Cecil Papers: December 1576

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1576', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp144-146 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1576', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp144-146.

"Cecil Papers: December 1576". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp144-146.

December 1576

427. Playing Cards.
1576, Dec. 3. Warrant under the Privy Signet for the seizure of all playing cards brought into the realm in contravention of the patent granted to Ralph Bowes and Thomas Bedingfield.—Hampton Court, 3 Dec. 1576.
1 p.
428. Ordnance.
1576, Dec. 22. Warrant under the Privy Signet for the transportation to Flanders of certain pieces of cast-iron ordnance and of iron bullets.—Hampton Court, 22 Dec. 1566.
1 p.
429. The “Novo Aviso.”
[1576.] An additional declaration by the Queen on the subject of a pamphlet printed at Milan, entitled Novo Aviso, in which she is charged not only with ingratitude to the King of Spain (who, according to the author, saved her life when justly sentenced to death in her sister's time) but also with an intended attempt against the life of the said Prince.
Draft in the handwriting of Walsingham.
6 pp. [Murdin, pp. 294–295. In extenso.]
430. The Earl of Oxford's cavillations contra Lord Burghley.
[1576.] Injuries and unkind parts [of the Earl] : leaving his issue female unprovided of land; rejecting his wife at her coming to him without cause shewed; continuing to forbear from her company without cause; detaining her apparel, and all her chamber stuff for the space of three months; suffering false reports to be made touching her honesty; quarrelling against the Lord Treasurer for matters untrue and of no value, that is to say :—
[Cavillations.] [Answers.]
1. That Clopton and Faunt were by him maintained. They were committed by the Lord Treasurer, and no cause could be shewed of their desert, and they were set at liberty by the Earl himself without knowledge of the Lord Treasurer.
2. That Denny, the French boy, and others that lay in wait to kill Clopton, were punished by the Lord Treasurer. They were imprisoned by order of the Queen given to her Council, as they deserved.
3. That he had not his money made over sea so speedily as he desired. He had in one year 3,000l. and 2,700l. by the credit of the Lord Treasurer, when the Earl's money could not be had.
4. That his wife was most directed by her father and mother. She must be most directed by her parents when she had no house of the Earl's to go to, and in her sickness and childbed only looked to by her parents.
5. That Hubbard would not deliver to the Earl his writings, wherein he was maintained by the Lord Treasurer. He offered to deliver all, so he might be saved harmless against the Earl's creditors, who threatened to arrest him.
6. That his book of entail was not enrolled whereby the estates were void. It was never devised by the Lord Treasurer, who never knew it was not enrolled till after the Earl's return. It was good without enrollment.
The Lord Treasurer first assured to the Earl and his wife and their heirs a manor of 800l. a year, and because the Earl might not sell it away he was first offended with the Lord Treasurer. The marriage has cost the Lord Treasurer from the beginning about 5 or 6 thousand pounds.
Endorsed :—“1576. His own good nature.”
“Pleasyng of Almighty God wherin is conteaned omnes charitates” &c., &c. “The gretest possession that any man can have is honor, good name, good will of many & of the best sort.”
Burghley's holograph.
431. The Earl of Oxford.
[1576.] Note of the money that Benedict Spinola, at the instance of the Lord High Treasurer of England, caused to be paid to the Earl of Oxford, as well in France as at Venice. The payments are made partly in 1575 and partly in 1576, the total amount being 3,761s. 4s. 5d.
Endorsed by Lord Burghley.
Italian. 1 p.
432. Captain Malbye to Lord Burghley.
[1576.] Thanks him for employment, and assures him that his labours shall merit his lordship's gracious opinion.
Asks that his general commission may be strengthened by his lordship's particular favourable letters.
1 p.
433. The Earl of Sussex to Lord Burghley.
[1576 ?] Has just received his lordship's letters, from which he perceives that there is hope that her Majesty's sickness is at an end. This is more comfort to him than the ease of his own pain. Missed his fit yesternight; thanks God, and hopes he will have no more fits. Is greatly distempered every night, but has no fever. The physicians recommend him to take the air.—Undated.
1 p.
434. The Earl of Sussex to Lord Burghley.
[1576?] It pleased the Queen's Majesty to have some long speeches with him at Putney concerning the conversation that passed between his lordship and herself at their parting.
Her Majesty spoke honourably of his lordship's deserts and of her affection to him and of his sound and deep judgment and counsel using these words “that no prynce in Europe had suche a counceler as she had of him,” that if his lordship had heard her speeches they must needs have been to his great contentment. In fine her Majesty commanded him that in any wise he should see his lordship that night, thinking that he was in London, and deliver to him such speeches as he forbears to write, but will bring to-morrow himself. The end of
her Majesty's speeches was that she prayed his Lordship to come to Nonesuch as soon as he conveniently might.
1 p.
435. The Earl of Sussex to Lord Burghley.
[1576?] Her Majesty has received intelligence from beyond the seas which she means presently to impart to his lordship and to confer with him thereon.
Her pleasure is therefore that his lordship should repair to her as soon as he conveniently may.—“From Ledys, this Sondaye.”
1 p.