The Earl of Essex to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1606–7, Feb. 2. |
My poor condition being such as it must
needs cry for help, I am made firm in my hope by your promise;
but as I can never deserve your noble intendments to me, so I do
not know in what first to desire your favour, but must refer
myself to your lordship and my other friends, both for the good,
and means to effect it. Whatever you shall think me worthy of,
my thankfulness to you and your worthy son shall ever testify
that you have rightly bestowed your favours.—Paris, 2 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 87). |
Mustapha, Vice King of Algiers, and Agha, Captain of
Janissaries, to King James. |
[1606–7, Feb. 2.] |
Of late years in the time that Soleman
Bashaw reigned arrived in this port an English ship whereof was
commander Captain Jeffourd, a man that we had many times
well entreated in our city; notwithstanding he practised then
treason against us, but by good fortune took no effect; and so
he set sail and went to our port of Bugia, and displaying your
Majesty's colours eighteen great Turkish janissaries went aboard
in love and amity; them he betrayed and carried to Leghorn,
where they were made slaves. Shortly after arrived in our port
another English ship of war, and we detained of her company
about twenty persons, whereof is living ten, and of ours are
living at Leghorn only twelve, the others being dead through
evil entreating; and of late we have advice that the Great Duke
hath esteemed them at a price to be ransomed. For which
cause we called your Majesty's consul before us and declared to
him how cruelly our people were used at Leghorn, albeit the
English here detained are well used; therefore we determined
to sell them to make money to ransom our people home. But at
the entreaty of the consuls we are contented to forbear to sell
them for four months; and we beg your Majesty in consideration
of the amity and league between the Great Turk and yourself so
to favour us that these Turks may be set at liberty, and on their
return your Majesty's subjects here sequestered shall also be
set free. |
Mustapha, Bashaw of Argere, and Moracca Rais,
General at Sea, to the Same. |
1606–7. Feb. 2. |
We being daily solicited by the owners of the
five slaves stolen out of our port by George Irland to favour
them with our letters to your Majesty to obtain satisfaction.
we desire through the love your Highness bears to the Great
Turk either that Irland may be sent hither to give reason of his
fact or else that he deposit money into the hands of some
merchants of London trading in our port for our better security.
And although there have happened some dislikes between this city
and your Highness's subjects occasioned by the ill demeanour of
Captain Jeffoure and William Mellin, being protected by the
Great Duke of Florence, yet worthily banished by your justice,
notwithstanding George Irland remains still in the state without
giving us satisfaction. |
We have received your Highness's Ambassador and your
letters with great content and confirmed unto him our accustomed privileges and capitulations; and we pray you to write
unto the Great Duke to set at liberty our Turks betrayed under
your colours from our castle of Bugia as your Ambassador has
promised. |
At present we have received letters of a fresh date from our
Turks at Leghorn, complaining that none doth solicit their
deliverance; the Great Duke having esteemed their ransom at
3,500 crowns, although they be poor soldiers that have no means;
and because we know how much your friendship avails with the
Great Duke, we are sure that your letters would easily obtain
their liberty with that of ten of your subjects sequestered here. |
Endorsed: "Copy of two letters which is written from the
King of Argeire and Morata Rais brought hither by James
Frizall the 8th of April, 1607." and "The translation of the
enclosed Italian letter dated 2nd of February, 1606." 2 pp.
(134. 109, 110). |
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1606–7, Feb. 4. |
Our great expectation for the discovery of our
new-found country has unhappily been crossed by our good
friends the Spaniards, who thinking much that we should inherit
the liberty of land or seas, have seized upon our ship and men
(as by the relation here enclosed it may more at large appear)
which by storm and tempest were put in to Bordeaux in France
in one of the Spanish ships; against whom we must entreat your
favour to further our proceedings for recovery of satisfaction,
not only for our ship and goods, but our hindrances and damages,
that they may know we are not so slavish that we will endure
their insolencies, nor so base that we will not seek a just revenge,
if they right us not according to reason and equity. |
I refer it to your wisdom to conceive to what height their
insolency will grow when [by] this peace (reported to be in
handling between them and the Hollanders) they shall find
themselves as it were master of the seas. Or is it to be believed
that when they find all power in their own hands, they will be
more just to us than now they are, when they know it is in our
own strengths to right ourselves whenever his Majesty will give
leave to the parties grieved to seek it? Herein I could speak
something to you concerning their extended peace with the
Hollanders, but I dare not be too troublesome: only I have some
reason to persuade me that it is more probable the rumour is
true, than that it should not be so. My reasons are principally
these; first, the considerations of their estates, not able longer
to continue the wars, seeing themselves, as it were, forsaken of all;
secondly, finding their spirits to be vanquished by their enemies,
inasmuch as he has dejected the courage of their army, being
compounded of mercenaries, and therefore hopeless of more than
their monthly pays, it being not in their means to renew their
minds in giving of honour or rewards; and lastly, finding in
their own hearts themselves at the highest pitch of their hopes
for these aforesaid causes will. I fear, too suddenly enforce them
to lay hold upon the present opportunity, while they find they
may obtain what conditions they can reasonably demand: which
if they be permitted to persevere therein, how easily is it to be
proved that our miseries are not far off, seeing ourselves dismembered of so notable alliance. But in this I dare not wade
farther before I receive pardon for my presumption for intermeddling in business so far above my capacity; although as you
know I have had some experience of the affairs of times past.
What I have else to say I will be ready when you command to
give my attendance, to satisfy what may be objected, and to
show my reasons for anything I shall propound.—4 Feb., 1606.
Signed. 2 pp. (115. 88.) |
The Enclosure:
The Relation of Daniel Tucker, Merchant, being employed by
divers Adventurers of Plymouth to go as factor of a ship bound
for Florida; written by himself.—4 February, 1606. |
The wind being fair we departed from Plymouth 12th August,
which wind continued till we came within 80 leagues of the
Westward Islands; and then the wind westered with a great
storm, whereby we were put for the island of Maderes, where
we watered with the Governor's licence on the 4th September,
and there stayed till the 8th day. |
From thence we stood our course for the coast of Florida; but
after we had sailed some 100 leagues, we were becalmed 14 days
together, and by reason of the extreme heat our fresh water
scanted upon us, so as we were forced to the uttermost islands
of the West Indies. |
And about the last of October we arrived at an inland called
Margettanta, where we watered and refreshed outselves with
such fruits as the island did afford, and stayed there four days.
From thence we went by an island called Domeneca, where a
Spanish friar came aboard our ship, in a small canoe with five
Indians, which brought fruits with them. The said friar desired
us for "Gode's Caes" to give him passage for some part of
Christendom, whose ship had been cast away some 13 months
before, and all his company drowned and slain by the Indians,
only he saved alive. Which friar we took into our ship, and
some four days after we set him ashore at the eastward of
Portarecca, and there delivered him unto two Spaniards which
were herdsmen of cattle, where we stayed two days, and going
from thence our ship came aground, but without any harm we
got clear, and so stood our course to Florida. |
And being at sea in the height of 26 degrees, and some 60
leagues from the shore, we met with a fleet of 11 ships, all
Spaniards, merchantmen. On 10 November in the morning
we were in the midst of the said fleet, we standing our course,
one of the windward ships shot at us; whereupon we went to
the Admiral, and coming under his lee the Admiral shot at us
two shot, and came aboard of our ship in most violent manner,
dispossessed us of our ship and goods, and sent us aboard of his
own ship; and the next day parted us some four or five in a ship,
and put Spaniards aboard of our ship, and stood for Sevell in
Spain. But by reason the Admiral had a great leak, the rest of
the ships left him only with our ship, and so parted from the
Admiral; and six days after we lost all our fleet in a great storm,
with more wind than we could well steer afore, and by reason of
extreme foul weather, and having a bad pilot who could not
take his just height, we continued at sea two months in great
misery and extremity; and so not knowing where we were, we
arrived at the river of Burdes [Bordeaux] the 2nd of January.
And the Master and the rest of the Spaniards, knowing themselves
to be in Burdes, they commanded myself with the three other of
my company, to be put into the ship's hold, and there they kept
us five days and five nights, in that manner, till the Judge of the
Admiralty came aboard of the ship, riding against the town of
Burdex, and examined myself: and the Judge understanding
the truth of our cause, carried me and the three other ashore to
Burdex. |
And when I was at liberty I went to one of the chiefest counsellors and certified him of our voyage, and how the Spaniards had
used us and in what manner they had taken us. I desired his
counsel what course was best to take against the Spaniards;
who advised me to fee a proctor and make a petition to the
Parliament and to the Admiral, to have the Master of the Spanish
ship and the rest of my company examined; which I did, and
showed the copy of all our examinations to my counsellor, who
advised me to make a letter of attorney to my proctor and to
some other whom I thought good, and they to follow the cause
against the Spaniards in my absence, and myself to repair for
England with all speed, and to return with certificate to confirm
our examinations to be truth. |
Whereupon I made a letter of attorney to my proctor and to
another, my solicitor, which has order to arrest the said Spanish
ship and goods till further proof comes out of England. |
This being finished, I departed from Burdex, and at my
departure my counsellor and my proctor said there was no doubt
but the worth of the ship and goods, with all damages, would be
recovered of them.—By me, Daniell Tucker.
Signed. 3½ pp. (115. 89). |
The Earl of Salisbury to the Bishop of Ely. |
1606–7, Feb. 4. |
On the death of Lord Gawdy, who was judge
of the Bishop's Court at Ely, I recommended to your nomination
Sir Robert Hitcham, her Majesty's Attorney General, whom you
were very willing to accept, if you had not been engaged by a
former promise for Mr. Baron Savill. The place being in your
disposition again by the decease of Mr. Savill, I again move you
to perform your former good intention to Mr. Attorney. His
dwelling is not far from those parts and therefore the more fit
for the execution of it. His learning and good carriage have
deserved so well in the place he holds from her Majesty here
(whereof I am partly an eye witness myself, being one of her
Majesty's officers), as I believe you will have cause to give me
thanks for him, when you shall find that place so well provided
by my recommendation.—Undated.
Draft, in the hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "4 Feb.,
1606. To the Bishop of Ely." 1½ pp. (115. 90.) |
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1606–7, Feb. 5. |
The General Estates are still very busy, and
few things grown to a full ripeness of resolution. The French
King, as is thought, has many that work for him to his ends, and
seek with him by a force of necessity to cast the protection of
these Provinces into his arms, that are open for them. Whether
the King of Spain have any that are instruments for him or no
I know not, but there are many that doubt it, by reason that the
enterprise of the West Indian Company is much crossed, if not
altogether dashed. It is, in appearance (if it may yet go forward)
a design very hopeful, and tending to the great profit of these
lands; for if they offend him there with 10,000 men, which
should be sent at two several times, 5,000 to make the way and
as many to second them, and keep here 15,000 or 16,000 to guard
the rivers, and make a body to be bestowed as occasion shall
invite, with the good troops of horse which they have, it is more
probable of a good success to annoy him with their best strength,
which is by sea, and in his best parts, yet where he is not
so strong (besides they are far remote and from succours), than
by employing all upon the defence alone in these parts, the charge
whereof will lie too heavy upon this State: whereas by offending
(if God give them leave but to set foot on land), the troops
employed thither will for the time find themselves. Many good
patriots affect this business much, but too many obstacles they
meet with to hinder the due proceeding of it as yet. Great wagers
will be laid by divers inhabitants of these parts that there will be
a cessation of arms this year, if not a peace; howbeit here at the
Hague we understand not of the least listening to it. 300,000
Crowns are expected hither out of France. I have seen a draft
of the West Indian project, and the "Octroye" that should be
given to the Company of Undertakers. I cannot yet get a copy
of it, otherwise I would have translated it, and sent it to you;
but I think Sir Francis Vere will acquaint you withal, for he has
I understand a copy sent him into England. We hear that the
Count Harry with 1,500 horse is marched into the land of Lymburghe; the enemy follows him with 2,000. Monsieur Markett,
his lieutenant general, follows them again with as many. Great
expectation there is what will be done. I believe they will all
understand themselves so well as that country shall pay all
their pains and bear their charges, unless they meet against their
wills. For I cannot believe the enemy will willingly meet with
the Count, considering he has so good a second. The young
Count Vander Brooke has not long enjoyed the possession of
Colonel Edmonds's troop, for he was slain by a party of foot of
the enemy about five days since.—Haghe, 5 Feb., 1606, veteri.
Holograph. 2 pp. (115. 91.) |
The Council of Scotland to the King. |
1606–7, Feb. 5. |
Your Majesty's subject Alexander McMath,
burgess of Edinburgh, having in the 90 year of God [sic: 1590]
laden his ship the Angel of Leith, with wax, copper, salmon, hides,
goat skins and cloth at the port of Leith where he paid his custom
and received his cocket, arriving therewith at Bilbao in Spain
his ship and goods were con[demned] as English and confiscated
by the testimony of five sub[orned witnesses, Spaniards and]
Portuguese, and the said sentence was thereafter confirmed,
notwithstanding that your Majesty by your royal letters, and the
magistrates of your burgh of Edinburgh by their letters of
certificate, as also certain witnesses given in memorial by the
Council of War in Spain to be examined in this kingdom, all
approved the goods to be Scottish and not English; which
testimonies were rejected as of no force nor credit upon pretence
that your sacred Majesty and all your subjects were heretics, and
that no faith was to be given to your reports. The matter has
been oftimes recommended unto the King of Spain and his Council,
as well by your Majesty's Ambassador as by certain of your worthy
councillors of that estate, and after many promises of redress by
way of composition for eschewing of a practice to others, in [the]
end a plain refusal was given, pretending that they would not
open the way to others in a matter of so great consequence; and
so your subject after long attendance with great charges was
forced to leave his suit. And seeing this action with others of
the like nature concerning your subjects are presently in
examination before your Majesty and Lords of your Privy
Council in that your kingdom, whose grave wisdom in all your
proceedings will produce we doubt not some contentment to your
said subject in this his complaint, we must be bold in all submission to request your Majesty to recommend this cause to your
said Council, to the effect a special remembrance may be had
thereof by them, and that justice and redress may be accordingly
craved; and in case of refusal of redress that such ordinary
remedy allowable in the like case may be granted to your
Majesty's said subject.—Edinburgh the fifth of February, 1607.
Signed: Montroiss; Al. Cancellarius; J. Balmerino; Blantyre.
Seal broken. 1 p. (120. 61.) |
The Council of Scotland to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1606–7, Feb. 5. |
To the same effect as the above.—Dated as
Signed: Montroiss; Al. Cancellarius; J. Balmerino; Blantyre.
Seal, broken. ½ p. (120. 60.) |
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Earl of Salisbury. |
[1606–7], Feb. 5. |
He expresses the love and honour he owes
to Salisbury, inquires of his health, and offers services. He lies
at Greenwich in a hired lodging only for health and open air.—
Greenwich, 5 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 77.) |
Sir John Ogle to the Same. |
1606–7, Feb. 7. |
Yesterday tidings came that Count Henry of
Nassau has taken a town in the land of Juliers called Erkeland,
and in it his cousin german, Count Henry van den Berk, prisoner.
For the circumstances so soon as I can better inform myself,
I will inform you. I am, with many others, glad of this smile of
fortune showed to this worthy young Count. Count Ernest is
now setting forward upon his journey towards Brunswick, and
means this summer to bring his lady to Arnhem, where he will
remain.—Haghe, 7 Feb., 1606, veteri.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 93.) |
William Typper to the Same. |
1606–7, Feb. 7. |
This morning Mr. Empringham and another
Lincolnshire gentleman brought me word that some of the
tenants of the manor of North Somercotes were come to London
of purpose to procure some estate in the "inned" lands of that
manor; and showed me a note wherein the tenants would join
with a scrivener by Powles [Paul's?], who has promised to help
them by a Scottish gentleman, one of the Privy Chamber.
I advised them to bring the tenants to me, which they have
promised to do to-morrow. It is confessed to me that Lincolnshire will yield 20,000 acres, which one with another will give
3s. 4d. yearly, which amounts to 3,333l. 3s. 4d. This only for
Lincolnshire, and upon the King's own manors. Against Monday
Mr. Empringham will be ready for Mr. Attorney, wherefore I
entreat you to deal with my Lord Treasurer and Sir John
Fortescue to grant no leases nor any estates in the same lands till
the matter be digested.—London, 7 Feb., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 94.) |
Capt. Thomas Mewtys to the Same. |
[1606–7], Feb. 7/17. |
Count Henry, General of the States' horse,
has made a journey up into the land of Lewck, with 2,000 horse
and 1,500 musqueteers a horseback, and by an onslaught has
taken in one of the enemy's towns called Erklen, and there took
the Count Henry Vander Barke prisoner and all his troops, and
has brought them to Nyminggam to remain there during the
States' pleasure. There is a report that the garrison of the Buse
had an enterprise upon Bredawe, but the truth is not yet confirmed.—From my garrison at Wercom, 17 Feb. the new style.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 111.) |
Sir Edward Phelipps to the Earl of Salisbury. |
[1606–7], Feb. 8. |
I find Mr. Barnewell to be taxed in the
subsidy at 3l. land, which is as much as all the land he has is
yearly worth, the house wherein he dwells excepted. His
"haviour" in goods is but little.—8 Feb. |
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606, Serjeant Philips" and the
following names: Sr. [Serjeants] Montacut, Hele, Yelverton,
Hervey, Hubberd, Tanfeild, Doddrige. ½ p. (115. 95.) |
Ralph Winwood to the Same. |
1606–7, Feb. 9. |
The conclave of the Estates of these Provinces
yet continues, augmented by the assembly of the States of
Holland, who three several times within these three months
have met together. These often meetings and frequent consultations of the physicians argue the dangerous disease of the patient;
which makes us expect with greater devotion some good resolution
of these extraordinary assemblies, for the present relief of these
countries, whose extremities cannot endure any longer attendance.
Yet it is said that never good came of a general council; and
Turba medicorum perdidit Imperatorem. But whatsoever the
resolutions will be, the deliberations are long, nothing yet being
concluded but for the "recrews," which may be doubted, having
been so long deferred, will not so soon be re-enforced as the
necessity of the service would require. There are now in the
service of the land 365 companies of foot, whereof there are
destined for the field 175, which are to be strengthened to 150
heads, unless their commissions be of a higher number, as all
colonels are, and some captains of 200: the rest which remain in
garrison to 113. The number of the horse does not pass 4,000.
So long as these companies were "repartited" upon the Provinces,
the generalty, which is the State, was not surcharged. But now
the Provinces, subject to contribution to both sides, are unable
longer to bear that burden, the generalty is so much overborne
that every month, accounting thereunto but 30 days, there are
20,000l. sterling more to [be] paid than the comings in of the
State can discharge. The States now travail to find a remedy to
prevent the mischiefs which will necessarily follow, which cannot
be less than the breaking of their troops in the time of the greatest
service. But abroad they have small hope to find relief, and at
home all things are stretched to the highest; and Holland only
excepted, whose "cantoyre" is charged with many millions of
debt (the interest of which sum consumes them), the other
Provinces have nothing but beggary and misery. |
Arthens yet attends for his answer into France; and what
answer to give him they are in pain. The overture proceeding
from that personage is not to be contemned; yet being of that
nature, and so slightly founded, it cannot easily be judged in
what fashion it should be entertained. |
There now is gone forth, or only attends the wind, a fleet of
32 sail, whereof 26 are men-of-war, for the coast of Spain,
victualled for five months. Their rendezvous is at the Isle of
Wight. |
The late tempests which here have been great have greatly
"endommaged" these countries, whose digues are pierced in
several places: and at Texel at one time there perished 17 ships
all laden with corn for Italy. We have no opinion of that war,
which we know would be advantageous for us. But in a nation
so wise, there is more to be expected than a word and a blow. |
We have it written from Vienna that Boschay should be
poisoned; which he in his sickness well perceiving, and mistrusting his Chancellor, commanded him to be brought to his chamber
door, and there caused his head, two days before his death, to be
cut off. |
C. Henry of Nassau is now abroad with part of our horse. He
has surprised a town in Juliers, which notwithstanding belongs to
the Duchy of Gueldres, which he has spoiled and burned. It is
called Erkeland. It was C. Henry Vanden Berg's ill fortune to
be found there, who is taken prisoner. |
Yesterday here was with me a gentleman of the D. of Holstayne,
who had letters from his master to their Majesties, and certain
horses for the Prince, which as he passed through Rhinberg the
Governor there stayed, pretending they are horses of service,
which without commission of the Archdukes he could not permit
to pass: notwithstanding by the passports signed by D. Ulrich
it appeared to whom they were to be addressed. I directed the
gentleman from his purpose for England, and advised him to
take his course to Brussels, and to that end I procured him from
hence a passport, and with a letter to Sir Thomas Edmonds did
furnish him with 100 C. [crowns] which he required of me.—The
Haghe, 9 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (115. 96.) |
Dr. Thomas Blague to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1606–7, Feb. 9. |
An accident fell out in Lambeth on Wednesday
sennight. The particulars I refer to this paper enclosed. His
Grace is herein so violent that I am abashed to utter. Dr. Brooke,
my wife's brother, and my eldest son John Blague, with another,
were attached herein, as though they had been present; but by
many witnesses before the Coroner they are justified: whom
I have taken into bail to answer what can be objected. Notwithstanding, this day is procured the Lord Chief Justice's warrant
for their apprehension again. My suit is that these violent
courses may be mitigated, innocency remain as it does under bail,
and law take his due course to punish the malefactor. This
unkindness of the Archbishop has cast me into a fever, grieving
that my observing of him should be thus rewarded.—Lambeth,
9 Feb., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 99.) |
The Enclosure:
Dr. Brook was arrested in my Lord of Canterbury's house for
5l. The money for which he was arrested was disclaimed by the
creditor, grieving at the arrest. Brook signified to his lordship
his arrest. No remedy was yielded. Brook and the Bishop's
bailiff concluded a peace to pawn or pay. Brook and the bailiff
came in [as] friends to Legge's house, and departed friendly.
It was the bailiff's wish that Brook should go the back way.
Brook went accordingly. The bailiff followed some while after.
Brook and his company, namely Mr. John Blague and Mr. Garter
were out of all sight. The bailiff was slain by one who neither
knew of the arrest, nor went out with them. He was slain,
God knows, without the least imagination, much less action, of
Brook and his company. It pleases his Grace to be much grieved.
Brook's truth and conscience, together with his company, is so
good as that the world cannot tax them in the least suspicion.
God knows these things to be in all truth. His Grace, as Brook
thinks, will not understand. "Horreo dicere etc."—Undated.
(115. 98). |
The Bishop of Ely to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1606–7, Feb. 9. |
I have received your letters in behalf of
Sir Ro. Hecham, and desire to give you better satisfaction.
I think very well of him of myself, and by your commendation
am induced to esteem him the better as a man of very good parts,
not inferior to the best of his equals in time and standing. But
this people with whom I have to do is a bold and a hardy people
as any is in this kingdom; who by reason of the late long vacation,
and a weak judge in time of that vacation, grew to such a head
that many of them will not easily be governed; which made me
think I could not do his Majesty better service than by choosing
some man of as great gravity and wisdom and of as great authority,
as possibly I could: that they might the more stand in awe of
him. Therefore first I entreated Mr. Justice Gawdie, and after
him Mr. Baron Savill, determining if any occasion happened to
entreat one or other of that rank; whereof I and those joined
with me in the government of this country have seen no small
fruit in this short time. If I could make it as well appear to you,
I would be out of fear that you would accept an excuse at his
hand for this time, who at all times will be commanded by
you.—Downham, 9 Feb., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 78.) |
Customs Officers for the Port of Orford and Aldborough
to the Lord Admiral. |
1606–7, Feb. 10. |
In answer to his letters of the last of January
to Sir Michael Stanhope, Vice-Admiral of Suffolk, and the
Customs Officers of Suffolk; they, the officers of the Custom for
the port of Orford and Aldeburghe, certify that they know of no
ship of any burden whatsoever sold to any foreigner or stranger
within the term of seven years.—Aldeburghe, 10 Feb., 1606.
Signed: John Beamond, Customer; Richard Pootye, Controller; Richard Cutlar, Searcher. 1 p. (115. 100.) |
Sir William Selby to the Earl of Salisbury. |
[1606–7], Feb. 10. |
According to his Majesty's commandment
I have received the Castle of Tynmouth, with the artillery. The
house is not habitable, the pieces unmounted, and no powder,
shot, or other munition more than is contained in the note
enclosed. The place is of importance, one of the keys and
principal towns and of greatest traffic in this part of the kingdom,
and commanded by the Castle. My suit is that some commissioners may be appointed to survey, as well the Castle as the
ordnance, and order taken for necessary store, and repair of the
house, that I may reside there, and give good account of the
place and of my service, which otherwise I know not how to
perform. |
At my coming here about the end of January, I found a letter
from the Council, commanding me to send the 10 horsemen under
my charge to Carlisle, wherewith I acquainted the Earl of Dunbar;
then having daily cause to use the said soldiers here for apprehension and transportation of prisoners, and having the superintendence of these services, and direction of the soldiers, his
lordship considering the necessity of apprehension, by reason of
the many felonies lately committed in this shire, 6 for 1 with
Cumberland, and that the outlaws are not many fewer and more
harmful, has willed me to stay the sending away the horsemen till
he may inform the state of this place to his Majesty and you:
which I have certified to the Commissioners at Carlisle. In the
meantime I serve here with the horsemen till your pleasure be
known, there being more cause that horsemen should be sent
from thence hither than from hence to them. |
Northumberland has for months past been much infested with
theft, but is now well quieted by the pains of the Earl of Dunbar,
who has caused a great number of the principal Ridesdale and
Tindall thieves, and of other parts, to be apprehended and
committed; for whom gaol deliveries and justice courts are to
be held. He has likewise apprehended the chief ringleaders of
Liddesdale, and of other parts of the middle shires in Scotland.
These apprehensions, being of such men as have not been taken
in my memory, have brought a general abstinence from theft,
and some increase of outlaws, who with time will be overtaken.
You have been advertised from Carlisle of the execution of divers
fugitives apprehended by Lord William Howard.—Twisell,
10 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 101.) |
Lord Harington to the Earl of Salisbury. |
[1606–7], Feb. 10. |
If my attendance on the Lady Elizabeth's
grace might have permitted my absence. I had much rather have
waited on you than by writing seek to give you satisfaction
touching my son. To the doubts you make for his young years.
I can promise nothing but hope, which he has given me no cause
to doubt, he will prove an honest man. I write not to urge you
to a more present conclusion than shall seem good to you, for my
son may stay, and daily you may see his proof and judge of his
affection as he shall deserve. Yet my years considered, I should
have thought myself happy if, whilst I live, I had left him in
your hands, on whom he might have depended, and been bettered
many ways by your favour and advice. This has been one of
the greatest causes that I and my daughter of B. have desired
the speedier conclusion with you; wherein if we have proceeded
further than has been pleasing to you, I hope you will bear therewith, considering it proceeded of hers and my care of her brother's
good, without meaning to offend you. Not that we have any
thought to treat of any other match, but wholly rely on you.
So I will rest for this motion, so long as you shall be pleased therewith and your daughter shall not dislike thereof, either by dislike
of my son himself, his meanness, or my want of a greater fortune.
I understand by my daughter and Sir William Bulstrod how
willing you are to further my suit, for which I thank you, acknowledging you the noblest friend I have ever found. Where also
you would not have me believe in this matter but what I may
understand from my daughter, I know I deal with you, from
whom I can receive nothing but honourably. My wife's thanks
that in your letter to me you remembered her.—Coumbe, 10 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606" and by the second Earl of
Salisbury: "The Lo. Harrington to my father, to show his
desire that his son should marry my sister." 1 p. (115. 102.) |
The Earl of Salisbury to Lord Harington. |
[1606–7, after Feb. 10.] |
This is the draft of the letter of which
a copy was fully described in Vol. XVII of this Calendar (pp. 629,
630) where it was tentatively, but incorrectly, ascribed to the
year 1605. It is evidently Salisbury's reply to the proposal in
the foregoing letter for the marriage of his daughter to Harington's
son. (See p. xxxviii of the Introduction to Vol. XVII.)
Draft with corrections by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1606. Copy
to my Lord Harington." 3¼ pp. (193. 42.) |
Sir Robert Crosse to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1606–7, Feb. 11. |
I have sometimes waited at your chamber
to show my love and duty, and have found you so overburdened
with matters of the State and abundance of suitors, that I
thought fitter to forbear: though once I had a good desire to
have been a suitor for a poor ward, and waited your coming
forth, and seeing you accompanied with great lords, did forbear
to trouble you then. |
I entreat your favour in this my poor distressed cause. After
the decease of our late Sovereign I found in myself a mean
estate, and seeing there would be no employment for me, I
thought it my best course to betake me to a wife, which then I did,
thinking to have lived in peace with myself and the world. But
now I hear say that the poor fortune I had with her, the two parts
thereof will be taken from me, because she is a recusant. I have
done my endeavour to alter her from it, and have found that
grace with the Lord of Canterbury to come to my house, and
Sir Christopher Perkins twice, with Sir Edward Hobbie once,
and since Christmas a divine of the Lord of Canterbury's: but
all these, neither I, can alter her inward thoughts in that point;
which has been some hindrance to me in the country I live in.
I have forborne to be a suitor or come to the Court, although
there were reason to move me thereto, for I have lost blood and
been wounded twice in his Majesty's service at the taking in of
the Castle of Edinburgh, which Kirkadye then Lord of Grandge
had the keeping of; and hearing of his Majesty's bounty to
many that could challenge little of desert might encourage me to
become a suitor: and had drawn a petition to his Majesty, with a
desire of your furtherance: but first I would have been glad to
see if I could bring her from her Popish opinion. And seeing I
cannot do it, I may by your means enjoy my poor estate that I
am in possession of, whereby I may have meat to eat the remainder
of my years, and not to be given to another over my head that
shall not be so ready to do the King service as myself.—Marten
[Merton] Abbey, 11 Feb., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 107.) |
Officers of the port of Dunwich, Southwold and
Walberswick to the Lord Admiral. |
1606–7, Feb. 12. |
In reply to the inquiry what ships of 100
tons and upwards, with their ordnance, have been sold to
strangers within seven years; their answer is none.—Walbeswick,
12 Feb., 1606.
Signed: Thomas Greene, Customer: Daniell Jeggell, Controller; and Thomas Walton, Searcher. |
Certificate at foot by the Officers of the port of Woodbridge
called Gosford Haven: that there has been no shipping of the
above burden belonging to their port, the last seven years.
Signed: Jonas Beriman. Customer: George Button, Controller. 1 p. (115. 103.) |
S. Hamilton to the Earl of Salisbury. |
1606–7, Feb. 13. |
Expresses his thanks for Salisbury's exceeding favours and bountiful dealing with him. Understands by
letters from Master Hay, and my Lord of Glasgow, and my Lord
of Dunbar and others his friends, how his obligation to Salisbury
is increased by the favourable reports he has made of him to the
King, who is thereby moved to think his service worthy of
acceptance.—Edinburgh, 13 Feb., 1606.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Lord Advocate of Scotland." 1 p.
(115. 105.) |
Officers of the port of Ipswich to the Lord Admiral. |
1606–7, Feb. 14. |
In reply to his inquiry what ships of 100
tons and upwards, with their munitions, have been sold to
strangers within seven years, they certify that they know of no
such ships.—Ipswich, 14 Feb., 1606.
Signed: Edm. Jenney, Customer; Aug. Parker, Controller;
Tho. Clere, Searcher. 1 p. (115. 106.) |