Cecil Papers: July 1579

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp261-264 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp261-264.

"Cecil Papers: July 1579". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp261-264.

July 1579

741. Ordnance for Bruges.
1579, July 8. Warrant for the transportation, by John Bondeus, of 40 tons of cast iron ordnance to Bruges, for the defence thereof.—Greenwich Manor, 8 July 1579.
Sign Manual.
1 sheet.
742. George Whitton.
1579, July 21. Warrant under the Sign Manual for a lease in reversion to George Whitton, gent., comptroller of the manor of Woodstock, in recompence of certain grounds and meadows held by him on lease, and resumed into the Queen's lands for the better feeding of her deer.—Greenwich, 15 July, 21 Eliz.
Signet affixed.
One sheet of paper.
743. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1579], July 24. Has received by “Vere” [Vray] her Majesty's letter together with the safe-conduct which M. de Simier sends him on her Majesty's behalf, for which he thanks her, and prays her to believe that the delay she imposes on him is most wearisome, as he has no greater desire in this world than to see the hour of his embarkation.
Has written more at large to M. de Simier concerning many things which the latter will impart to her Majesty.—Paris, 24 July. French.
1 p.
744. Sir Henry Ashley to Lord Burghley.
1579, July 25. Advertises him that one Nicholas le Coxe hath lain at Sineron with the Parson of Parley, within the county of Dorset, (being a French priest), ever since Michaelmas last past. And for that Parley is within his division, he was let to understand that the said Coxe did sundry times use to go to “the Moynes,” and sometimes to Poole. Doubting lest he might be a spy to sound the coasts in those parts, he sent for him and examined him, to know the cause of his repairing to England. He declared that Mons. Matiniau, one of the Governors of Normandy, who used martial law much, was his mortal enemy, and suspected that he was consenting to the murder of a monk in Sherbrook, by the Abbot's command there, and that he should be the messenger to carry the reward to such persons as did the murder. Further, that the Queen Mother of France had given Mons. Matiniau the said Abbey (in reversion of the said Abbot) for one of his youngest sons. The revenues of the said Abbey are worth (he said) 10,000 francs a year, for which cause Matiniau would fain pick some quarrel with tbe Abbot, to deprive him, and promised by messengers to shew great favour and liberality to le Coxe (who married the Abbot's niece), if he would accuse the Abbot of consenting to the said murder. Le Coxe, fearing Matiniau's tyranny, forsook his country and came to England for a space. Thereupon, Sir Henry took bond of him with sureties, that he should not approach the sea coast any more without his leave, or that of some other justice of the division, whilst he was in England, This done, he left him to his own will, and he returned to the parson of Parley. As soon as Matiniau understood that le Coxe was come into England, he wrote his letters by one Lafoydra and one Lucier Alman, both his servants, and termed his Serjeants in executions, to Viscount Howard, and also to the Mayor of Poole, to have le Coxe delivered to his two servants aforenamed. Lord Howard wrote his precept to the Mayor of Poole to send le Coxe to him, who then for the space of a month after his arrival remained in Poole, until he fell acquainted with the said parson of Parley his countryman. But the Mayor would not send him to my Lord out of their liberty, for that they well knew the cruelty of the said Matiniau, for some of the merchants in Poole did well understand of the killing of the said monk, for they saw one person executed that did the deed, and two others fled, that were at the deed also. What this monk was, and how he led his life, the bearer can advertise; it is too long to put in writing. Lord Howard was greatly offended with the Mayor of Poole for that he would not send Coxe to him upon his precept, and at his Lordship's departure towards the court, he took order with Sir Richard Rogers and with Mr. Lawrence, that if the said le Coxe came out of the county of Poole into Dorsetshire, they should make out their warrant and apprehend him, and commit him to safe custody until his return. The said le Coxe came to Wimborne Minster on a market day with the parson of Parley, and presently he was apprehended by two of Lord Howard's men, by virtue of a warrant from Mr. Andrew Rogers and Mr. Lawrence, and carried to a town called Wareham, where Sir Richard Rogers and Mr. Lawrence chanced to be, who examined him according to such instructions as the Frenchman left behind him, and finding no great cause to detain him, yet upon request made to them by Lord Howard's two men that they would charge him with sufficient matter within ten days next, the said Justices committed him to ward to the Bailiff of Wimborne at the Frenchman's request for the said ten days, for that he had intelligence by a secret friend in Wareham, that my Lord's two men with other of their adherents, having possession of him, if he had been left in Wareham, would have conveyed him by night to the sea, and so transferred him into Normandy, of which their words there is good proof. Now after the ten days were expired, the Bailiff of Wimborne, which had the charge of him, repaired to the aforenamed Justices, who presently willed the said Bailiff to set him at liberty, for that no matter came at the ten days' end to be objected against him. But soon after my Lord was returned from the Court home to his house, this forenamed Lucier Alman repaired to him with fresh letters again, supposing them to come from the Countess of Montgomery, for the apprehension and punishment of the said le Coxe, for killing of the monk and two Englishmen, as is alleged in the letter. Whereupon my Lord sent out his precept to the Tithing-man of Parley to apprehend Coxe, and bring him to him. But as soon as the Frenchmen were newly landed at Lullworth, le Coxe had secret intelligence of their arrival there, and before my Lord's precept came to the officers to attach him, Coxe and his sureties came to Sir Henry, and required him, for God's sake, to protect him from Lord Howard, for else he should be delivered into the hands of his enemies, who, he feared, would perforce carry him into France, as he was informed, according to their former determination, where he was sure to receive present death from Matiniau. As soon as he came, Sir Henry by his letters gave Lord Howard to understand thereof, declaring Coxe's great fear of transportation to his destruction, and thereupon signified that, for pity's sake, he would not deliver him out of his possession without the Council's letters, for he thought it not convenient to deliver him for any fact done in France without special commandment from the Council. Doubts not but by the report of sundry, he is able to deliver himself from any the supposed matters that are objected against him. Notwithstanding, upon the sight of Lord Burghley's letter to Lord Howard, Sir Henry (although in conscience he thinks him clear of those accusations by report) will, according to commandment, send him to the common gaol, as soon as he recovers health; he is now sick, as Lord Howard well knows. But if it pleases Lord Burghley, upon his humble suit, being requested by sundry Englishmen who understand the causes, to write for his bailment, Sir Henry does not doubt but he can put in good sureties for his appearance at any time, for the common gaol is a miserable place and of great expenses. Thinks in the end by proof it will fall out that the Countess of Montgomery's name is abused by the French. If it pleases Lord Burghley to grant this his request for Coxe's bailment, Lord Howard and he will take such sureties as are directed them. Prays him to take his long and tedious letter in good part, which pity upon the examination of the circumstances moved him to do, thinking it his duty both before God and man to declare this unto him.—“From my howse of Gilis Wymborne,” 25 July 1579.
[Postscript.]—The two Englishmen supposed to be killed in Normandy by the said le Coxe were slain five years past; of the which one was a servant of Captain Leighton's, the other a Dorchester man, as Captain Leighton can witness, who prosecuted the death of his man, and found it to be the deed of the host of the house, for covetousness of the money which they had about them.
Seal. 2 pp.
745. Henry Scrope to Lord Burghley.
1579, July 26. Received his Lordship's letter to James Phillip and him directed to confer together and to examine whether the order made by Mr. Smythe between Alderson and Blads were fully performed or no. Sends herewith Mr. Smythe's letter and his knowledge therein, which is, that the poor man Blads had his bond sealed, delivered, and paid accordingly, and entered into a parcel of ground, and hath occupied the same ever since, until such time as Lord Burghley directed his letter to James Phillip, yet notwithstanding Blads complained to the writer that he wanted some parcel of the iijs iiijd farm, by Mr. Smythe's order to him assigned. Upon which complaint, he called both the parties before him, and by their consents put the matter to four men, who did make no further order. Would have been glad to have given the poor man any part of ground that he could have proved, either by word or writing, to be belonging to the said farmhold; but could not understand that there was any. Fears the poor man is not able to prove any parcel that he wants. For Alderson has a lease indented of the xiijs iiijd farming, naming every parcel which he now occupies. Further, according to Lord Burghley's letter, James Phillip and he met together. The former would not agree to certify this, as the writer had done. Supposes he will shew cause thereof to Lord Burghley.—Danby, 26 July 1579.
1 p.
746. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1579, July 28. Whereas the Queen has given warrant for the issuing of 5,000l. to be transported into Ireland for her Highness' service, and as it is thought convenient that at Bristol and Barnstaple provision should be forthwith made of a certain quantity of victuals to be in readiness for such soldiers as may be sent into Ireland thence, they desire his Lordship to retain in his hands 1,000l. of the said sum, to be employed in those places for the provision of a mass of victuals, and for answering such other charges as that service may require.—Greenwich, 28 July 1579.
Signed : E. Lyncoln, F. Knollys, Chr. Hatton, Fra. Walsyngham and Tho. Wylson.
Seal. 1 p.
747. Robert Petre to Lord Burghley.
1579, July 30. Mr. Smith, customer, hath undertaken by his letters sent to the Mayor and Mr. Chester, of Bristol, the payment of the 500l. there. Bland has received out of the Receipt 200l. Has just received from Mr. Secretary a Privy Seal for 2,523l. 11s. 8d., whereof to be paid to Mr. Hawkins 1,257l. 10s. 3d., and to Mr. Baeshe 1,325l. 13s. 4d., for the setting forth and victualling of the “Revenge,” “Dreadnought,” “Swiftsure,” and “Foresight.” Takes it as his duty to give knowledge of this.—Westminster, 30 July 1579.
748. Robert Petre to Lord Burghley.
1579, July 31. Touching the answering of certain Privy Seals recently come in from Mr. Vernon, Victualler of Berwick, for the proportion of victuals, repair of the pier at Berwick, &c.—Westminster, 31 July 1579.
1 p.