Cecil Papers: May 1601

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1601', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol14/pp174-178 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Cecil Papers: May 1601', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol14/pp174-178.

"Cecil Papers: May 1601". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol14/pp174-178.

May 1601

John Throckmarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 9. Offers services.—Vlushing, 9 May, 1601.
Endorsed: "Captain Throghmorton."
1 p. (93. 32.)
John Throckmarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 9. Here have been divers practices of late discovered as well upon this town as the Castle of Rammekins and Island of Walker. We be even now examining of one very lately brought to light, and wherein yet we have so small light as that I can say at present no certainty but the place, the abovesaid Castle, the matter discovered by an Englishman in the galleys at Sleuse, who purposes very shortly and with all expedition to make his escape hither for full proof of the business the party practised with, by him doubtfully decyphered. Order for prevention of the plot in the meantime is so safely taken, as you may likewise be at rest for any danger till further and larger proof. Of the other practices I write not particularly because these be ancient, I doubt not but you are long since advertised. Vlushing, 9 May 1601.
Endorsed: Captain Throgmorton.
1 p. (93. 35.)
Edmond Nicholson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 9. Has divers sums of money to the value of 800l. sterling owing him by certain merchants of Ireland, who have detained the same for three years and more. Craves Cecil's letters to the Lord Deputy or Sir Jefferye Fenton, knight, that he may have some speedier course than ordinarily taken for such sums of money as shall be duly proved to be owing to him.
London, 9 May, 1601.
Signed. ⅓ p. (105. 41.)
Sir Robert Cecil to [the Master of Gray.]
1601, May 14. I have forborne all this while to answer your three last letters, partly because I have been troubled with a great rheum in mine eyes, which hindered mine access for eight days, but chiefly because I could not deliver you those certain foundations whereupon you might build, my care being ever for you too great to be the author of your prejudice by any such error. And now where it hath pleased you to acquaint me with the King's willingness to hear you and see you, (desiring still yourself to know how her Majesty would proceed with the King: that being indeed the thing by which you must rise or fall, because the feathers you carry from England must make you the wings to keep you above ground); when I saw this case of yours, so pressing for a precipitate resolution, it did much trouble me. For (God doth know) till this very hour (if I should have died for it) I could not have resolved whether these men should have any satisfaction or nothing. So as if I should have given you hope, and it not succeeded, my judgment might have been condemned. If otherwise knowing one thing, I had told you another, I had betrayed you and deserved to be hanged. I straight resorted therefore to consider who had greatest interest in this business (which being yourself) I resolved with myself not to stay you from an access to the King because it might do you good (if things from hence did answer your desire), and sure I was it could no way hurt a man of your discretion and temper, after long absence to tell his own tale to his own sovereign, with whom (as it seems) untruths have wrought you some disgrace; for which mischief I know no remedy like facies hominis (which is) facies Leonis. You shall therefore understand that the Earl of Mar took his leave some 6 days past, being no way satisfied, although he and Mr. Bruce had long debated as well the points of Valentine Thomas, Evers, Ashfeild and such like things, as also had pressed to receive some testimony at this time of her Majesty's clear heart to the King, seeing the conceit was so general of late that her Majesty's trust was converted into diffidence, and her former good will into unkindness. By this testimony was inferred some support towards the King's necessary charges, and that particularly directed to the estate in the Lady Arbella's lands, which was rejected peremptorily as soon as it was spoken, the consequence thereof being amongst us like the disease which is called noli me tangere; which being denied, both he and Mr. Bruce did move her Majesty to do somewhat else at this present, as well for satisfaction of the King's occasions as for his contentment, who so much desired her good will. In this point, sir, you that know the Queen so well can easily apprehend how contrary it is to her mind to give, when she is offended. And truly I must say to you that when I consider to how little purpose it was to mix an embassage of congratulation and request with matters which must move so much disputation, as the matters of Thomas and Ashfeild, &c., I cannot but freely say I do think there was an error in the counsel givers; for the King, nor no man (that considers truly the constitution of this estate, the disposition of her Majesty, and the foolery of those varlets) need more to doubt any afterclap by those accidents, than he that lives under the Pole shall fear to be sunburned. Nevertheless her Majesty observing the course of the Earl of Mar to be temperate, and furnished with the qualities of a good patriot, was contented after that leave-taking to send word that they peradventure should hear more ere they went, and so at last some 5 or 6 days after was contented without any man's motion to yield the King an increase of his pension to the value of 2,000l., but with such cautions and conditions as the King must change his course and all about him, or else it will not last. I assure you, for I must truly say to you, that her Majesty was infinitely distasted because they were reserved in confessing the traffic between him and Essex, whom it seemed the King did either believe to be his friend, or thought it wisdom to seem so. For her Majesty, knowing all particulars, took it unkindly, and yet so far is her heart (upon my soul) from malice, though it will be never free from jealousy, as she was contented to lap up all things, and to profess once more a good satisfaction and mutual correspondency, as will appear by her own letters wherein she meaneth to speak plainly to the King, and as I assure myself to keep this resolution to promise the portion aforesaid. Thus have you as much as hath passed to my knowledge, whereof you may make such use as may serve your turn, and not yet do her Majesty and me that wrong as to know from me their dispatch before they have it: for yet it is not written, and Multa cadunt (in these things) inter calicem supremaque labra: which if it do alter then will I write so, if not I will be silent. As concerning your letters to the Bishop of Bollen, wherein something was touched of Monsr. Villeroy's desire to correspond with me, your own answer for me was better (though not truer) than I could have made it; and yet I pray you let this answer be made, that no man shall be gladder to correspond with Monsr. Villeroy than I shall, because I know he hath now the reputation to be one of the best experienced counsellors in Europe. More I have not now, and therefore attend with great devotion what is the success of your journey, wherein I wish you as happy as I would be myself, because I do know we do both concur to do the best for our sovereigns. One other cause that you have not heard from me before you went into Scotland was this, that by the negligence of the posts I found that when your letters advertised your purpose, my answer could not have been with you by computation before your prefixed day of your journey, neither indeed would I have dissuaded it, seeing I knew your access was granted; by the which as I said before I doubt not but your clear and confident carriage will disperse all the unjust and partial apprehensions as fast as the sun doth the mist in the morning. Besides this opportunity being so near you I would not deprive you of it, because I know not till now whether the Queen would do anything at this time or no, and yet well I know that if she did it not now she would not have done it in any such time as you could ever have made any use of it. How much they will report my justification of you I know not, but long to hear, and to speak truth I found no one of them malicious against you since my conference, neither have they carried themselves here other than well, and to the Queen's liking in all things. For myself they believed too well of my adversary (whom God forgive) to do me any kind offices I am sure, though I am persuaded they will not maliciously do me evil, seeing they see I have not done towards the King, or their particular, other than became an honest man to his sovereign, whom I hold more dear than my own life, and thus I do rest and ever will your affectionate friend, Ro. Cecyll.—Court, this 14 of May 1601.
In hand of Cecil's Secretary Levinus Munck.
Signed, with corrections by Cecil.
3 pp. Endorsed: Mr. of Gray. (213. 114.)
Jo. Banckes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 22. My Lord Howard may rejoice that his son travails first to increase his knowledge and to see an excellent country, and to perceive how happy our English people are in enjoying their wealth and liberty in far more liberal and free manner than here they do at Deepp. The news is that the King is going to Rochelle to augment his imposition. The expectation is doubtful what the sequel will prove. If I thought it might please you to have a Barbary horse or a courser to make a stallion, I would send one by my servant.—Deepp, 22 May 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 67.)
Sir William Constable to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, May 23. My poor estate being unable to bear my fine, though it be much less than I deserved in regard of my fault, I desire your favour to have it mitigated, or installed reasonably; or that I may be held worthy of employment to have it deducted out of my entertainment; for I desire much to make amends for my fault by some well deserving action. May 23, 1601.
1 p. (93. 71.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], May 27. Is as far as Bath in his pilgrimage. The death of Mr. Done, the Governor of Cheshire, Welles, and some other of his friends that sought life and found death in that place, has stayed his further proceedings, until time may make further trial either of their virtue or no virtue. Came hither on the 22nd of this month, and by the 2nd of June will be at Woodstock Lodge. Offers services. Begs letter of recommendation to Sir George Carew, Lord President of Munster, for Captain Smith, a near kinsman of his brother Richard, and much acquainted with the sea. Smith has a good ship of his own if it pleases Cecil to employ him that way. Lord Cobham is and has been looked long for here.—Bath, May 27.
1 p. (98. 139.)
[Sir Robert Cecil ?] to Lord [Chief Justice Popham.]
[1601, May.] Her Majesty having been informed by me what you have found upon your late examination of that Lichfeild which was sent for out of Ireland, and how far he differs from the former confession of the other Leichfeild, it has pleased her out of her gracious disposition which is always slow to condemn without good proofs any man whosoever, to be contented that you set Sir Robert Drury free of all his bonds for his appearance: of which her pleasure you may take notice by the warrant of his hand who is, &c.
Draft. Undated, apparently in the hand of Levinus Munck.
½ p. (90. 49.)
David Barry to Lord—[Sir R. Cecil.]
[1601, May.] I received a letter from my father that I should receive a hundred pounds of your honour upon the Lord President's letter (fn. 1) sent your honour by Mr. Crosbie. Sends bearer for the money.—Undated.
1 p. (205. 102.)
[ (fn. 1)See S.P. Ireland Cal. 1600–1601, 30 April, 1601.]


  • 1. On June 30, 1601, the Council made an order on this petition. See Acts of P.C. 1601–1604, p. 11.