Cecil Papers: July 1578

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp183-191 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp183-191.

"Cecil Papers: July 1578". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp183-191.

July 1578

537. The Earl of Morton to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 1. By this bearer—of your lordship's old acquaintance, not minded yet to settle himself for any age, but to visit the world after his accustomed manner—has thought meet to present his commendations. By him Burghley will partly know the state of this country, but more specially by the Lord of Dunfermline, secretary and ambassador for the King towards her Majesty, who intends now shortly to be with his lordship.—Stirling Castle, 1 July 1578.
Endorsed :—“By Captain Colbron.”
½ p.
538. Edward Fytton to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 3. After sending letters by John Passe, importing the inheritance of the Earl of Oxford and Burghley's daughter, the Countess, for lands in Roode within this county, was, upon occasion, enforced to send bearer, partly with these letters from his father, but chiefly for a cause of his own, which toucheth him near and comes commanded from the Earl of Leicester. If Burghley grants his petition it will be worth £100 a year, and a denial will force him to break with his father-in-law, Sir John Holcroft. Beseeches Burghley to ease him of £20 per annum, which only gives him time and hindereth her Majesty nothing of her due.—“Aldsford, my pore cotage,” 3 July 1578.
[Postscript.]—For treasure the bearer can inform you sufficiently, for we were at the sea together.
I beseech you to send me some direction by Pase for the commons in Road; the having or losing of 300 acres of land will hereby be in question.
Endorsed :“For a lesser stallment of his debt undertaken for Baggott.”
1 p.
539. Robert Bowes to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 5. Recommending Captain Cockburn, who will report as to the “broken estate of this realm, falling daily into dangerous condition by the great discords renewing still among the nobility, and presently threatening seditious effects.”—Edinburgh, 5 July 1578.
1 p.
540. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1578] July 5. Thinks himself most fortunate in being assured by her Majesty's letter of the continuance of the good offices for which he is and will be eternally obliged to her, and for which he sends his Counsellor and Chamberlain in Ordinary the Sieur de Bacqueville to offer her his most humble thanks and at the same time to give her every assurance of his affection that she can possibly desire.—“Ses,” 5 July.
French. 1 p.
541. Walter Erle.
1578, July 5. Warrant under the Sign Manual for a grant in fee-farm of the rectory or parsonage of Morden and the advowson of the vicarage, co. Dorset, unto Walter Erle.—Greenwich, 5 July 20 Eliz.
Signet affixed.
One sheet of paper.
542. The Earl of Bedford to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 6. Thinks himself greatly beholden to Burghley for his courteous lines of the 29th of June last. Finds thereby how hardly the Earl Morton came to be of the King's Council; for whose cause writer is very glad. He (Morton) is one greatly affected to his King's service, much dedicated to her Majesty, and nothing favouring the French faction; for which causes he is the more to be well thought of. God grant that her Majesty may be inclined to embrace their friendships there, for, how necessary it is for the strength of this realm that these two be linked together in one and their minds there alienated from the French, his lordship can best consider. It appeareth that the Earl came hardly unto it, being elected only by one voice; by the which it seemeth he was called. Perceives the state of them in Flanders by that Burghley writes. God direct their enterprises and further that action as may most tend to his honour and glory, for therein is the help of man nothing available. Reminds Burghley of the matter of Dartmoor if any suit be attempted for it. Prays his furtherance for a diligent bishop to succeed him that is dead, such a one as may be a preacher, and not a dumb dog. Will pray that her Majesty may make good choice.—Exeter, 6 July 1578.
1 p.
543. John Hastings to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 7. Praying for a warrant to remove certain cloths made, dressed, dyed, and packed for “frizeados,” ready to be sent over by one Arthur Huet, and the cause into the Exchequer, where they may be safe until trial may be had touching the same. Writer refers to his great charges and travail “to bring this feat to English lands,” and to maintain his letters patent “against the open and fraudulent devices of disordered persons as seek to annihilate the same.”—7 July 1578.
1 p.
544. The Commissioners of Sewers, co. Somerset, to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 9. State, with reference to the waterworks at East Brent, that a presentment of jurors is to this effect : “that where the late abbots of Glaston were accustomed to make the whole works there in question, they did it in respect they were lords of the four towns, viz., East Brent, South Brent, Lympsham, and Barrow, and especially to make their provision from Severn to their House of Glaston by water. And that, in those days, the abbots did allow certain fryth and stakes to be had forth of a certain ground within the said manor of East Brent, which is now utterly wasted.” Suggest how the works should now be allotted to the lords according to the quantity of land held by each.—East Brent, 9 July 1578.
Seven signatures.
1 p.
545. William Humphrey to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 9. Reports his proceedings in connexion with Burghley's order touching the view to be taken by Mr. Palmer and him, for the melting of so much bullion as one of the great iron pots would contain; as also to make further proof of such bullion as was assayed and molten in his lordship's presence. Finds himself beaten with his own staff by such as are of great audacity and apter to make formal discourses than he is. “Not long since one amongst us at the Mint made a discourse what he had seen done and what he could do touching the making of an assay without fire, who, as it seemed, hath had the view of certain collections which I gathered and put in writing at the commandment of Sir Thomas Parry out of the Lapidary Science and of sundry prescripts after Troy about eighteen years past, thereby to shew by what art sundry Roman antiquities of gold then extant were made, which thing, being now sensibly spoken of, seemed to the hearers very delectable and mystical. And yet I am sure he that did speak of the matter is ignorant of both arts touching their limits.”
Concerning the mines in Wales thinks it a great loss to omit the time wherein such quantity of treasure might be gotten from the earth, as in this proportion herewith presented is mentioned. If his substance would extend further than to the proof of continuance of the mine, which is known by two special tokens, to wit, the one a “bearing” cliff against the mountain, and the other a mother cliff which includeth the one and openeth between two others, he would not lose such time as now happeneth. The money collected for the works may be employed by Christopher Choute, who is well able to deal in the matter. Asks Burghley to vouchsafe the disbursing of this collection, and writer will “travell” to the Earl of Shrewsbury and the Earl of Leicester to do the like.—9 July 1578.
2 pp.
1578, June,—“The yearly charges of 25 miners with their coaiders, June 1578.” Among the items are :
Item, for wages and diet of a 'Berghmr' and for teaching the 'allmaigne mynerie,' and directing the miners, £20.
Item, for a burner of bones and preparing them to ashes” &c., £13.
Item, for 2 men to gather the bones of beasts perished on the mountains, as also from good towns,” &c., £20 16s.
[The charges amount to £1,208 1s. 4d. , and the estimated yield of lead and silver is valued at £3,749 17s.]
3 pp.
546. Sir Amias Poulet to the Queen.
1578, July 10. On the 7th instant, Monsieur departed from Verneuil at 10 at night, accompanied by La Noue, Bussy, Simier, Fervaques, and others, to the number of 10 persons, and passed the river Seine at La Roche Guyon; whence he takes his course towards Arras. The King pretends to be much grieved with the departure of his brother in this manner, who, contrary to his accustomed order, dined yesterday in his chamber, where he remained during the whole day. This matter seemed so strange that the writer could not be satisfied, until the gentleman who is agent here for Monsieur had assured him thereof. The Archbishop of Nazaret is said to have departed yesterday towards Monsieur, but his return hither is expected, unless he would expose himself to many dangers. It is said that this archbishop has brought bulls from the Pope, for assurance to be made to Monsieur by the clergy of this realm of as large a pension as the King, his brother had of them during the reign of King Charles.—Paris, 10 July 1578.
1 p.
547. Sir N. White to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 11. Finds by letters written hither the continuance of Burghley's favour towards him in this his time of trouble. Hears he is heavily charged with opposing her Majesty's prorogation in the matter of “sesse”; yet, if he had licence to come over, he would not only approve himself as an earnest maintainer of all the Queen's rights and prerogatives, but also lay before her Highness the greatest comfort that any prince can receive, which she hath, through her own gracious dealing in this cause with her people, far beyond all their wisdoms here. Has served her Majesty these 14 years as a counsellor, in one place or other of her realm. “And, if in that time I have seen cause why I might with safe conscience and good intention to her Majesty's service rather dissent in some things from the governor than to concur with him in all things, I may be thought to have given him and not her Majesty cause of misliking, and to have showed myself more zealous to her service than worldly wise to my commodity.” As regards the Queen's liberality to him, the manor of Lexlipp is, for the 10 years to come of Mannering's lease, not worth more than £17 12s. above her Majesty's rent, nor after the expiration of the lease can it be improved (at the uttermost racking) to any more than £60 a year above the rent.
The Lord Deputy avouches the Earl of Leicester and Mr. Philip Sydney for his advertisers against the writer, “and thereupon hath prepared Snag as an edge to so strong a back as himself to touch me for my office, with matters arguing more desire than good cause to harm me.” Has never offended Leicester, but thought himself much beholden to him. The Lord President of Munster hath long attended here to receive a charge, which he hath not as yet. The Chancellor (tanquam persona interposita) is a great travailer betwixt them, and hears also of some hard question betwixt the Lord Deputy and the Treasurer for the treasure lately come over, wherein the Council are to yield their opinions. Being but a private man cannot advertise Burghley any more thereof. That noisome rebel Rory Oge, in a sudden meeting betwixt the Baron of Upper Ossory and him, is slain, with the loss of some of their men on both sides. His body was carried away by his kinsmen and followers, and another of the O'Mores set up by them in his place, named Rossy McLaghlyn, son to him whom the Earl of Sussex had in “holt” at Laghlyn, and in seeking to escape, by leaping out at a castle window, broke his back. The cutting off of that rebel is a happy turn, and when the news was brought to the Lord Deputy he said : “Nunc dimittis servum tuum Domine in pace.”—“From my reclused Cell of St. Katherine's,” 11 July 1578.
2 pp.
548. Humphrey Michell to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 12. Asking that, of the warrant of £2,000 granted by her Majesty to be paid to him towards the buildings to be done at Windsor in two years following, he might have the £1,000 yet unpaid into his own hands.—From Windsor “Caser” (Castle) in the chief business of the Works, 12 July.
Endorsed :—“1578.—The 1,000li. assigned for the works at Windsor to be delivered to him in prest.”
1 p.
549. Robert Petre to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 12. Requesting to know Burghley's pleasure for the payment of the “ordinaries” of Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Pelham.—Westminster, 12 July 1578.
¼ p.
550. Thomas Handford to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 13. Praying Burghley to direct letters to the sheriff of Warwick for stay of an injunction obtained in an Exchequer suit between John Marow and Henry Mayne concerning the manor of Elmedon, co. Warwick.—Woloshull (? Walsall), 13 July 1578.
1 p.
551. “Rauffe” Sherman to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 13. With reference to his suit—“which was to help me to some money to furnish me with a horse and other things to wait on the Queen's Majesty (as my duty is) in this her progress”—which he perceives will not be accomplished; “and for want thereof I shall not be able to travel on foot, and besides it is not decent for me to go a-foot, being so 'auncyent' a servant to the Crown;”—prays, therefore, that he may have a reasonable stipend or board wages until her Highness' return to London.—London, 13 July 1578.
1 p.
552. Thomas Neale to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 14. Giving secret notice with regard to a “particular” drawn up concerning lands sued for by Mr. Beeston, called Ravensmore —London, 14 July 1578.
Endorsed :—“The particular of Ravensworth (sic) rated for Mr. Farnham.”
1 p.
553. Thomas Wilkes to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 14. Whereas it pleased her Majesty to grant unto me the office of her printer, for which I compounded with this bearer, Christopher Barker, and procured the same office to him in his own name. And in consideration of such benefit as I took by him, I find myself bound in conscience to help him in that I may, that by the perverse dealing of such of his society who daily impugn him he be not undone in the said office. And, therefore, understanding that divers printers of London, without any lawful right, do imprint divers books and paris of books specially and only appertaining to her Majesty's printer; for remedy whereof I beseech you that a letter may be granted from the Lords of the Council to the Master and Wardens of the Stationers of London generally, to make search for all books and parts of books heretofore lawfully printed by her Majesty's late printers, and yet not sold. And that, for avoiding the great wrong, by divers “sleightes” now usually done to the said Barker, none of the same books may from henceforth be retained, kept, uttered, or sold by any persons, unless the beginning and ending of the said books shall be first printed and published with the mark and “vinyate” of the said Barker. And that immediately upon the said search made, or within 30 days, Barker shall freelv give and deliver to the owners of such books lawfully printed as aforesaid, the beginnings and endings thereof, with the mark and “vinyate” aforesaid, without any further delay.—London, 14 July 1578.
P.S.—Encloses a letter which, if approved, the Lords may sign.
1 p.
554. John Brown (Deputy Surveyor) to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 15. Furnishing particulars with regard to the repair of the paling of Eye Park in Suffolk. Suggests that some trees be spared from Brundishe, in the tenure of Francis Colbie, esq. The tops of the trees within the manor of Eye being taken from the copyholders, “the tenants challenge to be theirs by ancient custom.”—Layston in Suffolk, 15 July 1578.
1 p.
555. William Dodington to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 15. Received Burghley's letter even now at midnight, but, having sent his horse and man to Newbury, is utterly unfurnished wherewith to wait on his lordship. Besides, if it be her Majety's liking to have the indenture altered, it will be a matter of more travail, and require longer time than the place and time of her Highness' abode there will give leave to dispatch. If Burgbley would set down in articles what he would have done, it should be done with all expedition.—Kensington, 15 July 1578.
1 p.
556. Doctor Richard Howlande to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 15. Understanding that her Majesty cometh to Audley End the 22nd of this month, I thought it my duty (after conference with the heads) to signify our determination, submitting it to your correction. For, besides the oration to be uttered unto her Majesty by our Orator, we purpose to present a pair of gloves and the New Testament in Greek of Robertus Stephanus, in folio, fair bound, gill; and enamelled, with her Majesty's arms upon the cover, and her “posie.” We have likewise thought of a short exercise and disputation in philosophy to be had before her Majesty; the questions are these :—1a. Clementia in principe magis quam severitas laudanda est, 2a. Quæfortuna fieri dicuntur, fato fiunt. The actors are such, as I do not doubt but will greatly commend themselves, and delight the hearers. The questions, also (as your Honour seeth), not unfit, but most agreeing to that place; not too high for the parties, and yet touching the head; not to offend, but greatly to delight, to hear that defended wherein her Majesty doth most justly glory, and we her subjects so happily live and flourish. Wherein most humbly we crave your lordship's will and pleasure, as also whether your Honour would have us come before her Majesty in black gowns or in scarlet.
I thought it good also to let you understand our further purpose, to present unto your lordship and the Earl of Leicester (being our High Steward) a pair of gloves. Asks whether Burghley will come to Cambridge, if so, craves instructions how he would be received and with what exercises.—St. John's College, 15 July 1578.
1 p.
557. Roger Cave to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 16. He and his wife acknowledged a fine at Leicester, of which he sends a true copy. Desires Burghley to fix a day for the signing of certain indentures. Is anxious for intelligence as to the wardship of young Mr. Somervyle.—Stanford, 16 July 1578.
2 pp.
558. Roger Manwood to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 17. Reporting the stay of Christopher Baker's warrant, dated July 1572, for marking oaks to be preserved from felling.—“At my poor house near Canterbury,” 16 July 1578.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Justice Manwood to my Lord.”
1 p.
559. The Lord Keeper (Sir N. Bacon) to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 18. Thanks Burghley for his letter and courteous offer. True it is that about 10 days past he wrote to Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, earnestly desiring him to be a mean to her Majesty to get him leave to go into Suffolk, declaring the peril he stood in here, but could by no means obtain any leave. Whereupon he determined, if her Majesty's progress continued into Suffolk, to have forborne his going into Suffolk till she were returning homeward by Essex. And if she go not into Suffolk then he takes his journey within a few days. Thought in the mean time to have seen Nonsuch and the Lord Admiral, and to have returned by his brother Gresham, but, hearing Lady Lumley is very sick, that journey is disappointed.
Is glad that Monsieur is gone towards the Estates. Prays God it be all of good faith. Trusts the coming of the Abbot shall do some good. —Gorhambury, 18 July 1578.
Seal. 1 p.
560. The Confession of George Mace.
1578, July 18. Examinate saith that about six or eight days before Whitsuntide last he was earnestly requested by Humphrey Gunstone, going to the Bull Head in Cheapside, to go to Pecock's park, and there to hunt. And as they went to the Bull Head they met Thomas Wray of Edmonton parsonage, who went with them, and Gunstone said that they would have every man a caliver and beset the lodge, and if the keeper or any of his men did offer to come forth they would shoot him through. Gunstone said he knew the house and that there was a long entry with a great gate; he would keep that gate, and if any man came out he would shoot him through with his caliver. Thomas Wray willed them in any wise to shoot. Gunstone said they might hear to Austen's Lodge, and so they might come and aid the keeper, but Wray said that he would warrant them they would not come out; they do not love him, they cannot abide him. Further, Wray said two calivers would serve, for they should have a long-bow and a cross-bow of him. He [Wray] would not go himself, but they should have his dogs and man. Also, examinate saith that the same night he met Jasper Wray, brother to Thomas, and one Thomas Reede against Mr. Justice Fisher's gate. Jasper had a caliver, and asked examinate if he would not go with him and he said, no, and so they departed in great anger.
Endorsed by Burghley :— “18 July 1578.”
1 p.
561. Thomas Fanshaw to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 19. The bearer has been instructed to bring Burghley the copy of an order made touching the injunction Mr. Marrowe had against Mr. Handford.—Ware, 19 July 1578.
1 p.
562. Lead for the Duke of Saxony.
1578, July 19. Warrant to Burghley to give order for the transporting of 250 fodders of lead for the Duke of Saxony.—Havering Manor, 19 July 1578, 20 Eliz.
Sign manual at head.
1 sheet.
563. Thomas Randolphe to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 19. This letter from Mr. Manwood came to my hands this day, and this other, yesternight late, from Mr. Bowes. Of the Ambassador's arrival your Honour I am sure is not ignorant. I have received commandment to accompany him, not unwilling to do anything I am charged, though I could have wished that some other man had had that office. Omits till his arrival at Court that which he would have written in Mr. Mauwood's behalf.—19 July 1578.
Endorsed :—“His attendance on the Scottish Ambassador.”
Seal. 1 p.
564. The Earl of Northumberland to Lord Burghley.
1578, July 19. Has sent this bearer to understand from Burghley the certainty of her Majesty's progress, and departure from whence her Highness is, so soon as the same is published; for that he would not omit the time he is commanded to wait, nor leave his wife unaccompanied, so long as he might.—From my house nigh St. Martin's, 19 July 1578.
1 p.
565. Humphrey Burdett to John Baptist, Castillian, and Roger Young.
1578, July 20. Asking that, on the expiration of the lease of the Inn at Ildesley [Ilsley], the premises might be assigned to John Chaundlour and his wife, being old and ancient servants to the house of Englefield. The present tenant, Broker, was thought by travellers not meet for the place—Sunning, 20 July 1578.
1 p.
566. M. Hernandez to Sir James Fitzgerald [Domino Jacobo Geraldino].
1578, July 21 (?). Having heard nothing from him, is anxious to know how he is. As to the business confided to him [Hernandez], the bishop of Mayo will write more fully, and writer will only add in two words that S. (?) has received him, and desires to know his wishes, that they may be satisfied as far as possible.—Paris, 21 July 1578.
Latin. 1 p.
567. The Examination of John Humphrey, taken by Sir Thomas Barrington, 25 July 1578.
1578, July 25. Examinate saith that between Easter and Whitsuntide last, being at one Wild's house at Edmonton as a labouring man, Thomas Wray came to see Wild's dog on a Sunday, with John Rice, his servant. They persuaded examinate to go with them to hunt in the Great Park of Enfield. At the time appointed they went to the park and put on the dogs, but whether they killed or no, examinate knoweth not, for they lost their dogs. Josias Carton brought a staff to Wray's house, and Wray willed him to leave his staff and take a long bow and arrows, which he did.
1 p.
568. Interrogatories for Robert Morton.
1578, July. How often he hath been beyond seas and at whose charges?
When did he see Dr. Morton last, and was he not disguised and bore the name of Robert North?
When did he see Robert North last?
Hath he not seen him in company of Mathew Throop, or Thomas Throop, or of Saunders, or Edward Brown, once a porter in the Earl of Shrewsbury's house?
When did Sampson and Daniel Morton flee out of the realm?
Where are the two pictures that Robert Morton had at Bawtry; the one of his uncle Norton, the other of his uncle Morton?
In what garments were the said pictures set forth?
To whom did he report that his uncle Norton, and Markinfield, have travelled into England since the Rebellion in disguised apparel as mariners that had escaped shipwreck?
When was he at one Mr. Salvin's?
When did he send any messenger to Grimsby?
When did he send to one Thomas Wentworth at or about Grimsby, and what were the causes of his messages?
In Burghley's handwriting.
Endorsed :—“July 1578.”