Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1603

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp345-398 [accessed 16 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online, accessed September 16, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp345-398.

"Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1603". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1930), , British History Online. Web. 16 September 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp345-398.

Miscellaneous 1603

The King to the Privy Council.
[1603.] Having understood to our great grief the certainty of the death of our dearest sister the Queen we have thought it necessary first to gratify you with our heartiest thanks for your faithful bypast service unto her for the which we intend to give you such due recompense in the one hand as if it had been done to ourself; next seeing that we are by the divine providence of God born her lawful successor and by consequence having nothing more before our eyes than the safety of the people from the injuries of all tumultuous uproars and mutinous practices which commonly falleth forth at such times, together with an earnest desire we have to follow her footsteps in continuing the happy quietness of the former government without any alteration of laws or customs as her lawful and natural heir we have sent unto you by this bearer our commission and warrant to exercise still your offices and charges of counsellors with power in our name to direct and command either by privy warrant or public proclamation all justices of peace, sheriffs, and other inferior officers whatsoever to go forward in their charges in doing of justice and all such other things that he or they shall find necessary or expedient for keeping of the country in the one ordinary temper and obedience. In doing whereof ye shall cause the greatest contentment that a King can crave of his best subjects, and so doubling the value of your bypast merits we shall be moved to multiply our princely favours to you accordingly in such sort as all the faithful subjects of the land shall be encouraged by your example to discharge themselves honestly in all things that may concern their duty to the state.—Undated.
Corrected in places.
Endorsed: "Copy of his Majesty's letter to the Council of England." 1 p. (134. 29.)
Declaration by King James I.
[1603]. The general applause at the King's entry (of all sorts) to his Majesty's right.
His contentment thereby, and desire to afford favour to all.
His acknowledging God the sole author of his blessings and his thankfulness to men, as the means of all such benefits.
His information of severity in the Queen's time.
His purpose to mitigate pecuniary pains, notwithstanding his constant resolution in conscience.
His opinion that religion is to be planted by the word.
His late grief to observe the priests' practices. His danger: his care of his people: his purpose to give warning of his intention to proceed with them, in case they avoid not: his acknowledgment to the Pope of personal kindness.
His desire for the good of Christendom to have a General Council.
Summary as above followed by corrected draft of the Declaration. 7 pp. (101. 74—77.)
The Union.
[1603]. Some notes on the points of similarity and difference between England and Scotland with reference to the proposed Union.
Endorsed: "1603, Memorial concerning the Union."
Unsigned. 1 p. (103. 70.)
[1603] Act of Parliament for establishing commissioners to treat of the Union.—Undated.
Draft. 4 pp. (214. 50.)
— to —
[? 1603.] Since my last the estate, of the town of Ostend is such, as there is no question made of keeping it. The water hath wrought very good effect, for already it hath made the enemy forsake all his low works, and hath made a gap of 60 foot broad, wherein at low water there is a foot and a half water, so as there is very little appearance that the enemy can stop it, and then it is not possible for him to come any nearer on that side. And whereas it was feared that the letting in of the sea might endanger the town, it doth not appear, that either with the flood or the ebb it falleth upon the counterscarp, but spreads itself into the land. The new haven is finished, which serves the town to very good purpose. Yesterday at noonday there went in a company in shallops and lost not a man, and in the night great hoys go freely in and out. Notwithstanding on that side the enemy hath begun a new work, and layeth his ordnance lower, the better to hinder the entrance of the ships, which gives some opinion that he hath no purpose to rise yet. For mine own part now that the sea hath wrought this good effect I do not much fear the town, and indeed if the town should be lost I know not how there might be any hope of keeping any place.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "From Ostend." 1 p. (205. 1.)
— to —
[?1603] "The pattern for the tomb of the Queen of Scots I have ready finished, the which you and I will show to the King. The charge thereof is estimated 2,000l.—Undated.
Unsigned. 1 p. (206. 1.)
Queen Anne to the King of Denmark.
[?1603] Although we must confess that we do daily perceive so great a continuance (or rather an augmentation) of the King's Majesty's, our husband's, dearest affection towards us, as there is nothing fit for us in honour and contentation wherein we shall need any other means than the merit of our own love and due observation of his princely and just desires. Yet is our bond to you no less for the care you have had concerning our jointure than if there had been cause of mediation. Wherein because you may be informed how things have proceeded you shall understand in short that his Majesty hath pleased to pass unto us, under his seal of this crown, such a jointure as King Henry the eighth, king of England, gave to Queen Catherine, daughter of Spain. In which we have not only had our desire to imitate her that was born a king's daughter, but his Majesty hath ordered all other things thereunto belonging, so as we are satisfied in that point of honour to be used according to our rank, and have many other extraordinary additions for the better support of our estate in respect that the change of times draws with it many other alterations. Wherefore, because your Majesty shall know the further particulars by our letters to your Council, we will now no further trouble you than to entreat you to take notice now of the conclusion of it, as well as you were careful to recommend it in the beginning, which office of yours we will lay up in memory with the rest of your kindnesses, and so remain for ever.—Undated.
Draft [by Cecil's secretary ?] Endorsed: "Minute from her Majesty to the King of Denmark." ½ p. (97. 12.)
The jointure of Queen Anne.
[1603.] Notes of the jointures of Queen Catherine, daughter of Spain, wife of Henry VIII, and of the Queen Anne, a daughter of Denmark, wife to James, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland. Sum total of the latter jointure yearly—6,376l. Also names of officers appointed for managing the Queen's revenues: with brief notes by Cecil of the amounts of the jointures of several other Queens of England.
Endorsed: "A note of her Majesty's jointure sent into Denmark." 3½ pp. (102. 113.)
[Printed in extenso in Lodge, Illustrations of British History, iii, pp. 62–65.]
D. Aikinheid to Lord [Cecil ?]
[1603.] In February, 1597, Mons de Lussan, governor of Blaye, took from James Formand and David Aikinheid, Scots merchants, a ship laden with wine without any cause or reason but by strong hand. The ship and gear and damage we have had since that time I esteem to 20,000 crowns, praying you to recommend the same to his Majesty and his Council.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (102. 168.)
Patrick Arthur to the Same.
[1603.] Purposes presently to depart for Ireland to the Lord Deputy, to whom he is a mere stranger. Craves Cecil's letter in his favour. Otherwise fears great delay, both now and when he shall crave for payment. For his better advancement let Cecil write to his lordship to appoint him sheriff for the next year of either of the counties of Cork, Limerick or Kerry and Desmond.—"This present Sunday."
Holograph. Seal broken. ½ p. (102. 119.)
William Atkinson to the Same.
[1603.] Yourself was the only 'asyle' I first submitted myself unto when I relinquished the papists' church; yet there never wanted carping tongues to overbear my wronged estate by slanderous speeches. Even when I was about the apprehension of Dr. Hill, a notable archpriest, in the court at York, word was brought to the Council that I was going again to the seminaries and was a special instrument in behalf of the recusants all being forged from the slanderous breast of one Bird. After I had apprehended Hill it was my good fortune to intercept one Browne who expressly threatened violence to your person, affirming there were three who once belonged to [the Earl of] Essex which had vowed your death, and that they were maintained by great personages. These villainies once understood I apprehended Browne, who remains prisoned; and having received the Bishop of Limerick's letter for you to the same effect I made speed to Bever [Belvoir] Castle, but you departed before my coming, and so coming to Stamford had taken post to London but by chance I met the Bishop of Limerick who was going to London, who promised to certify you of the premises. Thinking to have answer from you or the bishop I remained at York ever since expecting your direction.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (102. 120.)
Elizabeth, Countess of Bath, to Lord Cecil.
[1603.] I presume to trouble you for a few lines from you to my friend and neighbour, Sir John Spence, in a very reasonable request. If it please you to do me the favour to send your letter according to the note I send by this my servant, he shall attend you for it at your direction, and I will acknowledge it a very courteous part done to me.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (102. 125.)
Bennett College, Cambridge.
[1603.] A short view in tabular form of the controversy about the Mastership of Bennett College, Cambridge.
The Fellows made two elections.
The first is void for disobedience to the Queen that then was, because the Mastership was resigned by the Bishop of Norwich a little before his consecration to frustrate the Queen's prerogative, who was to appoint a new Master, so soon as the former Master was bishop, as may appear by sundry precedents. The Kings of England have authority to stay all elections where express oath, according to the intent of the Founder, doth not require the contrary, and therefore the Queen, understanding that she was fraudulently dealt withal, did expressly inhibit the making of any election, till her pleasure was further known, which commandment was most wilfully and headstrongly broken by the Fellows of Bennett College, though there were no necessity of statute or oath that compelled them thereto.
It is void for disobedience to the statutes of the College, which the Fellows are sworn to observe in the literal and grammatical sense, for the statute requires that vacatio should be cognita et perspecta before the Fellows be called or time of election assigned, or any such thing done, but in this election the time was assigned even there and then, where and when the Mastership was resigned up, before the vacation could be cognita et perspecta. The statute saith that the Senior should call the Fellows and assign the time of election within three days of the vacation, which importeth a time of pause and deliberation, but here he gave notice ipso instante. The Senior should have summoned all the Fellows in the town, but the Fellows were called by the old Master, nor were all in the town either present or warned to be present. The Senior not doing his duty is by statute to lose his voice and the next Fellow to appoint the time of the election, which was done accordingly, but before the time appointed, the Fellows that favoured Dr. Jegon went away to London, neither did any present himself to make a new election. The statute requireth reverence to God, and conformity to the Senior Fellow at the time of the election, but this election was tumultuous, even with some blows, even in the Chapel, and with contempt of the Senior Fellow, whose authority was utterly rejected. The form of the Master's election is thus set down in statute—volumus seniorem presentem adjungere sibi proxime seniorem qui sua ipsorum suffragia scripta accipiant, but in this case Mr. Watson, being not senior, nor bound any way to execute the statute, and having indeed lost his voice for neglect of duty, did by violence detain from Dr. Charier the statute book which he was to keep as Senior Fellow and did call to him the fourth in seniority, viz.: Mr. Butler, and so went on to an unlawful scrutiny.
The whole course of the statute teacheth that the Master's election should be made by free men that have not bound themselves to any one man by promise, writing, or any way else, but this election was made by such as had resolved whom they would choose long before the place was void, as they confess in their letter to my lord's grace of Canterbury, and had consigned it under their hands, as some of them have said and will not upon their oaths deny, and Mr. Watson himself confessed to Mr. Middleton that he looked for consideration if Mr. Jegon were Master.
The statute requireth that the election of the Master should be approved by the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor, but this election was never so approved and confirmed, but disproved and nullified by the Chancellor.
The second is lawful according to statute for
1. The self same Fellows absolutely gave their consents according to statute.
2. They did it of themselves without the knowledge or expectation of Mr. Middleton, till within half an hour before he was chosen.
3. They acknowledged Mr. Middleton to be their Master by an Act subscribed with their own hands.
4. The Vice-Chancellor most willingly approved it with great words in commendation of Mr. Middleton's sufficiency, as some of themselves that heard him can well testify.
Upon these reasons and allegations confirmed by hands of the principal Doctors of the Arches, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Cecil, Chancellor of the University, did pronounce the election of Dr. Jegon to be utterly void, and willed the Fellows of Bennett College to make a new free election of any fit man whom they would, Dr. Jegon only excepted, which they yielded unto and so chose Dr. Middleton with one accord and possessed him fully in the Mastership.
Endorsed: "1603." 2 pp. (136. 119.)
[See letter of June 25, p. 150 supra.]
The Mayor and Burgesses of the Town of Berwick-uponTweed to the King.
[1603.] The pay of 15,000l. per annum, the greatest part whereof was yearly exchanged in the town, is now withdrawn. The burgesses for the most part applied themselves for entertainment of the soldier. The poor families of the dissolved garrison are remaining still in Berwick to the number of 6,000 or 7.000 persons unprovided of means to live; yet in respect of their birth and residancy there, by the law are there to be provided for. The town shall want their chiefest support by reason the Governors and great officers of the military state shall be absented.
They pray:—1. That the state and freedom of the corporation and borough may be established, and their charters reformed or enlarged and confirmed.
2. That the corporation may hold in fee farm of the King the borough itself and the site and seignory thereof, and the buildings and storehouses which were lately employed upon the military offices and which are a great yearly charge to his Majesty in reparation; also all other buildings, wastes and grounds within the old and new walls of the town, together with the haven, quay and staith, and all other the grounds and bounds of Berwick, except the Castle and those parcels of ground and other things lately granted therewith by the King.
3. That certain yearly stipends to the Mayor, preachers and ministers of the church, schoolmaster, and other necessary officers of the town, which were granted to them out of the pay by the establishments, be continued. That a competent part of the sums the King was inclined to disburse towards the building of a church (a fair spacious church there being pulled down in the time of King Henry 8 for fortification), for a fort and a lesser garrison for defence of the town may be employed upon a stock to set the poor on work and for education of youth in some of the said houses fit for that purpose. The town of itself will not only endeavour to build a church without expense to the King but also to defend itself as Hull and Newcastle and other towns of fortification, without any expense to his Majesty. Thereto it will be sufficiently enabled as a great number of the better sort of the garrison desire to inhabit there and to become members of the corporation.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (102. 121)
Dr. Thomas Blague, Dean of Rochester, to Lord Cecil.
[1603.] Is it possible an eagle should still pursue a fly? Have I so lost my sovereign lady that neither she nor the service to her can be remembered by some? Had any chaplain of 25 years service a poor pittance? Cannot this be held? O me miserum! The parsonage of Braxted in Essex of the Earl of Shrewsbury's patronage is shot at. I have enjoyed it 33 years quietly: now a lapse is pretended to it. Whoever heard the like? I held it with another by a lawful dispensation, made 32 years past, before I served her Majesty. A third benefice I had of you as Master of the Wards, passed under the privy and broad seal by your only means; which third benefice and more too the statute allows to the King's and Queen's chaplains, &c.; For the first I only am now sifted. The Lord Keeper is ready to give a presentation of it to vex me. Quid feci? profecto fundus Albanus me perdidit. The good Earl of Shrewsbury has somewhat stayed it. Noble patron, pity an old preacher; stop it at the fountain with the Lord Keeper. I am unable any longer to sustain the fury of his wrath. Look to this speedily, and let my gray hairs go quietly to the grave.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (102. 130.)
The Borders.
[1603 ?] "Your Majesty's letter to the Larde of Johnstone commanding him to give redress to Sir Robert Cary, not only for offences done since the Larde's entry to the office, but also for offences done before, chiefly and especially for the roade [raid] of Hensey, made about Lammas last, near or about the time of the Larde's entry, wherein was 40 men taken prisoners, and all put to ransom as if it had been done in were [war]. And also to do the like to the L. Scroope, without delaying the same by seeking to entertain and win him with ineffectual meetings. As also to stay the daily ridings in great disorder of the Larde's wardenry in the L. Scroope's, and to make redress for the rodes made since the Larde's entry, of which this great note to be showed declares but part. And because the principals of the roade of Hensey are the L. Maxwell's tenants, that his Majesty would by letter command and charge the Lord Maxwell to enter such his tenants as were at that roade (of whose names this other note to be showed makes mention) to the Lard of Johnston your warden, that thereby he may enter them, and do justice to Sir Robert for that proud and contemptuous roade, the like whereof was never offered or done to your Majesty's subjects. And that your Majesty will command the warden in your Majesty's said letter to take knowledge of your Majesty's charge in these behalfs to our wardens, and send to them to give them justice and redress accordingly without delay."—Undated.
Endorsed: "Copy of my note for the K's letters to be written in Border causes." 1 p. (82. 99.)
George Bowes to the Earl of Suffolk and Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Petitions to be commended to the rest of the Privy Council for the furtherance of the King's service about the royal mines in Crawfordmore, wherein he is presently to be employed; the said lords being present and privy to what his Majesty directed concerning a trial to be made of the mines:—
1. That he may be freed of the imputation of seeking employment in these services. His employment solely arose out of the King's care for discovery of such a benefit as might thereby arise to the realm, and was pleased to adventure 300l. in his hands, with which he undertook to discover a vein of gold, or to make an estimate of the charge and time for trying eight other most choice places. Therein he desired not to be alone but to have one or two choice experimented miners of the land to certify concerning the mines, himself defraying their charges.
2. That since Mr. Bulmer had letters of commendation to the Council of State in Scotland for this service Bowes may be granted the same.
3. As he will sometimes have to travel in the worst trained and most uncivil places of both nations, that he may have letters of commendation to the Earl of Cumberland, Lord Hume and the La[ird] of Johnston for himself and 12 of his servants to travel those parts with pistols and horsemen's pieces for his defence; and that his workmen may have free passage, having his warrant testifying their employment.
4. Since he will be forced to break up a great proportion of ground, that the Laird of Closburne to whom it appertains may be dealt with for his consent,
5. That with convenient speed a tent or 'hayle' may be sent to Leith of such greatness as will lodge and serve to dress victuals for 70 or 80 persons.
6. That as parcel of the former 300l. allowed by his Majesty, he may before his departure have 100l. to be employed in providing bedding and other household furniture for the aforesaid number of workmen, the same being not otherwise to be provided but at London; as also for furnishing iron and other work tools to be sent to Leith and thence by horsecarriage to the mines: and that the 200l. remaining be sent him to the mines in March or April next without any further allowance for portage.
7. Since he will have to certify many times of the estate of the mines, that order be given to the posts of Edinburgh and Carlisle for sending away his letters.
8. That whereas the four principal matters are by his Majesty's order all allotted three to Mr. Bulmer and one to him, his Majesty's pleasure for avoiding all mistaking between them may be further known as to the working in the other grounds not comprised within the limits of the four waters.
9. In working for gold if any vein of lead or copper be discovered, that his Majesty's pleasure may be known whether he shall work it to his use or not. Mr. Thomas Fowles challenges an estate for ten years of the royal and base minerals in Wanlock water where Bowes's allotment is.
10. Desires to know where and to whom to deliver to the King's use such gold as shall be got.
Lastly in his two months attendance with Mr. Bulmer in this service though his charges were for the most part defrayed by him out of the 100l. allowed, yet he underwent some other charges, whereunto he adds this last journey, his continuance here, and return home.
Endorsed: "1603. Sir George Bowes's particulars." 1 p. (102. 94.)
Sir William Bowyer to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. By the address of Captain Carvell and the rest from garrison at Berwick unto his Majesty and your lordships it seems they have conceived great fear of their discharge from his Highness's pay, whereby the soldiers with multitudes of their wives and children look to undergo extreme misery and want. The bearers therefore in the name of the whole garrison have drawn me to commend their suit, that either they with their wives and children may be planted upon the decays and avoidances on the borders, or that his Majesty may permit them to enjoy their present places and pays for their lives, so as no supply should be made of their places by death or other discharge. The former part of this petition myself having heretofore presented unto his Majesty on the garrison's behalf I found him assenting unto; whereupon I (being traduced at Berwick as one seeking their ruin) did deliver as well what I had wished for his Highness's service as also what I had received from his own mouth of his goodness intended toward them. I commend this petition to your favour.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603. Sir William Bowes (sic) to my lord."
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (102. 133.)
The Enclosure:
Petition of Captain William Bowyer to the King.
1. At the time of the King's entrance to this kingdom was commanded to make head against those rebellious borderers which then overran and cruelly burned the country and murdered loyal subjects: which service he faithfully performed.
2. Was by the King's special commandment employed in the lessening his charge of Berwick and many times to the extreme peril of his life used such diligence as thereby the sum of 10,000l. yearly is saved. Has this year cut off near 400l. yearly.
In consideration of which and upon surrender of 20l. yearly from his pension prays a grant of 20l. per annum in fee farm.
½ p. (102. 134.)
Captain Ro. Bridges to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. This accident of Lord Gray may give occasion to some to become suitors for his troop of horse in the Low Countries. Lord Gray first desired the same of the States only for the good of Bridges, who hitherto commanding it has not received as yet any fruit so much as his own entertainment. This being taken away he will be utterly deprived of his after hopes in the wars wherein he hath spent his time and whole estate. Entreats Cecil's letters to the States in his behalf, that he may command the same troop hereafter as his own.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (102. 137.)
The Same to the Same.
[1603]. Three days since he desired letters to the States in his behalf concerning Lord Gray's troop in the Low Countries. Prays pardon for importuning his answer, but understands some go about by the King's letters to supplant him, and that his absence from his command at this time may be prejudicial to him. Prays Cecil's pass to go to the said command.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (102. 136.)
Sir Henry Brouncker.
[1603]. Warrant letting the farm of the customs and subsidies of wines imported into Ireland to Sir Henry Bruncker.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (141. 242.)
Lord Treasurer Buckhurst to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. I send you the indenture for the coinage of Irish moneys, with the schedule, according to the new standard of fine silver, which is to have his Majesty's hand signed on the top and then both it and the schedule to be sent by you by a messenger to the Lord Chancellor to seal; and the Lord Chancellor to be desired to deliver the same indenture so sealed presently to the messenger to be forthwith carried to Sir Richard Martin; for till Sir Richard Martin have this indenture he can coin no Irish moneys, which as you know requires great haste, and if you should send it me and I to my Lord Chancellor this would spend time. I send you also a draft for a privy seal; and then lies the labour on my hand to provide money whereof God knows in the Receipt, besides that sum which I will not break, there is not one penny: but yet I hope to provide for it as far forth as possibly may be done.—Undated.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (102. 135.)
Lord Treasurer Buckhurst to Sir William Waad.
[1603]. I have signed the warrant for the butter, which send away with all speed.
Touching the refusal of the apparel by the captains of the Brill, this as you know has been often done by the captains as well there as elsewhere, because they would provide the same themselves, in the late Queen's time; but it was always rejected as most inconvenient. I am clear that if it be so it will prove a great disservice, and ill for the soldier. If there be defect in the apparel it is fit it be examined and the merchants make it good. I will not take upon me to alter the course but refer it to the lords in Court. Therefore write to my Lord Cecil thereof that the rest may be acquainted with it. If the captains have it in the Brill it were fit to keep all one course both in Flushing and Ireland; but what loss this will be to the King you know, and my Lord Cecil can inform his Majesty. It were good you made a collection what is saved in the whole number of Ireland, Flushing and Brill.—Undated.
PS. If the Lords send for Sir Francis Vere he can like enough end it without farther proceeding.
On a separate slip: You may send this my letter enclosed in yours to my Lord Cecil.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (102. 138.)
Frances, Lady Burgh, to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. I made bold to send to you yesterday; but after I understood your pleasure I sent for Sir Walter Cope as you required, by him to deliver what otherwise I would very gladly have spoken with you about myself. This morning I have understood your answer from him, that you are not used to move any suits, but being moved I shall have your furtherance. It was not my meaning to importune you in that kind; but your other offer, to second me when it may come to you from the King, was that I especially desired. I set down my desire for the denization of a hundred, which number if you think too many, I know it is out of your opinion that a fewer number will yield a sufficient relief to my want and please his Majesty better. I thank you for your discreet consideration, but I find myself that the profit of that favour will yield me but 20l. apiece, and for the generality but 10l. or 5l. apiece. So you may see how far under my necessity such a suit will yield relief to my want; unless I might therewith obtain his Majesty's letters for the making of them freemen also of the city. For I am indebted 1,500l. at the least, with all my plate and jewels sold and at pawn. If I may attain this I will never trouble his Majesty or any friend in the like again.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603," 1 p. (102. 139.)
Frances, Lady Burgh, to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. My former letters have delivered at large the reasonableness of my suit. Now I earnestly beseech you to stand for me, that the number in my petition be decreased as little as may be, the value that will arise thereby being likely, for the most part, to be but a yearly revenue. I hope you will think me worthy thereof, being no ways hurtful to the King, and my lord having spent all his estate in the late Queen's services, as is not unknown to yourself. I am so much unfurnished of means, as I shall be enforced to adventure the peril of me and mine in this contagious place, unless I may by your favour have a speedy dispatch from his Majesty.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (102. 140).
Lord Burghley.
[1603]. "The commission for the Lieutenancy of Northamptonshire for the Lord Burghley: and a grant of the forest of Rockingham for the life of the Lord Burghley, Sir William Cecil and the L. Roos."—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (206. 7.)
Lord Burghley to his brother, Lord Cecil.
[1603]. The alderman of Stamdford [Stamford] has been with me this morning and acquainted me with a petition that he presented to his Majesty at his going yesterday to the chapel. It is in the behalf of such of the town of Stamford as are burdened with the tax of the fifteenth which lies so heavy upon them being the poorer sort of people that are liable thereto. Either the collectors must be constrained to sell their dishes and platters, or else they have no other means to pay it. Which being known to his Majesty I doubt not but he will be loth to take from such miserable poor people. And because I am this morning upon necessary occasion to go from hence I pray you move the Master of Requests to move this suit. If need be hereafter I will upon the next opportunity move his Majesty myself.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (102. 141.)
Viscount Byndon to the Same.
[1603]. The apprehension of Mr. Henry Cary was followed to effect the next day after the commandment in letters sent from your honourable table was delivered unto my hands; so I have thought it necessary to send you a true certificate by the two gentlemen employed in this service. I wish the gentleman's disposition were such as I might offer him in his worst pretence my best assistance; but as he is now found to be in the opinion of many loyal hearted men, I wish his liberty might not hazard the lives of many well affected subjects. If these two gentlemen had not been in the country it had been hard for me to have found justices of the peace near that place of like readiness; for, many sundry warrants given formerly for his apprehension notwithstanding, he at no one time was to be taken. At other times he repaired very often to the houses of those of the best sort, and of them he was so tenderly favoured as they suffered him in one of their own houses and in their presence to abuse a justice of peace of good account with many threatening words. Mr. Cary and his forward young son is continually graced in the greater assemblies much more than others much more worthy. When the jealousy I had of his dangerous liberty gave me just cause to deny the importunate suit of the better sort of gentlemen and knights in authority for my licence for travelling beyond the limits whereunto he is tied by law, two of my deputies (as Mr. Cary himself told me, when he brought me your letters touching his son) sent him, without any request of his, a licence from them, themselves by no law authorised to grant any such licence. Lately I received letters directed to the sheriff, and to all the justices in general, for the raising of 450l. towards the making and maintenance of shipping for the defence of our merchants trading across the seas. Not at leisure, in this troublesome time, to travail therein I wrote my letters unto them for their furtherance, as by the copies of them sent by bearer may appear together with their answer. How far it ranges from that required, I refer unto their own answer. The best disposed in this country are doubtful to do any necessary service without particular especial words in their warrants; otherwise they would now have searched Mr. Cary's house where by the great tumbling and noise they heard in the house at their first coming in they supposed there was then to be found many things not justifiable. If you signify the good opinion conceived of these two gentlemen for this late trusty service, it will be a good encouragement for other services, as also a pricking forth of more backward men. There are divers others in this country as much doubted as Mr. Cary is. Notwithstanding as the letters only are for Mr. Cary's apprehension no one of them is restrained. Many horses of the number formerly certified are wanting; many fairly discourage the increase of them, no one in authority gives assistance for a supply. Many foot captains formerly appointed are greatly to be suspected for bearing overmuch favour unto recusants, many being near allied to them, and divers have recusants in their houses with them; yet for sundry respects I have forborne the execution of my bounden duty in removing them. —Undated.
PS.—As I had ended this Wednesday late in the evening, seven days after the date of those letters sent from your honourable table, the messenger delivered your letters to me. The state of this country is in my former lines amongst other grievances briefly imparted, and the sudden amendment with such help as I have is very hard. To require captains of horse and foot to muster their men would breed great suspicion of that report which already is too general; so to suffer them to sleep too long may prove very inconvenient. To assemble ourselves now in the heat of the grievous flying reports would confirm the opinion of those which are already too confident in that report. For the present I will forthwith send to my deputies in every division and to the sheriff and capital towns a copy of the letters sent me, with such other remembrance as I shall think fit for prevention of these inconveniences which we are required to foresee.
PS. 2.—Confined recusants, of the better sort, travel abroad at their pleasure without licence.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 2 pp. (102. 128, 129.)
[Sir George Carew] to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. To be informed what horse and [foot] the undertakers of Munster and Ulster, the gentlemen of the King's and Queen's Counties, and others in that kingdom ought to serve his Majesty withal in times of rebellion, and how long they are so bound to do by their tenures.
To consider whether it were not good to compound with the above for victual and money in lieu of those services, towards the maintenance of the necessary forts and wards. This is worth considering, for in the last rebellion neither the undertakers of Munster nor the gentlemen of the King's and Queen's Counties assisted the State with a man, and the like may be hereafter feared.
The risings out for general postings is to be advised of, what benefit the State receives thereby, and whether it were better to continue it as it is or to compound for that service.
To advise what profit may accrue to his Majesty by rents concealed, reviving of tenures, concealed lands, reliefs, &c., &c.
Note at foot: All these particulars were presented to your lordship in a project. It were not inconvenient in my opinion that all the project were considered, and the dross may be refused.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (130. 149.)
Sir John Cary and Captain Thomas Jackson.
[1603]. "The state of the cause in question betwixt Sir John Cary and Capt. Thomas Jackson."
My late Lord Hunsdon, moved in conscience to satisfy some wrongs done to my father and eldest brother, was very desirous to advance my fortunes, and sent Sir John Cary to assure me he would give me a company in Berwick, for he could not then procure me a company for Brittany.
After this company fell in Berwick my lord had many suitors for it, but he reserved the same for me then being in France, whence he sent for me to take the charge thereof openly affirming that I had better deserved than any they could prefer unto him. Sir John Cary being the deputy governor of Berwick entreated of my lord that he might have the same for a time until he were disposed of, towards the maintenance of his table, having then no fee from her Majesty, as also to satisfy some debt due to the company by his brother which he has not yet paid: whereto I was content to yield and persuaded my lord thereto.
Sir John Cary promised the late Lord Treasurer and the Earl of Essex that as soon as he was established Marshal or otherwise disposed of by her Majesty, I should have the company. Whereupon when Lord Willoughby was appointed governor of Berwick he was commanded to enter me into the said company, and Sir Jo. Cary was established Marshal, who by his powerful friends procured letters to Lord Willoughby not to be discharged of any of his places before her Majesty's pleasure further known.
Also at the entering of Captain Skinner when I made known to her Majesty my interest to that company, her Majesty commanded I should have it, and that no such places should be sold and bought. Yet Sir Jo. Cary informing her Majesty against me procured that the cause might be heard by some of the Council; which he himself wilfully refused and by his power and cunning defrauded me thereof at that time. Sir Jo. Cary hath not only forced me to forsake Berwick, where I was born, and made me disgraceful there, but also in the Court and to my friends, and forced me to voluntary banishment out of this land, whereof I was prevented.
I omit divers disgraces he sought to lay upon me; and lastly at Tyballs he gave me the lie and said he would have thrust his dagger in me if the place had not privileged me. Whereupon I was forced by letter to dare him to appoint time, place, weapons, and the quality of the person that he would bring with him, and he should find me ready, and so to satisfy each other: which he refused, but referred me to his Majesty to be righted by him.
His Majesty having referred the state of this cause to your honours I crave to be righted.
First, that I may be restored to that company from which Sir John Cary has so long detained me that I am brought to extreme want; and in regard he has possessed it so long and made so great benefit thereof, that he may repay me 100l. my lord his father had of me, and what further consideration you shall think good.
Next, what satisfaction you shall think fit for my disgraces.
Lastly, whereas it is well known that both my father and myself have desired well of this state and that I have been kept back from all preferment by the power and malice of Sir John Cary, that you would remember our former services unto his Majesty. —Undated.
2 pp. Endorsed: "1603." (102. 142.)
William Cave to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Coming to town and seeing many of meaner rank than myself to have received the honour of knighthood, I, your poor kinsman, was encouraged to hope and by these lines to entreat you to recommend me to his Majesty for the like honour. My estate I know will equal some of theirs that be already knighted, and my desert I hope shall rank with theirs of like degree.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 2/3 p. (102. 143.)
[Sir Robert or Lord Cecil] to Lord —
[1603]. I have received, with the comfortable letter of his Majesty's welldoing, for which we all praise God, another letter from you, signifying his Majesty's pleasure that there should be no more proceedings in the two parks at Brigstock [Northampton], which shall be straight obeyed, though by her late Majesty's patent I have the fee farm, and pay a rent to the Crown for ever, with 300l. per annum to my Lord Chamberlain for his life, and to my Lady after him, besides a round sum of money to her Majesty's use. But I write not as if I had a dear pennyworth, for her Majesty intended it to me both as a reward for my service, and as an argument of her favour, of which gift to me, my office excepted, which I have had but 4 years, if ever all the records of England can show that I hold five pounds of land or lease to me or mine, I will renounce my sovereign's favour, which I hold dearer than my life. But the manner of the complaint only delivered in the name of the poor, though seconded by the envy of the rich, is remarkable for some things: one as it has reference to his Majesty's honour, another as it touches me. If his Majesty will allow that they shall prescribe him what he shall do with his parks whilst he holds them, or when they are given, it will be the ready way to have all the parks of England laid common, as, when I shall wait upon his Majesty, I shall show him very good reason. For myself, it is an argument, for which I thank God, that they are able to charge me with no more capital crimes than the disparking of a couple of parks, given me in her Majesty's time under the Great Seal, when they forget so many others. I have therefore sent commandment to stay all proceedings, and value not so much the profit of the whole parks as Mr. Montegue, who had them in farm before, did esteem a 1,000 of those sheep he kept in them, with which no fault was then found, nor should have been if I had sold them to him at his own price. Howsoever therefore this may confirm the triumph of some base enemies, that I am made the first example, yet considering that his Majesty commands this in respect of his own recreation, for whose satisfaction my blood should not be spared, I sent this commandment to my servants, and will for the present make no other suit, but that his Majesty will cause some indifferent persons to examine whether I have done anything contrary to law or justice, or whether I have not used that charity towards the poor tenants of Brigstock which never was used before, no, not by those that held these parks only as keepers, and paid not one penny for them. In which particular point, before I came to his Majesty, the principal tenants coming to me, upon suspicion that I would have proceeded as many others would have done, they went away from me protesting and professing that, howsoever some of their neighbours had played the fools, they would pray for me, and would be suitors to his Majesty to take notice thereof to me: for which if I bring not hands sufficient I will crave no favour. I pray you let his Majesty know my answer, and how I have proceeded with my men, who if they have sold a deer or killed a deer and not turned them into his Majesty's grounds, they have abused me; for amends whereof I will not fail but to dispark my own park, out of which I can furnish 500 deer, to be put into his Majesty's own grounds, whereof I have the keeping within a mile of my house: where when his Majesty comes he shall find 10,000 sheep in the prettiest ground he has in England, which might all be prevented, and the people satisfied if men might take any order with cottagers that encroach in this sort upon all the parks and chases he has in England.—Undated.
Draft with corrections by Cecil. 8 pp. (132. 38.)
[Lord Cecil] to the Lord Chief Baron and the other Barons of the Exchequer.
[1603]. I am certified by my deputies in my farm of silk that Henry Southworth and Bevill Mowlsworth, two of his Majesty's waiters of the port of London, have been much envied by some of the officers of the port, and often unjustly molested by others both for their endeavours to serve his Majesty and their diligence to assist my deputies; which I believe is true because I have found some cross measure by some of the officers. I understand also that an English bill is depending before you in the Court of Exchequer preferred by one William Gerrard against Moulsworth and Southworth, which I am informed is but matter of molestation, because the suit is not brought against them in due form of law by information or original action according to the Statute 18 Eliz. As I am not willing to entreat for any favour if they have evil demeaned themselves, so am I unwilling they should endure unjust molestation for their employment in my farm, or be hindered from his Majesty's service to continue the following law of causes. They desire me to write to you that they may be dismissed with costs as John Robinson, the searcher of London, late was by judgment of that court upon a like English bill preferred by one George Fenner. Nevertheless I knowing well what is fit to be recommended to persons in your place, who are to proceed upon proofs and not allegations, do only in general show you my desire to have them favoured as far as is reasonable.—Undated.
Draft, the latter portion in Cecil's hand.
Endorsed: "1603." 1½ pp. (102. 148.)
[Lord Cecil] to [Lord Norreys].
[1603]. I am still moved by Sir Edward Norris and his friends that the matter to be heard by my Lord Keeper and myself may be drawn to some resolution; wherein I confess that the gentleman seems not unwilling to come to any reason. I have answered that if he would choose some one for him, I would move you to do the like for yourself, only to hear some one of your counsel of each side in the matter, by which course the cause may be so well prepared as their report may enable us to set down some such opinion as may reduce your controversies to final conclusions. I desire your answer that I may inform him who it is you will choose for the same purpose. Whereof if you be not provided I would think Sir Walter Cope, who is my niece's kinsman, a very fit man, the rather for that Sir Edward has named his father-in-law, whose quality and his are equal. Nevertheless, if your lordship mislike of the course or think it fit to name some other, I shall readily incline to your own will and pleasure.—From the Court.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603." Copy of my lord's letter to my lord Norrys." 1 p. (102. 149.)
[Probably before July 9, vide pp. 177, 178 supra.]
[The Same] to [the Lord Chief Justice?].
[1603]. Your lordship has so much proof, I hope, of my religion to God and reverence to you, as the principal Justice of this kingdom, that I shall not need to use long prefaces to assure you that I favour no wilful crimes nor ever mean to make any proposition unworthy of your sincerity. One Thomas Lane is to receive his trial before [you for] the killing of a man, whose life I confess I should be very glad to save. I have many probabilities to suspect that much rancour is used in the prosecution and that the coroner has dealt but indirectly in it. You will be pleased to use some narrow circumspection into the circumstances of the carriage of the cause. I would be silent if I were persuaded that he had a murderous heart in the action, nor would I write to you if I were not secure that you free me at all times from having a thought that any mediation can carry you to the right hand or to the left in matter of justice.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603. Copy to my Lord Chief Baron." 1 p. (102. 150.)
[Lord Cecil] to the Landgrave of Hesse.
[?1603]. Your extraordinary goodwill to this estate in general, besides your particular affection to its Princes both in my dear Mistress's time and now especially makes it becoming for me to reverence and honour both your person and virtues. It has pleased you to honour me in particular with your letters. As you have, out of an extraordinary love to our nation, laboured and attained to the perfection of our language, I have resolved the better to keep you in use and the more naturally to express my thoughts to return this answer in my own tongue. His Majesty with very great thankfulness has received your letter, has heard this gentleman Mr. Segar at large with very good favour, and has so well conceived your mind towards him in all things as I doubt not but it will appear both by his Majesty's own letters, and his relation, that your professions have taken in his mind a deep impression. I shall always be ready to perform all services fit for an honest man.—Undated.
Draft with many corrections by Cecil. 1½ pp. (102. 152.)
The Chandos Estates.
1603. Requests of Lady Kennedy, wife of Sir John Kennedy, with respect to terms of settlement between her and Lord Chandos, as to Sudley, and other possessions.
1 p. (146. 104.)
"Lady Kennedy's reasons to the new values urged by Lord Chandos." This concerns her claims to Sudley, and the rest of her inheritance, and proposes terms of settlement.
1 p. (146. 106.)
Demands of Frances, Lady Chandos, with respect to terms of settlement for the Chandos property.
1 p. (146. 107.)
"The demand and humble desire of Frances, Lady Chandos, in the cause committed to your lordships by way of arbitrament."
1 sheet. (146. 108.)
Requests of Lord Chandos, with respect to terms of settlement for the Chandos property.
pp. (146. 109.)
Statement with respect to the Chandos property.
1 sheet. (146. 110.)
Robert Churchman to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. It had been my duty long ere this to have showed my rejoicing for your great grace and favour with the King, but extraordinary businesses prevented me, especially the great pains I have taken to devise some course for Ireland. The case standing as it does, either the exchange [is] to be currently maintained, or else good silver to be presently instituted. For maintaining the exchange I have devised a course which I doubt not will be very beneficial both to the King and subjects: and I persuade myself if you "patronage" the cause it shall be worth to you 1,000l. by the year, and yet no indirect dealing toward any. Thus much I dare presume; it shall be a mean the King shall so temper either their excess or defect in trade that it shall be in his power whether they shall be rich or poor, neither shall they strengthen themselves either with munition for war or any other extraordinary commodities, but still you shall have knowledge of it. And whereas the common received opinion of the Irish is that the principal cause of all the rebellions in Ireland has been the indirect dealing of the officers in authority over them, by this means all will be salved; for as no great store of wealth is to be hoped for there few or none will have any pleasure to sue for places of authority, but such only as respect more their honours and good of the commonwealth than their private. If it be the King's pleasure to have silver there again there will be a great loss to some, either to the King, or to the subjects, unless one course be followed, which I will impart to you. Your kind acceptance of anything heretofore imparted to you has emboldened me once more to tender this course to your consideration.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603. For the alteration of the coin in Ireland, to be digested." 1 p. (102. 151.)
The Countess of Clanricarde to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Begs his favour with the King for the renewal of her lease of Casbrooke in the Isle of Wight. Speaks of herself as "the unfortunate widow of one whom you had no cause to affect for your particular," and "the wife of one whom I hope you assure yourself of perfect and absolute interest."—Undated.
Holograph. Signed: Fra. Clanricard. Endorsed: "1603." 1p. (187. 148.)
Lord Cobham.
[1603]. [Margin:—This was after the apprehension of Copley.] When Sir Griffin Markham suspecting himself guilty of treason came unto his lordship [Cobham] to desire a pass to go through the ports beyond the seas, his lordship said he should have it but would not grant it. Whereupon Markham made means by Mr. George Brooke that his lordship might grant him the pass, but he could not obtain it; whereupon Mr. Brooke expostulating the matter with his brother desired his lordship to lend him 10l., and after that in talk disclosed to his lordship that he would convey away Markham with the said 10l., and that Markham was guilty of some treasonable action. His lordship before that never knew generally nor specially of any of those treasonable purposes, nor then consorted or assisted the same nor did any other act therein but lent the 10l. and disclosed not the same practice.
What manner of offence this is, is the question.
His lordship is accused that he should utter these words— "It will never be well until the fox and his cubs be shut up," or "so long as the fox and his cubs remain," meaning as the indictment intendeth the King.
In the accusation it is not set down upon what talk he used these speeches, whether they were an answer to any treasonable communication.
This he is accused of by his own brother Mr. George Brooke who is his next heir, and who, as sundry ways shall be proved, hath practised and desired his lordship's death, having overspent himself, who publisheth that although he be in prison for the like offence as Copley, yet hath grant from the King under his seal that he shall lose neither life, lands nor goods but be recompensed for his troubles, because he did but sound and conceal all guilty consciences and gave notice thereof to the King.
Markham saith that he asked Mr. George Brooke how my lord was affected with their plot? and he said very well, for my lord said "It would never be well until the fox and his cubs were shut up."
My lord utterly denieth these words: and note withal they themselves confess my lord was never acquainted with their plot until after the 10l. lent Mr. Brooke as aforesaid, at which time Mr. Brooke voluntarily disclosed the same unto him, and these words "the fox and his cubs" are pretended to be spoken before the apprehension of Copley, when Mr. Brooke and Copley conferred of their treason.
Question. Whether these words of themselves be treason or what offence they be.
Secondly, whether Mr. Brooke be a competent accuser or witness.
Thirdly, whether there must not be two accusers by the provision of the statute of 5 Edw. VI, cap. ii?
His lordship is also untruly accused by his brother only that he should say to the said Mr. Brooke these words "You and the rest of your company work upon the 'bie' but Sir Walter Ralegh and I work upon the 'mayne'."
It is not alleged upon what matter his lordship spoke these words. It is not alleged by Mr. Brooke nor any of his complices what treason they intended, or that they intended any treason.
Question. What offence these words are to the King?
His lordship hath confessed that he had conference with Count Aremberg, the Archduke's ambassador, concerning the peace to be concluded between the Archduke and the States; and for effecting that peace for the good of the Archduke Aremberg doth confess that some hundred thousand crowns should have been disbursed.
But his lordship confesseth by his own letter to the King that he purposed to have appointed the payment of the said crowns in England, and that he would have travelled into Spain to the intent to have wrought some act to disturb the State here in England; but what or in what manner or with whom he never imagined, and this his vain imagination he never set down in writing for his own remembrance or to impart to any man, saving by the Lord Cecil's intreaty by the letters aforesaid since his imprisonment.
Question is, what manner of treason this is, whether it can be any imagination of treason?
Secondly, whether an uncertain imagination can be treason, or any imagination can be treason at this day by the Statute of 25 Edw. III which is not proved by some overt act as the case in 1 Mary, Brooke trial; and for what cause the statutes of 1 Edw. VI & 1 & 2 Philip and Mary were, that provide that imagination by word, printing, or ciphering should be loss of goods and profit of lands for the first and second offence, and treason for the third offence.
This is the true copy of the case sent me: the original I intend to show unto the Lord Chancellor.
Endorsed by Cecil: "The L. Cobham's questions by Gosnall." 3 pp. (102. 101.)
1603. Accounts of Richard Mellersh, Steward to Sir Henry Brooke, Lord Cobham, for one year.
19 pp. (145. 90.)
[?c. 1603]. Extracts from Exchequer records relating to the family of Brooke, Lords Cobham, and their lands in Kent.
Latin. 2 pp. (145. 204.)
Lord Cobham to the King.
[1603]. The truth and bottom of my offences I have delivered to the Council. More than I have confessed, God is my witness I cannot. The satisfaction that I can make for my misfortunes is my hearty and true repentance. I hope they will be witness for me unto your Majesty that it is not unfeigned, for God is my record no man can be more sorry for his fault than myself. How this may move your Majesty, that must be my hearty prayer to God, who has the guiding of all princes' hearts; but this I will say, your mercy shall be bestowed on him that will daily pray for your Majesty and your royal issue, defying the malice of any that can lay so wicked and false imputations on me, which my heart abhors to think, much less to speak. God open your Majesty's heart to mercy and move you to give me comfort in my afflictions.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (187. 149.)
Attorney General Coke to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. 1. This attempt for the clerkship of the outlawries concerns my freehold, for it is so inseparable to my place as none can have it but he that is Attorney General. If the King should grant the clerkship of the outlawries when there were no Attorney General, and after make an Attorney General, he should have the clerkship and avoid the grant: à fortiori the grant is void there being an Attorney General.
2. The clerkship of the outlawries requires skill and confidence. Therefore the grant being made to a man unlearned in law is void.
3. These judges of the law cannot allow of any other to be clerk of the outlawries but the Attorney General. I have deputed Antrobus to be my substitute and he is allowed by the Court of Common Pleas. God forbid I should disturb him to his undoing. I know the Lord Keeper will affirm as much as I have said, and join with your lordship in my defence herein. I heard his Majesty say that he had given commandment to my Lord Keeper and you to stay any grant either unlawful or dishonourable. Any step downward were fatal for me, and death to poor, honest Antrobus, and therefore I pray you take hold of his Majesty's commandment and let it sleep perpetually, or let it stay until my Lord Chief Justice satisfy you herein for law.
I am to attend tomorrow for 2 great causes, one of Mr. Nevill's, the other for Sir Rich. Fynes.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 2 pp. (102. 158.)
Sir Walter Cope to the Same.
[1603]. Upon your other day's motion I have enclosed a few arguments of the three estates of government and something for and against them. I have added three or four opinions in them of monarchy; concerning ancient opinions how kings have esteemed subjects and used them in tumultuous humours.
[Margin in another hand: "fyt for the present."] If you please to have any more of these first arguments, you may have a quire of paper full. But for the matter of wards the less you oppose against it the better. It is a piece of work so full of knots as no wit can well work out. Which will be better least for them to find out than your self. I have taken a mighty cold but hope to see your Honour shortly.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ¼ p. (188. 3.)
John Crane and others to the Same.
[1603]. Already feeling the want of our late lessened entertainments we and our poor families being many must seek our relief by participating with the townsmen here and intercommoning in the fields belonging to this town. Seeing our lessened estates cannot stand if his Majesty give away from the poor inhabitants any part of that which should minister relief to many thousands of poor people natives of this place, and as the mayor and townsmen are now soliciting your favour for their and our relief in this behalf, afford us your mediation towards his Highness for the continuance of the whole bounds to the common use of the town and the perpetual good of succeeding posterity.—Undated.
Signed: "John Crane; Robert Carvill for myself and my late company; John Twyforde for myself and my late company; William Boyer; Peter Mewtys for myself and my late company; Leonard Morton for myself and my late company of horsemen; John Shaftow for myself and my late company of horsemen; Henry Sysson, master gunner, for myself and all the cannoniers."
Endorsed: "1603. Mr. Crane with certain Captains of Berwick to my lord." Seal. 1 p. (102. 123.)
Sir Herbert Croft's Case.
[1603]. The state of Sir Thomas Aeeskin's cause to the King against Sir Herbert Crofte, by the solicitation of some of his adversaries whose names as yet he knows not, but hopes that Sir Thomas Aeeskin, being truly informed, will be pleased to have due consideration in the further prosecution of the cause.
Sir Herbert Crofte by his mere industry and very great charges reduced unto the late Queen a title of the tenures of about fiftysix manors in one county, whereof the lands of Humfrey Baskervyle esquire were part; and were by a fraudulent office found in 31 Eliz. withdrawn, by force whereof the tenures of all the rest of the said manors, depending all upon that title, had been likewise utterly lost from the Crown, which is a thing of unknown value; besides the profits of the said Mr. Baskervile's land for fourteen years past, and for above four years yet to come.
In effecting this Sir Herbert Crofte has spent a whole year's suit in law and travail, and well nigh 500l. in money out of his purse.
In consideration of which, as also of a great fine yet to be paid to his Majesty, the said Sir Herbert has obtained a lease of the said Mr. Baskervile's lands according to the usual course of the Court of Wards; and pays about 80l. rent yearly for the same.
The pretence of the said suit by Sir Herbert's adversaries is to have a remission of the arrearages due to his Majesty for the fourteen years past.
But by colour thereof, if Sir Herbert be not first provided for, those petitioners are likely to carry from him in covert manner the benefit of what belongs to him by virtue of his lease to his great loss.
Sir Herbert Crofte does not go about to be an impediment of his Majesty's bounty in bestowing of what is truly intended to be procured by the said Sir Thomas Aeeskyn from his Majesty, nor wishes any burden to be laid upon the young gentleman, who is his Majesty's ward, but only prays that consideration may be had in the grant that Sir Herbert be not wronged in what belongs to him, and to that end may be admitted to the privity of that grant before it pass, which he hopes Sir Thomas Aeeskin will think reasonable.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (188. 4.)
Oliver Cromwell.
[?1603]. Mr. Cromwell humbly desires that whereas before the marriage of the Lady Palavicina there were divers articles indented between Thomas, Lord Howard of Walden, and others, amongst which one was that the said Mr. Cromwell should either give security or otherwise pay in all such sums of money and do all other things which should be thought fit by your lordship's counsel and hers in performing of the true meaning of the last will and testament of Sir Horatio Palavicina, knight, deceased, for the better advancement of his children and for the safe answering of all such things he entered into a statute of 20,000l. to the said Lord Howard and others, until such times as all things be perfected. In the meantime he desires your Honour's letters unto Mr. Doctor Gibson that he may grant administration to the said Mr. Cromwell and the Lady Palavicina his wife, for the gathering of such debts as are not yet received; and that the said administration may be granted upon small and ordinary bond in respect of the statute of 20,000l. before given in. —Undated.
Endorsed: "Mr. Oliver Cromwell's request." ½ p. (188. 5.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. When your letters came to the justices in Hertfordshire I was a hunting, where most of them were. They entreated me to be a mean that their men might be lodged for the time they tarry in this service where there shall be least danger for taking the infection, which men coming out of fresh air will be very apt for. If there could be some tents out of the Tower it would give best contentment to any that shall now be drawn to London.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. ½ p. (102. 164.)
The Same to the Same.
[1603]. Without much inconvenience I cannot come to you, for so far from my thought was this day's extraordinary business as not being well I took physic. Notwithstanding if you think I may not without miscensure be spared I will come to you, and now and ever avow what yesternight at the Board we all resolved of.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (124. 23.)
Edward Curle to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Desires from the King the reversion of his father's place in the Court of Wards, for which he is qualified by study and observation. By the example of these times offices are not likely to be hereditary. This is the furthest of his hopes. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (102. 162.)
Sir John Davis to the Same.
[1603]. According to your direction I wrote you what had passed from my lord of Southampton, how far he had charged me, yet was pleased to remove that tax also if my Lord Admiral and you advertised him that that were Sir Fer. Gorges's true confession. How much I have sought to obtain his favour his lordship can best witness. To lose the favour of any noble gentleman were small discretion in me, considering the strange practices for my disgrace of late; but only to you have I ever made particular devotion of my service. So that if my lord of Southampton be assured to you he cannot make any doubt but that I must be most faithful to him.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 2/3 p. (102. 170.)
The Countess of Derby to her cousin, Lord Cecil.
[1603]. I understand by my son Chandos that he has moved the King for the Lieutenancy of Gloucestershire. His answer was very gracious, that willingly he would grace him with the place, if Lord Berkeley might be wrought to surcease his suit for the same ; but if not, his Majesty said they should be joined in commission together. I entreat you to favour my son Chandos so much for my sake, as that he be not crossed in this reasonable desire.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Two seals. ½ p. (102. 174.)
E. Countess of Desmond to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Want doth occasion me to import your Honour rather with my letter, in that I fear your more serious affairs will not permit my speedy discharge in my suit preferred to you and the rest my Lords of the Council. I was bound to your good father for many favours. I pray continuance thereof by yourself. My suit is that you will vouchsafe me that favour, as to be the mean for my speedy discharge. Your lordship knows my wants will not permit further delay and my demands, all being granted, will not defray my charges. I have four poor ladies my daughters to prefer besides to live thereon (in sort) myself. That yearly pension I have of her late Majesty's bounty is but 275l. yearly during my life, the arrears whereof I crave with continuance and that small portion of my late unfortunate husband's lands assured to my use long before his fall, being not the tenth of his living. I doubt not by your good means to the rest of the lords, both in regard of my dutiful behaviour, chargeable and tedious suits these twenty years and upwards, as also that I am destitute of a place of abode both for me and mine, but that you will restore me to the same. Let me entreat to be remitted accordingly, yet, rather than contend or be delayed, I desire that yearly rent, due by the undertakers, which I hope they being called, by your direction, will not deny; but if they do disagree from my just request, then your lordship to afford me the favour required in my petition.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603." 2/3 p. (188. 6.)
Ambrose Dudley to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. My old adversary Sir William Constable has not yet left off to trouble me about the lease of Chopwell, which your father bestowed upon me for my service, and at this instant is earnestly in suit to his Highness to expulse me. Though I doubt not the validity of my lease being confirmed both by her late Majesty and the law, yet knowing not how far Sir William's importunities may work with his Majesty, I am constrained to beseech you to continue your favour towards me, and if it might be to acquaint his Highness with my title, not doubting but he will in his clemency weigh the equity of my cause. My father being now mayor of Newcastle, and his Majesty at his coming thither, taking some more than ordinary notice of his service, commanded me to be sworn one of his household servants.—Undated.
PS.—Sir William Constable first moved his Majesty herein at Newcastle, at which time his Highness absolutely denied to grant his request. Yet he still follows him with great importunity.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 2.)
The Same to the Same.
[1603]. I cannot follow my own businesses, but am constrained to send this bearer, my poor wife, as a suitor in my behalf. The cause of my suit is touching a debt of 600l. which I fell into in her late Majesty's time, by reason of great suits and troubles which I then had. This debt his Majesty at Newcastle promised to instal, and at that time also took me to be his sworn servant, whereupon I followed him hither. Albeit he has since been favourably inclined towards me, yet my Lord Treasurer carries so heavy a hand over me as not to suffer his Majesty to instal it, and sought to lay me in prison, and now has also sequestered me from my office of Customer of Newcastle. Whereas his Majesty was pleased to confirm my lease of Chopwell, and therein signified his pleasure to my Lord Treasurer and Sir George Howme, who both gave order to Mr. Attorney for drawing of my lease, his lordship now stays it so that I am bereft of all the little means I had to pay his Majesty in time. I beseech you to move my Lord Treasurer to be good to me. Herein either our happiness or the wreck of me, my wife, and four children depends upon your lordship's goodness.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 4.)
The Fellows of Emmanuel College to [Lord Cecil?]
[1603]. We have received the King's letters for the choosing of one Samuel Birde of our College into a fellowship. The like have in her late Majesty's time been procured, and by your means, for the reasons then alleged, satisfied. The freedom of election whereunto we are tied by our statutes and oaths is hindered and our Founder's good intentions frustrated. Such precedents would be an occasion that his Majesty should be troubled with many like suits and the unworthy preferred before the worthy, whereunto our statutes and oaths presently bind us. The Church should lastly be hindered, whereof we are to have special care that such be preferred as are likest to prove able ministers therein. Our suit is that you will entertain this cause, not doubting of the like effect from his Majesty.— Undated.
Endorsed : "1603." 2/3 p. (136. 118.)
The Ladies Jane and Ellen FitzGerald to the Same.
[1603]. Although the misery of our estate is such as we are ashamed to make it manifest to the world, yet we are constrained to acquaint you with our want. We have been humble petitioners to his Majesty for some living to maintain our distressed estates, having no other means of living in the world but such as it shall please him to grant us. He graciously answered the Master of Requests, that he was well pleased to grant us what living should be thought sufficient by your Honour and the rest of the Privy Council, to whom he had referred these causes. Because your lordship ever stood the best friend that either our brother or selves have had, we beseech you now to assign us some proportionable living to our estates and calling.—Undated.
Signed: Ja. Gerrald, Ell. Gerrald. Endorsed: "1603. Young ladys of Desmonde to my Lord." ½ p. (188. 7.)
W. Fowler to the Same.
[1603]. I understand that Sir Roger Wilbraham is discontented I should keep the privy signet or seal, which should be a warrant to him. Calling to mind your assurance, at my last access, anent the same, and the orders set down at Winchester by the Council, signed by the Queen, I am the more secure, and will forbear to trouble your retiredness, except with these few words of prayer, to maintain me in the liberties of my office, and also of the clerkship and register of the Chancery, together with a fee of 5l. per ann. which one Powell, a very sufficient man, possesses by her Majesty's consent now of late.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 8.)
French Ambassador to [Lord Cecil].
[1603]. A sentence was given in the Court of Admiralty, and execution granted against certain victuallers of pirates' ships. The said victuallers now appeal to the Lord Chancellor, contrary to his Majesty's express proclamation, denying all appeals in cases of depredation, until first the sum adjudged be paid, as it was agreed in her late Majesty's time. The French ambassador prays you to speak to the Lord Chancellor of England to forbear to grant letters of appeal. This is a matter he affectionately follows because it is earnestly recommended him by his father, besides that it will be of evil example in like cases here.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 9.)
Lady Elizabeth Gorges to the Same.
[1603]. I am enforced to trouble you having so sudden unlooked for sorrow happened to me as this Mr. Gorges's imprisonment. I know he is not guilty of any disloyalty to his prince or country, but a true subject for whom I pawn my life and all mine to be a gage. I crave that he may be a prisoner in his own house, by reason of this contagious time of infection, and being not able myself in his absence to govern my household, having been a long time sick. In pity to me and my poor little ones grant this my suit.—"Your poore kinswoman."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603" Two seals over blue silk. 1 p. (102. 103a.)
The Same to the Same.
[1603]. If any of Mr. Gorges's friends or kin, which I hear are in trouble, be found more disloyal than they should be to their King and country, let that be no cause of jealousy to his loyalty. He has not been a favourite of any of their fortunes and I trust he shall not taste of their disgraces. If he have offended you any way I beseech you forget and forgive it. I have heard him often say he was heartily sorry for your disfavour towards him. I should think myself highly bound to you to be assured of your favour to him. Since I was his wife his love to you was such as that you might have commanded him no man more.—This Friday morning.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (102. 103.)
Lady Elizabeth Gorges to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Most humble thanks for your favourable letter. My sorrow has been greater out of love to Mr. Gorges than any cause of fear; for I know he has a free conscience, and [is] subject to a just prince and an upright state. I crave that either Mr. Gorges may come to answer to his accusation, or attend your pleasure a prisoner in his own house.—Kew, this Sunday morning.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (102. 104.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Earl of Shrewsbury, the Earl of Worcester, the Lord Chamberlain, and Lord Cecil of the Privy Council.
[1603]. When I was at Richmond before your honours it pleased my Lord Chamberlain and my Lord Cecyll to will me to send for those papers that Sir Richard Monpenson took out of my study; whereof the greatest part are returned me sealed with my Lord Chamberlain's seal. I find some wanting, which now are of small moment, being but needless remembrances of matters far better ordered since. As they were written in a time unsettled when the authority of the former age surceased and all justice and magistracy was to take new life from the power of a new prince, I hope that my humble endeavours then dedicated to the service of his Majesty and my country shall not be taken in ill part. I therefore beseech that those papers as heretics may be committed to the fire and that I myself be their executioner.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603." 2/3 p. (188. 12.)
Sir Thomas Gorges to the King.
[1603]. He served in the Queen's Privy Chamber 31 years, receiving 60l. a year, besides lodging and diet for himself and three servants; and was afterwards advanced to the place of gentleman of her Robes. She also granted to him and three others the new office of making writs of subpoena, which he discovered, the reversion whereof she intended to grant to three of his sons, but this was prevented by her death. The King has disposed of the first of these offices to Sir George Hume; and has given the reversion of the other to Sir Thomas Erskine and Sir Thomas Lake, for which petitioner paid 1,000l. He has also ordered him to destroy all the conies in Gilforde Park. In the whole he has lost 700l. a year. For making the garden and orchard at Richmond he has spent 200l. There is due to him over 200l. for his services in the carrick. The King has also taken into his hands 200 acres for making the Park at Richmond, whereby petitioner is hindered 100l. a year.
By the death of the Marquis of Northampton (whose wife petitioner has married) there came to the crown lands of the yearly value of 1,200l., 400l. of which he has as his wife's dower, of which 400l. Sir Francis Walsingham purchased 50l. in reversion, leaving 350l. a year. He begs for a reversion of these lands.—Undated.
Note at foot by Cecil: "Two hundred pounds yearly during his life. A lease in reversion of 100 marks yearly for 21 years, after her decease. No money."
Petition. (196. 136.)
Another copy of above. (196. 135.)
Anne Goring to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. I understand by my Lord Souch, that your lordship is pleased to give end and perfection to that charitable work of installing the former ordered debt at a lower rate, for which I hold myself bound, and beseech you now at the conclusion that the yearly payment may be according to my petition, which was by five hundred marks the year.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 10.)
Gowrie's apprehension.
[1603]. On Saturday last, being the 21 day of this present month, I Francis Wandesford, of Preston in Skerne, Durham, came to Kirkby Malside near Rippon to lodge, upon my own private affairs. Alighting at the house of Christopher Mawlam, innkeeper, [I] espied there a young youth. Upon the first sight my mind gave me that that youth was one of the two brothers of the Gowyres contained in his Majesty's proclamation, because about 3 years ago I had seen him at Durham, and to confirm my opinion I purposely fell in talk with him of his country, acquaintance in those parts, and of his occasions. For his country he said he was born at Wutton, Durham, but by the misnaming of the place, and knowing none at all thereabouts, it did confirm my suspicion.
I further questioning him, and finding many contrarieties in his answers, besides observing him to be dismayed upon conference with me, that he could not abstain from weeping. I was so confident that forthwith I charged the said Mawlam with his safe custody that night; who most dutifully performed my charge, and early the next morning acquainted the youth that I had discovered him, and meant to attach him, but (with a good honest intent) promised that if he were the party he would procure his escape, because he was his guest; which the youth confessed, offering him 20s. for his kindness, which Mawlam denied and joyed with me privately that I had observed him so well. Betimes the next morning I sent him for a justice of peace (being myself a private man) for my better assistance, who went and acquainted Sir Wm. Ingleby, who presently repaired and received the charge of the party at my hands. The carriage the party had about him was a satchel or stroller's bag, stuffed with some books, and a few pothecary confections, and to my remembrance the King's proclamation touching the two Gowryes. And Sir William taking the party to his charge, I repaired with all speed hither to give his Majesty as timely information as I could by your honourable means.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 11 (1).)
The Master of Gray.
[?1603]. "It. I pray you to bring me a sword and a dager blak gardes not long.
To bring vithe you ye jouels if thay be redy.
To bring a pannag all blak for a gentlewoman.
To bring sum gould and silver of ye grytest sort for gentlewomen to scheu vithe.
It. to provyd for sum tapisaerie for to hang tua chalmers and at your homco[m]ing all shalbe renbursit.
It. mair to bring vithe you a silver basin and laver the lichtest yt ye can find, gilt only in ye bordis to serve a chalmer.
It. to bring home a hat for my vyf, if it be possible of Venise." —Undated.
Holograph. Signed: "Mr of Gray." ½ p. (103. 11(2).)
Sir Ralph Gray to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. We have to the best of our understanding observed and effected his Majesty's commission, and as near as possibly have drawn the rates to the least proportion and charge to his Highness. I sent a gentleman belonging to your Honour (who as yet is not returned), with whom my letter to you was for that favourable acceptance of my humble suit touching this garrison, in such sort as my desire was to show myself in his Highness's service, to have that now which you think most fit, and as shall best please you.
This gentleman, Captain Bower, knows the estate of this place, and how fitting I am for the said service.
For the general acceptance of this service, the King's bounty is received in most thankful part; some few (being soured by poverty) were at the first malcontented, yet by persuasion pacified, and willing to obey the King's direction. Your Honour's letter I received by this bearer.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 12.)
Thomas, Lord Grey, to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. The message I received by Sir Fra. Darcy was more than welcome, not doubting the continuance of the same favourable advice whereon I so long rested my hopes and comfort.
I well know the terms I stand on nor will be amused with vain hopes only I beseech you preserve my poor estate as clear as you can.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (188. 16.)
Paul Gwynn to the King.
[?1603]. Sir Henry Docwra drew him over to Ireland, under pretence of his advancement, to his utter undoing, and, together with Thomas Watson, servant to the Treasurer of the late wars there, has abused his name, to the exhausting of the King's treasure during the time of the exchanges to the value of 579l., as appears by the enclosed declaration. Begs the King to refer this petition and declaration to the Council: that Watson may be sent for to answer the abuses: and order taken for petitioner's contentment; also that the original of the proclamation, wherein the soldier was limited how much he should exchange for his expenses in England, may be produced.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 141(2).)
On the same sheet is a copy of his former petition giving further particulars.
Sir John Harrington.
[1603]. I understand by Sir John Haryngton you sue him in the King's Bench upon a bond taken in the time of his escape, what time you procured my warrant to apprehend him. I am informed he has paid the whole debt and fees belonging to my officer, and therefore hold it not fit that you should now sue him upon a bond taken under colour of my warrant. But if you will refer your matter to the arbitrament of such two as I shall nominate, I will desire Sir Walter Cope and Sir Michell Hix to hear the griefs of both sides and make some reasonable end of the same.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 12a.)
William Hickes to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. I thank you for your letters. Your answer touching my money satisfies me, and I shall give satisfaction also I make no doubt to Mr. Billett touching the consideration (but as I remember) he found fault with want of assurance of Hadnam.
For B.H. I know I shall give him comfort, when he knows you have suspended your opinion and displeasure. For P.P. [marginal note: Paul Pinder] I thank your lordship you have given him some spark of comfort. And truly the effecting of it would bind him to you. He is exceedingly industrious, of great understanding and experience; he writes well and speaks well; he is secret, and would do you very good service many ways on that side, not only without your charge, but to help to discharge some of your charges in those parts. If he repair to you again, I pray you appoint him a time to speak with him, if it be but half a quarter of an hour. And in the meantime if you give him comfortable words and hope, it will bring my business with him sooner to an end, and I pray you let him know, that when you hear that he has satisfied me, you will the readier do for him. I hear of those you mention in your letter touching their foul and fearful conspiracy, but I hear also of others of like degree, touching whom and all others (being guilty, were they ten thousand), I wish they may have shameful ends according to their deserts. And if mine own brother were one of them, I myself would be his hangman, rather than he should escape. But such be the fruits of such as have a false religion, or no religion. I pray God, save the King, and you, whose life I hear also was appointed to be taken away at an instant with the King, and the Archduke to come over with power for the Infanta.
I thank you for the postscript of your letter, and so much the more moving out of your only honourable favour, but since I refused it at Theobalds, when it had come with the greatest grace and credit to me, I can be content to stay at this time. And if it shall happen that the King come into the forest where I dwell, to hunt, and to come to my house, then, if it shall please him to think me worthy, it may be I will accept of it for my wife's sake, whom I think worthy to be a lady, though not myself fit to be a knight, but by way of comparison with a great number, that have been, and may be made.
Because it pleased you to thank me for the apricots I sent you, which were the first, now I send you of the last, and but a few, having lost many with pecking of birds and earwigs. I have a heart to send you things of value, but you have often said that it is not the measure of your favour to me. Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 17.)
Petition of Robert Hitcham.
[1603]. Robert Hitcham, of Gray's Inn, counseller, being a suitor to become her Majesty's attorney, beseecheth that his life and learning may be reported by the judges, whiles they are in town, or else by his Majesty's Attorney General, or his Attorney of the Duchy, or by Sir Roger Wilbraham, or Sir Francis Bacon, unto whom his abilities, learning, and condition of life is best known.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 18.)
Sir George Home to [Lord Cecil].
[1603]. In my last I wrote to you of his Majesty's pain and swelling in his knee. Nothing can be more "expectable" to your lordship not to hear that his Majesty is this day become very well and has little or no pain, being able to go or ride as pleases him. At the writing hereof he has shown me that he longs to hear word from London, but not so much for his own affairs as to be sure how my Lord Sessell's health is, averring that if he wanted you, he would not know what to do. His Majesty has so great a desire to hear from you that this day before I rose in the morning, he sent for me to know if any letters were come from you. My humble commendations to my Lord Suffolk and yourself.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603. Sir George Home from Royston." 1 p. (188. 19.)
The Crown Jewels.
[?1603]. A warrant was issued June 8, 1603, to the Commissioners for the survey of the jewels to remove certain of the jewels of price to the Tower, and to give others into the charge of Lady Catherine Howard, Countess of Suffolk. Acknowledgment of the receipt from the Countess of certain jewels delivered by her to the King, and given to the Queen.
Copy or draft. 2 pp. (141. 360.)
Gawin Johnston to —
[?1603]. The occasion in detaining the King's letters sent unto your Honour was by the means of Mr. James Hambleton agent for the King, who had the delivery of one letter sent by the King to her late Majesty and also of the other which is now extant directed to you. This now serves no other use but to testify of my service to her late highness.—Undated.
Signed. ½ p. (188. 23.)
Fran[ces], Countess of Kildare, to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Having so convenient a messenger I could not but let you know how much I have been took with grief since I saw you for fear that George Broke thinking you are honourably affected to my lord give out such doubtful and unworthy speech of you as my heart aches to hear of. He will not care what lies he tells to put you from place and opportunity to do my lord good but for God's sake stand firm to him for I have no hope but in God and yourself. Set down some course for me to do my dear lord good and I will follow it. I hear Sir John Brouke deals underhand for him and delivers letters privately which will do much wrong to many. I hope my Lord Chamberlain and my lady will be for me as well as for base Brouke. They will find my lord and I will be more thankful than that wicked man her husband, for on my soul he doth wickedly practise against you by such means as it will be my ruin. The Lord of Heaven send pity into the King's heart to my dear lord.—Undated.
Holograph. Signed: "Fr. C. K." Endorsed: "My La. Kyldar to my Lo. Cicell." 1 p. (194. 67.)
Countess of Lennox's Rental.
[?1603]. Rents due at the Annunciation of our Lady in Jervaux, Newhouse, Aykebarghe, Hasilldon, Rockewith, Kyllgramhowe, Hayninges, Lasingby, Upper Newsted, Huton Hauge, Ryswycke (all in the charge of Thomas Askewith, bailiff of Est Witton and the Granges), Temple Newsom (in the charge of Richard Grene), Berkehay, Templehurste (in the charge of Thomas Canby); Sylkeston (in the charge of Thomas Swyfte); Settrington (in the charge of Symond Doddesworth); Nafferton Myll, and Wansforth Myll (by Graves).
Total of rents:—295l. 17s. 2d.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Rents of the Lady Lenox." 1 p. (103. 23(4).)
Lennox lands.
[1603]. These are and have been demesnes and granges, things of good value: Temple Newsam, Temple Hurst, Whorleton Park and demesnes, Greno Botton, Riswicke, Aykbargh, Jervalx, with High Newstead and Low Newstead, and Hammerwood. The grange of Rookwith with Mariforth.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603. Lenox lands." ½ p. (130.152.)
Edward Lenton to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. I am not acquainted with the form of my Lord Nor[reys's] letters, but for the matter he willed me to certify you, that howsoever he thought fit to signify what has passed since your lordship's pains, namely examination and publication of witnesses, he most willingly inclines to the motion you made, and so will to whatsover you shall please to order therein. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 6.)
William Lille to the Same.
[1603.] Praying for employment in Cecil's or the King's service.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 23(3).)
Manors of Lyddell and Arthureth, Cumberland.
[1603]. Particulars of the descent of the manors. It does not appear that there have been any rents or other profits answered for the same to the Crown.
Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (2438.)
The Isle of Man.
[1603]. Paper showing the connexion between the Isle of Man and the Earls of Derby, proving that it had belonged to the house of Stanley since the time of Henry IV till the end of Elizabeth; and that the Earls of Derby had been Chamberlains of Chester since Henry VII's time. Apparently drawn up in 1603, on the granting of new letters patent at the beginning of James I's reign.
Endorsed: "1603." 3 pp. (102. 172.)
Sir Robert Mansfield's Notes.
[1603]. Note of such parcels as I can remember to remain in my cabinet at Alderman Moore's:—
Two boxes with Besa stones of small bigness.
One broken box with two bunches of round pearl strung.
A box with round pearls unpierced.
A small round bag with gold of 24s. the piece.
One bag of seed pearl.
One other bag of great rayd(?) pearl, with one round little ball of garnets.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 24.)
Mary Queen of Scots.
1603. A Defence of Mary Queen of Scots. Translation of a Latin work printed at Cologne by Godfrey Kemps 1587: which Latin work was a translation from English. The translator says he translates it into English again for the private use of himself and friends, in regard both the other English copies were spent and gone, and also many things were in this added to the defence.
At foot of p. 1: "Anno Domini 1603." 25 pp. (140. 138.)
Lord Mountjoy to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. But that I heard you were abroad I had attended you yesterday night, to know your resolution, how and when you would go this morning. If you resolve to go by water, I will come to you before 9 o'clock, and if you go by land I will stay for you at the Park corner before 9.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. ½ p. (103. 25.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Same.
[1603]. I have been a stranger at Court this 4 days beholding an unpleasing and wearisome spectacle here, I mean cosenage of receivers, auditors, bailiffs, stewards, and almost all officers about me, and more it would be, if sometimes they be not looked to. This evening I shall make an end of these matters, and I meant to come. If you handle any matters of Council this day I pray send me word, and I will come presently, for I would not willingly be absent from the beginning of them. I have sent my footman, that he may bring me word presently, whether I shall come this morning or not.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (103. 28.)
The Same to the Same.
[1603]. As you were the begetter of this favour to me, let it be born in your house, and invite the King to be godfather. You know how to direct the solemnities of the christening, and therefore I recommend it to you, I being ready to go, and see Copthall, for now that I am a builder I must borrow of my knowledge somewhat out of Tibballs, somewhat out of every place of mark where curiosities are used.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. ½ p. (103. 29.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. This gentleman, Sir John Pooly, a man that professes to honour you much, and loves me, desires some recompense of his Majesty for his service to him, and the King of Denmark. Out of mine own knowledge I am a witness of his good parts. The King I take it is very willing to do him any good. I shall take any favours done to him as to myself, and he desires some hard reports of him may be driven out of your thoughts, as the man never deserves your hard conceit.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 30.)
The Same to the Same.
[1603]. Because Syon will be somewhat far off to-morrow when I shall be sent for and Syon is the place to which I am limited, I mean early in the morning to come to my house at London, where you shall have me when the Lords shall call for me. If you think this not convenient, let me have word from you.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1603." ¼ p. (188. 25.)
Sir Neale O'Donnell to the Same.
[1603]. Upon the landing of her Majesty's forces at Loughfoile in Tyre Connell about four years past, he with his followers joined them against the rebels and killed O'Donell's brother and lost his own and divers other kinsmen and followers. For this he has been thanked by the Lords of the Council and advertised of the Queen's gracious intentions towards him. The Lord Lieutenant in sundry letters has called him O'Donell, as her Majesty was pleased to entitle him chief of his name in the custodium of the country of Tyre Connell, which she granted him under the great seal of Ireland. Upon intelligence of the death of O'Donell in Spain, the chief inhabitants of Tyre Connell called him O'Donell, having the best right thereunto by descent and the custom of the country. He now prays for the King's letters patent granting him the said country of Tyre Connell in such manner and under such title of honour in lieu of the name of O'Donell (if that name be offensive) as his Majesty shall think fit, yielding such rent therefor as his grandfather did, being the first O'Donell that yielded rent to her Majesty for his country.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (188. 26.)
John Osborne to [Lord Cecil].
[?1603]. This gentleman Mr. Thomas Bedell and Richard Mountague, his late tutor in Cambridge, who desire licence to travel, I know to be both of an honest disposition, and well affected in religion.—Undated.
Holograph. ¼ p. (103. 36.)
Lucy, Lady Osborne, to the Same.
[1603]. Be a mean to her Majesty for me to be of her bedchamber, and to have the keeping still of such things as are yet in my charge.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 35.)
Thomas Packer to the Same.
[1603]. I lately made known to you as Keeper of the Seal my purposed suit for the fourth reversion of a clerk of the Privy Seal. I beseech your lordship only to speak to Sir Thomas Lake to prefer my bill unto his Majesty, whereby he may know your allowance of my suit.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 37.)
[1603]. The Queen's physician, a German, desired a pass for these gentlemen:—Herr Johan von Diehren, D. Melchior von Laswitz, Cristof von Nusitz, D. Balthasar Wilpret.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (205. 100.)
James Perrott to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Your lordship's honourable report of Sir John Perrott's innocency joined with your father's usage towards this deceased unfortunate, as also your favour in procuring the Queen's hand to my grant, make me in duty bound to render myself to be at your disposition. The King has referred the consideration of my petition lately presented concerning what was left me by Sir John Perrott's conveyance to the Lord Treasurer of England, your lordship, the Lord Treasurer of Scotland and the Attorney General. I beseech your furtherance to deal graciously with the poor posterity of Sir John Perrott. I have enclosed the true copy of Sir John Perrott's will written with his own hand in the Tower, for confirmation whereof he received the sacrament before Sir Michael Blunt then lieutenant of the Tower and shortly after he died.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 2/3 p. (188. 27.)
Forest of Pewsham.
[1603]. Note as to the Forest of Pewsham, Chipnham, and Melsham, Wilts, late parcel of the possessions of Sir Thomas Seymour, attainted. It is 87 miles from London; not near any of the King's houses; the King is charged 6l. yearly for fees, and has no rent or profit but 4 bucks and 4 does yearly. It might please the King to grant it in fee farm at a yearly rent of 40l.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (132. 31.)
The Privy Chamber.
[1603]. Two papers:—(1) Royal warrant, owing to the press of noblemen and gentlemen who come into the Privy Chamber, to suffer no one, excepting those of the Privy Council and the sworn gentlemen of the Privy Chamber, to come into the Privy Chamber, but those undernamed; always provided, that if any nobleman or gentleman of quality shall desire at any time to speak with the King, the King shall be acquainted therewith by some sworn of his Chamber, and he will thereupon assign a time for audience.—Undated.
Draft. 1¼ pp. (103. 46.)
[?1603]. (2) A list of names as follows—My Lords of Rutland, Sussex, Southampton, Pembroke, Effingham, Gray, and Sheffield. Sir John Peyton, Sir Thomas Gerrard, Sir Thomas Knyvett, Mr. Foulk Greville, Earl of Murray, Lord Hume.— Undated.
Endorsed in Munck's hand: "Privy Chamber." ½ p. (213. 107.)
The Privy Council to Mr. Secretary Cecil.
[1603]. My Lord Thomas having received a letter from Lady Harford of great importance, by the hands of Captain Duffeld the bearer, we thought good to send both letter and messenger to you.—Undated.
Signed: T. Howard; W. Knollys; Ed. Wotton; J. Stanhope.
Endorsed: "Lords of the Council. 1603." ½ p. (187. 142.)
The Earl of Rutland to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. I could not bid you farewell at your departure from hence. I will never forget your kind favours and still deserve your love, which I am assured of, if you be not carried to give way to suspicious conceits, which some that love neither of us would be glad to possess either withal. Love me still, and when you have cause to suspect me, call me to account; so shall we never mistake one another. Your lordship may now assure his Majesty I am at sea, and if this wind hold, I doubt not to be in Denmark within these 7 days.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." (103. 51.)
Old Salisbury.
[?1603]. 1 [Eliz.], by indenture between the burgesses and electors of the burgesses for the borough of old Sarum in the county of Wilts, William Ravenscroft and Edward Leache, Esq. were chosen by W. Webb, Edward Hooper, John Myggryge [and] Thomas Eliott.
43 Eliz. Robert Turnor and Henry Hide elected by Anthony Parry, and others (as before).
30 Eliz. Roger Gifford, doctor of physic, and Henry Baynton elected by Anthony Parry and John Moggriche the younger, free tenants of Old Castle or Old Sarum.
39 Eliz. William Blacker of New Sarum and Nicholas Hide of the Middle Temple elected by Anthony Parry and others (as before).
28 Eliz. Edward Barkeley and Richard Topcliffe elected by William Moggeridge and John Hampton.
1 Mary. Nicholas and John Throckmerton elected by burgesses (not named).
26 Eliz. Richard Topcliffe and Roger Gifford, doctor of medicine, elected by burgesses.
1 Eliz. John Harrington and Henry Harte elected by John Ogden, bailiff, and the burgesses of Old Sarum.
2 & 3 Philip & Mary. John Marsh and William Chambers elected by John Hooper.
4 & 5 Philip & Mary. Henry Jones and John Bateman elected by John Hooper and William Moggeridge.
7 Edw 6. James Brend and William Wekeys elected by William Farley, bailiff, and the burgesses of Old Sarum.
Endorsed: "Extracts out of the rolls of them that have the election of the burgesses of Old Sarum," and in a later hand: "1603." 2½ pp. (103. 52.)
Scottish Merchants.
[1603]. Paper entitled: "Ane nott of the gowidis and geir tene ffre Skottis mershandis be ffrence men allsweile off the Kyngez off ffrance sayd as off theis off the Leige."
Followed by particulars of the actions complained of.
Signed: John Wylliamsonn, George Shathamchin.
Endorsed: "1603. The Scottish merchants complaynts." 3 pp. (103. 75.)
Lord Sheffield to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. I understand that my Lord Bourle [Burghley] has presented the names of them he desires to be of the Council at York, and that they are very many. (fn. 1) Whether it be true or no, I am not assured, for he would never acquaint me who they were, but you know my lord's meaning therein. Although, as I told you at our last speech, I was unwilling to oppose myself in anything against his proceedings, expecting he had desired but the placing of some few of his especial friends, now seeing the contrary, that the number is so great, and some of [them] so unfit, I must commend this my reasonable desire to your consideration that my lord might be this far satisfied, only that my Lord Darse and Mr. Talbot, being two both noble, and to come in by course, and likewise of my lord's choice, that some three other of the knights whom my lord chiefly desires to prefer may likewise be admitted. So shall my lord in reason, as I think, be satisfied, and some rooms left for me, who am to succeed him, to place such in, for whose fidelity I may be able to account.—Undated.
PS.—I would have come over to your lordship about this matter, but I have not been well.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 55.)
Andrew Smale.
[1603]. The information of Jaques Hermishawe against Andrew Smale, and his answers:—
1. That Andrew Smale confessed that he was a secular, which Hermishawe conceived to be a priest. Smale sweareth he is neither priest nor secular.
2. That Smale said he had four things to do in France that would be heavy unto him, and a fifth in England, which would go nearer unto him than the other four, and the doing of it, he feared, would redound to the shame of him, and all his friends. Directly denied by Smale on his oath.
3. That Smale at his embarking in France, delivered Hermishawe a pair of beads, to the end he should carry the same unto his host at the sign of the Pineapple in Calais, and pray her to cause four masses to be said for him, for his good success. Smale answereth, that having a pair of beads in his pocket, and at his going into England thinking it not fit to bring them with him, he asked Hermishawe to deliver them to his host, and pray him to cause 3 masses to be said for him, one to the Holy Ghost, the other to St. Roche, because that Saint especially preserveth from the plague, and the third of charity for the souls of the dead, which he saith is the manner of all Catholics, when they travel, or fear any danger.
4. That he affirmed the King of England to be an heretic. Absolutely denied by Smale that he used those words, or any to that effect.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603." 1½ pp. (103.14.)
[Probably the enclosure in George Fane's letter of Nov. 7, supra p. 279.]
The Earl of Southampton to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Desires his furtherance of the bearer's suit to the King which is for his letter to the Dean of Durham for a lease.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 2/3 p. (188. 81.)
Thomas Southwell to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Let the state of me and my poor wife move you to redress our wrongs. Not alone our estates, but reputations, are endangered. It was the Queen's letters, that moved my wife's journey; if we had pretended without such a cause, there had been the less regard due to us. I will not trouble your lordship with the recital of every wrong, only that slander of Fowler's wife may determine of the truth of the other proceedings of our malicious slanderers.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (103. 57.)
John Spilman to [the Same].
[1603]. According to your Honour's appointment, Herrick and I are joined together in the works for his Majesty, and agree like friends. I trust with your favour my bill may pass to the Seal, knowing he will not desire any of his friends now to cross me therein. I beseech you to move Sir George Hume for the delivery of my bill, already signed by his Highness, that it may be dispatched before his Majesty remove from hence.—Undated.
PS.—I have kept these two buttons apart, and this day will come about noon to know your pleasure therein. To Sir Thomas Lake I have promised 10l. and doubt not of his furtherance in my business.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. ½ p. (103. 58.)
Michael Stanhope to the Same.
[1603]. I received a letter very lately from my Lady Hatton, wherein she earnestly moved me to intreat your lordship to procure for her the King's letter to the Queen, that if her Majesty like of the Lady Hatton's service, he then consent that she have the place with the Queen to keep her jewels and help to make her ready, greatly commending her Majesty's wifely obedience not to do anything without the King's allowance, with further assurance of the Queen's great good opinion of your lordship, and her resolute mind to establish you in all honour and powerfulness. The matter I leave to your wisdom and private resolution. I am pressed to have return of answer with all possible expedition.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (103. 59.)
John Stanley to the Same.
[1603]. With the help of my honourable friend, the Earl of Worcester, who laboured for me, I was upon Tuesday last enlarged, so poor and weak that I have neither strength nor maintenance. My Lord Admiral and my Lord Worcester have promised to be a means for me. Consider the sorrow I have suffered for my prince and country, and the misery I have endured in the Tower, where still I stood for your Honour's good in the time of Essex's trouble. Time may serve I may do you service. I am both learned and languaged, and yet for my love to my country from all nations banished, especially where the Spaniard commands. I am forced to leave my boy in my lodging for want of money. I beseech you assist me with something, as you have heretofore done me good. I stand below to hear your answer, and desire to speak with you. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 60.)
James Stewart to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Have pity on a poor gentleman, who only trusts in your most favourable doing for him. I never wronged any man but myself, nor never was in any way troubled for my carriage till now. It was the great cruelty and hard dealing of the Londoners that made me so depart in my doing and not the disposition of nature that has been my overthrow. Deliver my letter to his Majesty, that he may grant me his warrant for relief and safety, whereby I may travel to the Emperor's war, where I would be for a better use hereafter than to die or be tormented. Seeing now my only trust is in your Honour, and the morn Wednesday, as is said, is to be my day afore the Justice, may you remember him who will ever pray and serve your lordship wherever ye have ado.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 61.)
John Stileman to the Same.
[1603]. I was a suitor to you before Christmas to have an end of my accounts, which so long have been delayed, and nothing as yet done, notwithstanding you gave order for the same. I beseech you, both for mine own quietness, and for that I am mortal, give order once again, that there may be an end made. If it shall appear that I am in your debt, I will answer it to the uttermost penny, and doubt not but I shall prove myself an honest man.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. ½ p. (103. 62.)
Thomas Stock to the Same.
[1603]. Prays that he may be recommended amongst such distressed captains as attend his Majesty's relief, intended to them for want of employment in this time of year. Will not say he has deserved more than others, but acknowledges himself in the mean, and has altogether relied upon the wars. Has had some employments by Cecil's means, and entreats a continuance of his favours in his present calamity. Has not wherewith to maintain himself here, or to transport himself that he may get employment abroad.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (103. 63.)
Ministers of Sussex.
[1603]. Pray the King to case the ministry of the burden of that subscription heretofore imposed otherwise than the laws of the land require, and of those ceremonies which press the conscience of many of God's servants, and hinder the execution of their ministry.
Secondly, to establish among them a learned, godly, and resident ministry, with sufficient maintenance.
Thirdly, to set up among them that ancient form of the church's censures, as agreeable to his word. The lamentable defect in these things may appear to the King in this brief view which they have faithfully taken.
The number of churches in their country is about 300, of which the impropriations are 108. The insufficient maintenances are many, and of them 23 not above 16l. by the year, and some of 4l. or 5l. Double-beneficed men about 50. Single and yet non-resident 6. Not-preaching about 100; negligent in preaching about 60. Of all these many are scandalous for corrupt life or doctrine.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603. Petition of the Sussex Ministers." 1 p. (103. 64.)
Lord Sydney to Lord Cecil.
[?1603]. Her Majesty commands me to desire you that the letters which she is to give to Monsr. de Vitrey in answer of those which she received from the French King and Queen may be drawn and sent unto her to sign. For she saith that your lordship hath those which were brought unto her by him. Herein it will please your lordship to use some expedition because it appears that Monsr. de Vitrey makes great instance for them. Her Majesty is in very good health and will be at Yatington tomorrow at night.—At Abington this Sunday.— Undated.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (188. 32.)
Captain G. Throckmorton to the Same.
[1603]. I am emboldened once again to beseech your favour for the discharge of that commandment Sir William Wade laid upon me for not coming to the Court, which is as hard measure as ever was offered to any, the loyal affection considered which I have ever born to my Prince, and for which no family in England has ever endured greater shipwreck or ruin.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. ½ p. (103. 68.)
Justice Townshend to the Same.
[1603]. Let it not be known to any of the Privy Council that I possessed your Honour with the record I delivered you yesterday, for it may breed me harm. I always found your father and yourself fast and plain in your actions to me, which others I found contrary. Therefore upon your Honour I will make bold to rely.
There is in my Lord Dyer's book in print, folio 94, in anno primo Marie a notable case, wherein is laid down that King Ed. the 3rd [was] seised of the county of Cornwall, in the eleventh year of his reign that he made Edward his eldest son, then Count [sic] of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, and that the eldest son of the Kings of England, and those that should be heads next of this realm should be Dukes of Cornwall, and that the said County should be always duchy possessions, and this so established the said year by Act of Parliament, and granted the same by letters patent. The case is long, good, and worthy of reading, but to be gathered that the said King created his son to be Duke of Cornwall and not by descent. You shall do well to send for a copy of the said record to the Tower. I do not conceive but all the possessions contained in the record I delivered you are in the King's mercy, and so are all the crown lands entailed by King H. 7 by the decease of her Majesty without issue, that the King now may enter and all sales made merely void, for they were but tenants in tail, and could not sell but their own estate, which was but for life, and not like the estate of a common subject in tail that may sell by fine and recovery, which the King cannot do. I meant to have informed you of the premisses and of other things, but I saw time was precious to you, and I would not be tedious, for I perceive in short time you and others will be appointed in these actions. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1¼ pp. (103. 69 (1).)
William Trumbull to Lord Cecil.
[?1603]. Has long served Sir Thomas Edmondes in his employments beyond the seas and in the Council Chamber without any recompense. Prays for a grant of the bailiwick of Northborne, co. Kent.—Undated.
Petition. ⅓ p. (188. 33.)
Lady Susan Veare to the Same.
[1603]. Concerning her going to meet the Queen. Her charges would be more than ordinary, and Mr. Billet is contented to furnish her with money, if it may be with Cecil's good liking. "Your niece ever at your command."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (206. 6.)
Council of the Marches of Wales.
[1603]. In the first article, line the 9th, after these words Administration of justice to his subjects of those parts, pray that these words of the Instructions of K. Henry 8's time may be inserted, For that it should be greatly to the damage and hurt of the K. loving subjects in the said principality and marches which might find themselves grieved or offended, to repair for making and exhibiting their complaints before the K. most honourable Council, or to pursue their actions or quarrels in the K. ordinary court kept at his palace at Westminster.
In the third article, that Sir Henry Bromley, Sir John Pointz, Sir Thomas Coningesbie, John Win of Guider, William Herbert, Richard Broughton, and Mr. Lley, Justice of South Wales, be added to the names of the Council.
In the sixth, that the chief justice of Chester and the Secretary only be bound to continual attendance; the other two to be such as the L. President or, in his absence, the vice-president shall call, as in former time it hath been.
In the 8th article, that it may be considered where the terms shall be kept in respect there is no woods at Ludlow.
In the 31st article, that there may be twenty attorneys placed by the Lord President according to her Majesty's letters since the Instructions last signed.
In the 34th article, that authority be given to the Lord President to nominate a Remembrancer, and one to subscribe bills of debt, omitting the recital of former Instructions.
Also, the 36th article to be left out, for that the King's Majesty is pleased to dispose otherwise thereof by patent.
In the 37th article, that the King's Attorney be not allowed lodging in the house, there being but few lodgings there.
To move the King that the 39th article touching dispensation with the Secretary's attendance be omitted, being never put in the Instructions till these last.
In the 40th article, that if the Clerk of the Council and his deputy be not of the Council, their diet to be taken at the Council table, but at the pleasure of the L. President.
That the 49th article touching allowing riding charges may be explained to extend to every one of the Council that cometh upon letters.
In the 55th article, that the absence of the L. President deprive him not of the power allowed to nominate pursuivants and other officers.
To move that no office be granted by patent and so the service will be more carefully performed.
Addressed: "To the Right honorable the Lord Cecyll, one of his Highnes private Councell."
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603. Instructions of Wales." 1 p. (103. 74.)
Waltham Forest.
[?1603]. Brief of the evidences of Henry de Vere, Earl of Oxford, manifesting his right to the custody and stewardship of the King's forest of Waltham, Essex, and to the custody of the King's house and Park of Havering at Bower, Essex.
4 pp. (146. 17.)
The Watson and Main Plots.
[1603]. "Names of persons to be sought for mentioned in my L. Chief Justice's letter."
John Parry, of Poston, Hereford, son and heir of James Parry lately deceased in the Fleet. Richard Crofts of the same county who some 10 years past married the widow of one Hacklutt. Vaughan, of the said county. Walwad of Berks. Roe, a Devonshire man. Brookesby, a Leicestershire gentleman.
Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (2236.)
[See the letter of Chief Justice Popham of July 19 (supra p. 201).]
Whatborow Manor.
[1603]. State of the cause between Lord Cromwell and All Souls' College: with respect to lands of the manor of Whatborow.
Endorsed: "1603." 2½ pp. (2487.)
Henry Wright to Sir Thomas Chaloner.
[1603]. It grieves me not a little that the last night business succeeded not according to expectation, which if it had, I had been with you before this time, but satisfy yourself, I have so far dealt in it that it shall be done this very day. In the meantime I have fully satisfied the Chief Justice, who this morning upon very good grounds has altered his late made warrant, and with his own hand (all of it) has made a new one. I will be with you as soon as I can, but I am confined to my chamber for this present day. At my repair unto you (which I hope will be this night), I shall tell you of great novelties happened since we parted yesternight.—Undated.
Holograph. Addressed: "At the Prince, his Court, St. James." Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 80.)
The Council of York.
Two papers:—
[1603]. (1) The names of such councillors as are of the King's Council in the North parts. Matthew, Archbishop of York: Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury, and George, Earl of Cumberland, Knights of the Garter: the Bishops of Durham and Carlisle: Thomas, Lord Scrope, K.G., and Warden of the West Marches: Ralph, Lord Eure: Edmund, Lord Sheffield, K.G.: John Herbert, knight: the two Justices of Assize for the time being: Francis Clifford esq.: Robert Carey, knight, Warden of the Middle Marches: John Savile, Baron of the Exchequer: the Dean of York: William Bowes, Richard Malliverer, Thomas Fairfax the elder, and Edward Stanhope, knights: the Dean of Durham: Thomas Hesketh esq., Attorney of the Court of Wards and Liveries: Charles Hales and Samuel Bevercoates, esquires: John Gibson and John Bennet, Doctors of Law: John Ferne, esq.
Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (103. 81.)
[1603]. (2) The names of such as are to be presented by me, the President, for councillors in the North:—
The Lord Darcy: Edward Talbott: Sir Thomas Revesby: Sir Thomas Lasselles: Sir Henry Slyngesby: Sir Thomas Mallory: Sir Thomas Ferfax of Walton: Sir Henry Gryffyn: Sir Thomas Hobby: Sir Christopher Hyllyard: Sir Richard Wourtley: Cuthbert Pepper: Richard Hutton, serjeant: Sir Henry Bellassis.
Endorsed: "1603. Note of such as my Lord President would have added unto the Instructions."
In the handwriting of Lord Burghley. Seal. 1 p. (103. 82.)
Names of Ecclesiastical Commissioners for the Province of York.
[1603]. Q. Matthew, lord Archbishop of York, or the Archbishop of York for the time being—q., Thomas, Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor of England. q., The Lord President for the time being of the Council established in the North parts. q., Henry, Earl of Northumberland. q., Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury; q., W[illiam] E[arl] of D[erby]. q., The Bishops of Durham, Carlisle and Chester for the time being—Thomas, Lord Scroope, Thomas, Lord Darcie, Ralph, Lord Eure, q., Sir John Savile, knight, Baron of the Exchequer. q., The Justices of Assize for the North Parts for the time being. Peter Warberton, knight, Justice of the Common Pleas. The Lord Mayor of York for the time being. q., The Deans of York, Durham, Carlisle and Chester for the time being. Sir Thomas Fairfax, senior, knight, Sir John Savile, knight. q., Sir John Gibson, Sir John Bennett, knights, chancellors to the Lord Archbishop of York. Sir Thomas Hesketh, knight, attorney in the Court of Wards; Sir Cuthbert Pepper, Sir Charles Hales, Sir Richard Williamson, Sir John Ferne, Sir William Gee, Sir Wilfred Lawson, Sir Timothy Whittingham, Sir Thomas Strickland, Sir Richard Tempest, Sir Henry Witherington, Sir Edmund Trafford, knights. Richard Hutton, serjeant-at-law; Robert Hutton, Robert Abbott, Robert Soden and John Kinge, doctors in divinity; q., William Goodwyn, Barnard Robinson, Emanuel Barnes, doctors in divinity. Matthew Dodsworthe, deputy chancellor to the Lord Archbishop of York. The High Sheriff of Durham for the time being, the temporal Chancellor of Durham for the time being. q., The Chancellor of the Church of York for the time being. The Chancellors of the Lords Bishops of Durham, Carlisle and Chester for the time being. The King's Attorney in the North for the time being. The Archdeacons of York, the East Riding, Nottingham, Cleveland, Durham, Carlisle and Chester and Richmond for the time being. Thomas Burton and John Favor, doctors of law; Henry Swinborne, commissary of the Exchequer at York; the Mayors of Chester, Kingston-upon-Hull, and Newcastle; Christopher Lindley, Griffith Briskin, James Wilford, Thomas Cole, Ralph Tunstall and Zacchary Styward, prebendaries of York; Francis Bunny, prebendary of Durham; John Cowper, Robert Grace, Francis Burgoine, prebendaries of Southwell; Anthony Higgin, Robert Cooke, Christopher Shutt, William Crosham, bachelors in divinity; Timothy Hutton, Henry Topham, John Prestley, Richard Holland, Edmund Hopwood, Thomas Salkeld, Ralph Ashton, esquires; Edmund Parkinson, Robert Parkinson, bachelors of law; William Robynson, James Birkby, aldermen of York; Henry Anderson, Henry Chapman, aldermen of Newcastle; Robert Cook, Master of Arts; Anthony Walkwood, Richard Burton, preachers; Ralph Tyrer, vicar of Kendal.
Corrected by Cecil who has given the Earl of Derby precedence over the Earl of Cumberland.
Endorsed: "1602." 2 pp. (97. 133.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1603, before May 13]. I have received from the Lords direction by letters for the dispatch of causes, to which I have acknowledged the receipt to their lordships. I have also received a particular letter from yourself, wherein I find myself much bound to you. Take notice of my continual desire to hold that place you afford me, and be a means that I may know my Lords' pleasure concerning that whereof I wrote to them, as also from yourself, what course I may take for coming up with convenient speed for the dispatch of my private business. I presume that upon the opening of justice here all things will be very quiet. And [let me know] whether it were fitting for me to meet the King in any place of these things.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (103. 73.)
— to [Lord Cecil ?]
[?1603]. Give me leave for 6 or 7 days to go into Buckinghamshire to see if I can furnish myself with some money among my friends, for at this present my wants are great, although it grieves me to acquaint you with them. I confess I have had 50l. of you during this 6 or 7 years. I have served your lordship; but if I may speak it without offence, there is not any that follows you but has got three times more than I have done. —Undated.
Unsigned. ½ p. (102. 8.)
[? 1603]. It is a matter very questionable, whether instead of giving remedy to those [th]ings that require reformation, a great mischief may [not] follow, in the manner of the carriage by a proclamation. There are divers precedents wherein the Prince's authority giving liberty to all persons to complain has been converted to the prejudice of his Majesty's own regal power and dignity. For if once such a proclamation be published, there is never a court of justice, where one party must ever be gr[ieved], but some colour shall be found for the complaint, which how innocent he be, will be a blemish to him for ever after. Secondly, it will not only bring in contempt to all magistrates and government past, but ever by this example set o[pen] a gap for the common people to expect the like from time to time against the government to come. All complaints in this case must either be general or particular. If general, the State could not have stood as it has done, but some universal rebellion would have followed. If particular, there are many other ways for the griefs of men to be heard and relieved, either in the Star Chamber, the severe justice whereof gives terror to all men, or by his Majesty's commission to some grave persons to whom all petitions in that matter may be directed. Wherefore a king, upon some particular complaints only, to be driven to proclaim to the world, that upon complaint intended to give them reformation, will rather throw general scandal upon all the precedent magistracy, who cannot all be thought fit to be condemned, rather than that it is necessary, at the first coming of [a] king to his crown, and by his own just title and succession, to indent with his people beforehand, considering how under colour of complaint against courses, wherein it may be they have received just grievances, they are not unlike to aim at diminution of the prerogative, which [is] as inseparable from the Kings of England, as the crown is from the head. No man ought to be impea[ched] by the laws of England for any offence but in due process of law, which has been confirmed [by] above 40 parliaments. Whereupon even in parlia[ments] themselves, which is a time of liberty, the ancient order that no bill should be put in before the receivers and tryers thereof have examined the convenience, for the commonalty have ever abounded so in complaints, as that course was invented to moderate them, which is to this day continued in the Upper House, and receivers and tryers of bills yet appointed.
Unsigned. Endorsed (? wrongly): "1602." 2 pp. (103. 44.)
Foreign Princes.
[? 1603]. Mr. Wroath
Way of France.
Counte Palatine, Elector
Archbishop of Mayunce, Elect.
Duke of Saxony, Admin. Elect.
Duke of Wirtemberg
Marques of Ansbach
Lantsgrave of Hessen, the nephew
Lantsgrave of Hessen, the uncle
Duke of Bipont
The Emperor
Mr. Wotton Way of Low Countries.
Erle of Embden
Archbiss. of Breame
Duke of Meckleburg
Duke of Pomeren
Marquis of Brandeb. Elect.
Duke of Holst
Duke of Lunenburgh
Count of Harpusch
Duke of Brunswick
Administrat. of Magdeburg
Prince of Anhalt.
Endorsed: "Names of Princes." ½ p. (103. 83.)
[? 1603]. The names of the gentlemen certified by the clerk of the Assizes to the judges were: [co. Gloucester]
Sir Henry Poole, knight, William Barnes, John Pleddall, esquires, Sir John Tracy, knight, William Norwood and Paul Tracy, esquires.
The judges of the circuit controlled that bill and took out Mr. Paul Tracy and put in Giles Reade esquire.
Then my Lord Keeper, my Lord Treasurer and the judges took of the six—Sir Henry Poole and Giles Reade, and added Richard Cotherington, esquire.
Memorandum on back, clearly written earlier: "Gyles. The Queen is to have wardship of the one within age and primer seisin of the other.
But of the heir of the Lord William the Queen is to have only a primer seisin."—Undated.
½ p. (97. 40).
[?1603]. Nicolas Rollino alias Delfino Fleming, Andrew Ramires alias Delfino whom he met in Noremberg a merchant.
Umbert Ramires of Pycardy brought up in Scotland or served some Scottishman of the King's guard.
The merchant Delfino a great engineer.
A cabinet to be presented at Shrovetide which is now at Noremberg.
A Renard promised of 100,000c. under assurances of great men.
Nycolas should have 10,000 c.
Ramires hath invited Delfino to come into England.
Nicolas hath a red beard, is of mean stature.
Nicola[s] Rollino hath been prisoner in the Tower for burning ships.
Essex his son.—Undated.
1 p. (103. 84.)
[?1603]. The lieutenancy of Essex for the Earl of Sussex.
Northampton is for the Lord Burghley.
Lord Sheffield commission for lieutenancy, oyer and terminer, and a commission to the President and Council.
Sir Thomas Mildmay.
Sir John Peter.
Sir H. Maynard.
The manor of Sowtham 24l.
The manor of the Rye 24l.
1 p. (103. 85.)
[1603]. 4 lists of names, the first two in the handwriting of Lord Burghley. One of them is endorsed: "Memorial 1603"; another: "A catalogue of names of Lords."
4 pp. (103. 86.)


  • 1. Probably the list on p. 394 infra.