Cecil Papers: July 1598

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1598', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol14/pp62-78 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Cecil Papers: July 1598', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol14/pp62-78.

"Cecil Papers: July 1598". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury (London, 1923), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol14/pp62-78.

July 1598

The Duc de Bouillon to the Earl of Essex.
1598. July 13/23. Il y a long temps que je n'ay de vos noles et toutes fois voissy le temps des nouveautes. L'on nous dit que vous estes cheus vous que l'on saisit les vesseaus de vos alies. Nous nous sommes acommodes sans leur avoir fet d'ofanse nous ressouvenant qu'ils nous ont assistes. L'on doute du mariage de l'infante atant on de jour a autre la mort du pere. II n'y auroit a ce conte de nouveau. Seigneur l'Archeduc d'Autrische seroyt sans estats ny benefisse comme le Transilvain, mes l'ung garderoit sa famme et l'autre n'auroit sa mestresse. Fectes scavoir de vos noles a vostre amy quy est vostre ainsy que vous jugeres que ces actions vous seront plus utilles.
A Paris ce 23e jullet.
Endorsed: "D. of Bouillon, 23 July, '98, at Paris."
Holograph. 1 p. (135. 218.)
H[enry] C[uffe] to Henry Savell, or in his absence Edward Reynolds, secretary to the Earl of Essex.
[1598. July 26./Aug. 5.] Understanding of the despatch of this messenger, I resolved even for the avoiding of idleness to send you some few idle lines, when suddenly I was commanded to entreat your help in conveying some occurrences to his noble Lordship. Don Perez this day sent to my lodging to desire me to expect him: that he would straightways come to confer with me about matters of moment: whereupon, as reason would, I prevented him, and repaired to his. He told me that he was newly come from visiting the ambassador of the Pope, the Cardinal of Florence, of whom he received these intelligences enclosed, which he esteems of very singular importance. He prays you with speed to acquaint his Lordship therewith & carefully entreat him the concealing of the Kαςδ name. The same in effect he purposeth to impart to my L. of Southampton, not naming his author, but pretending the receipt of certain Spanish advices from some correspondents of his in Flanders. His reason of communicating them with him is, because he persuades himself that the earl makes his principal ricapito in our Court with some one of my Lords in opposition; to whom he doubts not but he will presently despatch them, and consequently by his means to her Majesty, at whose hands he thinks they will in this sort be better accepted than if they were principally directed to his Lordship. When I took my leave of the Gr. Duke he protested often how desirous he was to continue a strict intelligence from time to time with his Lordship, and that to this purpose he would give order to his agent here to seek me out and to hold acquaintance with me, so that when anything of consequence came to his notice, he might communicate it with his Lordship. This I took as a matter rather spoken per creanza alla Italiana, than that he had any such meaning, the rather because he neither told me the name of his agent, nor gave me any order where at my repair to this town I should seek him. Notwithstanding I now find it otherwise, for Cavalier Guicciardine, who is his agent here, came one day to the D. of Bouillion to enquire for me. The D. hereupon asked Mr. Edmonds concerning me, and withal told him that Cavalier Guicciardine by order from the Gr. Duke would gladly see me: whereupon I visited him. He told me that his Highness willed him to enquire for me because he thought that ere long he should use my service in sending his Lordship some matters of importance. This I thought fit to signify unto you because if my Lord have any present occasion of negotiating with that Prince, I am persuaded there is no better means, in regard both of speed and safety in sending— Paris, 5 August "stylo [novo]."
(P.S.)—After the writing hereof I received from Signor Perez this letter, which I pray you deliver, and for my discharge in your next mention the delivery of it, that he may be assured that it did not miscarry, for his jealousy is infinite. I guess there is nothing in it, notwithstanding I pray you give account of it as of a jewel.
Endorsed:—Cuff to Savell. 1½ pp. (72. 26.)
William Edwards and Thomas Sympson to the Queen.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Tenants of the Queen's manor of Numington, Yorks, which the Queen granted to Sir Drue Drury, who has passed it over to Thomas Norclift, who refuses to compound with petitioners, but will forcibly throw them out. Pray that Norclift be ordered to turn over his interest to them, upon fine.—Undated.
Note by Julius Caesar that the Queen refers the matter to the Lord Treasurer.
Note by Lord Burghley that Norclift is to make a lease to Simpson upon terms stated.
pp. (1699.)
Lord Burghley to— (fn. 1)
[1598, before Aug.] "After my hearty commendations. Where of late I did notify to you the Queen's Majesty's pleasure that you should make a stay of all shipping to Hamborough; upon further consideration had of the causes which then moved her Majesty thereto, it is now since by her Majesty and her Privy Council determined that from henceforth the like stay shall be made until her Majesty's pleasure shall be further notified unto you, saving that certain merchants which had entered and shipped, or packed though not entered, or had in their warehouses ready to be packed, certain wares intended specially for Hamborough shall be permitted to pass, as more at large shall appear unto you by the copy of the decree of Council which I do send herewith unto you subscribed by me, the contents whereof I require you to observe and upon any doubt thereof by you to be conceived, to send me word, and in the execution hereof I pray you from time to time to let the Governor of the Merchants Adventurers or his deputy to be privy to all the shipping, if they so shall require, for the avoiding of fraud or cunning that may be used to the due execution of the meaning of the said decree."—Undated.
Draft, in Burghley's hand.
1 p. (98. 117.)
[Lord Burghley] to [Lord Hunsdon.]
[1598, before Aug.] "It is here thought at this present meet that the number which should enter into Scotland if need so require should be one thousand horsemen, 1000 shot, and 500 corselets, and that the same should be under the conduct of you the Lord of Hunsdon.
You may consider with yourself whether it shall not be good to let the lords con-trary part to the King understand of this her Majesty's intention to give aid to the King for preservation of his person against all his contraries of what sort soever they shall be."—Undated.
In Burghley's hand. Draft.
½ p. (98. 159.)
John Saunders to Lord Burghley.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Plan for the prevention of rebellions in the realm. 5 pp. (142. 48.)
Symon Edolph to the Council.
[Before Aug. 1598.] For remission from a privy seal for the loan of 40l.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley thereon.
¼ p. (1642.)
John Saunders to the Lord Treasurer.
[Before 1598, Aug.?] When as the wicked man (with the triple crown) ruled from sea to sea, then were those of my coat (which served about holy things) reverenced: but now that God's word is gone into the ends of the world, we are counted abjects, and to be the very offscouring of the world. Alas for us poor men being oppressed with violence, complain we may, for the magistrate doth not hear, the law is stopped, what remedy, if we which hath set the hand to the plough should look back, then should we grieve God. To live idle it would nourish evil. And for the rebellious speech of some to my coat, which hath been heard in place of justice and not punished, it hath the more bent me with such will and wit as in me is, to open forth a certain point of good service to stay the furious madness of rebels: which your good Queen shall see, for my belief bear me hand that your L. is most worthy to know that which another shall be ignorant of: which thing, known of some men, should not be secret, but noissome and hurtful to many.—Undated.
1 p. (204. 80.)
Richard Michill to the Lord Treasurer.
[1572–1598?] In February he was bound with two sureties to be of good behaviour to the Queen, which he performs; nevertheless the clerk of the peace of Cornwall has put over the bond into the Exchequer, and so process is awarded against him, to his utter undoing. He prays for a supersedeas to discharge the process till he may have it discharged by petition.— Undated.
Petition. ½ p. (186. 102.)
Houmfrey Gyfforde to Lord Burghley.
[Before 1598, Aug.] Of late he made "a book for the view of the circuit of the water of Lei (River Lea), the charge of the jury of the county of Hertford": which book of verdict he delivered to Burghley on Dec. 2 last. He has been at great charge, and has received but 20s. Prays for further recompence.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (186. 52.)
Thomas Hoothe, of Buckstede, Sussex.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Prays him to grant process against William Grynfylde and Arthur Langworth, who have wrongfully taken a lease, his property, of Grenhirste, Turcke, Vowlye, Hotham, and other lands in Sussex.—Undated.
Endorsed. 1 p. (183.)
Richard Fytt, of Borne, Lincoln.
Robert Pratt has dispossessed him of a copyhold of the manor of Bourne. Prays Burghley to readmit him, or cause Pratt to compensate him.—Undated.
¾ p. (194.)
[Before Aug. 1598.] Richard Fytt. Was copyholder of 6 acres of the manor of Bourne, Lincoln, which was forfeited to Lord Burghley because he leased it contrary to the custom of the manor. Robert Pratt's dealings with him. Prays for readmission upon fine.—Undated.
1 p. (217.)
John Earle.
[Before Aug. 1598.] For enlargement from the Westminster Gatehouse, where he has been committed for carrying letters between prisoners.—Undated.
1p. (417.)
William Nicholson and Hugh Rose, maltsters of Cambridge.
[Before Aug. 1598.] They have been presented at a leet held for the University, as ingrossers of corn. Complain of the illegality of the course taken against them, and pray Lord Burghley's letters to Dr. Jegen, the Vice Chancellor, to stay further proceedings.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that they may have the letters.
1 p. (421.)
Copy petition of John Gregson.
Answer of Mr. Topclyff to the above, to Lord Burghley.
Petition of Gregson in reply to Topclyff.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Referring to a tenement in Rilston which Gregson claims was given to his father by certificate. Matthew Woulmer has procured warrant from Topclyff, the Queen's steward there, to occupy the same. Topclyff detains the above certificate.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley requiring Topclyff to show the certificate if he have it.
pp. (557.)
Henry Becket.
[Before Aug. 1598] [1590–98?] Asks warrant for quiet enjoyment of lands in Halton, parcel of the lordship of Temple Newsham, formerly the lands of Lady Margaret late Countess of Lennox, of which his lease has expired.—Undated.
Note by Burghley: "Mr. Auditor Coniers to certify his knowledge of the suit."
1 p. (582.)
Cuthbert Mitforth.
[Before Aug. 1598.] He and others entered into recognisances to pay to the Queen a debt of Giles Heron, the late treasurer of Berwick. Claims that the debt is more than fully discharged, but because the sheriff of Northumberland renders not accounts in due manner, he is continually distrained for the residue of the debt. Prays that order be taken in the Exchequer for remedy.—Undated.
Note by Burghley, to be considered by Mr. Fanshawe, with the advice of some of the Barons.
2 pp. (583.)
Richard Warner.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Scarcity of mills to serve the town of Greenwich. Asks lease of part of the waste of Blackheath to erect a windmill. Subscribed by seven parishioners.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that he has no such authority without warrant from the Queen.
1 p. (618.)
Mary Warneford.
[Before Aug. 1598] [1594–98.] She and her children are imprisoned for recusancy, and are in debt. Prays for enlargement and to be limited according to the last statute. They are willing to have conference for their satisfaction in religion and conformity.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that it is to be considered by those that committed her to prison.
½ p. (619.)
George Hubbock.
[Before Aug. 1598.] For renewal of Dacres lands, Brierton, Durham, of which he is the Queen's tenant.—Undated.
Note by Burghley referring the matter to the auditor of the county to certify what ought to be done.
1 p. (625.)
Richard Wignall.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Of an action commenced against him by Mr. Fanshawe in the Exchequer Chamber with respect to the parsonage of Barking, Essex. Prays that the injunction be dissolved, and the action dismissed to the common law.— Undated.
Note by Burghley, to be answered by Mr. Fanshawe.
pp (641.)
Thomas Gadge.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Tenant of the Queen's in Hartwell, Northampton. A lease in reversion was granted of the tenement, the lease being now in the hands of Leonard Roughead, who refuses to assign it to the tenants according to the Queen's gracious meaning. Prays that Leonard be ordered to assign it for a certain fine, or to show cause.—Undated.
Notes by Lord Burghley and Mr. Vaughan thereon.
2 pp. (642.)
John Kentt.
[Before Aug. 1598.] For letter to the Court of Requests willing them to proceed in the cause between him and Thomas Houldbuck, Bryan Gibbon and his wife, touching a forged bond.—Undated.
Note by Burghley: "I mean not to deal in causes of the Court of Requests."
½ p. (652.)
Robert Daborne.
[Before Aug. 1598.] For renewal of the custody of the Castle Garden, Parish of St. Mary's, Guildford, of which his family are ancient tenants.—Undated.
Reference by Burghley to Mr. Vaughan, deputy clerk of the Peace, who certifies to the tenancy and that petitioner deserves favour.
1 p. (653.)
Thomas Harward.
[1588–1598.] Has been fined £300, and is to suffer other corporal punishments, for forgery. Complains that Gilbert Parker has seized his lands, though it was ordered he should retain them till evicted at common law. Prays that the fine may be paid in instalments, the corporal punishments remitted, and that he may take remedy against Parker.—Undated.
1 p. (660.)
John Harrison and George Catterall.
[Before Aug. 1598.] [1585–1598.] For grant of the wardships of Robert Tailor, Whittingham, Lancashire and Richard Singleton of the same place, discovered by them.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley that the feodary of Lancashire is to certify his knowledge thereof.
½ p. (814.)
Nicholas Ruggeley.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Prays for enlargement. Is sorry for his rash speech.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that he must confess his fault before any favour be shown him.
p. (918.)
Edmond Hale.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Close prisoner for nine months. Prays for some liberty.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that Pickering is to certify why he is committed, and by whom.
½ p. (982.)
Randall Hallmark.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Has preferred bills of indictment for perjury against William and Raffe Adshed, and doubting the willingness of the jury to find the indictment, prays for letters to the Justices of Chester to bind such as be wilful to appear in the Star Chamber.—Undated.
Note by Burghley, refusing.
½ p. (983.)
Ralfe Hargraves.
[Before Aug. 1598.] [1587–1598.] As bailiff of Sawley, Yorks, complains that certain tenants of Gryndelton have taken and detain cattle of tenants of the former place, contrary to an order of the Exchequer. Prays for enquiry.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley that Mr. Baron Clarke is to consider the request.
1 p. (984.)
Cornelius de Neve and Cornelius de Neve the Younger, Brewers.
[Before Aug. 1598.] As to their provision of corn and malt, stayed at Lynn for the purveyance of Berwick. Pray for payment for the same, and allowance for their charges.— Undated.
½ p. (1361.)
George Ellis.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Prisoner in the Fleet. Has been punished with the loss of his ears. Prays for pardon of the rest of his punishment, fine and imprisonment.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that the fine cannot be pardoned, but may be stalled to be paid in time.
1 p. (1516.)
Thomas Hutton.
[Before Aug., 1598.] For grant of his late father's offices of Steward Marshal and fostership of the baronies of Graystock, Duffeton and Orton, in Westmoreland and Cumberland, and keeper of Graystock Park.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that he cannot grant the office without the Queen's assent.
1 p. (1520.)
Thomas Lambert.
[Before Aug. 1598.] His services as captain and lieutenant, and at the time of the rebellion at Norwich. Prays for help to repair to the North parts to his friends.—Undated.
½ p. (1555.)
Thomas Browne.
[1594—1598.] Was granted a lease in reversion by the Queen, upon bond to deal well with the tenants, which lease he sold to Mr. Morley. Morley's assignees have removed only one tenant, John Carpenter, a clamorous fellow, and notorious witch, as appears by a certificate under the hands of divers justices of Oxon. Carpenter molests him upon his bond, and has had him cast into the sheriff's gaol in Salop. Prays to be admitted to plead in forma pauperis.
Notes by Lord Burghley and Sir Edward Coke thereon.
p. (1637.)
The Aldermen and Burgesses of Stamford, Lincoln.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Proceedings in their cause against Richard Shute, for obtaining a certain lease without their consent, and for detaining a counterpart lease made to one Thompson of the town mills, and a bond. Pray for order to Shute to surrender the lease, and make recompense for detaining the lease and bond.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley thereon.
½ p. (1639.)
Edward Vernon.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Of the cause between him and Richard Herbert with respect to the parsonage of Lanvaire, Montgomery. Complains of Herbert's oppressive proceedings, and prays stay of a commission he has procured from the Exchequer.— Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley that he will not change the order of the Exchequer.
1 p. (1641.)
Elizabeth Hobson.
[Before Aug. 1598?] Prays that before any patent be granted for making vinegar and beer eger, the persons shall be required to provide her with a pension: on account of her late husband's services in the reformation of abuses and disorders in that manufacture.—Undated.
1 p. mutilated. (1730.)
Richard Brown.
[Before Aug. 1598] [1587–1598?] For payment of money due to him from the Queen, according to the certificate of Sir Thomas Sherley and Mr. Auditor Conyers, in order that he may satisfy certain Hollanders, who are to have execution against him.—Undated.
¾ p. (1785.)
Iriell O'Farrell.
[Before Aug. 1598] [1586–1598] The three abbeys of Clowntwoskerte, Kilmore and Iherirke, granted him by the Queen for his services, have been taken up by Sir Patrick Barnewall and Nicholas Ailmer as part of their reversions. In recompense for his losses and charges, prays for lease of the manor and rents of Grannard.—Undated.
Note by Burghley: "Without letters of commendation from the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland I think the Queen will not harken to any such suits."
2 pp. (1786.)
Walter Smyth, for himself, Captain Rice ap Hugh, Captain Stafford, and other servitors in Ireland.
[Before Aug. 1598.] [1590–98.] Details the proceedings of the present and the late archbishops of Armagh, with respect to certain lands in Louth county. Prays Burghley to direct a commission to the bishop of Laughlen and others to hear the suit commenced against him, as assignee of the lands, by the present archbishop, and also the cause with respect to other leases made by former archbishops to the said servitors.— Undated.
Note by Burghley: "I do not like of any those grants made by the former archbishops, but wish the lands might be restored to that see."
2 pp. (1814.)
Richard Owen.
[Before Aug. 1598.] [1592–98.] Has been displaced from his office of purveyor of oxen and sheep for the Queen's household: prays for enquiry into the matter, and to be restored.— Undated.
Note by Burghley thereon.
½ p. (1816.)
Eliz. Finton.
[Before Aug. 1598.] As to lands in Hoddesdon, wrongfully detained from her by John Baily.—Undated.
1 p. (1820.)
John Howes, senior.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Is cited by the Chancellor of the Duchy for an amerciament for the Lord Treasurer's Hundred of Broughen, Herts. Has always paid it to the Lord Treasurer's officers. Prays warrant for his discharge.—Undated.
pp. (1827.)
Wardens and Assistants of the Grammar School and Almshouse of Queen Elizabeth, at Sevenoaks, Kent.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Of the founding and endowment of the above by William Seavenock, 40 years ago, and incorporation by the Queen in the second year of her reign. Lately Thomas Browne, a juror upon the late commission for certifying how the lands of hospitals, &c. are employed, has, under colour of a patent of concealment, impleaded Francis Snelling, tenant of the School for a brewhouse in London called the Harteshorne, which is the third part of the maintenance of the School and Almshouse. They pray for stay of the suit, till some means be made to the Queen for deciding the controversy. Signed by Robert Bosevill and others.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley, that Mr. Baron Sotherton is to examine and to stay the suit.
Dorso: Further petition from the same, praying for warrant for a commission whereby they may find the Queen's title, and afterwards establish their possession according to the disposition of the founder.
2 pp. (2025.)
Mayor and Burgesses of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis.
[Before Aug. 1598] [?1596–1598.] As to arrearages of 86l odd due by them; for which they offer a yearly rent of 4l 8s. 3d., or else ask that it may be paid in instalments.—Undated.
1 p. (2057.)
Enclosure:—List of their charges and losses. The list includes, setting forth a ship at their own charges in 1588, 350l. Landing brass ordnance out of a great Spanish ship sent in by the Lord Admiral, making a platform for the said ordnance and mounting the same, 136l. Provision of iron ordnance, in place of the brass ordnance, which was commanded from them by warrant, 60l. Transporting of soldiers into Brittany five years ago, 260l. Building a jetty into the sea, and a bridge over the haven, 800l. Setting forth a ship for service at Calzes [Cadiz ?], 160l. A ship lost in the last service for the Islands, 320l. Bark taken by the Spaniards, 1,000l. Total 2,086l.
½ p. (2057.)
Lands in Ireland.
[1596–1598.] Receipt by Sir Thomas Smith to Lord Burghley for 333l 6s. 8d., for maintaining soldiers to win his 20 ploughlands in the Ardes, North of Ireland.—Endorsed.
Modern copy, endorsed by Murdin. Endorsed by Stewart "1572."
(7. 80.)
Answer to the Clothiers of Taunton.
[1572–1598.] At the making of the statute 5 & 6 Edward 6 the weight, length and breadth was made as perfect good cloths of that make did then contain, with the privity and consent of the clothiers of that country. Particulars of the broad and narrow cloths made in the said towns. In times past they made good cloths, and brought them to London to be dispersed: but now they are so slenderly and deceitfully made that they are not commonly vendible in the realm, but are sold to such as transport them. Answer to various allegations as to the number of people employed: their reasons for not making narrow cloths according to the statute: as to the fine spinning: and that they offer cloths to be sealed by the sealers and searchers. "If they might by these allegations, which in appearance carry some reason, get the weight of the cloth either abated or taken away, they would indirectly undo the whole statute made for the true making of cloth, for then they would both strike their cloth loose in the loom, and also stretch the cloth upon the tenter, and so make their cloth long, with small substance of yarn, which the weight being observed will not permit."—Undated.
Endorsed by Burghley.
pp. (99. 23.)
[?1596–1598.] "Earls of Oxford, Shr[ewsbury], Derby Worcester, Cumberland, Hertford, Lincoln, Nottingham; Viscount Bindon; Lords Delaware, Morley, Conham, Stafford, Gray of Wilton, Lumley, Winsor, Rich, Darcy of Chiche, Chandos, Hunsdon, St. John of Bletsoe, Buckhurst, Burghley, Compton, Howard of Walden."—Undated.
Endorsed by Robert Cecil:—Noblemen we are sure of to be here.
1 p. (99. 40.)
Genealogical Notes on Portugal, &c.
[Before Aug. 1598.] (1) Discourse showing "that the succession of the kingdom of Portugal after the decease of King John the second (which died without issue lawfully begotten) could not come to none other but unto King Emanuel."
Notes by Burghley.
1 p. (141. 37.)
(2) Genealogical notes on the house of Portugal.
In Burghley's hand.
1 p. (144. 133.)
[Before Aug. 1598.] Genealogical notes on the House of Braganza and of Muly Mahomet.
In Burghley's hand.
1 p. (144. 132.)
(3) Genealogical tables of certain French houses.
French. In Burghley's hand.
pp. (141. 42.)
[Before Aug. 1598.] "Lord Talbot. To prove divers (of the Talbot family) called as Barons in their father's lives to other baronies, in right of their wives or mothers."
Notes by Burghley.
1 p. (141. 44.)
Pedigree Notes by Burghley.
[Before Aug. 1598.] (1) Enquiry by Lord Burghley "for the heralds," what time and reign these persons following did live.
Endorsed by Burghley:—"Cantlope."
1 p. (141. 46.)
(2) Buckinghamshire Pedigrees.
Dormer, Terrington, Hampden, Cheyny, Pagynton, Gifford, Verney and Brudnell.
In Burghley's hand.
3 pp. (141. 51.)
(3) Pedigrees—Cheshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire.
In Burghley's hand.
pp. (141. 55.)
Lancashire Pedigrees.
(4) Standish, Molyneux, Ratcliffe, Gerard, Holcroft, Ashton, Heskett, Townley, Nowell, Worsley, Southworth, and Farrington.—In Burghley's hand.
2 pp. (141. 49.)
(5) Nottinghamshire Pedigrees.
Molyneux and Horsley.
In Burghley's hand.
1 p. (141. 50.)
(6) Pedigrees—Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridge.
In Burghley's hand.
4 pp. (141. 53.)
Hanse Towns.
[Before. Aug. 1598.] "Charte libertatum pro Hanseatic a 41 Henry 3 ad Marie."
Latin. Endorsed by Burghley.
1 p. (141. 79.)
Customs on Wines.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Notes in Burghley's hand, as to the customs and subsidies paid by strangers and by Englishmen upon various kinds of wines.—Undated.
1 p. (186. 105.)
Sir Rice Griffith.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Sir Rice Griffith's title to certain lands, and "32 bondmen and natives with their posterity and sequels," in the county of Anglesey.—Undated.
pp. (2196.)
Curle and Grimston.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Notes as to the cause of Curle and Grimston.—Undated.
½ p. (2406.)
The Low Countries Coinage.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Memorandum on the Low Country coinage, in Lord Burghley's hand.—Undated.
Endorsed:—Wages of Strangers.
½ p. (239. 19a.)
Diet of Officials.
[Before August 1598.] Proportion of diet for the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treasurer, the Chancellor of the Duchy and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, at Hartford.—Undated.
4 pp. (98. 113.)
Another copy of the same with notes in Burghley's hand.— Undated.
(98. 115.)
The Cecil Family.
[Before Aug. 1598.] Arms of the Cecil family, coloured, on parchment.
Endorsed by Burghley:—"Armes of Sissill."
Slightly damaged.
(222. 11.)
The Cecil Pedigree. (fn. 2)
[Before Aug. 1598.] Papers concerning the Cecil Pedigree, written or annotated by Lord Burghley.
(1) Pedigree showing the connection of the Cecil and Herbert families.
In Burghley's hand.
1 p. (141. 2.)
(2) Pedigree of Sir William Cecil, traced from Owen Whyte, who "came with Harold that was Earl Godwin's son out of Cornall."
Endorsed by Burghley:—"A piece of Mr. Cecil's pedigree."
1 p. (141. 3.)
(3) Pedigree showing connection of the Cecil and Vaughan families.
Partly in Burghley's hand.
1 p. (141. 4.)
(4) Notes as to the pedigree of the Cecils.—Undated.
Endorsed by Burghley.
18th cent. copy.
1 p. (249. 226.)
(5) Notes upon the pedigree and possessions of the family of Cecil, written by the son of John Cecil of Alterennes, in answer to questions.
Side note by Burghley.
2 pp. (141. 6.)
(6) Notes on the Turberville and Cecil families: side notes by Burghley.
Endorsed by Burghley:—Pedigree Cecill, from Mr. D. Lews.
pp. (141. 7, 8.)
(7) Notes on the descent of the Cecils from the Turbervilles.
Endorsed by Burghley: D. Lews. Sissell.
1 p. (141. 9.)
(8) Pedigree of the Sitsilts and Baskervilles. Notes by Burghley.
Narrow parchment roll.
(209. 8.)
(9) Extracts from records from temp. Edward 3, with regard to the Sitsilt and Baskerville families. Notes by Burghley.— Undated.
Parchment roll.
(218. 3.)
Cecil Genealogies.
(10) Copies of ancient evidence for the pedigree of the Sitsilts, from A.D. 1091.
Notes by Burghley.
Plans and Papers concerning Theobalds. (fn. 3)
[1563–1598.] i. The first ground plat of Theobalds. The old house with moat.
Partly in Burghley's hand.
1 p. (143. 24.)
ii. A plot for Pymms at Edmonton, for alterations of the old house.
Endorsed by Burghley.
4 pp. (143. 25.)
iii. "A plat of the whole house and grounds at Theobalds."
Endorsed by Burghley: "Void."
1 p. (143. 27.)
iv. "Plot of Theobalds, new." "A plot for to have reformed the old house."
Endorsed by Burghley.
1 p. (143. 29.)
v. "A pattern of the window for the great chamber." (?Theobalds.)
Endorsed by Burghley.
1 p. (143. 33.)
vi. "Marble for my chimney at Theobalds."
Endorsed by Burghley.
1 p. (143. 34.)
vii. Estimate of white marble chimneys for the great chamber. (?Theobalds.)
Endorsed by Burghley.
2 pp. (143. 36.)
viii. Theobalds. Plot of the garden towards the old house and the long alley. South side.
Notes thereon by Burghley.
2 pp. (143. 37.)
ix. Plot for the back garden on the North side of the house. (?Theobalds.) Notes by Burghley.
2 pp. (243. 43.)
x. Measurements of the garden at Theobalds.
Partly in Burghley's hand.
4 pp. (143. 39.)
xi. Elevation of the Gallery. (?Theobalds).
Notes thereon by Burghley.
2 pp. (143. 41.)
xii. The plot for my Gatehouse at Theobalds.
Endorsed by Burghley.
1 p. (143. 46.)
xiii. "Second plot of my Gatehouse and Gallery" (?Theobalds).
Endorsed by Burghley:—"Void."
1 p. (143. 48.)
xiv. Elevation of "the inward side of the gallery" (?Theobalds).
Endorsed by Burghley:—"Void."
1 p. (143. 50.)
xv. Estimate of lead piping for the conduit.
Endorsed by Burghley.
½ p. (143. 60.)
xvi. "Plat of the upper ceiling of my lover (?louvre) at Theobalds."
Endorsed by Burghley.
1 p. (143. 35.)
xvii. Elevation of "a door of white marble."
Endorsed by Burghley.
1 p. (141. 71.)


  • 1. Cf. Acts of P.C., 1597–8 p. 601, July 1598.
  • 2. For other copies of the same or similar pedigrees by Burghley, see C.P. viii., pp. 287–288.
  • 3. Burghley bought Theobalds in June 1563.