descend, and suit of court to the said manor, to all general courts; attorneys to deliver seisin John Tasburghe, and Edward Tolw[e]n. 10 March, 33 Elizabeth, 1590. Signed 'Henry Wale.' Seal.
Surrey. A. 12178. Counterpart of feoffment by Richard Morgan, of Chyl- worthe, esquire, and William Morgan, gentleman, his son and heir apparent, according to indentures of bargain and sale of the 14th inst., to Thomas Teweslye, of Guldeford, 'dyar,' of a close in the parish of Shal- forde; rent, 4d.; attorneys to deliver seisin, Henry Smyther and William Snellynge. 30 August, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary.
Norf. A. 12179. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere of Blicklynge, co. Norfolk, esquire, lord of the manors of Ormesby and Bardolphes in Scrotbye, in consideration of 26l. to John Willyams of Scrotby, of two pieces of land and pasture there, severally enclosed, with a house thereon, whereof the one piece containing by standard measure 3a. lately in the bond tenure of the said John Willyams as 2½a. held of the manor of Ormesby lies between the messuage and garden of the said John and the common of Scrotby called 'the Westgrene,' &c., and the other, containing 1a. with house, late in the bond tenure of Avelin Wattes, held of the manor of Bardolphes, between the said 3a. and land of Robert Palmer, gentleman, &c.; rent, to the lords of the manor of Bardolphes, 18d., double rent for a relief, and suit of court; attorney to deliver seisin, his servant John Merston. 22 October, 18 Elizabeth.
Memorandum annexed, saving the premises harmless from the dower of Fraunces, Edward's then wife.
Norf. A. 12180. Release by Thomas and Henry Craythorne, of London, yeomen, to Thomas Godsalve, of Buckenham, esquire, of their right in a tenement and 2a. land adjacent, and in one acre of 'aldercar' and marsh, lying through the 'aldercar' of the said Thomas Godsalve on either side, and abutting on 'le marshe' of the said Thomas, in Buckenham. 4 December, 27 Elizabeth. Signatures of 'Thomas' and 'Henry Crathorne.' Seals.
Warw. A. 12181. Letter of attorney by Dame Elizabeth Lucy, widow, to Lawrence Robynson, to receive seisin from William Hudpytt alias William Tailler, of three closes called 'Hudpytt Close' in Shrewly, and of lands in Hatton, Haseley and Shrewly, which he lately gave by charter to her and her heirs. 6 November, 18 Henry VIII.
Norf. A. 12182. Bargain and sale by Michael Marche and John Willyams, wardens of the goods of the parishioners and inhabitants of the town of Ormesbie, and by William Grene, Thomas Ilberd, Thomas Harwoode, John Moulton, Richard Smythe, Robert Beryngton, John Wattes, John Ramyngham, John Merston, Thomas Love and Peter Wilson, inhabitants of the said town, with the consent of the other inhabitants, to Edward Clere, esquire, of the lands in Ormesbie and Scrotbye whereof they were seised to the use of the said inhabitants by virtue of feoffments made to them and their ancestors. 17 March, 12 Elizabeth. Seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Herts. Middx. A. 12183. Indenture being a grant by Richard Heton and Nicholas Stathum to John Jones alias John Gloucestre of all that their manor, 500a. land, 10a. meadow, 30a. wood and 26s. 8d. rent in the parishes of Willesdon and Hendon, co. Middlesex, and all other their lands, &c. there and elsewhere in the county which they had by the grant of the said John Jones alias Gloucestre, William Chadworth, Thomas Fetherston and Robert Mildenhale; also grant to him of all their land, &c. formerly Thomas Mayhewe's, in Whethamstede and Kympton, co. Herts, and of all their land, &c. in Kympton, formerly John atte Leye's, which they had by the grant of the said John, Thomas Smalcombe, of the county of Gloucestre, 'gentilman,' Thomas Fetherston and Thomas Fermory, citizens of London; to hold the said manor and lands to the said John Gloucestre for the term of his life, with remainder to John Staunton, esquire, and Joan his wife, daughter of the said John Jones alias John Gloucestre, in tail, with remainder in default to the heirs of Joan's body, with remainder in default to Thomas Joachym, son of Robert Joachim, of the county of Gloucestre, 'gentilman,' John Kendall, son of John Kendall, of the county of Gloucestre, 'gentilman,' and Thomas Staunton, brother of the said John Staunton, successively in tail, with remainder in default to the right heirs of John Jones alias John Gloucestre; attorneys to deliver seisin, Ivo Chalkehill and John Halle. 31 May, 8 Edward IV. Seals.
[Bucks.] A. 12184. Indenture of demise, made at Keipyere, beside Durham, by William Frankleyne, clerk, prebendary of the prebend of Heydoure in the cathedral church of Lincoln, to William Franklayn, of Thirlee, co. Bedford, and Katharine his wife, and the survivor of them, for sixty years from Michaelmas last, at 21l. rent, of his prebendal manor of Walton. 20 October, 21 Henry VIII, 1529. Signed per me Will'm Frankeleyn, prebendarium de Walton. Seal.
Norf. A. 12185. General release by John Blyaunt, of Intwoode, esquire, and Anne, his wife, to Thomas Godsalve, of Norwich, 'gentilman,' Thomas Fliett, of Bishopps Lynn, 'gentilman,' and Thomas Brampton of the same, 'gentilman.' Norwich, 23 April, 12 Henry VIII. Seal of arms and seal.
A. 12186. General release by Margaret Tempest, of London, widow, executrix of the testament and will of William Tempest, late citizen and draper of London, to Thomas Tresham of Rushton, co. Northampton, esquire, and William Catesby, of Ashby Legers, in the same county, esquire. 4 January, 14 Elizabeth, 1571. English. Seal.
Kent. A. 12187. Feoffment by John Bevyngton, of Dertford, son and heir of William Bevyngton, late of Eard alias Crayford, deceased, to John Goodwyn of Eard alias Crayford aforesaid, gentleman, of all the land, &c. in Eard alias Crayford which descended to him on his said father's death. Crayford, 6 June, 2 Edward VI. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Norf.] A. 12188. Counterpart indenture made 'the first day of Jenyver,' 5 Edward IV, 'betwix Elizabeth Clere, lady of the maner of Ormesby of the on partye,' and John Seyve, John Paynot, and forty-five others, 'tenauntes of the seide Elizabeth belongyng to the forseide maner,' on the other, being an agreement, 'for eschewyng of losses to the commonn weel of the forseide tennauntes,' that on occasion of disputes they 'schuln chose .ij. or. iij. of indifferent men tenauntes of the seide maner to sette them thurgh of the seide trouble,' and in default 'schuln abide and fulfille the ordinaunce and rewle of the forseide Elizabeth, and Robert hir sone, and his heires and suche as they schall sende in thir name to sette thurgh the seide trouble'; with covenant not to resort to any other than the manor court under pain of 13s. 4d. to the church where the plaintiff is parishioner, and 26s. 8d. to the lordship of Ormesby. English. Seals.
Warw. A. 12189. Counterpart of demise, 20 November, 10 Henry VIII, by Sir Thomas Lucy, knight, and dame Elizabeth, his wife, to Hugh Tofte, of Hatton, co. Warwick, 'housbondman,' and Alice, his wife, from Lady Day last, for twenty-two years, of a house, with two cottages, &c. in Hatton, and three crofts called 'Coliersfeldes' in Shrewley, a grove called 'Grenesgrove,' in Hatton, excepted, all of which they lately bought of the said Hugh and Alice; rent, 30s. &c. English.
Norf. A. 12190. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere, of Blickling, knight, lord of the manor of Burghe Vaux, to Richard Moore, of Ormesby, in the said county, 'fisherman,' of 3r. land, in two pieces, in Burghe aforesaid; rent, 4d. to the lords of the manor of Burghe, and double rent for a relief; attorney to deliver seisin, Richard Heyward. 10 Septem- ber, 21 Elizabeth, 1579. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Bucks. A. 12191. Indenture of bargain and sale, 8 November, 20 Henry VIII, by Sir George Throgmerton, of Cowghton, co. Warwike, knight, for 760l., to Thomas, cardinal archbishop of York, of the manor of Ravenston. English.
Endorsed: . . . absque sigillo vel signatura.
[Warw.] A. 12192. Counterpart of assignment by Elizabeth Lucy, widow, and John Cole, sub-dean of the Chapel Royal, executors of the testament of Thomas Lucy, knight, to Thomas Emson, esquire, in consideration of 40 marks rent, of their term and Interest in the manors, land, &c. and common of pasture for 280 sheep, in Byshopiston, Lodbrok and Rodburne, which Christopher Garnyshe, and Joan his wife, late the wife of John Rysley, knight, recovered upon a writ of dower, and demised, by indenture dated 5 June, 8 Henry, VIII, to Thomas Lucy, knight, and John Spenser, esquire, and which accrued to the said Thomas Lucy as the survivor. 26 Septem- ber, 20 Henry VIII. Seal.
Norf. A. 12193. Bargain and sale by Thomas Berrington, of Ormesbye, yeoman, to Edward Clere, of Blickling, knight, of twenty-one pieces of land and heath, containing 25a. more or less, in Ormesbye St. Michael and Ormesbye St. Margaret; attorney to deliver seisin Bertram (Bartramum) Calthrope of Ormesbye, esquire. 10 July, 37 Elizabeth, 1595. Signature and seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Middx. A. 12194. Counterpart of demise, 8 June, 1570, 12 Elizabeth, by John Wale of the parish of St. Marie Matfellon alias Whitechappell, co. Middlesex, sawyer, to John Wardoll, of the same, weaver, by virtue of a licence, or indenture of lease, obtained by one William Dunc, of Eastham, co. Essex, 'yoman,' and Jane his wife, from the lord of the manor of Stebenhithe, dated 10 May, 3 Elizabeth, of a 'gardeine plott,' in the parish of 'St. Marye Mattfellon without Algate of London,' from Lady Day last for nine and three quarter years, at 13s. 4d. rent, &c. English.
Endorsed: the lease of my gardeine of that parte I demised to John Wardoll.
Warw. A. 12195. Feoffment by Robert Sewer and Hugh Tofte, and Alice, his wife, to Sir John Fynwode and Sir Thomas Yelschawe, chaplains, Richard Graunt and John Hoppar, of all the land, &c. late Simon Grene's or Robert Grene's in Hatton and Shrewley or elsewhere in the county of Warwick, to the use of Thomas Lucy, knight, and dame Elizabeth, his wife; attorneys to deliver seisin, Roger Slye and William Prynce. Witnesses:—Robert Fulwode, esquire, and others (named). Hatton, 3 November, 8 Henry VIII. Seals.
Norf. A. 12196. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 4 April, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, by Edward Clere, of Ormesby, esquire, to Richard Smythe, of Hemmysby, 'gentilman,' in consideration of 40l. of 28a. 3r. land in fourteen pieces, in the town and fields of Scrowtby; rent 3s. 4d. &c. English. Signed per me Ric'm Smythe. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Norf.] A. 12197. Feoffment by William Raxsond, Peter Raxsond, Robert Drye, late of Skrotby, Robert Howard and Henry Watson, burgesses of Great Yarmouth, to John Ilberd, 'roper,' and Williarn Ilberd, 'taylour,' burgesses of the same, 6½a. arable in Skrotby field, which, with a capital messuage and other land there, they had by the charter of Roger son and heir of Robert Coppyng dated at Skrotby, 1 April, 10 Henry VIII; attorney to deliver seisin, John Larwood, the elder, son of Nicholas Larwood, of Skrotby. Skrotby, 5 November, 12 Henry VIII. Seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Norf A. 12198. Bond by John Gygges, of Burnham Overey, gentleman, Thomas Jenyson, of Burnham Westgate, gentleman, and Richard Hoo, of Skarnyng, gentleman, to Oliver Reymes, gentleman, in 100 marks at Michaelmas next, conditioned for John's performance of the conditions and payments in an indenture of even date between him and the said Oliver. 15 October, 21 Henry VIII.
Devon. A. 12199. Counterpart of demise by John Syddenham, of Light, co. Somerset, esquire, in consideration of 4l. by way of fine paid beforehand by John Fley, Flaye or Fleay, of the parish of Clyst Lawrence, son of Richard Fley, of Peyhembrey, 'husbanman,' to the said John and Johanne Rosmond, or Rosemonte, daughter of Thomas Rosmond, in the parish of Bykton, of all his proparty, part and portion of a tenement, with land, &c. in Farrendon, called Hillcumbe, in the occupation of the said Richard, for 99 years, if John or Johanne so long live, to begin after the death, surrender or forfeiture of the said Richard, at 7s. 4d. rent, suit at his court of Holbroke twice a year, and 5s. 'heryott or farleve,' and saving him harmless against the chief lords of suit of courts and chief rents, &c. 25 November, 2 Elizabeth. English. Fragments of seal.
Warw. A. 12200. Counterpart of demise, 25 October, 1585, 27 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catesbye, of Lambeth, co. Surrey, knight, in consideration of 60l. paid in hand by William Askewe, of Lapworth, yeoman, to Alice wife of the said William, and to Robert and Anne Askewe, their children, from Michaelmas last, for the lives of the said Alice, Robert and Anne, successively, at 21s. rent, of a tenement, &c. in Lapworth, in the occupation of the said William Askewe. English. One seal.