Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1596

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1596', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp591-612 [accessed 12 December 2024].

'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1596', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed December 12, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp591-612.

"Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1596". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 12 December 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp591-612.

Miscellaneous 1596

Sir Henry Wallop and Mr. [Richard] Boyle.
[1596.] The true grounds of Sir Henry Wallopp's displeasure against me, with the courses holden to disgrace me and hinder my repair into England.
Michael Kettlewell, being Vice-Treasurer to Sir Henry Wallop, had the whole dealings under him for many years in that office, having passed Sir Henry's last account here in England, found, upon his return into Ireland, after freeing his master by his cunning auditorship from a very great arrear, which Sir Henry should have fallen in, that, when his master's turn was served, he was not regarded according to his merit in clearing that great account. For Sir Henry denied him the further exercise of his office of Vice Treasurer, or any longer dealing with the treasure, except he would make an absolute deed of gift of all his lands and goods to Sir Henry; which being an assurance never before demanded, seemed more strange. And for that Kettlewell's estate was very good, he suspected his wealth was coveted; and the better to encounter his master's plots, he secretly collected many abuses and deceits done in that office; which collection, with certain letters under Sir Henry's hand, whereby he appointed Kettlewell how much money out of every proportion of treasure that came into that realm he should dispose to buy bills for half at which rate the captains and pensioners by necessity of their ill payment are commonly constrained to sell her Majesty's debts due for their entertainments [on margin: Here her Majesty was deceived of 5,000l.]. These notes he kept, purposing not to use them but in his own defence; but before any such occasion was offered, according to credible report, he was suddenly poisoned, whether by himself (as was rumoured) or by others, God best knows. On his death, one Mr. Francis Capstock, son to Mrs. Kettlewell, and my inward companion, got a great part of his father-in-law's writings into his hands, and among them those letters of Sir Henry's with the discovery of those abuses, which he showed to me, his bedfellow, and Mr. William Kettlewell his brother, reserving them for some fit opportunity. And withal Sir Henry Wallop got into his hands (for that Mr. Kettlewell was an accountant to her Majesty as surveyor of her works, though not in any arrear) all Mr. Kettlewell's lands and goods, amounting to many thousand pounds, and converted the same to his own use, turning the old gentlewoman his wife and children out of doors, not allowing them so much as a bed to lie on. Afterwards, hearing that Mr. Kettlewell had kept some of his letters, and fearing that they were come to Capstock's hands, as divers other bills of great sums of money were, he caused Capstock to be committed to the Castle, there to remain until upon oath he had redelivered all such papers as after the death of Mr. Kettlewell came to his hands, which to do he refused. But in the end, when one Hopper, servant to Sir Henry Wallop, had gotten letters of administration for Mr. Kettlewell's goods (which his wife and children could not obtain) then Capstock, finding himself by law compellable to redeliver the bills of debt to the administrator, yielded up the specialties only and so was enlarged. Then Sir Henry used Capstock kindly and the better to effect his purpose lent him 100l. without consideration, and in the end dived so deep into his secrets as Capstock confessed to having the letters and collections, and that none but his brother William Kettlewell and I had seen them, assuring Sir Henry he reserved them without any purpose to offend him. But within four days Sir Henry wrought means to have me committed to the Castle, allowing every man free access to me but Mr. Capstock. How matters were handled during my restraint, the Searcher of hearts only knoweth; for Francis Capstock and William Kettlewell, two brothers, young gentlemen of excellent complexions and temperate in diet, being fifteen miles apart, suddenly sickened and died, Mr. Capstock not continuing sick above two days, and all that while purged extremely upwards, downwards and by sweating. And a surgeon of good judgement now living, who loved Mr. Capstock well, repairing upon his sudden decease to see him, assured me afterwards that he was poisoned, which end Mr. Capstock fearing some three nights before his death, came secretly to the top of his chamber stairs being under the Castle window, and willed me to take heed to my diet, for that he doubted we two should not be suffered to live long. And since that time, when I have stood to my defence against Sir Henry's reproaches, he hath demanded of his men if they were not ashamed that they did not beat and tame me. I have been either in prison or upon great bonds for the past four years, within which time I have been several times committed without bail, but never could be brought to an answer; and as to my appeals and importunity for the hearing of my cause, I refer to reports of such of the Privy Council of Ireland as are now in this city. For Sir Henry kept me from England for fear I should discover all I know for her Majesty's avail, and laboured my disgrace to discredit me, for which purpose he secretly procured himself to be of the quorum, continuing me in prison the last time fifteen months, and, as he had yielded to enlarge me upon bond, letters came from the Earl of Essex to the now Lords Justices for the hearing of my cause, and when I sought liberty by that means he restrained me six weeks longer. Neither would Sir Robert Gardener read his lordship's letters in my behalf, as Patrick Fox, deputy to the clerk of the Council, will testify. Lastly, I should not now have come hither, had I not escaped in the interim whilst I was upon commandment, and before I had entered into new bonds. Yet for all these wrongs would I not have become an informer, had he not newly provoked me in my own defence.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed. 2 pp. (179. 127.)
The Queen to the King of France.
[1596 ?] Monsieur, mon bon frere. Si j'ay quasy oublié d'escripre en ceste langue, comme je soulois, ne l'attribues à autre crime sinon que mon ancre a esté si seiche et mes plumes si peu usez que ne l'un ne l'autre me serverent d'en faire leur office. Car, quand, je voy que depuis le partir de vostre ambassadeur je n'ay esté participante de l'honneur d'une seule de vos lettres, je ne pensois convenable d'empescher vos grandes affaires de l'ennuy de lire mes lines barbouillés, vous seiant mieulx meilleurs soulagements; mais trouvant astheur ung messager si propre comme ce gentilhomme je ne puis garder ma main à vous dire l'extrême aise que je sents du prospèreus succes de vos actions; et vos ennemis, au lieu de victoire, se font de jour à autre ruiner. Qui sont telz accidents que mes oraisons mirent et que leur continuation demeure jusques au dernier de vos traitres et ennemis, pour vous donner une glorieuse fin de tant de malencontres. Ce ne me sera de besoing de vous paindre que ce porteur a en soy et de belles parties naturelles et par longue experience acquises, vous ayant de si bel jugement pour le cognoistre mieux que moy, et en ayant faict premiere preuve, seulement j'adjoustrai que je n'ay jamais ouy louange que je croy qu'il n'avancera, et que je vous supplie souvenir la qualité de celuy qui plus le hait, et pensez que quand vos moyens et commodités y sont conjoinctz en quel peril il se tient qui seulement aprez Dieu se conservera par votre seure tutelle de laquelle je vous fais une trescordialle instance, rendant graces à Dieu de ce qu'il se part seurement, et seroys marry que quelque desastre luy arrivast de tel changement. Cecy vous dis je, mon bon frere, pour monstrer mon affection en son endroict, non pour doute qui me tient que ne prenies un tres honorable esgard. Pour fin, j'ay esté fort fasche d'entendre qu'on a inventé que je deusse moyenner une paix entre le Grand Seigneur et l'Empereur, pour en complaire mon grand amy. Je vous jure d'en estre tant esloigné que n'en ay oncques faite mention depuis le regner de cestuy. Il est vray que devant sa mort premier que la proclame de guerre se fist contre les chrestiens je mandis à l'Empereur que alors j'avois en mes mains de faire la paix si il eust accordé à mander le tribut qu'il avoit tant de fois promis, mais voyant qu'il se precipitoit tant que plustost il elisoit la guerre que je eus la gloire du paix je cessois de plus m'en mesler, comme il sembla bien par le beau succes que nous chrestiens en recevasmes. Voila, la vraie verité! Je prie à Dieu que n'ayez bien prez de vous plus affectionnes Espaignols que je ne seray oncques, desquels je vous supplie bien vous en garder premier que suivre leur conseils qui vous feront douter de voz plus fidelles, entre lesquels je me mettray tousjours au premier rencq, comme le Juge de touts cœurs cognoist à qui je prie vous garder de tout mal. Vostre tres affectionnée bonne sœur.
Endorsed: Copie de la lettre de sa majesté au roy tres chrestien. Inaccurate. 1¼ pp. (133. 93.)
In hand of Ed. Reynolds.
Law. Smyth to [the Queen].
[c. 1596. ?] As to complaints of abuses in the government of Berwick. Encloses note received from Berwick, from some of credit there. Has had conference with Raph Birchensha, as he was employed many years there under Mr. Bowes the Treasurer: and perceives by him how many abuses may be easily reformed, and how some of the charges of "your Majesty" may be eased. Suggestions thereon. Attends "your Majesty's" pleasure as to further enquiries. Signified by his former letters what great inconvenience might accrue to "your Highness" by the continuance of Mr. Thomas Phillipps, his deputies and servants, in the managing of the customs for goods outwards, and how requisite it is that he should be called to account and sequestered from that place. As to Phillipps' excuses for delay in rendering his account, and reasons for a speedy settlement of the matter.—Undated.
pp. (99. 7.)
The Same to [the Same].
[c. 1596. ?] He has fully resolved the Lord Treasurer as to the abuse which Mr. Thomas Phillipps would have committed in the payment over of 2,000l. into Mr. Taylor's office, had he not been prevented by a servant of Mr. Alderman Saltonstall's, Ralph Husband. Details of the matter, and of the proceedings now being taken by the Lord Treasurer with regard to Taylor. Finding the Lord Treasurer somewhat discontented, he durst not acquaint him any further what errors might be committed by Phillipps by the nonpayment to Saltonstall of money which ought to have been so paid on "your Majesty's" behalf since the death of Mr. Justice Young. It should be looked into whether Phillipps has not made payment of his arrearages from money properly belonging to "your Majesty." Suggests that he and Saltonstall should have warrant to investigate Phillipps' accounts. Saltonstall desires that "your Majesty" should discharge him of the Chest, except some better order be taken therein than is at present.—Undated.
pp. (99. 8.)
John Vere to the Same.
[1596 ?] Holds a bond of Henry Huddlestone, son of Sir Edmond Huddleston, who avoids payment thereof. Prays that the cause may be determined by the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Dr. Caesar, as he is shortly to pass into the Low Countries for his brother Sir Francis Vere.— Undated.
Note by Cecil that the Queen refers the matter to the above named. 1 p. (1357.)
Thomas Phelippes to the Same.
[1596.] He prays the Queen not to be so transported with displeasure against him as to work a hindrance to herself. Justify himself he cannot nor will not, though he could have alleged something to have pacified her in the past; but prays her to consider whether the severe course held with him is like to make him abler to satisfy her, than liberty and toleration. He has propounded a way to compass it within a year, if she will dissemble her displeasure for that time.—Undated.
½ p. (186. 126.)
[1596 ?] A. B. offers to pay her Highness 2,000l, presently for Mr. Phillippes, upon the passing of his warrant required for the satisfaction of her Highness within one year. Further, to pay 2,000l. more before Midsummer. To take charge of the receipt, putting in good sureties as is used for the customs inward, on conditions specified.
Conditions offered with regard to Mr. Phillippes' debt to the Queen.—Undated.
½ p. (98. 170.)
Barnaldo Flamenco and Roberto Flamenco to the Queen.
[1596?] They were born in the land of Groningen, handicraftsmen, their friends much affected to the Queen's and the States' service; and 18 years ago were taken at the battle where the King Don Sebastian was slain, and are now captives of the King of Maroques, serving in his works to make fair pavements. Besides their bodily captivity, they suffer great persecution in soul by their Spanish fellow prisoners, for the defence of the reformed religion and the Queen's good name. They pray for the Queen's letters to the King of Maroques and Feez, for deliverance.
Headed: A remembrance for Monsieur Caron to be a mean to the Queen.—Undated.
½ p. (186. 40.)
"Burghley's Journal."
1543–1596. A brief diary of events from 1543 to 1596, kept by Burghley. Nearly all printed in Murdin, pp. 745, 746, 747 et seq., six pages that are not printed, relating to 1558–1579, being covered by a later portion that is printed. Another portion, for 1553–1558, is noted in the Calendar of Cecil Papers, Part i, p. 149.
225 pp. (229.)
Tenants and Inhabitants of Hoddesdon to Lord Burghley.
[1596.] They are undone by the late lease made of his lordship's woods there, by reason of their lack of work, and the unreasonable price set by the farmers. They pray him to revoke the lease, and to keep the woods in his own hands, offering certain terms. List of 52 names at foot.—Undated.
1 p.
Enclosure: Note of the price of the wood, as now it is enhanced by the farmers: and the charge of an acre of wood after the old price. 1 p. (2078.)
Tenants of Hoddesdon, Herts, to the Same.
[1596.] Their first suit was for the coming of boats to the Lynch Mill by the river Lea. They now describe the best and fittest way. The miller will not agree to their offer for the land till he knows Burghley's pleasure. They pray him to view the ground and take order therein, and so shall the market and town have continuance and flourish, which otherwise will utterly decay.—Hoddesdon, 7th of April.
22 Signatures. 1 p. (213. 78.)
Edward Morrice to the Same.
[1596.] Prays that a cottage and garden in the Charterhouse, and another tenement, in which he has a good estate, may be excepted out of the lease of the Charterhouse which is now to pass to "my Lady."—Undated.
1 p. (1200.)
Christopher Peyton, Auditor of Ireland, to the Same.
[1596.] For like allowances as Mr. Jenison had for the work of taking extraordinary and foreign reckonings. Also that he may continue the taking of captains' accounts, which the Treasurer at Wars has taken into his hands.—Undated.
½ p. (877.)
John Thorowgood to the Same.
[1596.] As to woods near Hoddesdon, Herts, demised to him and Keeling. Complains of the dishonest dealings of Keeling, and prays for a new lease of the woods.—Undated.
¾ p. (1765.)
John Bovyat to the Same.
[1596?] Has heretofore obtained letters patent for the making of saltpetre and gunpowder of stone mineral. Asks whether he shall go forward with the same, or whether so great a treasure shall be smothered and lost.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that he is to make his suit to the Master of the Ordnance. 1 p. (1510.)
Sir John Bolles to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596.] He received yesterday Cecil's letters, requiring to understand of his speedy departure hence, and to receive some good news from him out of those parts. He purposes to be gone to-morrow, as soon as he has seen those utensils laden which are to be conveyed overland, because he purposes to take them aboard the ship where he goes himself. Offers services.—Undated.
1 p. (98. 43.)
Students of Christ Church, Oxford, to [the Same].
[1596.] Their founder Henry VIII. allowed them bread and drink every meal without stint, besides a portion of meat, which allowance they enjoyed till last year, when the Dean and Canons obtained of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Sir John Puckering, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, and Lord Buckhurst their Chancellor, that they should be rated at a set allowance of bread, being nine ounces each at a meal, besides the ordinary allowance of meat, and also the whole benefit arising by improvement of rents. This order the Dean and Canons now disannul, by tying the students to a weekly pension of money in no way competent for their maintenance. They pray "your Honour" to stand with them for the continuance of the said order till the state of the College shall be examined by visitation.—Undated.
1 p. (186. 120.)
George Hanger, George Cullymore, Robert Daborne, Robert Savidge and William Resolde, Merchants of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596.] They detail proceedings vainly taken by them to obtain restitution of the Vyolet of London, with lading of sacks and figs, value 2,300l., taken coming out of Spain by two men of war of Newhaven (Havre), and carried to St. Valories and confiscated. The Queen wrote to the French King requesting restitution: as her Majesty had done in the case of two ships of Newhaven taken in the Indies; and the letter was delivered by Sir Henry Umpton late ambassador there, yet nothing obtained. They pray Cecil that now this ambassador is here from the French King, order may be taken to satisfy them: or else that they may have the benefit of the law of 4 Henry V, which is "letters of marte" for the recovery of their losses.—Undated.
1 p. (186. 63.)
John Hall to the Same.
[1596?] Has been imprisoned four years for having an English manual and a Latin prayer book sent to him. Prays to be examined by the Lord Bishop of London and Mr. Waad.— Undated.
1 p. (589.)
Hugh Rigby to the Same.
[1596?] Of a suit between him and other tenants of the manor of Westhaughton, Lancashire, and James Browne. Prays that the attachments issued be stayed till the cause be heard.—Undated.
1 p. (886.)
Nicholas Fitzwilliam to the Same.
[c. 1596?] Of his suit for a lease in reversion of the late dissolved monastery of Holmpatrick, Ireland. The decayed condition of the creek and haven there.—Undated.
1 p. (913.)
George Holden to the Same.
[1596.] Served Cecil at his manor of Hough in Lancashire, which Cecil has now sold. Prays to be retained in his service. —Undated.
½ p. (842.)
Christopher Peyton, Auditor General of Ireland, to the Same.
[1596.] For letters to the Lord Deputy in his behalf.— Undated.
½ p. (1164.)
John Davys to the Earl of Essex.
[1596?] According to your lordship's command and directions, I have to my farthest best discovered the trades, passages, and Spanish forces of East India. But my good Lord, my absence hath bred my utter ruin, except you do honourably favour me. My case is the title of my living, falsely wrested by Mr. Adrian Gilbert, and now followed in the name of Sir Walter Raleigh, against Mr. Folferd, who standeth for me. A commission hath been granted and fully executed according to equity touching the cause, wherein the foul abuses of my adverse part will most evidently appear. But among many wrongs this is most bitter to me, that I can by no means retain a sufficient man to make a motion for me, so cruelly am I oppressed. Therefore my most honourable good Lord, in this my great distress, I most humbly beseech you, to entreat my Lord Keeper to favour the justice of my cause, and to give me audience when time shall serve, according to the clemency of his lordship's good disposition.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (75. 67.)
The Earl of Essex.
[1596.] List of names of knights [made at Cadiz], commencing:—
The Earl of Sussex.
Don Christofle.
Count Lodovick.
Lord Herbert.
Lord Burk.
Sir Samuel Bagnall, &c.
Holograph by Reynolds. 1 p. (83. 10.)
Eliza Blincoe to Archibald Douglas.
[c. 1596?] Begs him to send her Walker's bond.— 6 November.
Holograph. ½ p. (205. 8.)
I — A — to Lord [Ambassador Douglas?].
[1596?] According to my bounden duty I send to see how your lordship doth, being very heartily sorry that there happened that unfortunate man to be there at Mr. Wynsor's request to your honour's discontent in any thing. My sweet Lord, I hope your will not think in me any worse than I have deserved, for I was not the cause of his being there. When they heard that you were coming in, they strived to avoid the room for your lordship. Thus I trust you will vouchsave to see me some time this day, for I am very uncomfortable for want of your sweet presence. Your lordship's to command to death, I. A.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (213. 5.)
Ant. Perez to "Monsieur Nanton, gentilhuome ingles."
[1596.] Hodie dominica tradidit mihi Constantius litteras Dom. Com., quas non audeo tibi mittere legendas, ne intercipiantur in via. Hoc autem nollem pro me, nec pro D. Com. sed vellem te presentem mihi interpretari. Si igitur antea quam tuum aggrediaris iter posses huc accedere, esset mihi jucundissimum. Sin minus remittam eas ad te per tuum Franciscum quem procul dubio advocaturus es ad te ante dicessum tuum, ut ultimam tuam voluntatem ei declares. Sed qui litteras leget D.C. et litteras Basadonne nesciet meo judicio utrasque concordare. De tuis a D. Com. litteris nihil rogo, quia credo germanas futuras mearum. Nisi forte illud (mihi gratissimum) contineant, scilicet ut te retineant. De rebus publicis nihil habeo quod referam; rumor autem fuit non nuncius, quem ad te Fran[cis]cus scripsit. De morte illius &c. Reliqui vivant, vel moriantur nil ad me. Tu vive et vale. Combure te rogo.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 95.)
Information concerning John Wilson.
[1596.] John Wilson upon the certain knowledge of one by whom I have received advertisements concerning him hath been in Lancashire by the space of one year and more.
The said Wilson hath resorted to the house of Mr. Andrew Hudstone at Farington, to the house of William Gradele dwelling in Owswalton, at the house of Oliver Gerrarde of Denham, at the house of one Henry Walmsley, who hath been his conductor from place to place, at the house of Mrs. Browne near Houghton. The said Wilson said mass at Farington Hall upon Candlemas day last past.
He hath likewise said mass at the house of Henry Walmsley.
The said Wilson hath resorted very much to the house of Mr. Massie of Rishton where other seminaries very often do converse, at that house he was about a month before Christenmas last. The said Wilson said mass by the space of three days together, Mr. Massie himself being not there but his wife and divers others known to the party.
The said Wilson hath a brother that is a Jesuit who continueth for the most part in Lincolnshire. Mr. S. Hawxworthe who was apprehended at Liverpool in the company of Wilson the Jesuit and this Wilson the seminary within 4 days before the apprehension of the said Hawxworth at the house of one Mrs. Tilsey widow of Morlays near Leigh, all three one after another said mass. At two several times they were at the aforesaid place, first all three together, secondly this Wilson and Hawxworth. Mr. Hawxworth was at Preston at Corpus Christi play. The said Hawxworth made massing stuff at the house of one James Parker within the parish of Preston between Michaelmas and Christenmas last.—Undated.
1 p. (205. 83.)
John Saunders, Curate of Plaitforde, to Lord John, Bishop of Sarum.
[1596 ?] Complains that John Stanter, of Landford, has not only abused the ministry but has assaulted a minister and his wife. Denounces him to the Bishop, as having authority to correct him.—Undated.
1 p. (780.)
Statement by Henry Boyle and Others.
[1596 ? or later.] Details a visit made by William Cholmeley and himself to the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry at Ecclesall Castle, with respect to a marriage proposed between the Bishop and Cholmeley's sister, Mrs. Buskell. The Bishop offered a jointure of 200l. a year, to be provided out of goods now granted to the Queen, but of which he meant to procure a re-grant. Cholmeley, disliking the proposal on account of the uncertainty of procuring the re-grant, and the Bishop being unable otherwise to make up the jointure, broke off from concluding the marriage. The following were present: William Cholmeley, esq., George Yonge, esq., Henry Boyle, gent. and — Sommerfild, clerk. Signed by H. Boyle.— Undated.
1 p. (98. 146.)
France and Italy.
[1596.] Proposal of Signor Virginio Orsino, Duke of Selici, made to the French King, for the raising of a rebellion in Naples and so diverting the armadas which every year go from Italy to annoy France and Flanders, and even threaten England.
Italian. 2 pp. (174. 92.)
[1596.] Proposal made to the French King, upon a letter of credence, offering on behalf of a gentleman of Naples to raise a rebellion there and free it from the yoke of Spain, with the help of a Turkish armada. He asks nothing of the French King but favour and of you a trifling credit (et voi credito di poca quantita quasi da non metere in consideratione).
Italian. 1 p. (174. 15.)
Suggestions for the King of Spain.
[1596 ?] A paper of suggestions for the King of Spain's service, made in consideration of the fortune which the armada of England has had.
Endorsed: "Papel para solo, solo My lord. El Sr Basad lo lea y segue me." Spanish. 2 pp. (174. 97.)
"Lands assigned for the Queen's third part of the Earl of Rutland's lands."
[c. 1596 ?] Gives particulars of the lands. Notes thereon requesting "his lordship" to make certain changes in the lands, to avoid causes of quarrel which might arise between the executor of "my lord" and the heir. The writer desires that none of "my son Roose's" lands should be in the executor's hands. Mention of a bill in the Court of Wards where "your lordship's son William sueth in the behalf of his son Roos for lands which ought to be in the Queen's hands during his minority."—Undated.
1 p. (2407.)
Reasons for Stoade to be continued the place of the Merchants' residence, rather than Hamburg readmitted.
[1596 ?] The Hamburgers by accepting the King of Denmark for Protector, have already incurred the Emperor's displeasure, and the residence reestablished there would the sooner draw on the execution of the mandate upon them and the merchants. It may be supposed that the deputies of the Hanse Towns are departed hence not satisfied in their unreasonable demands; whereupon if they should move disturbance to the merchants within the Empire, it would be dangerous to have such a mass of goods and debts in any one of the confederate Hanse Towns as must needs remain in the place of their residence. If any danger were imminent, it will be more easily avoided by means of the nearness of Stoad to the sea, than that of Hamburg. English merchants have of late years brought great store of coin and bullion out of the Empire, and shipped the same at Stoad: if the like should be done at Hamburg, no doubt but nearer inspection would be had thereupon by the merchants of that place, and the penalties for the breach of the law sooner inflicted there. Though they of Stoad as well as Hamburg are alike Lutherans, yet has not been heard out of their pulpits such bitter railing against our religion at Stoad as at Hamburg, where also they have sometimes denied Christian burial to our people. Although the magistrates and principal inhabitants of Hamburg will no doubt perform kind usage to our people, yet the commons and baser sort, on remembrance of former losses at sea, will be easily moved to private revenge.— Undated.
1 p. (186. 150.)
Spanish Advertisements.
[1596 ?] Letters from Genoa of 23 December report news from Spain of the 30th November, where the suspension the King had made upon the "consignationi" due to merchants and upon all the money from the Indies was causing such irritation that the States would pay nothing of the thirty millions already granted, until a satisfactory arrangement was made. Thereupon Ambrogio Spinola and Hieronimo Doria, the traders' deputies, were promised satisfaction. The Governor with the ships saved from the tempest has issued orders that no one shall land,—a sign that he will shortly put to sea again. In Milan they are raising men for the duke of Savoy but peace is expected. From Madrid a million has been despatched to Catalonia to go by the galleys to Italy and thence be sent to Flanders in money, and more is to be sent to the Cardinal by way of Biscay.
ii. List of ten creditors of the Court of Spain with the amounts, the Fucheri of Germany, and Niccolo Doria being chief, and Gio. Batista Giustiniani's name also occurring; and the total 11,400,000 of gold.
Endorsed: "Advis." Italian. 1 p. (174. 5.)
English Horse in the Low Countries.
[1596.] Memorandum as to companies of horse in the Low Countries, which were under the command of Sir Robert Sidney, Sir Francis Vere, Sir Nicholas Parker, and Sir John Pooley: part of which were sent in March, 1593, for the service of Brittany, and part "cashed." The States and Count Maurice now desire the Queen to raise again the broken companies of Sydney and Parker, and M. Caron has order from them to deal with the Queen and the Council herein.
There follow proposals for carrying out the above.—Undated.
Endorsed:—Sir Robert Sidney. (205. 75.)
A. Ashley versus Sir Gelly Meyrick.
[1596.] Another copy of the document printed in Vol. VI, p. 568, of this Calendar.
Endorsed:—"Versus Sir Gelly Merrick." 1 p. (84. 29.)
News Letter.
[1595–6.] Le Comte Charles de Mansfeld est encorres a Pragues avec larechiduc Matias lequel Comte avoit le commandement en Hongrie sous le nom dudit Arechiduc.
Lempereur haste le secours extraordinaire tant quil peut, qui est de 4,500 chevaulx et douze mil hommes de pied de Boheme, de Moravie, Silizie et Lusacie, 2,000 chevaulx daultereve 2,400 chevaulx de la haulte and basse Saxe, 1,400 chevaulx du Sercle et noblesse de Fraveryne, 6,000 hommes de pied des Circles de Suabe et Bavieres, 600 chevaulx de la noblesse du Rhin et de Suabe, sestant les Cercles du Rhin excuses de cette contribution comme estant assez foulez des courses de leurs voisins qui sont en armes. Ce secours est paie pour six mois, oultre lesquels lempereur faict estat de 30 mil hommes que de pied que de cheval que la Hongrie fournira de dix mil hommes, d'Itallie de 8,000 lansquenets qui restent de larmee de lannee passee, et des troupes du comte de Mansfeld qui debvoient estre de 6,000 hommes de pied et de 2,000 chevaulx et des levees qui faict a part des deniers de la contribution de Ratisbone.
Le Comte Charles sest faict entendre de voulloir assiger Javarin (Raab); sur ce doute les Turcz lont renforce d'hommes, de vivres et de munitions, et fond dresser des ponts sur les rivieres du Danube et Stabnitz qui lavent ledit Javarin pour faciliter leurs courses et retraictes.
Quelque dilligence que lempereur face par ses commssaires de haster ses secours ayant faict estat davoir ses forces ensemble au mois de May les diffiances que les gens de Ca . . . . ont du passage des gens de guerre du comte de Mansfeld et des levees de Lorraines et de pratiques du Marquis de Bades et Edouard Fortunatus et le degoust que ceulx dela ont prins du gouvernement passe les retarde fort, et estime on qua grand peine verra on larmee ensemble devant le mois de Julliet.
Ceulx de deca sont deliberes de ne laisser marcher le secours de Franconie, de Suabe et Bavieres quon nayt veu a quoy tirent lesdits levees de Mansfelt et de Lorraine.
Ceux qui sont restes de larmee de lannee passee et plusieurs autres refusent de marcher que le comte de Hardect ne soit execute. La longueur de ceste execution faict croire quil y a peu de fondement a laceusation.
Cependant on crainct que les Turcs advertiz de ses longueurs ne se jettent sur Comard (?) et facent daultres entreprinses au lieu quon avoit estime quils se tiendroient sur la deffencive pour laisser passer ceste premier ardeur consommer larmee et les devier de lempire.
Le Transilvain se faict fort d'hommes de plus en plus lesquels ils courent de tous costez, les ungs animez contre le Turc, les aultres attirez de lesperance du gain et asseurance de paiement. On publye que les Transsilvayns faict f(aire) moustres et paie tous les mois et tient une discipline fort exacte.
Toutesfois il y a depuis fort peu de jours des ambassadeurs de Valaquie a Prague qui apportent nouvelles dun nombre infiny de Tartares and demande secours. Les Vallaques et les Moldaves sont les plus proches du danger et tout leur payz ouvert sans forteresse et ung peuple peu aguerry. Le Transilvain est couvert et plus asseure. Sur cette nouvelle on commence a travailler a toutes les forteresses de la haulte Hongrie plus proche des coups.
Les Polonnoys na voullu entendre a rompre avec le Grand Seigneur quelques solicitations et remonstrances qu'ayent emploie les ambassadeurs de lempereur, de la Hongrie, Transsylvaine. Valaquie et Moldavie et plusieurs seigneurs du pays. Le Chancellier a tenu bon pour lalience avec la Turc et le Nonce du Pape na pas fort presse, sestant sur tout arreste a paursuivre le bannissement de lexercise de la Religion. Il na peu toutesfois empescher que pluiseurs Palatins nayent faict prescher publiquement dans Cracovie combien que le Roy possedé des Jesuistes eust plusieurs fois declare ne lavoir agreable.
Les Comtes de la Veterau ont este ensemble a Francfort pour adviser a se garentyr du degas que le passage des troupes de Mansfelt pourroit apporter a leurs sujects, lesquels ils ont faict armer et fermer les passages pour empescher les courses et retraictes. Sur tout le Comte Nassau que lon dict avoir este menasse particulierement en ses fermes quil falloit vuider en passant ce nid de la maison de Nassau. Lelecteur Palatin a ses gens prests pour se garentir du mesme passage, le leur ayant toutesfois offert par bandes et lieux marques. Le Marquis du Onphac (Anspach ?) a aussy arme ses sugets pour mesme raison. Celuy du Durlach sest faict fort plus que les au(tr)es craignant que la partye soit dressee pour luy quoique lempereur par ses Commissaires et le Comte Charles escripvent et protestent au contraire, chargeant ses princes du mal quil pourroit advenir par la retenue de ses gens de guerre. Lesdits Commissaires disent estre deliberez de faire f(aire) maistre a ceux quilz trouveront prests et les f(aire) marcher au pris quils se presenteront. Les basteaux doibvent estre prests a Donalverde (Donauworth) pour les conduires sur le Danube.
Le Langrave de Leichtamberg a passe a Francfort envoye de lempereur pour faire conduire le corps de larchiduc Erneste. Plusieurs en augmentent le soupçon quil avoient que la maison d'Autriche auroit dessein sur les estats de Julieres auquel elle se vouldroit servir dudit Langrave, beau frere du duc de Jullieres, et des gens de guerre du Conte Charles de Mansfelt.— Undated.
Endorsed:—French Advertisements. 3 pp. (98. 100.)
[1596.] Burre's wife's petition is for a reversion of letters patent for the printing of primers. You have recommended it to the Masters of Requests, who delay her.
Mr. Bacon recommends this minute for Mr. Grovenor. He prayeth you to set down the shares which he shall have. [+Done.]
He also prays you to subscribe the petition of Alice Webb. Her husband served under your office of the stable. Mr. Alexander giveth him good attestation. [+.]
Mr. Linley desires a letter to my Lord Willoughby. To know my lord's pleasure for the sending of Mr. Edmund's last letter to my Lord Keeper. [Done+.]
To put him in mind for an answer to the D. of Bouillon's last letter.
To understand his pleasure touching Alderman Ratcliffe's letter.
Mr. Nanton desires to know how your lordship will further dispose of his service in France, and whether he shall stay till you shall find another, or return. He desireth a pass when he cometh, because his licence is in England, which pass I have drawn to be sent to him.—Undated.
1 p. (67. 34.)
[Lord Willoughby] to [the Earl of Essex].
[1596 ?] Sends his promised remembrances of inconveniences that may arise "if we should be forced to great battles, main encounters or assieges."
The General of the Artillery, by her Majesty and her progenitors always held an officer of great honour, has to see that the officers under him, competent in numbers and practised, men of understanding, oversee that all arms offensive and defensive brought into the arsenal are of the best, not such as of late years past Sir Thomas Gresham provided, fitter to kill the users than their enemies: and bought at the best rates of the merchants from countries where they are best made. If these were bought at present prices and compared with the rates at which they are now provided, it would ease her Majesty of a mighty surcharge; and those stores already ill provided might be issued to foreign countries, as the Moor and Turk, for better prices than new ones would cost. These officers also see there is sufficient excellent match and cord, not such as is now given forth, and the store of powder better than at that great victory against the Spanish armados upon our coasts; when besides the wants in the navy but a small and fearful proportion was left (if any disaster had happened) for the service of the whole country. These powders would be of the best and of the purest materials, saltnitre and sulphur, &c; the more refined and the nearer all of one sort the more it will do, and less will be spent in battery and small shot. Her Majesty may be served at better rates than she is considering what privileges they have for saltpetre making. The merchants buy it of our neighbour countries for 7d. or 8d. the lb., and it is issued here for 14d. or 15d. the lb., sometimes above; commonly for 10d. and 12d. the middle sort. Very honourable orders have been taken by the Lords [of the Council] for training the common soldiers; but practising men to use artillery is not hitherto seen into, so that mean and handicraft persons have for small sums crept into those rooms fit for ancient practised soldiers and perfect mathematicians. These if set to make a breach or defeat the ranks and squares of a "battaile" can as soon hit the sun as the mark they shoot at; whereby if one army affront another and the enemy's artillery play to effect whilst ours shot in vain the danger is infinite. How such ignorance consumes treasure and wastes gallant men's lives hath within these few years in our British wars been proved. Such persons should have so much art as to use the square, take dimensions to divide proportions, which in the compartments and tertiating of their pieces is especially required, as also judging of their carriages, calibring their balls, giving them proper wind; and be able to repair any defects in their charge which daily fall out in actions and marches, and to use if not invent engines according to the rules of Statisteros for dismounted pieces: and to find fault with the founders for untrue proportions of metal in their melting and for defect of their moulds and ill working with their "Tynyvells." These cannoneers should make the platforms themselves with single or double gabions; and finally be worth the money they receive. Thus the chief fountain of all being furnished, the Tower and city of London, every garrison or place fortified might be provided, especially frontier places on the sea or subject to invasion. The Venetians narrowly look into even the smallest matter, as wood, nails, iron, boards for carriages and platforms; of which quarterly perfect examination is had throughout the Seignory. Some honourable man of war should have the looking into these, who would make a truer sum than the best auditors can; till when "I shall much doubt of her Majesty's good service, when I consider none but Hercules can cut off Hydra's heads of ignorance, or an Alexander unloose a Gorgon's knot of evil customs and abuses." If he (Essex ?) offers not himself into this gulf it will never be closed up, for a weaker man shall reap but as himself (Willoughby) has done, malice for his good meaning, and after no perfect trial made be disgraced. So much good English money too is carried beyond sea and so much bad money of base dollars and slight wares brought into England as will breed want of purest gold and silver; if forfeiture thereof were levied and employed for provision of arms and powders out of Germany it would help well to furnish her Majesty's arsenals.
Endorsed by Essex's secretary: "Discourse of the Lord Willoughby." 2⅓ pp. (176. 29.)
Preparations for War by Spain.
[1596 ?] "The confessions of divers Spaniards, Portingalls and Flemings taken and examined by me concerning the preparation which the King of Spain now maketh for the wars.
"First they say that they were stayed in Cales (Cadiz) from the 5 of March to the 25 of May, because the coming home of the India fleet was then expected.
"They say that the St. Phillip came into Cales the 23 of May, Don Francisco Colonno being general in her, and brought five millions of treasure.
"They say that the 24 of May another galleon, which had spent her mainmast, came in and brought four millions and a half of treasure.
"They say that a Byskyn ship of one thousand ton came in the 25 of May, and brought three millions and a half of treasure, all which was for the King's account.
"They say that thirteen great and small ships came into St. Lucas with merchants and plate.
"Don Chensia pardo de Londegne being general of the King's ships for the terra firma spent his mainmast at sea, and was forced with another ship to go to some place in the Indies, since which time no news hath been heard of him.
"They say that the King maketh very great preparations for the wars, and taxeth all sorts of the clergy to pay the moiety of their livings.
"The arrival of seven or eight great galleons is daily expected in Cales, which were built in the Straights, and of two galleons, which the Duke of Florence will adventure with him.
"They likewise daily attend the coming of six galliasses out of Sicilia.
"They say that all the great ships in Cales and St. Lucas are strongly repaired, and cut lower for better conveniency of fights.
"Three great ships (being of one thousand tons apiece) are now building in Lisborne.
"Three galliasses are now in repairing, and all the great ships in Biscay must be ready by the first of March, which (as some say) shall be employed for England, and others for Ireland.
"The Flemings are advertised from their friends in Lysborn that if they come into any of the King's dominions after Allhallowtide, they shall be stayed.
"The King hath straitly commanded that no ships shall go to the Indies these three years, for release whereof the merchants made great offers, but he will accept none.
"It is said that the Lantado of the galleys at Lysborn shall be in the Carnoldes place.
"Don John Porta Careio is Lantado of eighteen galleys in Porte St. Mary.
"Don Francisco Colonno shall be Lantado of thirty galleys, that go into Sicilia.
"Don Pedro shall be general of the galleons that were under the charge of Francisco Colonno.
"It is said that the King's navy will be in number three hundred ships of war besides followers, and that the Cardinal will conclude a peace in the Low Countries, that so he may unite those forces with the rest.
"Seven galleys are kept in Villa Nova, which come to the Cape, and take our small men of war, by means whereof more than four hundred Englishmen have been taken, and detained prisoners in Lysborn a year, whom he alloweth sixpence a day, and to their captains fifteen pence a day, increasing their entertainment if they will serve him, otherwise he gives them leave to depart for England, in which policy he doth greatly prejudice the service at sea.
"These aforesaid confessions were confirmed by the testimony of one Domingo Roe a Spaniard, who approveth them to be true, partly by his own sight and knowledge, and by credible informations received in the house of Pedro de Castile, chief agent in St. Lucas and Cales for the King's ships, and treasure that cometh from the Indies."—Undated.
Endorsed in hand of Essex's secretary. 2 pp. (99. 15.)
Gentlemen of Norfolk and Suffolk.
[1596 ?] Names of certain gentlemen in Norfolk and Suffolk, beginning with Thomas Lovell of Herling.
In Burghley's hand. 1 p. (98. 159.)
Nicholas Flemynge to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596.] Refers to his recent petition to the Council, showing the breach of sundry penal statutes in Ireland, and offering his services in the matter. Prays for favourable hearing.—Undated.
Note by Sir Robert Cecil: "I like not prosecuting of penal statutes in Ireland nor England, and therefore let the petitioner address himself to some others."
1 p. (186. 41.)
George Brooke to Mr. Perceivall.
[1596 or later.] As to the enclosed petition of Thomas Grymes, so much of it as concerns Brooke's uncle or his brother, is of his knowledge true.—Blackfriars, Friday.
¼ p. (1927.)
Dr. Soame.
[Bef. 1597.] "A copy of the determination of Dr. Some, Vice-Chancellor" [of Cambridge], on the subject "An animæ piorum fuerunt in Coelo ante Christi ascensionem."
pp. (140. 249.)
E., Lady Derby, to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
[1596 or later.] I am importuned by my Lord to entreat your favour that his man Browne, with his company, may not be barred from their accustomed "plaing," in maintenance whereof they have consumed the better part of their substance. I desire your furtherance to uphold them, for my Lord taking delight in them, it will keep him from more prodigal courses, and make your credit prevail with him in a greater matter for my good.—Undated.
Endorsed: Lady Darby. 1 p. (186. 24.)
The Company of Upholsters in London to Sir Robert Cecil.
[Prob. after 1596.] There is of late risen up a great company of idle and wandering persons or petit chapmen, commonly called hawksters, who pass with upholstery ware from town to town by packhorse, whereby petitioners are much impoverished. They pray Cecil to further the bill now exhibited in Parliament on the subject.—Undated.
½ p. (186. 163.)
Sir Edw. Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
[After 1596.] He has watched three nights with his sick sister, who has asked after none but Cecil, demanding twice this day whether Mr. Secretary had ever sent to know how she did. He presumes to write, thinking Cecil's sending would comfort her.—Monday morning.
Endorsed: Sir Edward Hoby. ¼ p. (186. 69.)
Pascall Lane to the Same.
[After 1596.] He is a surgeon in the parish of Savoy and Liberty of Westminster, who by foreign travel has got experience of the cure of many diseases. Although two years ago, upon the commendation of credible physicians and surgeons, he was licensed to practise by writing under the Archbishop of Canterbury's seal, to which Dr. Stanhope subscribed, yet notwithstanding the Company of Surgeons molest him, affirming none ought to practise surgery within seven miles of London, unless he be of their Company, or tolerated by them, and threaten to undo him. He prays for Cecil's letters to the Company for his permittance.—Undated.
1 p. (186. 88.)
John Jenkinson, soldier, to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] Prays for assistance to return to his country. —Undated.
Endorsed. ¼ p. (173.)
Roger Peche to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] Prisoner in the Gatehouse for seven years. For examination or enlargement.—Undated.
1 p. (909.)
Tradesmen, prisoners in Cambridge Gatehouse, to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] For enlargement.—Undated.
½ p. (379.)
Francis Webb to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] Was arrested by William Stevenson for money paid by Cecil's order to Ann Porter. Stevenson refuses to perform the order made in the case, and is in custody. Prays that he may receive sentence.—Undated.
Certificate by Francis Webb and others, of the arrangements made by Edmund Stevenson, deceased, for the payment of rent to Ann Porter, and of his afterwards flying the country.
2 pp. (693.)
Roger Peachie to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] Imprisoned for recusancy. Prays to be allowed bail.—Undated.
1 p. (843.)
Robert Bellarbie to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] Imprisoned for counterfeiting 8 pieces of Spanish money. His military services. Prays for pardon.— Undated.
Endorsed: "One of the coiners taken at Rochester."
1 p. (879.)
Walter Baker to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] Of suits moved by Lord Zouch against him to dispossess him of the church of Barbie, Northampton. Sentence has been obtained inhibiting him from preaching there. Prays for letters to the High Commissioners to permit him to execute his function till the cause be determined.— Undated.
1 p. (981.)
Geffrey French to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] Is recommended to the Council by the Mayor of Galway as fit to be employed by sea upon the Omaylis, and other bordering rivers thereabouts: or otherwise to receive consideration for his services. Prays Cecil to further his suit.—Undated.
½ p. (1169.)
Marmaduke Todd to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] For the appointment of committees to end the cause between him and his creditors.—Undated.
¾ p. (1290.)
"A poor Jerseyman" to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] For despatch of his broad seal for lands in Jersey wrongfully kept from him.—Undated.
Note by Cecil that these causes are to be moved by the Master of the Requests, and not by him.
1 p. (1294.)
— to the Same.
[After 1596 ?] After his 26 years service as a post, is to be dismissed by order of Sir John Stanhope on untrue complaints of neglecting duty and being too familiar with the Scots. Details his services, and prays Cecil to move Stanhope to let him keep his place.—Undated.
1 p. (698.)
— to Sir R. Cecil.
[After 1596 ?] Petition relating to the recovery of losses by the sale of a ship of merchandise and spices at unjust prices.—Undated.
Arthur Gorges to the Queen.
[Bef. 1597.] For the reversion of the wardship of his daughter's marriage, if it should fall into the Queen's hands by his death, which otherwise it cannot: and that must happen within five years, for the years of her minority of marriage are then expired. Desires that she should remain by his direction in the custody of his kin and friends, and not fall into the hands of strangers. Has already the wardship of the lands assured to him. Has parted with a great part of his present living for the relief of the Viscount, only to satisfy the Queen's pleasure therein.—Undated.
1 p. (56.)