Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.
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'Cecil Papers: November 1597', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].
'Cecil Papers: November 1597', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,
"Cecil Papers: November 1597". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.
November 1597
Robert Vernon to the Earl of Essex. | |
1597, Nov. 8/18. |
Aiant trouve ceste commodite de vous
escrire, j'ay attente l'audace que de vous faire ce most a cette
fin que vous puissies estre assure de la demonstrance que le
Roy a donne à Monsr. de Bouillion que c'est son intention de
faire la guerre en Britannie bien tost sur Monsr. de Mercure.
Le Roy lui mandoit pour venir lui trouve à la fin de ce mois
qui vint, à une ville qui s'appelle Tours sur la frontiere de ceste
province la ou il assemblera tous ceux de son counsel pour
deliberer de ce qu'il a faire pour l'avauncement de ceste guerre.
Je spere (sic) que Monsr. de Bullion sera elieu le chef de l'armee, et
je fonde ma croiance sur ceste reason, aseavoir, pour ce qu'il
a desia amasse fors troupes et l'on a faict courir le brut que
cest pour rien austre subject. Le mariage de Madame la soeur
du Roy s'avaunce fort, toutesfois elle a fort souvant averti
Monsr. de Bullion qu'elle est resolu de ne se marier james plus
tost que de nuier à sa religion. Je n'ay pas besoin de vous
avertir du mariage qu'est espere entre Monsr. le Duc de Tuares
et la soeur de Madame de Bullione, pour ce que c'est une chose
qui a este fort long tamps pretendu. De Turenne le 18 esme de Novambre. Endorsed: "Mr. Robt. Vernon, 29 9ber, 1597, in Turenne." [Bouillon was at Turenne in Nov. 1597: see under date Nov. 18.] Holograph. 1¼ p. (135. 213.) |
The Duc de Bouillon to the Earl of Essex. | |
1597, Nov. 18/28. |
Je desire vostre retour et avec les gloires
et resconnoissanses que vous merites, qui est le plus inlimité
souhet que je puisse faire. Vous aures sceu par le Sr. de la
Fontaine l'estat de nos afaires et l'anvie que nous avions que
vous fussies pres de vostre souverayne lors que le corps de ceus
de la religion anvoyarent vers elle quy nous a estroitemant
obliges des faveurs qu'elle nous a des partie. Il les nous faut
continuer et ne se lasser pour ce que le Roy dit, quy fet bien
souvant mieus et de nostre part nous travaillons a estre capable
de recepvoir le bien pour an jouir et a respousser le mal sur ceus
quy le nous brassent. Je vous suplie que j'aie de vos noles
Monsr. de la Fontaine vous dira les miennes. A Turenne ce 28e Novambre. Endorsed:—"28 9ber, 1597, at Turenne." Holograph. 1 p. (135. 214.) |
Cuasto (fn. 1) to the Earl of Essex. | |
[1597?] Nov. 22. |
"Monsieur, nous avons seu a meme temps,
dans joyes grandes, votre retour, et de votre armee, et de selle
d'Espagne qui s'en est retournee plus vite quelle n'est venue. Je
crois que le roy d'Espagne perdra la volante de vous fere la guerre
par mer. Votre voyage a ete cause de notre bonheur, qui a retarde
le Cardinal d'Autriche de se metre a la campagne trois mois, qui
a ete cause de la prise d'Amiens. Je voudres que le monde fut
capable de cosenoystre, et combien vous de ceans ont aporte de
bien a votre royaume et au notre, cela est reteneu a seus qui
ont de lententment. Vos serviteurs san rejoyset, et moy an
particulier, comme seluy qui vous est plus affectionné. Je
vous supplie de le croire et me voloyr honorer tousjors de vos
bonnes grases. Je vous beze bien humblement les mains et
suis, Monsieur, votre bien humble et affectionné serviteur,
Ach. de Cuasto."—Paris, 22 Novembre. 1 p. (99. 40.(2.) |
Decaying of Towns and Houses of Husbandry. | |
[1597, Nov.] Observations on the Act (fn. 2), 39 Eliz., cc.1 and 2. Objections and answers or advantages upon them. |
If some do object strictness and impossibility, and others
that the law is too easy and will not work the effect we seek,
advantage may be taken that it showeth the good temper
of the law, and it will ill beseem the gravity of the House
if that which perhaps if it were violently penned would get
passage, by the heat and animosity of one side, being moderately
penned, and not according to humor but reason, shall find the
fewer friends. That the laws for building which are in force,
and those for tillage which were in force till the last parliament, did no great good. To this it may be said the laws
were too many and too strictly penned to be kept. But besides
that the inconvenience is now come ad statum, and many
a patient will not keep good order while he hath the grudging
of an ague, that will be ruled after he hath had a sharp fit.
That it will subject the country to promoters and be turned
to gain. This objection is like that which the Rhetoricians call
vitiosum exordium, a preface for any speech, for they may say
so of all laws. Besides if I be not deceived her Majesty of late
years hath granted no commissions for penal laws and naturally
likes them as little as concealments or monopolies. If in any
particular cases of mischief or doubt the position whereto we
must resort is this: In omni magno remedio subest aliquid
iniqui quod adversus singulos utilitate communi compensatur.
And thus there was never yet law made but every reader of
Inn a' Court would presently after find 500 doubts upon it.
That both laws look back: First, they look back to pardon
many offences passed before 1° of her Majesty; next they
punish not but give a time and scope to reform the inconvenience
by binding or reconverting them, before they incur punishment.
Lastly, all the former laws in this case have looked back for
longer time. Besides in things that are mala in se and not
mala prohibita it is never to be accounted a looking back, by
cause they were ever offenses though there were no positive
law to punish them. The balancing of the misery of the people
and the decay of the realm's strength with some trifling abridgement to gentlemen hath no proportion. General reasons of state for both bills, both that of buildings and that of tillage. |
The great decay of people. The ingrossing wealth into few
hands. Setting people to work in husbandry, whereby idleness,
drunkenness, and vice are avoided. Swarms of poor loose and
wandering people bred by these decays, miserable to themselves,
dangerous to the state. Subjecting the realm to the discretion
of foreign states either to help us with corn in time of dearth
or to hinder us by embargos on our cloths, if we stand too much
upon that commodity. Danger of famine. Some remedy
expected in the country. The policy of former laws for seventy
years past has provided precedent though with some penalties
unfit to be put in execution. The necessity either by a new
law or by the ancient laws of the crown to punish misdemeanours
against the Commonwealth. The exceptions of all late pardons
of these offences showing how odious they have been ever
deemed. Endorsed:—"Tillage and Building." 3½ pp. (58. 67.) |
Captain Nicholas Dawtrey to the Queen. | |
[1597, c. Nov.] |
The Queen gave him the office of government of Clandiboy, but Mr. Edgerton kept him out of it, till
Sir John Chichester was established in it. Now Sir John is
slain, Mr. Edgerton seeks to procure it again. Prays the Queen
either to grant him the office, or stay it in her hand till his and
Edgerton's services be examined.—Undated. ½ p. (192.) |
Thomas Carleton to Lord Burghley. (fn. 3) | |
[1597, Nov.] |
Asks whether he shall stay till Burghley be
resolved concerning the offer given by him for Gilleslande, or
depart home, as the state of that poor oppressed country is
now made known to Burghley.—Undated. ½ p. (602.) |
Nicholas Luker to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
[1597, Nov.] |
Prays for payment of his charges, £9 10s., in
bringing a post letter from the mayor of Waterford.—Undated. ½ p. (186. 95.) |
Hugh Rose to Sir R. Cecil. (fn. 4) | |
[1597, Nov.?] |
Has been illegally imprisoned for supposed
engrossing of corn, at the suit of Mr. Duckett and Mr. Cooke,
proctors of Cambridge University. Prays for enlargement.—
Undated. 1 p. (168.) |
Sir Francis Willoughby. | |
[1597, Nov.] |
i. Statement with regard to the estate of the
late Sir Francis Willoughby, and the claims upon it by lady
Wharton his widow, Mr. Percival Willoughby and others.
Genealogical notes.—Undated. Endorsed:—The case for Sir Robert Cecil. 1 p. (186. 167.) |
[1597, Nov.] |
ii. Valuation of Sir Francis Willoughbie's lands
at the time of his death: divided into (a) lands conveyed to
Mr. Percivall Willoughbie: (b) lands conveyed to the now lady
Wharton and her heirs: (c) lands which descend to the daughters
and coheirs of Sir Francis. Total clear yearly value £338
11s. 10d.—Undated. 2 pp. (186. 170.) |
[1597.] | iii. Ancient tenants to the lands of Sir Francis Willoughby in Gonthorpe and Loudham, Nottinghamshire. (fn. 5) 1 p. (142. 208.) |
Constableship of Lancaster. | |
[1597, Nov.] | Note by Thomas Bulbeck as to differences between William Farrington and James Anderton, esquires, for the offices of Constable of Lancaster and Steward of Lonsdale in that county. |
Before the granting of these offices to Mr. Anderton, he was
appointed by his master (the Chancellor of the Duchy) to offer
them to Mr. Farrington, who seemed to make small reckoning
thereof. Afterwards his master signified to Anderton that he
should have the offices, then void; and willed Bulbeck to take
order for making a patent; and if Anderton would be at the
charge of procuring the offices during his life by bill signed
from the Queen, then his master would further him therein.
For accomplishment whereof, Anderton delivered to Bulbeck
£60, to be employed as might be best agreeable to his master's
pleasure, and it was disposed of for effecting the premises.—
Undated. 1 p. Holograph by Bulbeck. |
Enclosed: Statement by John Durninge, servant to the
Lord Treasurer. He was present when Thomas Bulbeck, then
servant to the late Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster,
received £60 for his master, of James Anderton of Greisine
[?Gray's Inn], son and heir of James Anderton, of Clayton,
Lanc., esquire; and Bulbeck declared that his master promised
for that sum to subscribe a bill with his commendations to be
preferred to her Majesty, whereby the offices formerly granted
by the Chancellor to Anderton during pleasure, might be
granted for his life.—Undated. Holograph by Durninge. ½ p. (130. 110.) |