Sir Henry Cocke to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 1. |
Has received from Sir Henry Butler, high
sheriff, a privy seal for the loan of 100l. His estate is far under
some who are set at 30l.; besides his journey into the North, and
receiving his Majesty at Broxbourne at his first coming up,
deeply emptied his purse. Prays to be eased of some good
part of the privy seal.—Broxborne, 1 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 47.) |
Lord Zouche to [the Same]. |
1604, Oct. 1. |
Encloses schedule of fit men to be collectors
of the loans. "If I thought I might obtain a lodging in Court I
would not fail to desire it, being lodged so far off as my house
does bestow me.—Ludlow, 1 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cranborne's secretary: "L. Zouch to
my Lord." ½ p. (107. 48.) |
The Duke of Lennox to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 3. |
His suit for the alnage of cloth. He purposed
to have been with Cranborne and the rest of the Lords, who are
witnesses of the Lord Treasurer's consent and his Majesty's
grant, to desire dispatch of the suit, but is stayed by illness.
Sends the bearer, to attend the business for him, and begs
Cranborne's assistance.—Hampton Court, 3 Oct. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 49.) |
Nicholas Geffe to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 4. |
Acknowledges Cranborne's favourable letters
to the Masters of Requests. If some had pleased, he might have
been freed within four days of his restraint, his cause appearing
most just and the attempts of his adversaries most wicked.
May not complain of his judges, but his adversaries have been
tenderly handled and himself neglected. Has sent Cranborne a
petition concerning Sir Edward Dyer's detention of money
from him.—4 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 50.) |
Frances, Lady Chandos, to the Same. |
[1604], Oct. 5. |
Cranborne with others of the Council wrote
touching her being at London at the beginning of term. Begs
to be forborne for a month, on account of urgent occasions.
She is most willing to perform what belongs to her touching the
assurance, so that she may have it confirmed by Parliament as
their lordships assured her: otherwise her counsel assures her
that she and my Lord's daughters are in no safety. Begs him to
defend the right of the widow and fatherless.—Sudlye, 5 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 51.) |
The Same to the Council. |
[1604], Oct. 5. |
To the same effect as her letter to Cranborne,
of the same date.—Shudlye, 5 Oct.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 52.) |
The Earl of Kildare to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 5. |
Understands by Mr. Hadsor that the latter has
offered Cranborne certain lands of the writer's near Cranborne
Chase, Dorset. He will afford Cranborne a very reasonable
bargain. The land is of necessity sold from him, for respects that
are not fit to be written. Begs for answer.—5 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 53.) |
Edward Phelipps, George Speke, Nich. Halswell and
14 others to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 6. |
An endeavour has been made many years to
lay an imposition upon Somersetshire concerning a muster
master's pay, and the matter is likely to come before the Council.
The common people are so distasted with some course lately
offered against them that they are more willing to undergo
any charge whatsoever for the King's service than to satisfy
that which, for a particular respect, is sought to be laid upon
them. They commend the matter to Cranborne's wisdom upon
the hearing.—Ilmister, 6 Oct. 1604.
Signed. Endorsed: "Gentlemen of Somersetshire." 1 p.
(107. 54.) |
Mary, Lady Denny, to the Same. |
[1604], Oct. 6. |
Her son is the King's ward and under
Cranborne's protection. Begs for letter to Lord Deputy of
Ireland for the stay of certain lands there purchased by Mr.
Denny; wherein her son is like to be supplanted by Patrick
Crosbie. Details the circumstances. Has entreated her
brother to attend Cranborne's answer.—Starford, 6 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 55.) |
Sir Daniel Dunn to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 6. |
Expresses his gratitude to Cranborne for
obtaining for him his place of service to the King and his
pension.—Doctors' Commons, 6 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 32.) |
King James to the Same. |
[1604], 7 Oct. |
My little beagle, though it be superfluous
to heap coals on a burning fire, to throw water in the sea, to
spur a free running horse, or to furnish more matter to deliberate
on now when ye have all so heavy a task of weighty affairs laid
upon your shoulders, yet such is the shortness and necessity
of the time before the parliament as I must add one point more
to be at this time deliberated upon amongst you; and that is
the matter anent the Marches of Wales, for it will be both a
great dishonour and inconvenient unto me, that the parliament
should bandy that matter amongst them, before I be first at
my wits' end into it. This far only I recommend to your considerations that a king's old prerogative in continual possession
may be in as great security as a private subject's old possession;
that the common law be not made to fight against the king's
authority, that the abuse of a king's predecessor be not a ground
to deprive his successor of his lawful and rightly used privilege,
and that the country of Wales be not too justly grieved by
dismembering from them their ancient neighbours. All other
matters I remit to your care and diligence, but above all, be
earnest in trying and severe in punishing the thievish purveyors, and take all the pains ye can to inform and tune well
the parliament men. |
But now will I go to higher matters and tell you what I have
observed anent the effects of this late eclipse, for as the troglodites of the Nile that dwell in caverns, the shepherds of Arcadia
dwelling in little cabins, the Tartars harbouring in their tents
like the old patriarchs, so I having now remained a while in
this hunting cottage am abler to judge of astronomical motions
than ye that lives in the delicious courts of princes. The effects
then of this eclipse for this year are very many and wondrous.
It shall make divers noblemen at the Court loathe their wives
and wish they were better married, such as Lennox, Pembroke,
and Roxburgh. It shall make some widowers loth to marry
again, the beagle knows who this is; yea, it shall make some
who never were married loth to begin now; this riddle 3
[Northampton] can solve; and all those anticonjugal qualities
do proceed from the malign influence of Phoebus' wrath with
his sister Cynthia, for defrauding his spouse Rhea of the comfort
of his beams by her unmannerly interposition; and the disdain
also that Apollo has taken to have been so violently obscured
hath made him strain himself to shine so much the brighter;
and thereby he being also the god of all prophecy, divers great
mysteries and secrets are discovered and brought to light this
year. First a great dreaming divine hath closed his prophetical
mouth and taken up his clister-spout again, and now very lately
a strangely possessed maid, whose breast was nothing but a
pillow for pins, is by the strength of love and the virtue of
physick dispossessed of all her pins, and spoiled of the rest of
her tricks, but especially by the merit of a perfumed tablet
hanged about her neck, which is as powerful to banish the devil
by the strong scent it hath as ever the smoke of Tobias fish
liver was. Now if my Lord Knollys be yet a St. Thomas, as
the apostle would not believe till he touched, so let him taste
if he please of the tablet, and he will easily guess at the chief
ingredient called Album Graecum, and therefore if any man
knows any lawful impediment why this dreaming prophet
and possessed maid may not be joined together in the bonds
of matrimony, let him declare in time. Sure I am that these
revelations were better bestowed on Stow's chronicle than to
tell how many dishes of wild meat were served at the mayor's
feast. Many other prodigious events are flowed from this
eclipse sed me plura affari vetat Apollo. If Dr. Brusse have lied
no more in all his prophecies he deserves a prophetic crown,
an secus on my conscience he merits to be hanged. Thus
thanking the beagle for this fine peaches and grapes I pray him
to make my commendations to Suffolk and all the rest of his
honest society.
Signed: James R.
Addressed: "To the King's best beagle if he hunt well now
in the hard ways."
Endorsed by Cranborne: "7th October his Majesty from
Royston." 2 seals on red silk. 2½ pp. (134. 79.) |
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 7. |
This being the first messenger we have sent
to the Court or London since we saw you, and never having
heard from thence since our coming hither, we are very desirous
to understand if you have acquainted his Majesty with that
matter which we entreated you to do at Theobalds. We will
send shortly to you for the finishing of that purchase, wherein
we are so deeply bound to you, as can never be forgotten.
From hence we can advertise you of nothing, but of the falling
of the leaves, being compassed round about here with bushes
and trees. God grant you there the spring of all good success
in all your weighty affairs, being the chief homage we poor
countrymen can do to you statists. My wife's best commendations with my brother Sir Charles's service.—Sheffield
Lodge, 7 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 56.) |
The Archbishop of York to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 8. |
The 7th inst. I received letters from the
Council concerning the collection for Geneva &c. According
to his Highness's direction by letters, I sent to all the bishops
of this province, copies both of his Majesty's letter and of other
letters from the Lords. I do not understand that any is collected in Northumberland, Cumberland or Westmorland. My
Lord of Chester sent up what was collected in that diocese;
and what could be got in this diocese was paid by Sir John Benet,
to whom I wrote at that time that I had no hope to get any
more, and am still in the same opinion, for these causes (1) the
country generally complains of want, by reason of subsidy,
double subsidies, the tenths, fifteens, lending of money to his
Majesty, and before to Queen Elizabeth, not yet repaid. (2)
This diocese is sore visited with the sickness, so as places not
infected are greatly charged for relief of the infected. (3)
Travellers that come from beyond the seas report generally
that Geneva has been a good time in quietness and safety.
These in my opinion are the chief causes why men are both less
able and more unwilling to give any more.—Bishopthorp,
8 Oct. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 57.) |
William Too[ker] to the Same. |
[1604], Oct. 9. |
His Majesty of late nominated me to the
Bishopric of Gloucester, by the recommendation of my Lords
of Suffolk and Northampton; and afterwards sent for
me into his withdrawing chamber, giving me his assurance,
about which time I used all the means I could devise, for your
comfort at Whitehall and Theobalds, for a farther proceeding
in that cause. All which I find to have been reversed, to my
great discouragement; for if I had understood of any competition I would gladly have desisted, and declined the expectation of a tedious suit. Now since his Majesty has signified his
pleasure by my Lord of London to bestow upon me the Deanery
of Christ Church, (the Lord Bishop of London concurring) and
thinking it a place fit for my preferment in respect of academical
learning, in all humility I beseech you that if I have received
some approbation from you for certain years past, and of late
at Wylton at the Council board, and never received any favour
from any in Court for 20 years' service but only from you,
give favourable passage to my suit. 9 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 58.) |
Captain John Salesburye to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 9. |
In reply to the petition of Robert ap Eliza,
and Allice the late wife of Eliza ap Llewelyn, tenants of his
nephew John Salesbury the King's ward. The lands are parcel
of Clockaynoch Park, assured by his brother Robert Salesburie
in his life for the jointure of Lady Salesbury, the writer's sisterin-law, and afterwards assured over to the writer. Gives
details of his transactions with petitioners in regard to the
lands.—9 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1½ p. (107. 59.) |
The Earl of Dorset to Viscount Cranborne, or the Lord
of Barwick, if the Viscount be not in town. |
1604, Oct. 11. |
Even now Mr. Worsnam was with me, and
assures me from himself and the others to whom these causes
of the rates are committed, that they cannot possibly accomplish it until the beginning of next week. But I, considering
how fit it is that we deliver some good account of our labours
to his Majesty on Sunday next, have urged him so that he has
promised to sit all night with the rest to effect this business.
We have 2: the first is the rate for the baies; that they make
no doubt but to effect by to-morrow; the second is to estimate
the rates, which is difficult to be done so soon, but it is promised
to-morrow by 5. To save your labour and the rest of the Lords,
I know no cause but that they may bring it to me, and I bring
it with me to the Court, which shall be on Saturday next, and
then you shall have it. If you be of the same mind, advertise
my Lord of Barwick so, otherwise he will be at my house tomorrow to meet you and the rest. But if you mean to come to
me on Friday, send me word to-day.—Thursday 11 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 61.) |
Sir William Monson to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 12. |
Being come to Dunkark by my Lord Admiral's
order with Sig. John Babtista de Taxes I thought it my duty
to advertise you of occurrences here. This 12 October there
came news of the death of the Prince of Orrang, who is said
to be poisoned by a Frenchman in Parres for love that the
Frenchman bore to his brother Count Morris. |
Upon Sunday last the Governor of Dunkark was at Arras
with the Constable, and the same day in his presence all unkindnesses betwixt the French King and the King of Spain was
ended, the 30 in the 100 is taken away, and the same conditions
of traffic that is betwixt the King of England and Spain is
concluded betwixt the King of France and Spain. |
The Hollanders continue their evil languages against his
Majesty.—12 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 62.) |
Postal Endorsements: "These in hast Post hast hast Post
hast hast.—Will. Monson. At Sandwich the 15 of October
past 1 of the Clocke after noone. At Canterbury the 15 of
October past 3 in the aftar noone. Seattingborne the 15 of
octobre past 5 in the afternone. Rochester past 7 aclock at
night. Darford at past 2 in the night. London paste 9 in the
day." |
John Talbot of Grafton. |
1604, Oct. 13. |
Warrant to the Lord Treasurer to give order
for pardon of the forfeitures of the recusancy of John Talbott
of Grafton, Worcester.—Hampton Court, 13 Oct. 1604.
Unsigned. 1½ pp. (107. 63.) |
Sir Samuel Bagenall to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 13. |
Thanks Cranborne for allowing his suit, which
he hears of by my Lord of Devonshire. Begs for speedy dispatch
of it, as though he has the name of his Majesty's "payes,"
yet since the King came into England he has never received a
penny of wages, and his other means are very small.—13 Oct.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 64.) |
Sir Anthony Ashley to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 14. |
His absence is caused by having to attend a
suit in the Chancery. He requested Sir Thomas Smith to attend
hac vice.—14 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 65.) |
Lord Say and Sele to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 15. |
As he hears that the King is now offered by
his merchants and fishermen a great increase of rent to resume
possession of the yearly fishing on the coasts and islands, of
late years usurped by the Flemings; he thought it the more
opportune to crave Cranborne's favour in his suit enclosed,
which is to have days prohibited in inns and victualling houses
for the eating of flesh without licence. For this he offers the
King 100l. rent, and to Cranborne, 1,000l.—500l. now, and
500l. in 6 months. This will relieve him, "the poorest Baron
in England."—15 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 66.) |
Richard Hanley. |
1604, Oct. 15–26. |
(i) Information of seditious words used
by Richard Hanley on Oct. 13, 1604. |
Note that the Council orders a letter to be directed to the
Sheriff of Salop to bring Hanley before them.—Ludlow, 15
Oct. 1604.
1 p. (140. 169.) |
(ii) Warrant to the Sheriff of the county of Salop, to bring
Richard Hanley to the Council of the Marches of Wales.—
15 Oct. 1604.
Unsigned. |
Note to the Council, by Roger Owen the Sheriff, that he has
brought Richard Hanley according to the warrant. 1¼ pp.
(140. 168.) |
(iii) Depositions of witnesses in the case of Richard Hanley:
viz., Richard Horton, Olyver Davies, George Saints alias
Farmer, Francis Sambrooke, John Griffith, Henry Justice and
John Harcott.—20–26 Oct.
8 pp. (140. 170–4 and 178–9.) |
1604, Oct. 23. |
Case of Richard Hanley, charged with uttering
lewd and malicious words against the King. Interrogatories
administered to Hanley, and his answers.—Ludlow, 23 Oct.
2 pp. (140. 175–7.) |
The Archbishop of York to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 17. |
Since his last letter concerning the collection
for Geneva, Dr. Colmore, Chancellor to my Lord of Durham,
has received in the bishopric of Durham 70l. 11s. 5d., which Mr.
John Theker, one of his "registers," will presently pay there.
Prays him to take knowledge by my Lord of London, my Lord
of Durham, and Sir John Benet, of the most injurious dealing
of Francis Browne, a man most unfit to write in any office, who
has surreptitiously procured the King's grant to be Register
to all the bishops, deans, archdeacons, and others having
ecclesiastical jurisdiction in that province: which would be
the undoing of a great number of dutiful subjects.—Bishopthorp, 17 Oct. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 67.) |
Francis Gofton to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 18. |
He was by warrant of August 11 commanded
to call Richard Mellersh, late steward to Lord Cobham, to make
his account; and also to acquaint Lady Kildare that, upon her
conference with Cobham, some one might be joined with him
(Gofton) for charging Mellersh with his receipts, and better
examining his payments. Details his proceedings therein.
Has not as yet received the Countess's resolution, and desires
to know whether he alone shall take the accounts, to which he
is a stranger, or whether Cranborne would join with him Thomas
Rogers, now servant to the Earl of Northumberland, who
followed Lord Cobham and is best able to charge Mellersh.—
18 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Auditor Gofton." 1 p. (107. 68.) |
Peter Proby to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 19. |
I send you the creation of the Duke of York,
and those things then given him, to add to the grants he had
while he was Earl of Cambridge, which he was made 11 E.3.
And the grants formerly he had, being but Edmund de Langley,
you have, namely of 21 E.3 for Warrin's lands to him, and
entailed to John and Lionel his brothers 32 E.3.; the same,
which formerly they had in general words, is now confirmed in
particulars after that John was Earl of Richmond, and Lionel
Earl of Ulton [Ulster]. And anno 37 E.3. Edmund, Earl of
Cambridge, had Stanford, Grantham, &c.; anno 48 E.3 the
lands in the north parts; and anno 51 E.3 the Duke of York,
by the name of Earl of Cambridge, had unto him and Isabel his
wife, Fodringay cum membris. These notes for the times, and the
papers you already have for the things, show what the Duke
of York had.—At the Records in the Tower, 19 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (107. 70.) |
The Enclosure:—
Extract 9 R.2, as to the creation of the Duke of York. 1 p.
(107. 69.) |
Lord Danvers to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 19. |
Urges the speedy dispatch of his suit. The
book as drawn is according to the Lord Chief Justice's own
direction; and is but a surveyorship appointed over under
sheriffs, bailiffs and such inferior ministers, to see that the King's
duties pass clearly through their hands. The last two clauses,
detailed, answer all objections.—Friday, 19 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 71.) |
Sir William Monson to the Earl of Nottingham. |
[1604, Oct. 19.] |
I carried over Sig. John Babtista de Taxes,
and returned him with his wife and family according to your
directions. I find by the Hollanders which ride before Graveling
that they have received late order from the States to impeach
all English ships that shall trade to any port of the Archduke,
and moreover that they shall burn all such vessels as they shall
take in that trade, which they say they have warrant for out of
England. Thus much I am informed this morning by a bark
which came from them but the tide before, and was rifled by
them, although there was no merchandise aboard her. |
I am likewise certainly informed that there are 15 small
flyboats and pinks of the Hollanders laden with fish in Yarmouth
road, which are bound for Newport the next spring. Upon
Monday last there was 5 others laden with wine and salt, which
went peaceably into Newport, their men of war riding before
the harbour. Myself can witness of 2 Flushingers that put into
Osten upon Saturday in sight of 4 of their men of war, who
never offered them violence. Thus you may see they are willing
to relieve their enemy themselves, and to bar his Majesty's
subjects of trade, which I refer to your good consideration.—
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (107. 72.) |
Postal endorsements: "These hast post hast hast post hast hast.
Dover 12 at noone the 19th of October, Will. Monson. Canterbery 3 in the afternone. Seattingborne at 5 a Clock in the
Afternone 19 of October. Rochester at 7 at night. [Da]rtford
at 9 at night." |
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 20. |
I received your letters, the first I had of any
notice of his Majesty's good liking of the intended match, which
we give you many thanks for acquainting his Majesty with.
From my Lord Treasurer I have heard nothing at all. Concerning the Union, it is greatly to our comfort to hear there is
like to be so good a harmony amongst you commissioners,
as common report brings hither, which if it fall out to his
Majesty's good contentment, will be for the good of our country
and our posterity, being the only mark his Majesty aims at. My
wife gives you many thanks for your honourable remembrance
of her in my letter. As for her "schismes" or errors, which
you wish her out of, she says that so oft as she remembers
yours of that subject, she cannot but lament for you; but I
leave the argument till you two meet to be further disputed,
when I will be content to be the moderator. Yesterday we
heard that your niece the Lady Susan and Sir Philip Herbert
are contracted; we are most heartily joyed therewith.—
Sheffeld Lodge, 20 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. |
At foot: The Countess of Shrewsbury to the same. Charity
can never prove heresy, and if you will allow that charity first
begins with one's self, you will conclude well for me, so oft as
you do without partiality think of the speeches past. I am
very glad of an alliance with you, and besides many good reasons
that I have to joy in it, it has somewhat removed a melancholy
conceit I had, that whatsoever I earnestly wished would prove
the direct contrary. God make it happy to them both and all
their friends.
Holograph, signed: Ma. Shrewsbury. 1 p. (107. 73.) |
Serjeant John Hele to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 20. |
Acknowledges his numerous favours. "The
malice of him that made the first bargain with me is insatiable.
It is said that he will spend his best endeavours to put me from
his Majesty's service. To prevent it I have no means but God
and you; pardon all my distemperatures, and censure that
they proceeded out of a troubled spirit. I assure myself of
your honourable report to the King of the truth of my
contempts."—From the Fleet, 20 Oct. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 74.) |
Francis Michell to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 20. |
Having spent this last summer, part before
Sluis, part in travelling the several Provinces; in my journey
through Holland I met Sir Calisthenes Brooke at the Hague.
He recounted sundry passages in our converse both in England
and Ireland in the Lord Burgh's days and since, not forgetting
the friends of his lady's fortune, and how she lost those that
then were and still are able to do most for her. We remembered
you to be the only procurer of the pension she now lives on,
but her ladyship had made an evil requital, by being too busy
about a libellous "lost-letter" concerning you and the Lady
Shurlye. And hereupon (which is the cause of my now writing)
it was by you imagined, or by some her friends, or self, in excuse
of her wrong doing, fathered, that I, living then with her as a
trencher companion, must be either the deviser, contriver, or
publisher of that letter. Though the party be dead, and so
this reviver needless, yet for that I conceive I have just cause
to mistrust that the true reason (though, as you may well
remember, I had ever constantly and to purpose endeavoured
to do unto you for these 16 years past all good offices
possible and for that respect had lost some preferments, and
held in jealousy to my very great hindrance to these days)
that those my services coming from me seemed to be either
altogether rejected as idle, or so little esteemed, as howbeit
I have sundry times made some slight requests, yet I found a
very slender success in everything; this taxation lying so heavy
on me. For clearing whereof, I protest I am not guilty of so
much as consent, and so I will depose before any magistrate
cross-article-wise; yet can I not deny but since the fact, I
could particularise very strangely by means of an ignoble
relator: informing becomes any man better than one employed
so often in place of trust as I have been: yet were it hard for
flesh and blood to feel itself plunged, and not strive to get out
any way rather than sink. Pardon my boldness. Sound
judgments hold it expedient not to fear, or procrastinate to
make apologies in a just cause to the greatest, leaving the
success to God.—From the Unicorn's Head in Fleet Street,
where I am ready at your command, and gaping after some
preferment that may get me or save me bread and meat in
recompense of my 20 years' experience and employments.
20 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 75.) |
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 21. |
I waited up late to have received instruction
of what place or in what manner my brother Denney would
take his name of dignity: for want whereof it was not possible
for me to make a warrant.—21 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (189. 33.) |
Sir Arthur Capell to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 23. |
Has received a privy seal for the loan of 100l.
He has compounded with his mother-in-law for the third of his
whole living: and pays her 420l. a year. He has 10 sons and 6
daughters living: also 3 brothers and an uncle who have no
living but from him. Has allowed his eldest son, who is married,
a convenient portion. All these have from him 800l. a year
and upwards. Begs to be dealt with according to Cranborne's
wonted favour.—Haddham, 23 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 76.) |
Duke of Lennox. |
1604, Oct. 23. |
Warrant to the Earl of Dorset, granting to
the Duke of Lenox the office of alnager and collector of the
subsidy of woollen clothes and other new draperies, for 21 years:
excepting unto Michael Heidon the benefit of a patent granted
to him for the same for the city of London; to Jeromy Downes
for Somerset and Dorset; and to Sir Thomas Lucy for
Worcester and Hereford.—Palace of Westminster, 23 Oct. 2 Jac.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 77.) |
Peter Proby to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 24. |
Details proceedings in a cause between Lord
Bruce and him, apparently with regard to the right to some
office. Lord Bruce has appointed him to be at the Star Chamber
on Friday with his counsel. Prays he may be forborne bringing
counsel for maintaining that which is a part of the royal
prerogative: but that he may produce such records as will
satisfy the lords and judges "that no subject hath the disposing
of this the King's Treasury: and such as distinguishes his
lordship's place, and the King's Treasury, to be several officers
made by the Kings their immediate officers, and under no
other."—At the Tower, 24 Oct. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (107. 78.) |
Lord Sydney to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 24. |
I much desire to speak with you about
Flushing, and also to take knowledge unto you of what I have
understood from my sister has passed between you two concerning me: which I had done long ere this if your occasions had
given me access to you. I will expect your good leisure,
beseeching you to know that it is not passed over by me with
want of either care or respect. This afternoon I fear I shall not
attend you about the Queen's business, and beseech you that
Friday may be appointed.—Baynards Castle, 24 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 34.) |
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 24. |
Begs Cranborne's favour on behalf of his
ally and good friend Sir Christopher Heydon, for the farm of
the customs in Norfolk.—24 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (189. 35.) |
Lord Say and Sele to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 25. |
Acknowledges Cranborne's favours of a
suit he has in hand: "My noblest neighbour the Lady Wentworth hath often seemed to me desirous that either Sir Thomas
Edmondes, or some good friend that you like to use therein,
might further treat. I beseech you pardon me if I put you in
mind thereof, she having imparted to me that she has been
diversely sought, and yet prefers your honourable dealing
before all other respects." As the office of the Cinque Ports,
which his ancestor first had to support his barony, is by resumption gone from his house: and as the King, by the unthriftiness
of his ancestor, William, Lord Say, enjoys several manors
resumed worth 1000l. or 1500l. a year, he begs that in some of
his suits he may find favour. Has lately, upon sight of a patent
of a registership of York, got by Robin Brown, bought an
office that stood him in 500l. out of the patent, being graced
with a letter also to Lord Sheffield from the King to set Francis
Brown in possession; and is like to lose 1000l. by it, if the King
be not good to him. It is impugned by the Archbishop. If
the King would, as her Majesty of everlasting memory did, make
a royal visitation, which would be worth to him 30,000l. or
more, he should bring unspeakable comfort to the laity, and
reform many gross abuses in the spiritual courts.—25 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 80.) |
The Earl of Nottingham to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 26. |
The bearer, Thomas Trevor, an auditor in
reversion, desiring present employment, is a suitor to be auditor
for the rates of the assarted lands appointed to be sold by us
that are commissioners: which business concerning me, in
regard of my office of justice in eyre of the King's forests, out
of which the greatest sales of those lands are to be made, I
would be glad to have such a one used in it, of whose sufficiency
I have already had proof.—Hampton Court Lodge, 26 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "L. Admiral." 1 p. (107. 81.) |
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 26. |
I give you many thanks for your letters,
which brought the proclamation of our sovereign's due style
of Great Bretany, which is, as the text says, a good first stone
of the excellent work of a further perfect union which now you
are in hand to bring to pass. We countrymen can but pray to
God so to illuminate all your minds with true understanding
as that you all Commissioners concurring in one, may set
down all particulars most agreeable to the good of us all and
our posterities for ever, which is the only mark that our most
royal King wishes. On Tuesday next I shall wish myself at
your elbow, to hear our most worthy King of Great Britany
speak to you Commissioners; God grant you all the grace to
observe such princely directions in that business as I am sure
will flow from him. My wife yields you many hearty thanks
for remembering her in your letter. We look for a certain
Welch Lord [Sir Philip Herbert?] here shortly to perform his
word to us now, which we had about 4 months since. When he
comes, we will inquire how you like of all our alliances with you
in the late match made in the garden at Hampton Court. We
have committed all we have to move your favour in to this
bearer, our servant Cooke.—Sheffield Lodge, 26 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 82.) |
Sir Robert Johnson to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 27. |
Albeit the distaste of his designs have robbed
him of that ordinary access to his lordship he so earnestly longed
for, yet beseeches pardon if he presumes to press into his remembrance, desiring nothing but that he would account him of
that number who are more bound to him than to any one under
heaven.—Tower, 27 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ½ p. (89. 19.) |
Francis Michell to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 27. |
Begs for Cranborne's request to the now
elected Archbishop [of Canterbury] to continue him in the place
of secretary, or to grant him a reversion of Wooddall's office.
If the Archbishop will not, he begs to be sworn "extraordinary"
to the King, Queen or Prince, in some place fitting his bringing
up. If none of these can be granted, he asks for sufficient pass
for 3 years' absence from the realm, so that he may receive no
damage in the offices he has in reversion: some under the broad
seal, some from the City of London, and some from others:
also for help towards his travel, he purposing, in the habit
of a merchant man or poor scholar, to wear out the time till
something he has in reversion falls into hand, and to perfect
himself in language and foreign experience.—From my poor
lodging at the Unicornes Head near Fleete Condit, 27 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 83.) |
The Council of the Marches of Wales to Lord Zouche. |
1604, Oct. 27. |
Richard Hanley, attached out of the Star
Chamber at the suit of Sir Thomas Cornwall, uttered lewd
speeches against the King: whereof Sir Thomas (being the King's
sworn servant, and one of the Prince's chamber) giving them
notice, they gave warrant for Hanley's removing hither, and
remaining under the charge of the Sheriff of Salop. They
enclose Hanley's examination. They understand by a letter
from Mrs. Littleton that the day of his appearance in the
Star Chamber is Nov. 9: and as she has procured bond for his
appearance, she fears his detaining should cause the forfeiture
of the bond. Sir Thomas, no less desirous to clear that suspicion, entreats that upon his charge Hanley may be sent up
with one of the messengers of this Court: whereunto they have
willingly condescended.—Ludlow, 27 Oct. 1604.
Signed: Gerv. Wigorn; R. Lewkenor; H. Towneshend;
Ri. Atkyns; R. Barker. 1 p. (107. 84.) |
Sir Griffin Markham to Viscount Cranborne. |
[1604], Oct. 27. |
I understand from Lord Davers your
commiseration towards me, and disposition to maintain the
majesty of justice. I thank you for your many favours, and
press you only to be enabled to live without beggary. Before
this unfortunate action my brother Skinner had ruined my
father's estate, and by obligations of all sorts should have
ended it. This summer he wrote to the Lord Chancellor to
submit his cause to his censure. I joined, and desire your
lordships will command him to stand to it with the greatest
expedition that may be. This is an important cause of my
desiring [no] delay, because it concerns many, and touches
my conscience for them. The second cause is that we have
sold lands to a very great value, and have articled that I should
have my pardon to confirm their securities by the latter end of
next month. The third reason is his Majesty bestowed me
upon Sir John Harington, to whom I am enforced to pay above
300l. more than I was bound in conscience or obligation to
perform. The most grievous reason is that my friends, taking
advantage of my misfortune, have shared and reconveyed from
me all that either was my wife's jointure, or by right should
descend to me: for all which I have endeavoured to bargain,
and, might I speak with my mother, doubt not but to recover
it. If you persist not in your commiseration many are hazarded,
and I without doubt beggared, and so deprived of any ability
by service to expiate my fault or show myself thankful.—From
the Gatehouse, 27 October.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (107. 85.) |
Lord Cobham's Lands. |
1604, Oct. 27. |
Warrant by Lord Cranborne and the Earl
of Dorset to Mr. Solicitor, altering the terms of the grant to
Duke Brooke, Esq., of the entailed lands of the late Lord
Cobham: certain rents having been received and disbursed for
the King's service since the former warrant.—The Court, 27
Oct. 1604.
Copy. 1 p. (2365.) |
Sir Richard Martyn to Viscount Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 28. |
Begs Cranborne's favour in the cause now
before the Council touching his office, to which he was called
above 30 years ago by the late Queen, and of which he has a
grant for his life and his son's. Describes his labours therein,
and Lord Burghley's favours to him. His adversaries make an
objection of his age, yet he does more service in one month in
the Mint than the Warden does in a year. If for age he should
be put by his office, it were very hard, for it is well known that
Cranborne's father in his old age was able to serve her late
Majesty and the State in such sort as his great wisdom and
virtue is not only yet in fresh memory amongst the English,
but in all foreign nations of the world is admired of all men.
Touching the preemption of bullion, for which the Warden for
his own gain seeks to have a clause in the indenture, he details
reasons against it. If it be granted, it will be a great dislike to
the ordinary bringers of bullion to the Mint, and the merchants
who now take bullion for their wares beyond seas: which they
will alter into some other merchandise when they perceive it
likely by this preemption that all the bullion will be engrossed
and forestalled: whereby the King's profit of coinage would be
much impaired. Prays to enjoy his office in peace for the few
years he has to live.—"From my house in Westcheape, London,
28 Oct. 1604."
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 86.) |
The Earl of Bath to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 29. |
Thanks for his kindness shown him against
Bushen the woodmonger. The bearer can deliver the wrongs
that Bushen has offered him, in contempt of the Council's
order. As Bushen neither regards the order, nor in any way
respects him, he must take some other course for the preservation
of his right. He desired Lord Nottingham and Nottingham's
son, under whom Bushen has covered himself, to give the latter
no more countenance against him. He received Cranborne's
letter by his servant, whom he sent to see how Cranborne did,
for he was sorry to hear Cranborne was not well.—"From my
house in Towstocke, 29 Oct. 1604."
Signed. 1 p. (107. 87.) |
Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice, to Viscount
Cranborne. |
1604, Oct. 29. |
Submits for Cranborne's censure the enclosed
draft of a letter authorising Sir Thomas Foster to be the
Prince's Serjeant at Law.—Serjeants' Inn, 29 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 36.) |
Henry Heynes to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 30. |
Upon a request of the Earl of Southampton
to you, after a motion made by the King to him, you directed
your commission to me, as one of your deputies, to oversee his
Majesty's game within Walthamstowe, Hackney, Old Ford and
Stratford Langton Marshes, near London; since when I have
diligently attended those places, and have made the game
there very plentiful, for his Highness's better sport. I beseech
you for the allowance of fees, 12d. by the day, that my
predecessor had, in regard of the great trouble watching by day
and night and charge of a servant.—30 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 88.) |
Lord Say and Sele to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 30. |
Details the proceedings he has taken with
the Lord Chief Justice in regard to his suit to have days prohibited in inns and victualling houses for the eating of flesh
without licence. Thereby the King's revenue would be increased,
his navy and customs augmented, double the plenty of God's
blessings from the sea brought in, and all kinds of provisions
and flesh far better cheap: and that notable abuse of the law
prevented which now all victuallers use, that is to give an informer 20s. to inform against him, and a "checkor" man as much more
that shall be bound not only not to prosecute himself, but thereby to prevent all others: whereby the victualler will be at
liberty to spend and dress nothing but flesh. Details also the
proceedings of Mr. Abington, son to the cofferer, by means of
Nathaniel Edwards in the same suit. Begs Cranborne's favour
therein. |
Worthily upon the unnecessary weed of tobacco is a noble in
the pound imposed. All interludes and common playhouses are
as unnecessary, and yield no penny to the King: although for
every comer in, 3d., 6d. or 9d. before they come in to the best
places: if the King may not have 1d. for every comer in, he thinks
the players worse worthy of the rest. Offers to give Sir Philip
Harbert, or whomever Cranborne chooses, 1000 marks, and the
King 40l. rent, if he may, for 21 years, have a penny a poll of
all that come into playhouses throughout England. Offers to
give my Lady Susan [Herbert] 1000 marks, and pay the King
40l. rent, for forfeitures under the law against grubbing up of
woods and putting cattle into woods. Sir Edward Harbert is
likely to be his neighbour at Woodstock. |
Begs favour in the above suits, which he desires but to enable
himself, when his Majesty comes often to Woodstock, to be
able at Browghton to entertain him. The King's being there
three days this year cost him 500l. |
"Howsoever Fra. Brown speaks for his registership in York,
yet for the good of this kingdom if Dr. Bennett's actions upon
due proof shall appear as bad as articles Brown said he will
prove true by many witnesses, then I beseech you to be a mean
he may be reformed, and the subjects by him less grieved."—
30 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. 2 pp. (107. 89.) |
Ric. Carmerden, Surveyor of the Port of London, to [Lord
Cranborne]. |
1604, Oct. 31. |
There was taken up at the Custom House
quay the 23 of July last "6 clocks at sight," which were seen
by me and other officers. Because the owner affirmed these
clocks were for the King's use, he was permitted to take them
away free of custom, on condition to pay custom as they should
be valued if he sold them to any other: for performance whereof
Peter Cole became bound.—31 Oct. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Certificate for the taking up of certain
Germany clocks brought over by Ultrick Hentz, German."
1 p. (107. 90.) |
William Stallenge to the Same. |
1604, Oct. 31. |
It is reported Cranborne has taken the farming of the customs. His place is very barren of employment,
and he begs Cranborne to admit him and Mr. Bagg of this
town to be partakers of the farm. They are willing to enter in
profit or loss upon the said customs for 10,000l. per annum. If
there be no means for partnership, he prays for employment in
some place of credit here or at London. At the request of the
Spanish Ambassador's servants, he sends their letters to the
Conde by this packet. His Majesty's ship the Quittance arrived
here on Friday with the rest of her company, where they attend
a fair wind to carry them farther.—Plymouth, last of October
Holograph. 1 p. (107. 91.) |
Sir Thomas Bennett, Lord Mayor, to the Same. |
1604, Oct. |
Of the unjust assessment made, in this late
loan of 15,000l., on divers poor inhabitants, and especially
among the inferior Companies: which hard proceedings were
imputed to his fault. It was generally thought most fit by the
commons of the city to be assessed upon Companies, because
it was supposed the Masters and Wardens would best know the
abilities of their members; and also because eight years since
a loan of 20,000l. was assessed upon the Companies, with such
good satisfaction to all parties that it was followed as a precedent.
But as soon as he understood that divers of the poorer sort were
rated among some of the inferior Companies, contrary to their
meaning, he blamed the Masters and Wardens for their unjust
proceedings, and gave them special order to assess no man but
such as were rated at 5l. or 4l. at least in the subsidy, or was
otherwise well known able to bear it; which was the rule
observed in other Companies.—London, October 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (189. 37.) |
Patentees for Saltpetre and Gunpowder. |
[1604. Oct.] |
"Requests of the patentees for the making saltpetre and gunpowder for the covenants to be made between the
King's Majesty and them." First they offer to covenant with
his Majesty for the delivery of 60 lasts of good gunpowder
yearly into his Majesty's store, after the rate of 5 lasts every
month; one moiety whereof to be cannon corn powder, and
the other moiety to be calyver corn powder, at the rate of . . . .,
and all other gunpowder that they shall make by his Majesty's
commission, so long as they may enjoy it, according to its true
meaning. |
And they desire of his Majesty a covenant and warrant to the
Lord High Treasurer of England for payment of the 5 lasts
monthly, and so many lasts more as shall be delivered, after
the same rate, according to the certificate by the Officers of the
Ordnance of the proof and receipt thereof. |
Whereas the patentees covenant with his Majesty for delivery into store of all gunpowder made of any saltpetre made by
his Majesty's commission, they desire liberty to sell all gunpowder found upon proof unserviceable for store, to any of his
subjects within his realm of England; and also liberty to sell to
any nobleman or other subject small quantities of gunpowder
so it be not above — cwt. to one man at one time. |
They further desire that if at any time it happen during the
continuance of the commission that they make any greater
quantity of gunpowder than shall be thought fit to be taken into
store, or that powder be not made for gunpowder by them delivered for his Majesty's service within — days next after delivery,
that then they may sell the residue of gunpowder and saltpetre
in their hands to any his Majesty's subjects within the realm
of England. |
Memorandum, that a nomine pene be inflicted upon the
patentees if they fail to perform the monthly proportion by
them undertaken according to the former contract.
Draft. Endorsed: "1592" (sic) and by Cranborne, "Patentees
for powder." 1 p. (169. 19.) |
The Same. |
[1604, Oct.] |
"Offer of John Evelyn, Richard Harding and
Robert Evelyn, his Majesty's patentees for making saltpetre
and gunpowder for his service and the realm." |
They set out the conditions they are prepared to observe
in digging for saltpetre; no place to be digged but once in six
years except when extraordinary service is required for the safety
and defence of the state. They will not dig in any pigeon houses,
which are the chiefest nurses of saltpetre, but one hour in one
day, where the owners themselves continue; as long time when
they draw the young pigeons, and that between nine and three
o'clock of the same day. |
In consideration of which, of their extraordinary charges
and of the saving of 20,000l. of the treasure of the kingdom
within the realm which otherwise would be exhausted and the
maintenance of 1000 people with their distressed families by
this trade, they undertake to serve his Majesty with 120 or
100 lasts per annum, and at the end of the term to leave the
grounds in much better estate than they now are. |
They desire that if at any time it please the Lord Treasurer,
or Master of the Ordnance or Lieutenant that no more powder
shall be brought into the store, they may have one year's warning
before the ceasing of service.
Endorsed: "1592" (sic), and by Cranborne, "Evelyn's offer
concerning powder." 2 pp. (169. 20.)
[Another copy in S.P.Dom. James I, Vol. IX, No. 68.] |
Richard Bell to the King. |
[1604, Oct.] |
Was warden clerk of the West Marches.
Presents a book of his collections of the laws of the Borders and
treaties bypast. As through the Union the Border offices are not
now necessary, and he loses 100 marks a year, he begs for a
pension of 30l. a year or other allowance.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 101.) |
The Commissioners for Border Causes to the Same. |
[1604, Oct.] |
Commending for recompense Richard
Bell, late warden clerk upon the West Marches for 30 years.—
Signed: Hen. Carliolen; Johnestonne; Nicholas Curwen;
Richard Lowther; Richard Musgrave; Willm. Selby; Ch.
Hales; Henry Widdrington; John Dalston; Wm. Fenwicke.
1 p. (196. 100.)
[See Calendar of S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 167.] |
[Viscount Cranborne] to the [Earl of Ormonde]. |
[1604, Oct.] |
Although the dispatch of your business is
sufficient answer concerning Mr. Rothe's employment, yet I
must also do him this right to tell you that besides his affection
to do you service, he carries himself with that discretion which
is very serviceable to you in these times. I return you many
thanks for your hawk, with this profession, that howsoever the
conclusion of that business may come short of your expectations,
who are now farther removed from the knowledge of many
particulars, wherein those that are councillors must lay aside
unreasonable private respects; yet I have given sufficient testimony to have done you such offices as were in my power, and
so will I continue to do in anything else when I shall find any
reasonable grounds to stand upon. Mr. Routh was no way provided to move us as it appeared by the unreasonable proposition
which he made us in the last request, except we should have
notoriously neglected his Majesty's service.—Undated.
Draft with corrections by Cranborne. 1 p. (130. 167.)
On reverse: Draft letter recommending Mr. Roath, a follower
of the Earl of Ormonde, about whose occasions he has remained
here and is now returned to Ireland.—Undated.
In hand of Cranborne's secretary. ½ p.
[See Calendar of S.P. Ireland, 1603–1606, p. 208.] |