Cecil Papers: December 1575

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1575', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp123-125 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1575', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp123-125.

"Cecil Papers: December 1575". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp123-125.

December 1575

345. Westmoreland.
1575, Dec. 1. Memorandum by Ralph Boswile of certain writs and patents to be issued relating to the county of Westmoreland.
1 p.
346. The Privy Council to the Lord Keeper and the Lord Treasurer.
1575, Dec. 4. Her Majesty having been advertised of numerous highway robberies which have lately been committed in divers parts of the realm, and that it is a common thing for the thieves to carry pistols whereby they either murder out of hand before they rob, or else put her subjects in such fear that they dare not resist, their lordships are requested to take such steps as may be necessary to redress this mischief; and also to suppress the numbers of tall men calling themselves discharged soldiers of Ireland, who, especially in the neighbourhood of London, go about the highways begging and are suspected when they see an opportunity of robbing and spoiling her Majesty's true subjects.—Windsor, 4 Dec. 1575.
1 p.
347. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1575, Dec. 13. Warrant authorising Mr. Glazier to deliver five thousand pounds to John Giffard, servant of the Lord Deputy of Ireland.—Windsor, 14 Dec. 1575.
1 p.
348. The Lord Keeper Bacon to Lord Burghley.
1575, Dec. 14. Sends the examinations of Kildare altered yet not subscribed by him. It cannot be proceeded in further till a new conference between Burghley and himself. Will tarry till Burghley's health is better.—Charing Cross, 14 Dec. 1575.
P.S.—“He said that in some things his meaning is mistaken.”
½ p. Encloses,
Dec. 8.—Interrogatories for the Earl of Kildare.
Was Thomas Stuckley in secret conference with him at Kilka two days before going into Spain? Did he send Phelim O'Connor and another with two of his best saddle horses with the said Stuckley? What message did Phelim bring back? What messages did the Earl send by Tigh MacMahon to James Fitzmorris before his going into France? Had he any bull or dispensation for his daughter's marriage? Did he take Phelim O'Connor from the soldiers in Maynooth about Christmas last, he being apprehended for treason.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“Owyn McHew becam foster father to Henry the Earl's child.”
349. Roger Alford to Lord Burghley.
1575, Dec. 14. Mr. Redeman, the bringer of this, hath made me privy to a commission awarded by your lordship for the examination of a very foul matter against him objected, such indeed—although he hath married my cousin german removed, on my mother's side—but that I think him very honest, I would not write in. The gentleman is thought in this shire of as good fame as any of his calling in it. As he desireth to make his purgation, so he is desirous that, by your lordship's favour, he may try out the practice, which, methinks savoureth already, wherein I pray you to let him have your aid.—Hitcham, 14 December 1575.
1 p.
350. Philip Gunter to Lord Burghley.
1575, Dec. 17. Entreats his good offices in behalf of his son-in-law, George Southaicke, spoiled of 1,800l. by those of Flushing. The Flemings here will take no way to answer his loss. He has a wife and eight children, the eldest not nine years old. The report is written and sent from those in commission to Burghley touching the loss.—London, 17 December 1575.
¾ p.
351. Sir Walter Mildmay to Lord Burghley.
1575, Dec. 17. Has perused the letter from Mr. Jenkins, and after conference with Sir Val. Browne, has framed a reply, which together with Sir Valentine's, will, he thinks, satisfy all his doubts. States what has been done with regard to certain Privy Seals and Warrants.—London, 17 Dec. 1575.
1 p.
352. Wm. Glasier to Lord Burghley.
1575, Dec. 18. Advises him that on the 8th of this month he brought the treasure for the service in Ireland which was committed to his charge safely to Chester, where it is in readiness to be delivered to the Lord Treasurer of Ireland on his sending for the same which he has been requested to do.—Chester, 18 Dec. 1575.
1 p.
353. Portugal.
[1575.] A paper endorsed by Lord Burghley :—“A proof how the Cardynall Henry is rightfull King of Portugall by the deth of King Sebastian.”
3 pp.
354. Marcus Curelle to Lord Burghley.
[1575?] Having had lately just cause to defend an estate, granted many years past by copy of Court Roll to a poor widow and a fatherless child for term of their lives, against the heir of the grantor, who goeth about to defeat the same pretending that the land hath not been copyhold land time out of mind; it has occurred to him that many poor copyholders stand in danger to be turned out of their poor livings and undone upon like pretence if their lords list. Thinks therefore he cannot better perform his duty than by exhibiting a bill in this present Parliament for the remedying of such a mischief; which bill he humbly submits to his lordship's correction and, forasmuch as good enterprises oft-times take evil success for lack of help, craves leave to be so bold as “to crepe for helpe under his lordshippes winge.”
1 p.
356. The Earl of Sussex to Lord Burghley.
[1575.] Is sorry there is cause to mistrust that it is intended there shall be a war in France; which, although it may satisfy some humours that only seek to break the marriage and care not what they do to have the pretence, yet when it shall bring the Queen into wars with all the Princes of Europe, he fears that both she and the realm will smart for the pleasing of these men's humours.
The division map of three third parts for the bearing of the charges of the wars carrieth a good shew; but when he considers the poorness of the King of Navarre and the covetousness of the Almains, he fears her Majesty in the end must pay for all, or let all fall when she hath put her foot in.
If there might be a peace in France thinks it were better both for her and for the King of Navarre, for when she either cannot or will not in time supply their lacks their cause must fall to the ground, and they therewith, and her Majesty after shall feel the lack of her friends and the danger of so great a war.—Newhall, Monday.
2 pp. [Lodge, Vol. II., pp. 66–68. In extenso.]