Cecil Papers: October 1572

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1572', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp24-27 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1572', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp24-27.

"Cecil Papers: October 1572". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp24-27.

October 1572

76. The Count de Retz to the Countess of Montgomery.
1572, Oct. 3. Has informed the King of the state of her affairs. Assures her that all depends on her and her husband; if the latter will live quietly they may enjoy their possessions in peace, provided her son comes here, and that her other children be brought up to learn the duty which they owe to their King and country. Suggests Madame de la Suse for this charge. The King approves of this, as also that she may freely select any place for her confinement. Desires to have her husband's answer on the subject.—Paris, 3 October 1572.
French. 1½ pp.
Copy of the preceding. [See also State Papers, Foreign, 1572–4, No. 591.]
77. — to Lord Burghley.
1572, Oct. 4. Certifies what he lately heard one Richard Grenville speak—a gentleman belonging to the Earl of Arundel, whose lodging this vacation was at one Phillipps' in White Friars—that he feared the said Earl would prove himself a coward, for if he had not been one, never a Cecil in England could have chopped off the Duke's head, as also he said, that one Rawe belonging to Lord Lumley, who now is fled, was safe enough. Also, there was seen in his chamber window a ciphered letter; but what broil there was in the house about letters through a gentlewoman who was thought to have intercourse between Grenville and certain prisoners in the Tower, his lordship may easily “boult” out the certainty, for the goodman of the house can report it. Thinks by inquiry his lordship shall find some “lewd” part either practising or practised, for Grenville is prepared as well for the sea as for the land.—Undated.
Annotated and endorsed by Burghley :—“4 Oct. 1572.—Contra Rich. Grefild.”
Seal. 1 p.
78. Briquemault and Cavaignes.
1572, Oct. 27 Sentence pronounced on François de Briquemault and Cavaignes on account of the conspiracy made by the late Gaspard de Coligny. Briguemault to be degraded, this done, he and Cavaignes to be drawn, each on a hurdle, from their prison to the Place de Grève, there to be hanged and strangled on a gibbet erected for that purpose, to remain there for the space of 24 hours, and afterwards to be carried and suspended from the gibbet of Montfaucon. Their goods and possessions are declared forfeit to the Crown, and their children branded as “ignobles, vilains, roturiers, infames, et intestables,” unworthy and incapable of holding any position, dignity, or office within the realm. Pronounced on the 27th of October 1572.
Signed :—Mabon.
Copy. French. 1½ pp.
79. Oswald Wilkinson to Lord Burghley and the Earl of Leicester.
[1572] October. According to their commands, has herein written all he can remember. About the latter Lady Day, in harvest, in the 11th year of the Queen's reign, the Earl of Northumberland sent for him to Topcliff, and at his coming said, “Wilkinson, you are my tenant, and I think you bear me goodwill, therefore I will open my mind unto you, and must require your help if need be;” and then said, the Duke of Norfolk had sent down letters to divers his friends in this country for their consent for the marriage of him and the Scottish Queen, whereof he had one, and further, that marriage would be great honour and safety to the Queen's Majesty, considering how many titles would be attempted if she should die without issue, and therefore, he said, they determined to make themselves as strong as they could with their friends for that purpose. About Michaelmas, the Lord President sent for the Earls of Westmoreland and Northumberland to come to York, at which time the latter Earl said to him, “Fellow Wilkinson, the matter I talked with you at Topcliff is now dashed, and quite broken off, for the Duke is in hands and at commandment.”
About the 16th of October he had to go to the audit at Topcliff, and, taking his leave of my lord, asked him if he would command him any service to London. The next morning the Earl sent for him, and when he arrived he was in the fields hawking, when he said, “I am glad you told me you go to London, for, having a matter of credit to be done there, . . . . I will commit the doing of it unto you. You must go to the Bishop of Ross, and require him from me to bring you to the Spanish Ambassador, and make my excuse, that the fault was not in me but in the weakness of the Duke (who in manner willingly yielded himself into prison), that the matter which was expected to have been done was not put in execution in time, and therefore now I am not able, for lack both of men and money, to perform anything touching or concerning the matter. Wherefore, I must either yield my head to the block, or else be forced to flee and forsake the realm, for I know the Queen is so highly displeased at me and others here, that I know we shall not be able to bear it nor answer it, and therefore you must require money out of hand, if it be but 20,000 crowns, for if we had money we could have men enough, which, if he refuse, and will not do, then require him to be a mean to the King his master, or the Duke of Alva, that I, and such as shall come with me, may be received and entertained in his country, according to our degrees and callings.” With this message he departed for London, and went to the Bishop of Ross's lodgings without Bishopsgate. The bishop, however, said the Spanish Ambassador was at Windsor, in commission with Chappino Vitello. But, on his return to Winchester House in Southwark some days after, he went with the Bishop and declared to the Ambassador his whole credit. Whereunto the Ambassador said, that he had no commission from the King his master to grant or deliver either men or money, but would write to the Duke of Alva. He in no wise willed them to put any matter in execution, but to seek to preserve themselves by flight, or any other quiet means, and the Bishop was of the same mind. The Ambassador further gave him a passport, with a broad seal, and one other letter sealed, without any direction on the outside. So he departed homeward and, about Ferybrigges [Ferrybridge], heard York was kept, the gates shut and warded, and that the two Earls were together, ready to take arms. He therefore determined not to go to the Earl, but meeting Taylor betwixt the suburbs of York and Dringhouses, he delivered the passport and letter to him. Was never made privy to the matter that should have been put in execution, but supposes it was the taking away the Scottish Queen from the Earl of Shrewsbury; for Heighington told him the Duke had kept him out of hands, that Leonard Dacre and Francis Norton should have conveyed her from the Earl of Shrewsbury, and the Earls should have been ready to have rescued them if need had been.—Undated.
Endorsed :—October 15[72].
5 pp. [Murdin, pp. 225–228. In extenso.]
80. John Lee to Thomas Brune.
[1572, Oct.] I have received both your letters at one instant. If I had heard before now, it would have been greatly to my comfort, for I assure you the sundry imaginations that I had with myself for that I heard nothing from thence all this while, was a thousand times more grievous than my trouble itself is. As concerning the practises you mention, it is not to be attempted for sundry respects, and the chiefest cause is, for that it will take no place. Since my coming into this place I received a letter of the 9th of August, whereby I perceived he hath remembered me far above my desert. I can but pray to God long to continue him, and I would I were as well able to serve him as I am willing. As touching my apprehension, the certainty is not yet known but by presumptions, and the first ground thereof proceedeth from Wingfield, as it appeareth by the councillor Bonne (?), and the putters thereof in execution have been the Countess of N., and George Chamberlain, as I am credibly advertised from Brussels by Seres the Scotsman, who was willed by the Earl of W. to advertise me thereof. This Wingfield was great and familiar with Mr. Herle unto whom the (sic), as P. hath manifested me, and the rest of that company used Mr. Herle's advice touching their suit to be made to the Council, by which means Mr. Wingfield came to understanding thereof. Hereupon the Countess taking some exceptions against me, and supposing to find amongst my writings some secret practices between W. and me, whom she seeketh wholly to deface, hath caused me to be apprehended, and if so, he is ne'er the nearer. If so be there comes no testimony from whom against me I weigh them not. I am doubtful of them at home, for they are more clamorous than wise, and brag of greater loss here than they ever had, and the ditty of their song is—“Coursed be the time that ever they knew me!” And by these and suchlike follies riseth my trouble, but I trust I shall be able to answer all this well enough, if there come no further proof against me. Marry, I am doubtful lest old Cotter of the Bridge, or his son, or Tramwell of Castell in Paternoster Row, have written anything thereof against me to Doctor Muyche or Charnock, for they are great friends. As for any other objection that shall be laid against me as concerning the Earl of W[estmorland] or Mr. N[orton], I will answer it well enough, and reserve my allegiance to my sovereign. My Lady Hungerford who is here and my especial good Lady, being written unto by the Earl of Sussex and the Lord Deputy Sir Harry Sidney, and her father also, to assist me what she may, is able to pleasure me greatly. Sir Harry Lee may be made the mean to be a suitor for the obtaining of these letters, and if Sir William Dormer may be moved to send a man of his own, of purpose with these letters, and Sir Harry Lee to write a letter to my lady that he hath procured these letters to her ladyship in my behalf, it will help me greatly as I take it. I am persuaded Sir William Dormer will be ready to show me his friendship, for I have always been beholden unto him. Further, if it would please my Lord E. to write to Mr. N., taking an occasion that the imprisonment of me, who hath been his faithful solicitor of long time, is some stay why that his suit, which stands in good terms, is not granted,—and in good faith he deserves to have it indeed—this will farther me, if it shall stand with his pleasure to write it. And, if you can, persuade Mr. N. to write to my lord duke and take an occasion of his letter to write as concerning the money you have procured for me, whereof I heard nothing before now. I thank you and I pray you pay for the velvet and give Mr. Hervy 10l. I look to hear from Brussels within two days, and then I trust to know the whole truth of all. In the meantime I pray you help me with some money, for I have neither to buy paper nor yet to pay the prisoner by whose means I send my letters. You shall have my letter shortly to my lord, and so I end, with my commendations to all my friends, with most hearty thanks for your courtesy.
Yours, J. L.—Undated.
Addressed :—“To his loving friend Mr. Thomas Bruen.”
3 pp.