Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.
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'Index: U Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].
'Index: U Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,
"Index: U Z". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.
Uchtenbroucq, Monsieur de, 133.
-, regiment of, 133.
Udall, —, 142.
-, William, petition of, 201.
Ulms, 17.
Ulster (Ultonia), map of, 322.
-, province of, 146, 242.
United Provinces, the, 234, 235, 236.
-, petition of merchants, &c., of,
-, to treat with the Archduke's
provinces, 234.
Ushant, 1.
Uston, Berks, 172.
Utrecht, 302.
Vallada, Manuel, 246 (3).
Valladolid, 245.
-, letter dated at, 256.
-, the court at, 255.
Valleces, Diego de Flores de, 30.
Vansenden (Vansendon) see Senden.
-, family of, 76.
-, Jo., 170.
-, Mr., 68 (2).
-, William, of Tretower, 191.
Vaux, Lord, 275.
Vaxa, 114.
Veer see Vere.
Velbye, Yorks, 167.
Veldeutz, Count of, see Philip Ludovic.
Velliart, Don Louys de, 133.
Venables, John, 101.
Venetian ambassador (in England),
-, (to the Emperor), 223.
Venetiano, Giacomo, 297.
-, letter from, 297.
Venetians, treaty of, with the Turks, 344 (2).
Venice, 9, 44 (2), 95 (2), 105 (3), 166–
167, 180, 231, 261n.
-, letters dated at, 180, 215, 217,
219, 220, 221, 224, 226, 227,
-, College of, 220, 225.
-, French ambassador in, 225.
-, Prince of, 220.
-, the Signoria (Seignory) of, 221,
281 (3).
-, Swiss ambassadors at, 215.
Venlo, 160.
Vercoilge, —, 322.
Vere, (Veer(e)), Edward de, Earl of
Oxford, Great Chamberlain, 73,
179, 193, 194 (2).
-, Sir Francis, 19 (2), 187.
-, Horatio, 133 (2).
-, -, brother of, 133 (2).
Verney, family of, 74.
-, Edward, petition of, 70.
-, Jo., 171.
-, Mr., 58.
-, Robert, letter from, 25–26.
-, Sir Robert, 170.
Verona, Cardinal of, 217, 220.
Vicegrade, castle of, 10.
Vienna, 10, 116, 214, 216 (2), 218, 224,
225 (2), 227 (2).
-, news from, 222, 224, 225, 226,
230 (2).
-, the Turks to besiege, 10.
Villars, [Monsieur de,] 335.
Villavicencio (Villavizencio), Don Juan,
-, -, letter to, 12–13.
-, Don Pedro de, letter from, 12.
-, Nuño de, 12, 13.
-, -, letter to, 12.
Villeroy, Monsieur, 176 (2), 191.
Vincent, Tristam, petition of, 243.
Vinci, Antonio, of Seville, 202.
Vinegar, making of, 71.
Vinta, Cavaliere, letter from, 173.
Virgil, Polydore, 323.
Vitry, De, letter from, 161.
Vitus, Father Thomas, 146.
Vleminck, Hans, 317.
Vlissen see Flushing.
Vlushing see Flushing.
Vorspulio, Piero, 161.
Vowlye, Sussex, 66.
W., H., 313.
Waad (Wade), William, Clerk of the
Privy Council, 89 (2), 112, 120,
198, 285, 290.
-, -, letters to, 269, 289.
Wadcock, Walter, 300.
-, Captain, 195.
-, see Waad.
Wadham (Waddam), George, 151.
-, letters from, 79, 121.
Waese (Wast), Pays de, 35.
Wakefield, Yorks, 99–100.
Walburn Hope, 307.
Walcheren (Walker), Island of, 174.
Walden see Howard.
Wales, 8, 143, 173, 197, 283, 340.
-, coals in, 330 (4).
-, Council of, 169.
-, - in the Marches of, 182.
-, -, letter to, 182.
-, -, petition to, 185.
-, the Marches of, Lord President
of, 276 (2).
-, South, 88, 307.
Walker, Island of, see Walcheren
Walker, Edward, 120.
Walkington, Yorks, 338.
Wallachia, 221, 289 (2).
-, the Vaivode of, 222.
-, goes against Simon the Vaivode,
Wallachian, the, 223.
Walloons, 133 (2), 206 (2).
-, Sir Henry, Treasurer of Munster,
18, 196, 228 (2), 294.
-, -, -, letter from, 189.
Walmer, 300.
-, Castle, 300.
Walmsley, Justice, 34.
Walpall, William, Jesuit, 107.
Walsingham, Mr., afterwards Sir
Francis, 173, 186, 339.
-, Lady, 125.
Walter, Mr., 24.
Waltham, 306.
-, New Lodge at, 306.
-, Cross, 285.
-, Forest, 10.
Wangford, Suffolk, 49.
Wanstead, 114.
Warberton, —, 192.
-, Richard, 198.
-, Robert, mustermaster, 138.
-, Thomas, petition of, 201.
Warde, William, petition of, 201.
Wards, 94, 128, 189, 245, 275.
-, concealment of, 48.
-, the Queen's, see Elizabeth, Queen.
-, and Liveries, Court of, 275 (2),
-, -, -, attorney of, see
-, -, -, Master of, see Cecil,
Sir Robert.
Wardships, 69, 88, 89, 90, 108 (3),
122, 125, 144, 149, 169, 182,
189, 197, 242 (2), 243, 278, 282,
-, concealed, 126, 154, 243, 275,
Ware, 13.
Ware, James, 122.
-, petition of, 196.
Wark Castle on Tweed, plot of, 305.
Warneford, Mary, petition of, 67.
-, Henry, petition of, 275.
-, Richard, petition of, 67.
Warren, Sir Henry, 154.
Warrener, John, petition of, 284.
Warrington, Lanes., 341.
Warwick, Lady, see Dudley.
Warwickshire, 149, 150, 280.
-, places in, 142.
Waterford, 157.
-, mayor of, 28.
-, county, the Crook, 338.
Waterhous, Jonas, letter from, 113.
Watkins, George, 341.
Watkinson alias Wilson, Robert, 123.
-, -, a priest, 33.
-, Mr., 227–228.
Watts, Alderman, 169.
Waxham, Norf., 307 (2).
-, Henry, 335.
-, Mrs., 312.
-, Richard, 194.
Webster, Mr., seminary priest, 318.
Weche, Eberhard von, 260.
Well(e)s: —, 178.
-, Bartholomew, 300.
-, John, 281.
-, William, 300.
Welsh barons, 173.
-, circuit, 134.
-, runts, licence to transport, 340.
Wenge see Wing.
Wenman, Thomas, petition of, 277.
Wentworth, William, 148.
West Chalk, 302–303.
-, country, the, 290.
Westchester, 117, 141, 142 (2), 183.
West(e), Edmond, 35–36.
-, Thos., knight, 171.
-, Capt. William, 135.
Westminster, 36, 41, 312.
-, almsman's room in St. Peter's,
-, cathedral church of, prebendary
in, 179.
-, College, letter dated at, 144.
-, constable and watchman of,
-, dean of, see Goodman.
-, dean and chapter of, 284 (3).
-, Gatehouse, 66, 92, 107, 147, 170,
199 (3), 201, 242, 280, 281.
-, -, letter dated at, 250.
-, - keeper of, see Okey.
-, High Steward of Liberty of (Sir
Robt. Cecil), 183.
-, the Receipt at, 340.
-, School, 10.
Westmoreland, 25.
-, places in, 70, 125.
Westmorland, Earl of, see Fane.
Weston, co. Warwick, 142.
Weston, Nicholas, 196.
Westroppe, Ralph, sergeant-at-arms, 342 (2).
Westwood, William, petition of, 284.
-, Robert father of, 284 (3).
Wetenhall, John, letter from, 266.
Wetherby, Yorks, 100.
Weymouth, 139.
-, mayor and burgesses of, 72.
Wharton, Lady, widow of Sir Francis Willoughby, 28, 29.
Wheeler, John, secretary to Middleburgh merchants, letter to, 160.
Whelor, John, 170.
Whickham, Durham, manor and lordship of, 294.
White, Whyt(e):
-, Andrew, letter from, 87.
-, John, petition of, 293.
-, Mr. Nicholas, 337.
-, -, his cousin, 337.
-, Owen, 75.
-, Mr. Rowland, 164 (2).
White Colne, Essex, 319.
-, Barwick Hall in, 319.
Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 98, 109 (2), 113, 273.
Whithode, Robert, 300.
Whitinge, Henry, petition of, 198.
Whitlock, Capt., 171.
Whittingham, Lancashire, 69.
Whitwell, Agnes, letter from, 2.
-, Robert, letter from, 2.
Whore, Mr., 313.
Wiar see Wyar.
Wickham (Wykeham), Cambs., 319.
Wife, an ill-used [Countess of Derby?] 19.
Wigmoor, Captain, 210.
Wignall, Richard, petition of, 68.
Wigtoft, Lincoln, 291.
Wilbram (Wylbram), Thomas, 148.
-, signature of, 138.
Wildenaccar, 159.
Wilford, Suffolk, 49.
Wil(l)cox, Mr., 288–289.
Willelmi, Radulphus filius, 343.
Willfort, Lady, 301.
Williams, —, 92.
-, Captain Hugh, petition of, 280.
-, Jane, petition of, 331.
-, Jeames, petition of, 277.
-, Robert, 282.
Willis (Wyllys), Captain, 50 (2).
-, Simon, secretary to Sir Robert
Cecil, 210.
-, -, letter to, 112.
Willoughby (Willoughbie, Wyllughby),
Charles Lord, 189.
-, -, family of, 189.
-, -, petition of, 189.
-, Sir Francis, 28 (2), 29.
-, -, daughters of, 29.
-, -, tenants of, 29.
-, -, widow of, see Wharton.
-, Lord, 113, 170, 238, 271.
-, Mr. Percival, 28, 29.
-, Peregrine Lord, of Beake and
Eresby, 194.
-, -, -, son of, 194.
-, -, -, will of, 194.
Willowes, George, 197.
Wills, Mr., 147.
-, Thomas, 161 (2), 239, 262 (3).
-, -, letter to, 262.
-, see Watkinson.
Wilton, letter dated at,. 164.
Wilton see Gray.
Wiltshire, cloths made in, 14.
-, places in, 285, 287.
Wimbledon, 15.
Winchester (Winton):
-, Bishop of, see Bilson and Gardiner.
-, bishopric of, 1, 11.
-, bushels, 330.
-, dean of, see Heaton.
-, deanery of, 11.
Winchmore Hill, Middlesex, 303.
Windebank (Withebank), Mr., 201 (2).
-, signature of, 299.
Windmill Hill, 326.
Windsor, 181.
-, letter dated at, 184.
-, dean of, see Bennett.
-, dean and canons of, 287.
-, deanery of, 110.
Win(d)sor, Henry Lord, 73.
Wines, customs on, 75, 138.
-, sweet, 318 passim.
Wing (Wenge), 111.
Wingfield (Wingfeild, Winfeild), Sir
Anthony, 148.
-, Sir Edward, petition of, 268.
-, Sir John, 16.
-, Richard, petition of, 310.
-, Wm., 170.
-, -, petition of, 291.
Winter, —, of Plymouth, 301 (4).
-, Sir Edward, 287 (3).
Winterton, 14.
Wirtemberg, Dukes of, 321.
Wisbech, 304.
Witch, a, 70.
Withebank see Windebank.
Withersheim, Anthony, 261.
Witt, Hendricke de, petition of, 198.
Wittenhall, Mr. Serjeant, 271.
Witton (Wytton), East, Yorks, 58,
266, 266n.
-, mill of, 58.
Wivenhoe (Wyvenhoe), Essex, 19, 319, 320.
Woad, concealment of, 245.
Wolffswinckel, Marten, of Maydenblick, letter from, 267.
Wolfgang Wilhelm, Count Palatine, see Rhine.
Wolsingham (Wulsingham) Park, Durham, 295.
-, Mr., seminary priest, 317.
-, Rowland, petition of, 334.
-, Thomas, petitions of, 274, 282.
-, Whittingham, petition of, 142.
-, -, Martin father of, 142.
Woodhouse, —, 92 (2).
-, Sir Henry, 14 (2) .
-, Lord, 117.
-, Captain Thomas, 31 (2).
-, Sir William, 119.
Woodroofe, Mr., 302.
Woodstock Lodge, 178.
Woodward, Jeromy, petition of, 281.
Woorsopp, —, 290.
Worcester gaol, 136.
-, High Sheriff of, letter to, 136–137.
Worcester, Earl of, see Somerset.
Worcestershire, 25.
-, places in, 136.
Worsley, pedigree of, 74.
Wortley, Richard, 148.
Wotton, Henry, letter from, 163.
Woulmer, Matthew, 67.
Wray, Thomas, clerk, petition of, 266.
-, Thomas, clerk, petition of, 266.
-, Sir William, 93, 148.
Wrenham, John, petitions of, 238, 239.
Wright, —, letter from, 42–43.
-, Chris., 171.
-, John, 148, 171.
-, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton,
63, 92, 138, 170.
-, -, -, letters to, 79–81, 107,
130–131, 138, 147.
-, -, -, horses of, 173.
-, -, -, mother of, 79–81.
Wroth, Sir Robert, 148.
Wroughton, Dorothy, letter from, 332.
Wulsingham see Wolsingham.
Wyar (Wiar):
-, Dr. Theodoricus, 292.
-, -, letter from, 292.
-, Sir Henry, 292.
-, Sir Thomas, 292.
Wyat's rebellion, 182.
Wykeham see Wickham.
Wykes, Thomas, 317.
Wylbram see Wilbram.
Wyllson, Mr. Bennet, 78.
Wyllughby see Willoughby.
Wyllys see Willis.
Wyngates, George, Esq., 148.
Wynion, John, 300.
Wynne, Peter, see Green.
Wynselowe, 78.
Wyseman, Rauffe, 148.
Wytton, see Witton.
Wyvenhoe see Wivenhoe.
Xeres, 12.
-, letters from, 12.
Yardley, John, petition of, 155.
Yarmouth, 14, 139, 286, 307 (2), 316, Governor of, 14.
Yarn, licence to export, 311.
Ybarra see Ibarra.
Yeoman of the wet larder, see Smith, Henry.
Yeomen of the chamber, 33.
Yerclare, 213.
Yonge, Justice, 36.
York, 8.
-, Archbishop of, see Hutton and
-, castle, keeper of, see Redhead.
-, council at, 145.
York, —, 19.
Yorke, Sir Edward, letter from, 144.
Yorkshire, 144, 253, 319 (2), 338.
-, Dacre's lands in, 95.
-, East Riding, 148.
-, North Riding, 148.
-, West Riding, 99–100, 148.
-, places in, 18, 33, 58, 69, 125, 167,
169–170, 244, 271, 311, 338, 342.
-, -, Nevill's hospital, 39.
Young(e), Mathew, petition of, 122.
-, Richard, 102 (2).
-, Mr. Justice, 107.
Zanker see Sanquhair.
Zealand (Zeeland(e), Seelande), 30, 44,
131–132, 257, 309, 317 (2).
-, merchants of, 311, 314.
-, the States of, 235.
Zeelanders (ships), 58.
Zenden see Senden.
Zouch(e), Edward Lord, 150 (2).
-, letter from, 250.
Zuccone, Signor Vicenzo, 223.