Cecil Papers: April 1576

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1576', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp130-133 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1576', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp130-133.

"Cecil Papers: April 1576". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp130-133.

April 1576

371. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1576, Apr. 20. The matter in dispute between the Clothworkers and the Merchant Adventurers being now finally settled and an agreement between them draw up in writing and subscribed by both parties as well as by the Arbitrators, a copy thereof is sent to his lordship as her Majesty's principal officer of the Customs throughout the realm in order that he may take measures for its due observance by the customers and searchers in the various parts.—Westminster, 20 April 1576.
1 p.
372. Samuel Cockburn to his uncle Archibald Douglas.
1576, Apr. 22. Remembering how far his duty doth bind him, will never be forgetful what he has received, nor unthankful, but ever ready to perform what service he can and upon all occasions. Of the particulars of his affairs here, and how they have proceeded, his uncle will be fully advertised by those who have dwelt therein, but for his own part lest he should seem to do nothing, will trouble him with superficial discourses of such things as he has learnt since his coming here.
First, puts him in remembrance of a letter which he himself wrote from London to his brother, wherein according to his wish and desire a part thereof is accomplished; “for immediatlie it was put in his Majesties handis, who, after that he had read it twys, spak weall both of the wryter and of the letter, and I houp it shall be one of the moteves to mak me speak with his Majestie, and gif so be, than persuad I myself to do you serveice.” The letter was also read by some of the new Council, who liked the same very well. Advises him, if he should find it good to write to him again, to let his discourse be both probable and pleasant, and written as if it were sent to him by some gentleman of England, of good account, of his acquaintance there, and to command him in another letter how he shall deal, for none shall have better will. Has spoken at length with Master Robert Bruce, who professes himself greatly obliged for certain letters and intelligences sent him by the writer.
“The 'general' is come to the partie's ears, who stormes terriblelie, as fynding no honeste excuse to cover his inhonest dealynge, & blames you and your nephew to be the inventers of such things, but Mr. Robert tells me that he blushis terriblelie whan he is accusit. But I have so delatit the mater to Mr. Robert, who gevis me credit tharin, that he is in a great anger against the partie and can skers contein himself with patience. I have also made you clean tharof, for myself never hearing any such thing of you. His Majestie knawes also of the generall, and would gladlie have the partie disgracit. I have offerit gif that shall cum to the worst, rather or any man be blamit for it, to tak it upon me and till avow the same as fearing no man.
Let me therefore maist ernestlie request you to send me the extract so amplelie and so probable as it may be had, and send it to me so soon as is possible, and be God's grace I shall mak it serve your turne, or ells I shall fyre ye toune.”
His nephews are most willing and painful to do what is possible in his affairs, but neither time nor occasion serves to make any assurance. It is now time of vacance, every man is quiet at his house, and his Majesty is gone to Stirling. The office of Secretary is also a great hindrance to his affairs, but there is no question but that the present man must quit it and Mr. John Lindesay will get it.
Had almost forgotten to tell him how his Majesty and divers others are persuaded that he is a sider and bound in a band with the Treasurer, wherein he has spoken very assuredly and in denial of it.—Whittingham, 22 April 1576.
2 pp.
373. Burghley's Memorial touching the [Earl of Oxford].
1576, April 25. Assurance of a joynture, not so much as his thyrdes; iijm given with hir, besyde half as much otherwise expended. Assurance of a portion, no more than she hath necessarely spent. For she was in dett for lack of releff. She had bene long sick before that. In hir sycknes whan she bred child hir charges war great; the lyk whan she was delyvered. [Nota : no land assuerd to his daughter, though he have no other child.] With that she hath, my Lord is discharged of meat & drynk for hir self, hir women and hir servants, and for all manner of wages & lyveryes. She also beareth the charges of a gentlewoman, a nurss, a rockar and a lauder for hir child.
No unkyndness knowen on his part at his departure. She made hym prive that she thought she was with child, wherof he sayd he was glad. Whan he was certefyed thereof at Pariss he sent hir his picture with kynd letteres and messadges. He sent hir ij coch horsses. When he hard she was delyvered he gave me thankes by his letteres for advertisyng therof. He never signefyed any mislykyng of any thyng untile the 4 of Aprill at Pariss, from whence he wrote somewhat that by reason of a man of his, his receavor, he had conceaved some unkyndnes, but he prayed me to let pass the same, for it did grow by the dooblenes of servants. I wrot to Pariss to hym to hasten hym homeward. I sent for my son Th. Ce[cill], who was more than hundred myles from London to come in post, to go and mete hym at Dover, or in France, who cam, and was with hym at Dover within ij howres after my Lord Howard and others, and thither carryed my commendat & his wyves, and did not understand from hym any poynt of mislykyng. My doughter went to Gravesend sonar than I wold, for my advise was that by my son she shuld understand his contentation, but she thought long to do for my son's answer, and looked that my Lord wold be come neare befor she cold have word, and so went with my Lady Mary, who had wrytten to hir to Theobaldes requestyng that she might go with hir. All this whyle I knew of no mislykyng towards me or his wiff, but I hard that his receavor had bene at Dover to spek with hym, and he refused it, sayeng he wold speak with hym befor me.
I sent letteres to hym to intreat hym to tak my houss for his lodgyng, wherof I had no answer, and yet I wrot twise by ij severall messyngers. But my son sent me word that he found hym disposed to kepe hymself secretly ij or iij dayes in his own lodgyng, and yet that Edw. York told hym secretly that his Lordship wold come first to my houss, but he wold nobody know therof. Wheruppon I was very glad, but his wiff gladder. And the contrary I knew untill he was landed, and than my son told me how he did soddenly leave the bardg and took a whery, and only with Rowl York landed about Yorks houss.
Heruppon I sent to welcom hym, and with req[uest] to tak a lodgyng in my houss, but therto he answered that he meant to kepe hymself secret ther in his lodgyng ij or iij dayes, and then he wold come and speak with me. And the messynger did come from his wiff with request that if he shuld not come that night to hir father's houss, that than she wold come to hym, for she desyred to be on of the first that might se hym. To it he answered nether yea nor naye, but sayd “Why ! I have answered you,” mening that he would kepe hymself secret ij or iij dayes, as the messynger took it. Wheruppon I thought convenient she shuld forbeare to go to hym untill we might se how others war suffred to come to hym, or he to resort to others. Within ij howres I hard by them that had bene with hym how many had bene with hym, without any his mislykyng, and also that it was hard that he ment to supp out of his lodg at Ed. Yorks, and that ther was a coch preparyng for my lady his sistar to come to hym, which being hard by my daughter she very importunatly required me she might go to hym. And yet I required hir to stay untill I might send to my Lord Haward, from whom I wold know whyther he knew that my Lord hir husband wold go to the Court, for, if he wold, she shuld not go untill he had bene ther. My Lord Haward sent me word that he as yet cold not tell, but whan he shuld know he wold send me word, wherof I had noone, &c. [Unfinished.]
Endorsed :“A memoriall, 25 Aprill 1576.”
Holograph. 3 pp.
374. The Queen to Lord Burghley and Sir Walter Mildmay.
1576, April 27. Warrant under the Sign Manual for grant in fee farm, to Thomas and Robt. Warcopp, of lands of the clear yearly value of 40l. 1s. 10d., the more considerable of which are in Wombwell, Normanton, Flaxton, Hooton-on-Derwent, co. York, Radford, co. Notts, Tickenhall, co. Derby, and Gomothoider, co. Radnor.—Westminster 27 April, 19 Eliz.
Sign Manual.
Sealed and endorsed. Vellum. 1 m.
375. The Earl of Oxford to Lord Burghley.
1576, Apr. 27. Being urged thereto by his lordship's letters, gives him to understand that, as touching his wife, until he can better satisfy or advertise himself concerning certain “mislikes” he is not determined to accompany her. What these are he will not publish until it shall please him, neither will he weary his life any more with such troubles and molestations as he has endured, nor to please his lordship discontent himself. With regard to his lordship's offer to receive her into his own house, it doth very well content him, for there, as his lordship's daughter (or her mother's), rather than as his wife, his lordship may take comfort of her and he himself be well rid of the cumber, whereby he doubts not he will be well eased of many griefs. She hath a sufficient portion for her maintenance.
Expresses his regret that this had not been arranged by private conference without thus becoming “the fable of the world” and raising open suspicions to his wife's disgrace and to his own increased misliking. —Friday, 27th April.
Endorsed :—“27 April 1576.—Erle of Oxford from Grenewych.”
1 p.
376. The Pirates in the Narrow Seas.
1576, Apr. 29. Warrant, under the Privy Signet, to the Lord High Admiral directing him to equip and send five of Her Majesty's ships, to wit the Dreadnought, the Swiftsure, the Foresight, the Achates, and the Handmayden, against the pirates infesting the Narrow Seas.—Greenwich, the 29th day of April 1576.
1 p.