Sir Robert Cecil to the Council. |
1603, April 16. |
I perceive Sir Henry Davers has been with
the King, and laid before him the great discontentment of
the kingdom of Ireland against the mixed coin; which being
feelingly delivered to his Majesty, it appears to me by some
private letters which I have received, that his Majesty is very
resolute in the remedy: wherein Almighty God doth know
how much it grieves me that I must be so unwelcome unto him
as to lay before him how contrary a condition this kingdom is
in, at this instant, to answer his royal intention. For when I
call to mind the present scarcity in the Exchequer, and the
extraordinary causes of disbursement, for the funerals, and his
coronation, I see it impossible at this instant to change the coin;
and yet, if I be rightly informed, his Majesty is possessed with
a constant apprehension that all will break there unless the old
coin be decried to the inward value, and a new coinage presently
of sterling money sent thither. These things I must confess
do grieve me, because my first access shall be accompanied
with this inconvenience, that I must single answer such objections as were fit for a whole Council. But my lords I am now
so far onward on my way as I will lay myself at his Majesty's
feet; and doubt not but to give him satisfaction that nothing
but necessity forced this at the first, and that nothing was more
seriously intended than the abolition thereof by little and
little, as the State could be able to bear it. To conclude,
therefore I beseech you to make all possible speed with the
sale of the carrick goods; for I see the Commissioners are
much too slow, and such are like to be the expenses present,
especially if his Majesty be resolute in this, as either he will
be displeased, or confusion will follow. As soon as I am
arrived, and have had my first access, you shall be advertised
what I find, and I will be the next messenger myself.
Huntingdon, 16 April, 1603. |
[PS.]—I am now at Huntingdon, where I met this advertisement, from whence I mean to go to Grantham or Newark to
bed, and so to York to-morrow at night, where the King stays
till Tuesday.
1 p. (99. 118.) |
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 16. |
Refers to his 30 years' service in the wars
and in the Netherlands, on account of which he was preferred
to this charge; but by great disbursements for the finishing
of those works which Paul Juye, her Majesty's moneys being
expended, left imperfect: by his great loss of horses in the wars:
and by his continual entertainment of all strangers and others:
his small patrimony is spent, and he has now no other means
to live on but his place, and the hope of his Prince's bounty.
Prays Cecil to remember his services to the King, that he may
be continued in his place and allowance.—Pendenas Castle,
16 April, 1603.
1 p. (99. 119.) |
Lord Eure to the Same. |
1603, April 16. |
Thanks Cecil for his letters and assurance
of favour. Expresses his grief at the loss of the Queen.—
Bremen, 16 April, 1603.
Holograph. Signed, Fra: Eure.
Endorsed: "L. Euers."
½ p. (99. 120.) |
Sir J. Fortescu to the King. |
1603, April 16. |
His age and inability of body prevent him
from waiting upon the King. Of his 48 years' service to the
late Queen. Acknowledges the King's goodness in continuing
him in his place.—16 April, 1603.
Endorsed: "Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer."
1 p. (99. 121.) |
Tho. Wattson to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 17. |
On your departure from hence I received
letters from Mr. Treasurer dated the 8th inst, requiring me to
entreat you to move the King to give him warrant to pay the
army, from the day of her Majesty's death forward; for he
has now no warrant to issue money but at his own peril. He
entreats you to move his Majesty to renew his patent of his
office of Treasurer at Wars, and also the commission for taking
his accounts. For the present, nothing can be done therein,
to his great charge and hazard, having two accounts ready to
be declared, wherein the auditors will do nothing till the commission be renewed. I pray you think upon his honest and
faithful service, and make him known to the King, for he has
few friends about the King. Sir Anthonie Standon is lately
gone from Dublin to his Majesty, by whom Mr. Treasurer has
written. I was ready to have followed you, but am now
enforced to stay to attend the business of the exchange, for the
Lords this day are pleased, on receipt of your letters, to give
order to the commissioners appointed for the sale of the carrick
goods to deliver the suitors a full half part in goods,
wherein I must of necessity be employed.—From my Lord
Treasurer's house, 17 April, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 122.) |
Th. Smith to Mr. Secretary [Cecil]. |
1603, April 17. |
He sent yesterday by the post the transcripts
of the dispatch from Breame. Has sent away the commissions
to my Lord Deputy by an express messenger, my Lord Treasurer
being of opinion that they were fit to be so sent rather than to
be committed to the running post, and with them has sent Mr.
Secretary's letter. This morning he received a packet which
Mr. Secretary dispatched from Huntingdon, and has delivered
the enclosures.—Whitehall, 17 April 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 123.) |
Justices of the Peace in his Highness's town of Tamworth,
to the Council. |
1603, April 17. |
The great blessing of the King's accession.
Having occasion to fear that the recusants hope of some other
governor, and grow somewhat bold in their affection, they have
apprehended one Joane Allen, an obstinate recusant, and by
examinations made, learn that the recusants expect the Spaniard
or some other to be their king. They enclose notes hereon, and
ask the Council's directions.—Tamworth, 17 April 1603. |
Signed, John Allen, and Thomas Ashley (baylies); Humfrey
Ferrers (knight, high steward); Anth. Dyot (recorder); and
Henr. Michell (town clerk).
1 p. (99. 124.) |
Lord Treasurer Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil. |
[1603], April 17. |
I am full of opinion with you that Tyrone
being come in, some convenient course of contentment is fit to
be taken about Michaelmas next. But in the meanwhile the
money we send, and that which shall be defalted for victual,
may be issued and divers other good considerations thought
upon. I retain Mr. Lake's letter and your own till you come,
which I beseech God send with your health. I have herewith
sent the two captain Haeses unto you for the stay of the
other would have hindered the service, for he is well acquainted
with the matter and will speak more confidently than the other
though not so effectually. I will religiously follow your counsel
in not taking any oath, nor doing anything else to complete the
matter; nay, so far I am from that, when I first see his Majesty
I mean to render up all unto him. If I receive it not from his
own regal hand, I desire not to keep it. Here is nothing
happened since your going worthy the advertisement, all things
being well and as you left them. The Lo. of Kinloss himself
doth write to the K. not to be too hasty to restore a new coin
all at one blow. You know it is a matter impossible.—17 April,
at 9 of the clock at night.
Holograph. 1 p. (180. 68.) |
Sir Robert Cecil to the Council. |
1603, April 18. |
I came to this city yesternight after midnight, having made that day a long journey. I had access to
his Majesty in the morning, and speech with him for the
space of one hour or thereabout, which could not be longer by
reason of his Highness dining with the Lord Mayor of this
city, and presently after taking his journey to Sir Edward
Stanhope's, ten miles hence, whither I purpose to follow if I
may be provided of lodging. So as in this short space and
laborious travail, your Lordships, I hope, will not expect
much from me for your satisfaction in those things I had in
charge. But this far has his Majesty resolved. That the day
of his coronation shall hold at the time thought fit by your
Lordships, which is the 25th of July, with express signification
that provision be so made for the accomplishing of it at that
time that no delay may defer it. His pleasure also [is] that
the Queen shall be crowned jointly with his Highness;
wherefore to the end that it may so be, his Majesty will give
order for the journeys that her Highness is to make, and
your Lordships are to take order for the ladies that are to go
from thence. Wherein by our computation we think that the
ladies which are to be sent so far as Barwick may depart from
London the Monday or Tuesday after the funerals, which will
be about the second of May, and may be at Barwick by the
15th or 16th day. Those ladies his Majesty would not have to
be many, and all the rest to attend her Highness when she shall
be within forty miles of London. Who shall go to Barwick,
and how many, and who shall stay there, could not be any
resolution taken so soon. But this night, or early in the
morning, I hope to attend his Majesty again, and then will
know his pleasure, and bring your Lordships word thereof
at my return, which by God's grace shall be about Friday or
Saturday, by which time I hope to have commodity to know
his resolution in that and in such other things as your Lordships
have committed to me. And seeing this course is to be held
for the Queen, we have foreseen that if his Majesty should hold
on his journeys thither with such speed as he has begun, he
would be near London before the funerals, or at the very
time. So as the State could not attend both the performance
of that duty to our late Sovereign, and of this other of his
Majesty's reception. Wherefore some alteration is to be made
of the former "gistes" [gestes] by staying his Highness either at
Worshop [?Worksop] or at my brother's house at Burghley;
and we do purpose so to cast it that about the 29th of this
month his Majesty may be at Mr. Sadleir's house at Standon,
and on the Monday following be met by your Lordships and
the State, and on Tuesday be brought to my house at Thebaldes,
which course, if it hold, or whatsoever else his Majesty shall
determine when I have had further speech with him, your
Lordships shall be hourly advertised. |
The course appointed for the Queen in her journey is hitherto
this. That her Highness shall set out from Edinburgh about the
14th day of May, make four days' journey to Barwick, from
thence to take for her travel to London one month's space. So
as it is like she shall be with the King's Majesty about the first
of July, or before.—York, 18th April 1603.
Signed. 2 pp. (99. 125.) |
The Council to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 19. |
They enclose an examination touching some
very lewd speeches wherewith Phillip Maye, a servant of the
Lord Chamberlain's, has been charged by one Prickett. They
have taken order to commit Maye to the Tower, and for further
examination. |
It is said for certain that Gerard the priest is gone toward
the King, who being a man so ill disposed as he is, and his access
dangerous to the King, they are bound to think carefully thereof
and to advertise Cecil.—From his Majesty's palace of Whitehall,
19 April, 1603. |
PS.—The parties being confronted, Maye makes a very weak
denial of it. |
Signed. Notingham, E. Worcester, T. Howard, W. Knollys,
Ed. Wotton, J. Stanhope, E. Bruce, and Jo. Popham.
1 p. (99. 128.) |
Edward Becher to the Same. |
[1603], April 19. |
Begs Cecil to take the bearer, his son, into
his service.—Finchiamstede, 19 April.
Endorsed: "1603."
½ p. (99. 129.) |
Richard Percivall to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 19. |
A great personage either has or intends to
procure from the Bishop of Durham a lease of his house here.
If he speed, there will be little hope for you to have that commodity which the very form and shape of your own house must
needs make you to desire. If you could get a lease for 21 years,
which will not be difficult for you to obtain, in making away
your own, you will find a change much to your contentment;
but herein you must lose no opportunity. Mathew Patison
has taken order to stay it for some small time, without using
your name, and will undertake, if you can get a lease of the
Bishop, to procure a confirmation from the Dean and Chapter. |
George Calvert came with a packet from Paris, which, having
taken a copy of it for the Lords, is sent herewith. His private
message mentioned in the Ambassador's letter is contained in
the enclosed.—From his Majesty's Palace of Whitehall, 19
April, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (99. 130.) |
Lord Cockburn to the Same. |
1603, April 19. |
Refers to their former acquaintance, which
he thinks it a duty to renew, after this happy union of the whole
isle, whereof Cecil has been a special instrument, to his eternal
praise. Acknowledges Cecil's favours, and offers services.
If any affair occurs there touching him in particular, he begs
Cecil to remember him as one honoured with his friendship.
Recommends the bearer, who has honourably reported of Cecil
and his actions, when all were not of the like opinion as the
greatest party: he means his Majesty himself was contented
sometimes to hear it out of his mouth.—Edinburgh, 19 April,
Holograph. Signed, Kokburn.
Endorsed: "The Lord Cocburne."
1 p. (187. 31.) |
Edward Hayes to the Same. |
1603, April 20. |
The Lord Treasurer sent his kinsman Captain
Thomas Hayes and himself with letters to Cecil. They came
from London on Monday, but by a sore fall he was constrained
to stay at Grantham to be dressed by a bonesetter. They send
the letters by a trusty servant, and they mind to attend Cecil
at Worsep [?Worksop] in the morning.—20 April, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (99. 131.) |
William Brewster to the Same. |
1603, April 20. |
Since the Council banished the priests and
recusants from me, and left me 14 poor men to take charge of
the papists their benefactors' hearts have been so hardened
against them which here do remain as not one penny of money
ever came here for their relief, so that I have no means to defray
my weekly charges, which is as great to me as if the whole
company had stayed. I pray you give me some allowance,
otherwise I must famish. You allow great allowance in the
Tower, and almost so great in the Gatehouse, for such prisoners
of like quality as the State commits to me. I require but 12s.
a week a man. I have spent in this service 1,100l. and 40l.
of my own stock, and now am utterly undone if you relieve me
not.—Castle at Framlingham, 20 April, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 132.) |
—to Monsieur de Launay. |
1603, April 21/May 1. |
From Brussels 1 May 1603. I shall go to
Antwerp within two days if God permits. I will speak to the
Genoese and do everything to satisfy you with regard to the
remitting of your moneys. There is not much news here. Time
and the witness of distinguished people of this Court confirm
that the Archduke upon the news of the Queen of England's
death lost no time but at once dispatched secretly a gentleman
to the new King with a letter of congratulation on the greatness
which he had already long prophesied for his Majesty. The
reply to this promises good relations between that Crown and
his Highness. They say these princes will send the Marquis
di Hauré as Ambassador to England to pay in full manner the
compliments usual on these occasions. As for Ostend his
Highness is still there and is leaving nothing undone for its
capture. Engineers and troops will assemble there from every
side. Our hopes of taking it grow therefore every day and
many assert that the enemy is stupefied at having lost the
support which has failed him by . . . [illegible]. This year
he will expect rather to have to defend himself than to attack.
The other day the Duke of Aumala set out from this Court for
Luxemburg where he goes to meet those who are coming from
Lorraine (Lorena). From Germany we hear that the Jucari(?)
are enlisting people furiously by order of his Catholic Majesty.
The day before yesterday some Dutch Fributi took some
prisoners in the river of Antwerp but some of their spies were
taken who went off sursum corda. The Duke of Arsiot is still
here somewhat pressed by his creditors and should set out soon
per la volta di casa. The Jubilee to which countless numbers
of the devout have come will end to-morrow.
Unsigned. Italian. Seal broken. 1 p. (187. 35.) |
W. Cade to Lord —. |
1603, April 22. |
Was distracted before he could resolve to
send these letters, the rumour being that the English lords
beyond sea were sent for, and he feared Lord — would
by returning be disappointed of this second bill of exchange.
Details of former remittances. |
The late Queen shall be buried on Thursday the 28th of
April at Westminster, for whose obsequies there is great preparation, and 12,000 yards of black proportioned for mourners,
and yet thought it will be too little. All mourn in black cloth,
both lords, ladies and all others. The King hastens now towards
London, and will be at Charterhouse on Saturday the last of
April. He has sent Lord — a note of the Scottish train.
The Queen being great with child and left behind the King, is
reported to be at Berwick, and on Monday May 2 divers
ladies, whereof two are countesses, two baronesses, two ladies,
and two maids of honour, are appointed to go to attend her
grace: the Countess of Worcester, the Countess of Kildare and
the Lady Riche being of them, it is said. Her Grace as soon as
possible will come with his Majesty's young sons and daughters,
and so repair to the King. There is great fame spread of the
King's wisdom, affability, learning and usage to each person
that has come to see him. The coronation is not expected
before St. James's Day, howbeit it is thought his Highness will
not endure to lie so long in the Tower, being so close in air.
It is said the Countess of Warwick is married, and has been
so these two years and more, to Sir Foulke Grevill: and that
Mrs. Hyde, one of the Queen's maids, has been married these
two years to Sir John Osburne, and yet the Queen deceased
never knew of it. He desires to know whether two packets of
letters sent to Florence have come to Lord —'s hands.—
22 April 1603. |
PS.—"My lady your wife, my lady your mother, and Mr.
Dudley, who is said to be the goodliest and sweetest child that
any man may behold, are all well."
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 133.) |
Stephen Lesieur to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 22. |
At the time your letter of March 9 was
delivered to me we received here the first news of the death of
our gracious Queen, which gave me occasion to desist from
troubling you with our answer, considering your other most
important affairs. We are now upon our return homewards
with all expedition. The reasons are partly specified in a
letter to the Lords, therefore I will defer whatsoever you expect
from me till I may yield it you in person.—Bremen, 22 April,
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 32.) |
Dr. Ch. Parkins to the Same. |
1603 [April 25]. |
Your affairs not yielding access, I write.
The Venetian being informed from the lord you know of, that
there was not as yet commission out sufficient to satisfy his
desires, so resteth till better opportunity shall serve. He
shewed me the sentence wherein with other lords your name is
expressed. I suppose your servants using your name to countenance their cause, the officers of the court by mistaking
used your name as principal defendant. It may seem convenient your advocate were dealt withal to use some good
means to reform what hath been mistaken.—This Easter
Holograph. Seal. ½ p.
Endorsed: "1603."
(97. 92.) |
Sir Thomas Posthumus Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 25. |
He begs leave to attend Cecil when his
Majesty comes to Theobalds, and to kiss his Majesty's hands.
It being likely that by the death of two knights, who were of
the Council of the North, that commission may be renewed;
he prays to be admitted to one of their places. Of that rank
there is not any before him in antiquity that is not already of
that commission, Sir Edward Yorke only excepted.—25 April,
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 134.) |
Thomas Lake to the Same. |
1603, April 25. |
I received this morning here your letters
touching Lord Cobham and Sir George Carew, and at the King's
desjune I was with him. At the matter of Lord Cobham he
made good sport, and so passed it over. Thereupon I offered
him letters that Sir Walter Ralegh had obtained, one to himself,
for continuance of process and the course of justice in the Duchy
of Cornwall, a matter but of formality: another to the Lord
Treasurer to forbear to intermeddle with the possessions of the
Duchy until the King had determined what to do with it. This
grew upon information made of the waste of woods and parks,
and ill handling of the lands of that Duchy. If my Lord
Treasurer have aught to reply, I think the King will be ready
to hear of the other ear; for upon the offering of these letters
he said that this was all that he had to allege for excuse of his
coming, and that he promised to write those letters, and willed
me they might be speedily delivered that he were gone again,
and to my seeming he hath taken no great root here. |
It pleased his Majesty also to sign the warrant to the Lord
Keeper for the two serjeants, one at my suit, the other at Mr.
Hudson's. I beseech you it may be delivered to his lordship,
and furthered with your good word if need be. The King has
also bestowed the two deaneries vacant of Lichfield and Norwich,
one upon Mr. Peter Yong his schoolmaster, the other upon one
Mongommery at the suit of the Earl of Marre, and has signed
two bills for them, which I made by his commandment. |
I am willed also by my Lord Henry to signify to you from the
King, who is now ready to go to horse, that his pleasure is that
after the staff broken at the funerals by the L. Thomas, he shall
notwithstanding bring a white staff to Theobalds, and that if
it need any express warrant, either you shall use one of the
blanks you have, or send hither, and a warrant shall be sent
with all speed. |
I send you also herewith the bill signed for Sir George Carew,
which I got this morning with great ease, the King remembering that he had promised it to you, and willing me to require
Sir George Carew, if he were to go with the provisions for
the Queen, he should make all haste. |
I beseech you favour my father-in-law in the matter I wrote
of before about Alderman Moore's place, for here has been great
suit for the Lord Mayor of London, but the King has answered
he had disposed of it at my suit, so as I would be loth it should
be disappointed. The King is going back to Sir John Harrington's to hunt, and lies there all night, and hither again
to-morrow. Yesternight came hither my Lord of Southampton
and my Lord of Pembroke, and have been well used: and this
morning my Lord Maltravers has been with his Majesty. How
they all speed, my Lord Henry will best advertise you.—Burley,
25 April, 1603.
Holograph. 2 pp. (99. 135.) |
Sir Robert Cecil to the Master of Gray. |
1603, April 25. |
I have received from you a letter, full of wise
and friendly advices wherein although I cannot equal you in
the first, (because I have had less change of fortune than you,
and so have less experience of the world) yet for any office of
honest friendship, I am able to pay you to the full as well as
you can do me; honesty having ever been the greatest study
of my life. For the description you have made of his Majesty,
this I must say without flattery, that although you have had
the happiness long to know and serve him, yet his virtues are
so eminent, as by my six days' kneeling at his feet I have made
so sufficient a discovery of his royal perfections, as I contemplate greater felicity to this isle than ever it enjoyed. For my
own carriage, in respect of the dispositions of those who have
place and credit about him, this I say: as when I was free, my
heart never harboured thought against him (either in his person
or in his state, which your own soul can best witness) so now
that I am become his humble subject and servant, I am fully
resolved (while breath lasts) to depend upon himself only, and
to associate only those whom I shall find freest from private
ends, wherein (for these whom you mistrust to be no great
friends to you) all that I can say to you is this: that it is more
than I can find by them for the little time I have conversed with
them. But it remains now that I say something of your
request made to me in your letter. First, that I should clear
you to the King, for ever having sought to draw me into any
practice against his person or state; for which I leave you this
record under my hand, that you never did propound to me any
such thing, [the following struck out, "nor to any creature else,
to my knowledge"] but rather have laboured to draw me to
particular overtures of service, by your privity and convoy in
my late Sovereign's time, wherein, as I always answered you
in one fashion, as well for the inward clearness of my heart
towards his Majesty in future, as for my resolution in the
present, never to declare it further than I had done, so since
I heard something which should proceed from your mouth to
the King of me, (and saw how continually you urged my
addresses, sometime securing and sometime giving me cause
to doubt of any great favour intended toward me) I confess I
grew suspicious that your endeavour to draw me to that course
proceeded rather out of some particular end of your own, than
merely out of the clear fountain of good will which you so much
professed, and I for my power have been so willing to deserve.
I must therefore now be plain with you, that amongst other
things I have heard it reported from your own mouth, that
the beginning or contracting of our two friendships had his
special foundation upon our meeting in a bourdelle. Now,
Sir, how strange and unworthy an invention this were to have
proceeded from you, I refer to your own judgment, whose own
knowledge of the monstrous impiety and untruth thereof cannot
but convince you; and therefore blame me not, to require
satisfaction therein, or else to protest that Actum est de amicitia;
for although I may have had my frailties as all the sons of Adam,
yet I have ever scorned that opprobrious base course of life,
wherein if I had fallen you, nor the greatest subject in England,
should not have had it in your power to have proscribed my
reputation. Now for your papers, this I say, if I keep any,
it is not with purpose to accuse you, but if it be true that you
have thus far wronged me, I must keep them to excuse myself.
But where you write that you are informed that I have already
sent back your papers, it makes me jealous that you can accuse
yourself of some ill merit towards me, for otherwise you would
not suspect me for any such proceeding, seeing the office of an
informer has never been the badge of my profession. Lastly,
for your son, it is true that, in respect I conceived you wished
my standing with the King, though I liked not the form you
pressed, I was willing to show any courtesy to the child, a
matter scarce worth the remembrance. But then I was not a
subject, as now I am, and accountable for all things, be they
never so indifferent, in which respect I must entreat you not to
mistake my retreat from any such course, for till I have my
master's warrant that he is satisfied towards you, I must be
excused from any privacy; only to prevent any sudden
["disappointment," struck out] to the young gentleman (to
whom I have no cause to wish but well,) I have resolved to send
him 100 crowns for his present use in that remote place, till
you take further order. And so in expectation of a just answer
from you, I suspend all other judgment of you, as one in wish
to still have cause to be, your honest friend.—Undated.
Draft with corrections by Cecil.
Endorsed: "Minute to the Master of Gray, 25 April, 1603."
2 pp. (187. 30.)
An eighteenth century copy of the above. 3 pp. (99. 136.) |
Raff. Sheldon to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 28. |
Acknowledges his favours, and beseeches
him to accept "this trifle."—Beoley, 28 April, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (99. 139.) |
Henry, Lord Mordaunt, to the Same. |
1603, April 28. |
When he was at Court at Sir Anthony
Mildmay's on Wednesday last, he heard of a supplication to
the King for the stay of felling wood in Brigstock Parks
[Northampton]. At the King's departure from Apthorp, the
inhabitants exclaimed of it, but the King made no reply in his
hearing. Details various proceedings taken in the matter.—
Drayton, 28 April, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 140.) |
Roger Ayscoughe and eleven others to the Council. |
1603, April 28. |
Shortly before the late Queen's decease,
the Council sent orders to them, the sheriff and justices of
Nottingham, to apprehend idle persons and masterless men,
to be delivered at Hull by March 31 last to be transported to the
Low Countries for the service of the States; which business
not proceeding on account of the Queen's death, later letters
were directed to them to the same effect. But the time above
appointed for the delivery of the men being long since past,
they desire fresh instructions.—Mannsfeild, 28 April, 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (99. 141.) |
William Fouler to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 28. |
Offers services. Assures Cecil of his affection, of which he trusts their Sovereign shall some day bear
record, whose hands have delivered to him the enclosed writing.
If there be any defects therein, he begs Cecil to impute them to
his own insufficiency.—Edinburgh, 28 April, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 142.) |
Lord Scroope to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, [April 28.] |
My servant Francis Nicolson is to be
called as a witness of words uttered against his Majesty in
his hearing. I am persuaded he has more wit than to give
occasion to be called in question. He has served me 20 years,
being never busy with so great matters and persons. I request
you, if there be nothing to be said to him, he may be forthwith
discharged and sent to me. Otherwise, that he may remain
at Somerset House till my coming, and I will pawn you my
honour to re-enter him to you at my coming up, which will be
within this fortnight.
Endorsed: "1603." |
Postal endorsements: For ye K's special affaires: At Langer
the twentieth and eight of April at six before noone. Hast
post for life life life. Th. Scroope. |
Grantam the 28 day at past 7 in the morning th[e] sele
craked a[fore] it cam to m[e]. |
Witham, the 2[8 at] ix in the morning. Stamford the 28 at x
in the fore none. Stilton the 28 at past 12 in the at none (sic).
Huntington the 28 at 3 afternoone. Caxton the 28 after 4
after[none]. Ware 28 at eyght in theveninge.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (103. 54.) |
Besnacon to Monsieur de la Fontaine. |
1603, April 28/May 8. |
I wrote you last your letters by the Baron
du Tour's servant addressed to Mr Maurice at the Ambassador's.
Since then nothing has happened. The Ambassador of Savoy
is taking his departure. He has excused his master and protested that he has looked for peace there and made them good
offers of it, advantageous enough to themselves. He begs the
King to persuade them to it. They are then constrained (since
the King would not intervene) by their necessity and the failure
of the promises made to them to accept almost such terms as
will please the Duke. The stroke is displeasing to several of
our neighbours, who in other ways are discontented enough,
especially in Germany and Switzerland. We have granted
66,000 crowns to the States. The Elector Palatine has sent
here the Comte de Solmes with a Mr de Plaitz, upon the action
of Mr de Bouillon and to ask money. They have not yet had
their audience. They have been much put off up to the
present. We are awaiting your news for Mr de Rehan to resolve
on his voyage. There is an agent here of the Genevese (Messieurs
de Genefue) who is charged to receive what you know. When
you have communicated with him you will be advised of everything. It has been reported to the King that the King of
England has relieved Mr Raugley [Ralegh] of his charge of
Captain of the Guard and that Lord Cobham has returned very
discontent at the ill treatment he has received at the instance
of Mr. Cicil. Our Ambassador is very well treated in Spain.
The last person to return from there says that they have sent
an army to the Indies and have built fifteen galleons. One
could learn but it means expense and I cannot do anything
else for the present. Fontainebeleau, 8 May, 1603.
Holograph. French, 1 p. (99. 162a.) |
Sir Henry Cocke to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 29. |
Asks Cecil's directions as to preparations
for meeting the King at Broxborne on Tuesday next.—
Broxborne, 29 April, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 144.) |
Sir George More to the King. |
1603, April 29. |
Congratulatory reflections upon the King's
accession. Begs the King to extend his grace to him, his wife
and children: and that, for the sufferance he has had, both for
the King's mother and the King, he may end his days in the
King's service. As he was wronged in Scotland by malicious
reports, which he discovered to Lord Angus, so on his return
to Flanders untruths were also furthered upon him, as he can
show, if the King will admit him to his presence.—Bourdeaux,
29 April, 1603.
Holograph. 2 pp. (99. 143.) |
The Same to the Earl of Angus. |
1603, April 29. |
Understands some false reports have been
made to the King against him. All the evil he spoke of the
King in Flanders was that he found him resolute in his religion,
without hope of conversion, or any assurance of toleration of
religion in England if he should come to be the King: but his
enemies made false additions thereto. Begs Angus to mediate
for him, that he may purge himself before the King, if his letter
does not give him satisfaction.—Bourdeaux, 29 April, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 151.) |
Sir John Fortescu to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, April 30. |
Expresses his readiness to serve Cecil in
"this matter."—Last of April, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (99. 145.) |
Anne, Lady Cobham, to the Same. |
[1603], April 30. |
Her miserable estate was such that she
was constrained to match her eldest daughter to Serjeant
Heron's eldest son without any conditions of jointure, the
Serjeant hoping thereby to gain favour by her friends, and she
hoping to obtain assurance for her daughter's children. The
Serjeant now desires his son to be knighted, and will settle
an estate capable of that dignity on him and his children. She
begs Cecil to further the matter. Refers to the present
knighting of men of mean quality.—Last of April.
Endorsed: 1603.
1 p. (99. 146.) |
[Sir Robert Cecil] to "D. Floyd, D. Creake, D. Wood, &c." |
1603, April. |
About two months since the writer entreated
them to allow certain allegations tendered by Michael Wade,
an appellant, before them from a sentence given by the Dean of
the Arches against Wade for John Kiblewhite, in a cause
of matrimony. He is now informed that his letters are
prejudicial to the cause of justice; he will therefore like
well if they will proceed in the cause according to justice,
notwithstanding those letters.—The Court, April 1603.
Endorsed: "Minute of a letter to be written to the Judges
1 p. (99. 148.) |
[The Same] to [the Master of Gray]. |
[1603, c. April.] |
Although I cannot hide my nature so much
but that I must confess I was in choler when I wrote unto you
of that false child which was fathered on you, yet I never
resolve of any such matter, as the change of former friendships
(knit upon honest grounds) whilst passion governs, because that
time is unfit for such resolutions. (Only according to my
"playnes") I must either have been cleared by your honest
and just answers, or condemned of that base tale, for which,
if I would longer last, the subject of such a discourse I could
(notwithstanding that real satisfaction, which you have given
me) vouch my author to make you see, I had reason to challenge,
as now I have reason to remain contented. To conclude,
therefore, let this letter serve for this ground, that howsoever
tales may fly, I will never think that you have willingly hurt
me, howsoever it may be, your forms have not always been
plainly delivered me. This, I protest to God, I believe, for as
you had cause to love me, because you knew I loved your King,
when he was not mine, so in the time of my late dear Mistress,
you found never ill effect of my poor credit with her. To conclude, I have given you testimony under my hand, that I never
knew you guilty of any prejudice to our Sovereign. I have
confirmed it, and I do not find that his Majesty has any other
conceit. For any other errors in Scotland I have no knowledge
of anything, but this I say, that when I find you so cleared in
his Majesty's favour for all things, as my dealing for you may
avail you, and not prejudice me, you may promise yourself in
that time, which is not yet with me, being novus homo, and cast
into a narrow path, I shall make you see that nothing remains
but good wishes in the heart of your loving friend.—Undated.
Endorsed in hand of Cecil's Secretary: "1603. Copy of my
Lord's letter to the Master of Gray."
1 p. (99. 149.) |
Earl of Oxford to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603 [?April]. |
Asks directions as to what is required of
them by the Council for attending or meeting his Majesty.
Expresses his grief at the Queen's death. "Your assured
friend and unfortunate brother in law."—Undated.
Holograph. Signed, E. Oxenford.
Endorsed: "1603."
1 p. (99. 150.) |
Dionise Cambell to the Same. |
1603 [April]. |
When at the Court of Scotland he sustained
all storms and jealousies, for he then held what was to the
judgment of most in Court a palpable heresy concerning
Cecil's disposition to his Majesty's right of succession: which
now has grown a sound opinion, whereof the chief councillors
here from Scotland are good witnesses: and the King being
challenged by him to that effect, very graciously acknowledged
it, and gave very princely and kind speeches of Cecil, to Cambell's
unspeakable joy. The same love enforced him to take this
journey, to make a little payment of the infinite debt he owes
Cecil's father and himself, by acquainting Cecil with such
matters as he could learn of some of the Council of Scotland here,
or gather of their designs. He was informed by the Secretary
of Scotland of Cecil's coming to York. Desires to know when
and where he shall attend him.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603."
1 p. (99. 126.) |
Robert Lee, Lord Mayor of London, to Lord Buckhurst,
Lord Treasurer. |
1603, April. |
Buchurst directed him to confer with his
brethren and others concerning the levying of 20,000l. by way
of loan upon interest for 6 months, and to have the carrick
goods in pawn to the value of 30,000l. or else buy so much of
the goods as will raise 20,000l. He finds them utterly unfurnished to supply such a sum, especially in this the spring
of the year, they having employed their moneys and credit
in cloth and other commodities usually sent at this time into
foreign parts; so that they can neither raise the loan nor buy
the carrick's goods.—London, April, 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (99. 108.) |
Lord Cobham to the King. |
1603 [April]. |
I have not hitherto prest like other men to
make myself known to your Majesty or your ministers, being
secured therein as well by the soundness of your judgment as
the integrity of my duty, which made me that I could not fear
that other men should forestall your favour by their untimely
intention, but rather hope that your Majesty should make my
sincere and undivided service unto my present mistress an
argument of my future fidelity unto yourself; which from this
time forward I shall rather desire effectually to show than to
promise. Your Majesty doth already understand the proceedings here by a general letter from us all; but lest for want
of right information you might attribute more or less to any
than is due I hold it my duty to testify thus much, that it is
not the credit or device of any one that can challenge anything
specially, but it was an universal assent of all which gave
this speedy and dutiful passage unto your Majesty's rightful
claim, fear and necessity working the same effect in the ill
affected (if there were any such) that duty and allegiance
did in all the rest. Though my longing be great to present
my service to your Majesty in person and to kiss your royal
hands, yet I shall be forced to stay some few days to perform
those rites in my private charge in the behalf of your Majesty
which I have assisted amongst the rest of my fellows in this
place. That being performed, if I receive not your commandment to the contrary I shall not rest till my eyes have seen
that blessing which this kingdom hath long desired; and I
doubt not but your Majesty shall in your service acknowledge
me to be a member of that house which hath yet never been
unfaithful to their masters.
Holograph, unsigned. 2 pp. (102. 154.) |
[The King] to [the Earl of Kent.] |
1603 [April.] |
Forasmuch as we are desirous to free our
cousin the lady Arbella Stuart from that unpleasant life which
she hath led in the house of her grandmother with whose severity
and age she, being a young lady, could hardly agree, we have
thought fit for the present to require you as a nobleman of
whose wisdom and fidelity we have heard so good report to be
contented for some short space to receive her into your house,
and there to use her in that manner which is fit for her calling,
having the rather made choice of you than of any other because
we are informed that your nephew is matched with her cousin
germain in which respect she will like better of that place than
of a stranger's until further order be taken.
Draft [in the same hand as the letter of May 11 on p. 82 below.]
Endorsed: "1603. Mynute from his Maty to the old
Countess of Shr. concerning the Lady Arbella."
1 p. (135. 177.) |
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603, [April]. |
I understand that the Earl of Mar with Sir
William Melvin and the Lord of Holirodhous is come. It is
reported they are sent by his Majesty on some special cause,
so it may be you cannot hold your determinate hour you
yesternight appointed with me. I will appoint my occasions
as you direct, and will put off my going to Ware till to-morrow
early, for I desire to be clear and to have all imputation taken
from me. I pray you send me word whether the King did write
for young Essex to come unto him.
Holograph. Undated.
Endorsed: "1603."
1 p. (99. 109.) |
Thomas Blundevile to the King. |
[1603, ? April.] |
The speech of Francis Burnell commonly
called Capt. Burnell and Vice-Admiral of Essex under the Lord
High Admiral, told to me his uncle Thomas Blundevile at my
house of Newton Flotman in Norfolk about Maundy Thursday
[21 April, 1603,] last, touching the Jesuits and Seminary priests
which to the number of 24 were delivered out of Framyngham
Castle in Suffolk about [the time of] the death of our late Queen
Elizabeth; and by commandment of her Majesty's Council
were conveyed by Mr. Bowes from Harwich to Calais, who for
his favour showed ofttimes towards them and others their like
in conveying them by commandment out of this realm had
gained well by them. |
Your Majesty may understand that Capt. Burnell being sent
by the Lord Admiral upon business unto Harwich at that very
instant that the Jesuits stayed there and in that haven tarrying
for a prosperous wind, fell in company with one of them named
Francis Tilleston alias Lawson—which second name no man
in England knew but Sir Robert Cecil, as the Jesuit reported,
who requested Captain B. to send for a quart of such sack as
he the Jesuit had tasted in another house to his liking; saying
the captain should pay for the same and the Jesuit would acquit
it some other way: which request the captain performed.
Whilst they were drinking they entered into divers speeches,
and specially of divinity. The Jesuit finding the captain
affable and willing to hear such discourse began to persuade
him to favour their religion, affirming that to be the true religion,
and if the captain would do so he would help him to 100l. and
more whensoever he should have need, by only showing such
privy token to their Pursebearer or Treasurer as he did then
show him: which was but to cross the two little fingers of his
hands one within another so as his two thumbs might meet in
the top face to face. To which kindness of the Jesuit Captain
B. having need of money began to hearken and soothed whatsoever the Jesuit said, who was very well pleased. But after
much talk of their religion the Jesuit began to sigh and told
the captain he was much grieved to know that 8 of his companions had conspired the death of your Majesty and all your
offspring, which was but 4 persons in all as they thought,
making no difficulty thereof, but only how to kill the babe which
was as yet in the womb of the Queen. The Captain hearing
this high and horrible treason began to be so much moved as
he thought his hair to stand right up. The day being so far
spent as it was needful for the Jesuit to take boat for Mr. Bowes's
ship, he departed. Though the captain went also immediately
to his bed, he could not sleep for thinking of this horrible
conspiracy, so about midnight he rose and taking a strong boat
rowed to your Majesty's ship the Lion which lay in Harwich
haven, the captain whereof is Captain Turnor, then vice-admiral
in the absence of Sir Robert Mansell who was gone to London.
He called up Capt. Turnor, feigning he had a message unto him
from my Lord Admiral, who caused him to be brought up
into his cabin. All other company being thence removed they
had some conference what was best to be done touching this
matter, and their resolution was that Capt. Burnell should go
to Mr. Bowes's ship wherein all the Jesuits were. Capt. Burnell
at his coming to that ship having opened some part of the
matter to Mr. Bowes indeed wrought so with him as he secretly
called the Jesuit Tilleston from his company to speak with
Burnell, whereunto the Jesuit very willingly consented, and
descended into Capt. Burnell's boat with Mr. Bowes his guardian
and another gentleman whose name Burnell knoweth not.
Being come to the Lion Capt. Turner friendly received them
into his cabin, and being all there quietly assembled without
any other witnesses Burnell began first to speak, earnestly
desiring the Jesuit to utter before that company such speech
touching the conspiracy as he had the evening before declared
unto him. Whereunto the Jesuit after some pause willingly
condescended, and openly told all the matter as he had before
told the same to Burnell. His speech being ended the rest of
the audience desired Capt. Burnell to put the same in writing,
who answered that the Jesuit being a great learned man could
set down his own tale in writing better than he or any other
present. The Jesuit being earnestly requested by them all
so to do did not refuse, and requiring ink and paper did not
only set down the conspiracy but also by that writing told how
many of our late Queen's councillors were pensioners to the
King of Spain, directing his writing to Sir Robert Cecil and some
others of the Council, and did set his name thereunto, desiring
the others to witness the same by setting their hands also:
which they all did saving Capt. Burnell, who would not set his
name for 2 points whereon he stood, the one as he alleged for
that the Jesuit had set down less, the other that he had set down
more than he had told Capt. B. Whereupon did rise some
dissension, specially for that they could not agree who should
deliver the writing according to the direction. The Jesuit
letted not to charge Capt. Turner upon his allegiance to deliver
it, who answered that his charge was to keep the seas; Mr.
Bowes answered his charge was to deliver the prisoners at
Calais: Capt. Burnell refused the delivery thereof for the two
points before alleged. In the end it was agreed Mr. Bowes
should send up the letter by a post, which he performed
accordingly. So the company severed, but Capt. Burnell
returned to his own lodging, whence he speedily taking horseback rode that night 60 miles without a bait to declare
this matter to my Lord Admiral; who hearing it commanded
Capt. B. to tell the same unto the whole body of the Council,
who made answer that all men of the Council were not the
children of one man, and wished the Lord Admiral first rather
to confer with Sir Robert Cecil that a post might be speedily
sent down for the Jesuit's letter. But Capt. Burnell saw no
great haste to be made therein as Bowes's post was come with
the letters to the Court before any post from the Court was
almost dispatched; which letters of the Jesuit being delivered
to the former 2 Councillors, Burnell doth not know what
became of them. Which history when I had heard I greatly
rebuked my nephew Capt. B. that he did not with all speed
carry those letters himself to your Majesty without making
the Council privy thereunto. He answered he thought it best
to declare the matter unto the foresaid Councillors that all the
Jesuits might be stayed, and thereby to discharge himself also
of concealment. I replied that since he had overslipt so good
an occasion of doing to himself good I counselled him to cause
his nephew Burnell your Highness's harbinger to make the
matter known to your Majesty that you might take such order
as should seem fittest to recover the sight of the letters if it
were possible; which he faithfully promised to do. But hearing
as yet no word thereof I thought it not my duty of allegiance
any longer to conceal the same.
Undated. Unsigned. 3 pp. (102. 131.) |
[See the letter of Fras. Tilletson to Cecil of 9 April, 1603, in
S.P. Dom. Jas. I., Vol. I., No. 15.] |
A Memorial. |
1603 [? April] |
A memorial of matters of special moment
whereof for avoiding of great inconveniences to his Majesty's
affairs it is needful that his highness do speedily revive the
administration. |
By warrant dormant— |
First in matters of payment of moneys. For payment
of his Majesty's Army in Ireland with moneys weekly
impressed besides provisions of apparel and victuals. |
For the coinage of moneys for that kingdom and for
maintenance of the Exchange established for the converting
of moneys of the Irish standard into moneys of England. |
For the continuance of the charge of the late Queen's
household by the custom of the realm, which hath been
maintained in the state as it was in the Princes' lives
until their funerals were performed. |
For the charges of his Majesty's garrisons in the cautionary towns in the Low Countries being pawns for great
sums of money due to this Crown and carefully to be
looked unto for avoiding of mutiny and danger by want of
pay, which is monthly made. |
For the charges of all other forts, castles and holds
upon the sea coasts of this realm necessarily to be looked
unto, the realm being in war with the King of Spain.
Part by warrant dormant and part by warrants upon
occasion— |
For the charges of his Majesty's navy now at the seas
for the necessary defence thereof and preservation of traffic
by and for all other charges incident to his Majesty's
navy which is a great and a necessary charge. |
By new warrants from his Majesty— |
For provision for the funerals of our late sovereign.
For necessary provisions for his Majesty's coronation
and for furniture of the wardrobe for that purpose.
For the maintenance of all his Majesty's ambassadors
and ministers in foreign parts. |
For Matters of Justice and Government. |
The commission to the L. Deputy of Ireland and all other
officers of that Kingdom.
The commissions of the President and Council of the North
and of Wales. |
All commissions and writs of the Judges in the several Courts
of Justice, viz. the Chancery, the Exchequer, the K. Bench
and Common Pleas.
All commissions of the peace in the several counties of this
realm both to the sheriffs and justices.
The governors of the cautionary towns of Flushing and the
The commission for the exercise of the authority of Earl
Marshal necessary for the ordering of things for the coronation. |
Warrant for the renewing of the Great Seal, Privy Seal and
Signets with such style and arms as his Majesty shall think fit,
but specially of the Great Seal, with warrant for the sealing of
such things as his Majesty shall command.
Corrections in Cecil's handwriting. 3 pp. (188. 13.) |
Sir James Elphinstone to Sir Robert Cecil. |
1603 [April or May.] |
Although my cousin bearer hereof be
sufficiently known unto you, and we knew amongst us the
jealousy which some there had of his over great trust with you,
yet upon the assurance I have of that friendship whereby I
may now acknowledge myself to be bound unto you, I am bold
to recommend him unto you that since it hath pleased his
Majesty in recognisance of his good service to continue unto
him that allowance which he had, that it would please you to
interpone your favour at my lord Treasurer's hands that he
may be satisfied.
Endorsed: "1602." And in another hand: Sir Ja. Elpstone
[sic] to my Lord."
½ p. (97. 41.) |
M. Beaumont to Sir R. Cecil. |
[1603 ? April]. |
Begs Cecil to obtain for him an early audience
from the King.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603 French Ambassador."
French. 1 p. (187. 144.) |
William Fouler to James Hudson. |
[? 1603 ? April.] |
It has pleased her Majesty to answer Sir
Robert Cecille's letter by her direction and my dispatch. To
whom in conscience I find a very favourable and sincere
inclination and whensoever occasion shall occur he will find the
effects thereof by proof that now are offered by paper. The
letter tarries the slower for that her Majesty detained them
besides her to accompany others which are not so timely written.
With her permission I have presumed, setting shamefastness
and the poverty of my small merits aside, to trouble his weightier
affairs with the offer of my dutiful services.
Addressed: "James Hudson, gent. and servant to his
Undated. Holograph. ½ p. (188. 11.) |