Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.
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'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].
'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,
"Index: M". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.
M., Mr., 141.
-, -, T., 292 (5).
McCahir, Brian (Bren), 341 (2).
McCartie, Florence, 90.
-, -, wife of, see Cartie.
McDermod, Cormock, 126.
Machiavelli, Nicholas, 339.
Machin, Mr., 109.
McHughe, Feof, 31 (5).
-, -, father of, see McShane.
Mackarty, Dennys, petition of, 156.
Mackworth, Richard, petition of, 278.
McShane, Hugh, 31.
McTeig, Sir Cormock, 126.
Madrid, letter dated at, 13.
Madrucci, Colonel Gaudentes, 231.
Madruts, Sieur de, 206.
-, administrator of archbishopric of,
-, -, -, son of, 292.
Magwyre, 157 (2).
Mahewe, —, 117.
Maidstone, 301.
-, gaol, 102.
Maier, David le, 318.
Maine (Mayne):
-, Duke of, 35.
-, -, son of, 224.
Mainwaring, Henry, 148.
Maire, Le, —, 322.
Maisse, Sieur de, French ambassador, 54, 55.
Majorca, 217, 219.
Makeforthe, Anthony, 300.
Makonell, Angus, 97 (3).
-, James, 97.
Malaga (Mallega), 316.
Malbie (Malbye):
-, Capt. Henry, 154.
-, -, petition of, 114.
Malepaert, —, 322.
Malin, William, 288.
Malines, 206.
Malistone, 212.
Mallington, Cheshire, 213.
Mallo, castle of, 120.
Malmesbury, 315.
Malory (Mallorie), Sir William, 100, 144–145.
Malta, plan of, 305.
Man, John, 100, 151.
Mancote, co. Flint, 213.
Manington, John, feltmaker, 298.
Mann, Steven, 171.
-, Fran., 171.
-, John, 148.
-, -, letter from, 112.
-, Roger, 5th Earl of Rutland,
112 (4), 170, 183.
-, -, letter to, 112.
Mantua, 32.
-, Duke of, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220,
-, Prince of, 215.
Manwood, Peter, 148.
Maps and plans, 48–49, 76–77, 108 (2), 195 (2), 303–307, 322 (2), 338 (2), 343.
Mar (Marre), John Earl of, 61, 208 (2),
-, -, to recover the King's favour,
-, -, Scottish ambassador to
England, 172, 175.
-, Thomas, of Ely, brewer, 174.
-, -, William son of, 174.
Marenco, Jacomo, 54 n.
-, petition of, 54.
Margate, letter dated at, 159.
Margitt, see Stoakes.
Mariners, runaway, 163.
Marke, —, 261.
Markham, Francis, petition of, 155.
Marquette, Sieur de, 133.
Marriages, concealed, 47.
Marryott, Thomas, 130 (2).
Marseille(s), 216, 242.
-, merchants of, 283.
Marshes, invention for draining, 32, 168.
Marstone, Peter, tallow chandler, 59.
Marten, Sir Richard, 109.
Martin, (Martyn), Edward, 10.
-, Sir Richard, Treasurer of the
Mint, 25.
-, -, petition of, 25.
Martyn, Yorks, 170.
Mary, Queen of England, 35, 86, 181, 182 (2), 313.
Masey, James, 278.
Masham, Yorks, 343.
-, Lady, 308.
-, Richard, cook to Sir Robert
Cecil, 340.
Mathewe, Walter, letter from, 84.
Mathewes, Thomas, 197.
Matson, Glouc., 109.
Matthew, Tobias, bishop of Durham,
212, 212n.
-, -, -, his grants to the
Queen, 294.
Matthias, Don, to match with Arabella Stuart, 139.
Maunsell, Captain, 311.
Maunsfeild, Sir Robert, 189.
Maxe, William, 10.
Maxey, Edward, captain of the port
and customer of Southampton,
letter from, 32.
-, -, -, letter to, 165.
Maxwell, Lord, 213.
May, George, letter to, 144.
Maydenblick (Medlenbluk), 267 (2).
Maye, Capt. William, petition of, 157.
Mayham, Richard, fisherman, petition of, 286.
Maynard, William, 108 (2).
Mayneham, Ireland, 266.
Maynell, Lord, 212 (2).
Mayney, Anthony, esq., 342.
Maynooth, 195.
Meade, John, petition of, 155.
Mechtill, Alber, 258.
à Medem, Martin, 160.
Medenbluk see Maydenblick.
Medici, the, 180.
-, Don John de, 231.
Mediterranean, the, 303.
Medley, Tho., 170.
Medway, the, 307.
Meeke, Walter, servant to Lord Burghley, petition of, 154.
Meetham, Thomas, 148.
Melancthon, Philip, 343.
Melcombe Regis, mayor and burgesses of, 72.
Melling, Lancs., 341.
Melvill, Robert, letter from, 331.
Membland (?), Devon, 54.
Mendez, Ganzalo, 246 (2).
Mendozza, Frederick, Spanish ambassador in Poland, 292.
Mentenill, 89.
Merchandise marks, 314.
Merchant strangers, 47, 314, 318.
-, petition of, 189.
-, replication of, 318.
Merchants, 99, 112, 128, 309, 332–334.
-, Adventurers, 64.
-, -, petitions of, 310 (2).
-, Danish, 93.
-, Eastland, 287.
-, English, 160, 278, 318.
-, French, 31, 34.
-, of Middleburgh, 160.
-, trading to Russia, 14.
Mercoeur, Duc de, 217.
Mercure, Monsieur de, 25.
Merioneth, county of, 185.
Merricke, see Meyrick.
Mersin, Laurence, 331.
-, Robert son of, 331.
Messina (Mecenas), Straits of, 308.
Mesurier, John, petition of, 153–154.
Metcalfe, Alexander, petition of, 58.
-, Matthew, petition of, 58.
Methley, Yorks, 100.
Metz, 242.
Meverell, —, 14 (2).
Meyrick (Merricke):
-, Sir Gilly (Gelly), 165, 170, 173,
-, -, attainder of, 195.
Michael, the Vaivode, son of, 218.
Michell, Robert, petition of, 291.
Michelland, Lancs., 202.
Michelot, William, 31.
Michill, Richard, letter from, 65.
Mickleton (Mikelton), Yorks, 343.
-, (Middleboro', Middleborrow,
Middleburgh, Myddleburgh),
44 (2), 106 (2), 150, 279, 311.
-, -, letter dated at, 295.
-, merchants of, petitions of, 46,
-, secretary of, see Wheeler.
Middellmoor, Mr., 86.
Middleham, Bishop, 295.
Middlesex, 148, 159.
-, places in, 57, 59, 197, 303, 306.
Middleton, Mr. Thomas, 329.
Middlewich, letter dated at, 138.
Midleton, Robert, petition of, 90.
Midridge Grange, 294.
Mikelton. see Mickleton.
Milan (Millaine), 17, 95, 215, 217, 221,
225, 230, 231, 302.
-, governor of, 23, 225.
-, news from, 215 (2), 217, 219 (2),
220, 223, 231.
-, Sir Anthony, ambassador in
France, 3.
-, -, -, letter to, 95.
-, Sir William, chancellor of the
Exchequer, 270 (2).
Milford Haven, 152, 267.
-, plan of, 307.
Military estimates, 338.
-, treatise, 344.
Militon, Thomas, letter to, 255.
Milk Castle, Dumfrieshire, 306.
Mill, John, 278.
-, Mr., 287 (2).
Milner, Thomas, 300.
Minckewitz, Ehrenfried baron of, commission to, 257.
-, copper, 277.
-, lead, 304.
-, salt, 339.
Mint, the, 25 (2), 317.
-, Treasurers of, 25, and see Loynson
and Martin.
Mitforth, Cuthbert, petition of, 67.
Modbury(e), Devon, 54.
Modena, Duke of, 214, 215.
Mogela castle, 157 (2).
Moises, Zacchel (Zarechel), 230, 231.
Moldavia, 220, 221, 289.
-, "the great Chancellor has taken,"
289 (2).
Moldavians, the, 218, 222.
Molineux, Jervis, petition of, 275.
Molins, Sir Michael, 148.
Moll(e), John, deputy paymaster of the forces, 32.
Molyneux (Mollenex), pedigree of,
74 (2).
-, Sir Richard, 202.
-, -, letter from, 179.
Momerancy, —, 19.
Momonia see Munster.
Mompesson, William, letter from, 18.
-, John son of, 18.
Monck see Munck.
Moneyers, the, petition of, 310.
Monferrato, 217, 221.
Monford(e), Thomas, Dr. in Physic, 94 (4).
Monk see Munck.
Monmouthshire, sheriffs of, 81.
"Monnowe," water of, 125.
Montagu (Mountague, Montygue):
-, Sir Edward, 148.
-, Viscountess, "Douger," 57 (2).
Montegle see Parker.
Montelimart, Senechal de, 134.
Montgarrett see Butler.
Montgomery, county of, 276, 309,
-, -, places in, 70.
Montmorency, Duc de, 220, 223, 224.
Moody, Richard, fisherman, petition of, 286.
Moone, Ireland, 266.
-, Sir Edward, 136.
-, Sir Garrott, 136.
-, John, petition of, 293.
-, Nicholas, letter from, 136.
Moors (Mores), the, 89, 246.
Moravia, 231.
-, Gedyan, 265.
-, James, 265.
-, John, 265.
Morcovy, Mr., 167 (2).
-, George, 121, 122, 123.
-, -, Elizabeth wife of, petitions
of, 121, 122, 123.
-, Alderman John, letter from, 257.
-, Mr., 139.
-, David, of Crogen, 185.
-, -, -, son of, 185.
-, William, 278.
Morgen, Mr. Thomas, 142.
Morice, Capt. Edward, petition of, 198.
Morison, Charles, letter to, 298.
Morley, Anthony, petition of, 311.
-, Lord, see Parker.
-, Mr., 70 (2).
-, -, grant to, 111–112.
Morris, Mr., 198.
Morrison, Sir Ric., 210.
Morton (Monton), Earl of, 24.
Moscow (Musko), 14.
Moses, Ezekiel, 300.
Mostyn, Capt. William, letter from, 92.
Motley, Sr. du, 340.
Moulsey, East, Surrey, 279 (2).
Moultlow, Dr., 113.
Mounson, Lady, 275.
-, Sir William, 275 (2).
Mountfenill see Rossindall.
"Mountfennell, John, baron," letter from, 173.
Mountjoy, Lord, see Blount.
Mouse, Mr., 300.
Mouy, Mons. de, letter from, 102.
Mowbray (Mowbraie), —, 186.
-, -, his cousin Philip, 186.
-, Fra., 213.
Mowbray, John, 217 (2).
-, -, letter to, 217.
-, Philip, 233, 237, 238 (2).
-, Walter, 213.
Moyclare, Ireland, 266.
Mucheron, Mr., alias Baltasar Peterson, 150.
Muenex, Cornelis, 44.
Mugouwries, the, 213.
Mullenaer, Leven de, 45.
Mulpack, 231.
Muly Mahomet, 74.
Munck (Monck, Monk), Levinus, secretary to Sir Robert Cecil, 2, 60, 98, 110, 134, 144, 177, 178, 188, 190, 230, 237.
Mundie, —, 23.
Munich, 17.
-, letter dated at, 18.
Muns, Lawrence, petition of, 278.
Munsey, William, 158.
Munson, Sir Thomas, 148.
Munster (Momonia), 123, 146 (2), 157,
202 (2), 241 (2).
-, clothing for officers in, 243.
-, collectorship of the Queen's rents
in, 156 (2).
-, governor of, 122.
-, Lord President of, see Carew, Sir
-, paymaster of, 227–228.
-, the Queen's lands in, 198.
-, rebellion in, 123, 201.
-, Spaniards land in, 187.
-, Treasurer of, see Wallop.
Murano, palace of Ca Grimani, 220.
Murdin, —, 73, 338.
Murray (Murra), Earl of, 212.
-, [? J.], letter from, 295.
Muscovy, Grand Duke of, daughter of, 227.
Musgrave, Richard, petition of, 201.
Music, 111–112.
Musino, Baldassare, 334.
Musko see Moscow.
Muskry, lordship of, 126.
Mustermasters, 138 (2).
-, proposals concerning, 299.
-, roll, 340.
Musters, 96, 111, 123, 124, 152.
Mutford, Suffolk, 49.
Mychelborne, Sir Edward, 199.
Myddleburgh see Middelburg.
Myles, Mr., 49 (2), 50.
Mylles, John, servant to Earl of Essex, 162–163.
Myton, Yorks, manor of, 329.