Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.
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'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603, ed. M S Giuseppi (London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 7 March 2025].
'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Edited by M S Giuseppi (London, 1930), British History Online, accessed March 7, 2025,
"Index: P". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Ed. M S Giuseppi (London, 1930), British History Online. Web. 7 March 2025.
Packer, Thomas, letters from, 87, 147, 384.
Packington, Sir John, 230.
Packman, Matthew, 264.
Padis Lodge, see Enfield.
-, Charles, 165, 170.
-, -, lands of, escheated to Queen
Elizabeth, 139.
-, Lady, 157.
-, William, 4th Baron, restoration
of, 283.
Paisley, Lord, see Hamilton, Claud.
Palatinate of the Rhine:
-, Louis, Prince Elector of, 397.
-, -, sends representatives to
France, 61.
-, -, sends ambassadors to
England, 94, 95.
-, -, -, see also Solms and
-, Philip Ludwig, Count of, 236.
-, -, his son, Wolffgang Wilhelm,
-, Sir Horatio, 370.
-, Lady, wife of Oliver Cromwell, 270.
-, Ralph, 94.
-, William, letter from, 337.
Palmozzi, Geronimo, letter to, 72.
Paluzzi, Jeronimo, letter to, 45.
Pantry, Thomas, 264.
Papists see Roman Catholics.
Paris, 45, 46, 72, 182, 287, 293.
-, letters dated at, 115, 131, 250.
-, Mr. de Rosny to arrive at,
on his return from England,
152, 156.
-, a letter to the French King
to be hurried to, 152, 156, 164.
-, a book printed in, giving the
French King a title to the crown
of England, 281, 297, 329.
-, Pope's Nuncio in, see Bubalo.
-, Edward, 12th Baron Morley,
letter from, 275.
-, Sir John, 264.
-, Mr., 37.
-, Sir Nicholas, Captain of fort
of Falmouth, 24.
-, -, letter from, 29, 50.
-, Dr. Ch., letter from, 56.
-, Sir George, Captain of Walmer
Castle, 264.
-, Edmund, bachelor of law, 395.
-, Robert, bachelor of law, 395.
-, Thomas, 337.
Parks, Royal, proposal to lay common, 361.
Parliament, Acts of:
-, Statute 23, Henry VIII, 243.
-, Statute 1 Edw. VI, 1 and 2 Ph.
and M., 272, 367.
-, Statute 1 Eliz., 272.
-, Statute 18 Eliz., 362.
-, Statute 5 Edward VI, cap. ii,
-, Statute 25 Edw., III, 367.
Parliament, Act of, for establishing
commissioners to treat of Union,
-, speakers of, graced with knighthood, 72.
-, Catholics labouring for positions
in 283.
-, Duke of, denial of alleged attempt
to set up as King of England,
250, 300.
-, Prince of, 163.
Parr, William, Marquis of Northampton, death of, 375.
-, -, wife of, married to Sir
Thomas Gorges, 375.
-, Anthony, 386.
-, James, his son John, and the
Jesuit plot, 201, 210, 393.
-, Sir Thomas [English ambassador
in Paris], authorized as
ambassador to Papal Nuncio in
Paris, 300.
-, -, letter to, 299.
Parsons, Father, 140.
Passage, see Channel Passage.
Patison, Matthew, and the lease of Durham House, 45
Paulerspury (Paulersperry) Lodge [Northants], letter dated from, 208.
Payne, Thomas, 264.
Payton, Sir John, see Peyton.
Peace, commissions of the, 69.
Peartt, Henry, 264.
Peerson, John, a lay parson, 262, 263.
Pelham, Edmund, Privy Councillor of Ireland, 148.
Pellam, Thomas, 215.
Pemberton, Mr., servant to Sir J. Popham, 217.
Pembroke, Sheriff of, 214.
Pembroke, Countess of, 157.
-, Earl of, see Herbert.
Pendennis (Pendenas) Castle, [Cornwall] letter dated at, 29, 50.
Penmynith [?Penmynydd, Anglesey], 40.
Pennicock (Penycocke), Walter, in arrest, 214, 228.
Pensioners, Gentlemen, 118.
Pentland (Pently) Hills (Scotland), 332.
Penycocke, see Pennicock.
Pepper, Sir Cuthbert, 394 (2).
Percival, Richard, Secretary to Lord
Cecil, 164, 171.
-, -, letters from, 48, 54, 93.
Percy, Henry, 9th Earl of Northumberland, 49, 242, 394.
-, -, letters from, 382 (2), 383 (2).
Periam (Peryman), Sir William, Lord
Chief Baron of the Exchequer,
223, 363.
-, -, Certificate of ownership of
Durham Place signed by, 111.
-, -, letter to, 362.
Perkins, Sir Christopher, Master of the Requests, 224.
Peroni (Perony) S. Domitio, 73, 337.
-, -, letter from, 45.
Perphey, William, alderman of Bristol, 168.
Perrott (Perott):
-, Sir James, 121.
-, -, letter from, 384.
-, Sir John, 121, 384.
-, -, his daughter married to
Sir Arthur Chichester, 197.
Persia, 79.
Peryman, see Periam.
Peryours, 71.
Pest, see Budapest.
Pestree, M. de, 160.
Peter, Sir John, 398.
Peterborough (Northants), inhabitants of, and a dispute with Yaxley (Hunts), 107.
Peterborough, Bishop of, 223.
Petersen, Simon, 125.
Petler [Brabant], Count Ernest of Nassau quartered at, 255.
Pettman, Henry, porter at Deal Castle, 261.
Pewsham, Forest of, (Wilts), 384.
Peyton (Payton):
-, Sir John, Lieutenant of the Tower,
(Mr. Lieutenant), afterwards
Governor of Jersey, 34, 221,
-, -, letters from, 25, 92, 174,
204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 214,
215, 225, 280.
-, -, letter to, 1.
-, -, his brother Sir John, 26.
-, -, a warrant giving leave of
absence to, 160, 174.
-, -, and the physicians for the
Tower, 206.
-, -, son of, 208.
-, -, and the Governorship of
the Island of Jersey, 208, 209,
-, -, -, warrant of appointment to, 214.
-, -, relinquish his charge of
the Tower, 209.
-, -, allowed in the Privy
Chamber, 220, 385.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes
Ecclesiastical for Canterbury,
-, -, as Commissioner to enquire
concerning Watson and the
conspirators, letters from, see
under Commissioners.
Phelipps, Edward, letter from, 230.
Phelippes, Thomas, letter from, 134.
-, Sir Edward, 224.
-, Captain Thomas, 125.
Physician for the Tower, appointment of, 206.
Physic Lecture in London, Reader of, 206.
Picardy (Pycardy), 397.
-, Expenses in, 2.
Pickeringe, Mr., 262.
Picks, Michael, letter to, 197.
Pigott (Piggott), Robert, letter from, 135.
Pindar (Pinder, Pynder) Paul, 121, 378.
-, letter from, 197.
Pinnoy, Prince of, and his brother, 160.
Pintpot, Mrs. Dame, 176.
Piracy, see under Ships.
Pisa, letter dated at, 288.
Pittocke, William, 252.
Plague, the, (the sickness, infection),
mention of, 153, 164, 173, 188,
192, 198, 199, 209, 240, 256,
257, 279, 322, 370, 374.
-, proclamations and rules respecting, 189–190.
-, at Waltham Cross, 200.
-, in Westminster, and the Gatehouse, 227, 232, 268.
-, -, a statement of persons
dead of, 189–190, 215.
-, in Mecklenburg, 234.
-, trial of conspirators delayed by,
-, in the north 264.
-, in the City of London; orders
respecting burial of persons
dead of, 266.
-, in Edinburgh, 274.
-, an excuse for murders, 299.
-, a mass to St. Roche to preserve
from, 387.
Plaitze, Mons. de, see Plessen.
Pleddall, John, 397.
Plessen (Plaitze), Mons. de, an Ambassador from the Elector Palatine, 61, 94, 95.
Plymouth (Plymmouth) (Devon), letters
dated at, 32, 95, 151, 288.
-, Vicarage of, presentation to, 32.
-, Dutch men of war land at, 95.
-, piracy in, 151.
-, Mayor of, 228.
-, -, see also Martin and Hawkins.
-, fort of, Capt. of, see Gilbart.
Pockredg see Puckeridge.
Pointz, Sir John, 392.
Poland, (Pole, the), 13.
Pomerania (Pommern, Pomeren),
Duke of, 397.
-, -, dead, 236.
Pontefract (Pomfret) Castle, (Yorks.), 33.
Pontefract Park, a claim for the lease of, 103.
Poole, Sir Henry, 397.
Pooly, Sir John, 383.
Pope, the, see Clement VIII.
Popham, Sir John, Lord Chief Justice
of the King's Bench, 3, 189,
222, 285, 368, 393.
-, -, letters from, 11, 34, 53, 103,
200, 201.
-, -, letter to, 363.
-, -, his son and son-in-law, 11.
-, -, his son Champernone, 202.
-, -, Certificate of ownership of
Durham Place signed by, 111.
-, -, information for, 216.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes
Ecclesiastical for Canterbury,
Porter, Mr., 262.
Porter, the Gentleman, office void, 24.
Portsmouth [Hants], prison at, an
escaped prisoner from, 214.
-, Captain of, see Blount.
Postal endorsements:
-, Dartmouth to Hartfart Borg (?),
-, Dover to Dartford, and London,
42, 191, 195(2).
-, Durham to Huntingdon, 47.
-, Hackington (St. Stephens) to
Staines, 173.
-, Langar to Ware, 61.
-, Nantwich to St. Albans, 6.
-, Wetherby to Huntingdon, 80.
Postlethwait, 262.
Poston [?] (co. Hereford), 201, 210, 303.
Potter, Thomas, 215.
Poules [St. Paul's], see London and Westminster Places.
-, John, of Faversham, deputy
searcher of Whitstable, 172,
-, -, 374.
Prada, Endres de, 261.
Prague, 234, 236.
-, letter dated at, 340.
-, news from, 13.
-, the Pope's legate at, 235.
Pranzi (Rensey, Renzi), Math, 220, 286.
Presland, John, a blind man, 188.
Prestley, John, 395.
Preston (co. Durham), 376.
Preston, Thomas, J.P., of Lancaster, letter from, 88.
Price (Pryce):
-, Isabel, 215.
-, -, serving the Duke of Gratz,
39, 340.
Prickett, —, 53.
Priests, see Roman Catholics.
Primonnd, Mr., of Dieppe, 130.
Prince, —, 93.
Prisoners, English, freed by Archduke Albert, 86.
Privy Chamber, Noblemen of, names
of, 220, 385.
-, of Elizabeth, 375.
-, Royal Warrant concerning, 385.
Privy Council, "the Council," 20, 24,
30, 113, 117, 189.
-, letters, etc. from, 1, 38, 49, 53,
193, 305, 385.
-, letters etc. to, 3, 4, 7, 13,
33, 49, 51, 52, 60, 99, 139 (2),
148, 151, 167, 170, 176, 210,
276, 282, 288, 303, 304, 305,
306, 308, 310, 313, 340, 345.
-, proclamation of James by, 21,
-, warrants of, 27, 92, 152, 194.
-, clerks of, 43.
-, banishment of priests by, 54,
-, and an alleged Jesuit plot against
James I, 67, 68, 144.
-, as pensioners to the King of
Spain, 67, 144.
-, Lords of, Act in Council appointing, 81.
-, number to be limited, 101,
-, a cause tried before, 90.
-, alleged to have devised Watson's
Plot, 216.
-, taking of, planned by Watson,
and Sir Griffin Markham,
228, 233.
-, warrant to, to continue in office
after Elizabeth's death, 346.
-, petition to, concerning gold
mining, 353.
-, and James I, see James I.
Privy Purse expenses, 45, 74.
Privy Seal:
-, Lord, office void, 23.
-, -, see also Cecil, Sir Robert.
-, warrant for renewing of, 69.
-, clerks of, 87, 147.
-, warrants for payments under,
-, application for reversion of clerkship of, 384.
Protestant Princes, 12.
Protestants, loyalty of, 279.
Prouse, —, 17.
Pryce, see Price.
Puckeridge (Pockredg) (Herts), 254.
Puleston, Roger, late Deputy Lieutenant of Flint, 40, 41.
Putney [Surrey], 201.
Pycardy, see Picardy.
Pynder see Pindar.