Cecil Papers: 1545

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: 1545', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp45-46 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1545', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp45-46.

"Cecil Papers: 1545". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp45-46.


182. “R. Suffoulk” to —.
[1545?], March 30. Has forborne to write to her all this while hoping to have been able to send her some other news. Has thought it his duty to visit her with these letters in order to learn her estate in “this her heaviness,” praying her to be as plain with him in stating her condition, and what she lacks, as he has in times past been bold to seek redress at her husband's hands. Assures her that, though he lacks such plenty as he could wish to help her with, he will have no penny in the world that will not be always readily at her service.
Has not been slothful in her husband's behalf, and if his letters do not speed soon will make the more haste up himself. When they have done what they can the matter lieth in God's hands who will order all things for the best.—Grimsthorp, 30th March.
1 p.
183. Pedro de Ganboa to the King.
1545, April 14. Believes his Majesty is informed by advice of the General of Calais that on Saturday last he went to Boulogne on his Majesty's service. Thereupon two of the captains at Calais, Captains de Mora and Arze, taking advantage of his absence, repaired to Lord Grey, the General of Guisnes, and obtaining from him by false representations a licence to go into France, together with guides and passports, on Sunday last mustered their companies to the number of 100 men and deserted into France, the soldiers obeying them under the impression that they were about to make a raid. This evil counsel has put him and the rest of those in his Majesty's service into great confusion, and they will undergo any risk and peril to remedy the evil thus committed. It appears that another Spanish captain, John de Haro, had concerted with the others to pass into France, but a Captain Montoya, a true servant of his Majesty, gave notice of his intended treason, and on his attempting to put his purpose into effect, two English captains endeavoured to bring him back into Calais, and on his refusal killed him and 20 or 25 of his men, the rest of his company being either taken prisoners or taking refuge with the other two companies. All this took place during his absence. Has pacified the disturbance and all the Spaniards offer to serve his Majesty at his pleasure. Refers his Majesty for further particulars to Cesar de Encinas for whom he pray credence.—From Calais, the 14th of April 1545.
Spanish. 2 pp.
184. Scilly, co. Cornwall.
1545, June 6. Lease to Sir T. Arundel of certain rights in Scilly, Cornwall, formerly in possession of the monastery of Tavistock, Devon, now dissolved.—June 6, 37 Henry VIII.
Note at foot that the rent has not been paid by Arundel, and that there has been no minister found by him there, without which the lease is void.
Latin. 2½ pp.
185. Viscount Lisle to Henry VIII.
[1545], July 21. Respecting an intended movement against the French fleet. Will not do anything without receiving instructions from his Majesty.—In the “Harry Grace à Dieu,” 21 July.
Endorsed :—21 July 1545.
3 pp. [Haynes, pp. 51–2. In extenso.]
186. Invasion of Scotland.
1545, Sept. 23. Fortresses, abbeys, friar houses, market towns, villages, towers, and places burnt, razed, and cast down under the Earl of Hertford, the King's Lieutenant-General in the north parts, in his invasion of Scotland, from 8 to 23 Sept. 1545. Total 287.
pp. [Haynes, pp. 52–54. In extenso.]
187. The Bishop of Meath, Sir Gerald Aylmer, and Sir Thos. Cusack to Sir John Thynne.
[1545?], Sept. 30. Whereas a seizure of halfpence, packed in bags, had been made on the coast of Wales by one Copinger (a servant of Sir John Thynne) and others, supposing them to have been “forssed;” complaint whereof had been made to the Lord Deputy and Council by one Coynye, to whom the bags belonged, who alleged that two of the said bags had been abstracted; they, at the request of the said Copinger, hereby certify that, having examined into the circumstances, they find that he was blameless in the matter, and had always been to their knowledge truthful and honest.
Signed :—Edward Mideñ.
Gerald Aylmer, Justic~.
Thomas Cusake, M~r Rott~lor~.
1 p.
188. Boulogne, &c.
[1545]. A brief statement of various sums of money sent to Boulogne, Calais, and Guisnes since the coming of the King from Boulogne, the total amount being 115,720l. 34s.
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
189. Boulogne, &c.
[1545]. “Note of the defraying of victuals for Bullogn, Callais, &c., with the discourse of the Parliament.”
The charges are for six months, December to May, for Boulogne, Calais, sea matters, munition, &c., total, 180,000l., “and, the Parliament going forward, there will lack of this sum 44,000l.
“Discourse of the Parliament.” That Parliament begins the 1st of February, and cannot end before the last of February. Of what time must be allowed for levying the money required, and whether it had better be by levy of Parliament or by benevolence.—Undated.
5 pp. [Haynes, pp. 54–56. In extenso.]
190. Foreign Goods.
[1545]. “Ici est contenuz des queux marchandises venaunts e Loundres,” &c. Rates of scavage to be charged on foreign goods (specified) entering London.
[At the head is the date 1545, in a contemporary hand, but crossed out.]