Cecil Papers: February 1580

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1580', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp311-315 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1580', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp311-315.

"Cecil Papers: February 1580". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp311-315.

February 1580

815. William Holland to the Queen.
1579/80, Feb. 6. Petition as one of the four Masters of the Navy, and as having served Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Queen Mary, that now, in his old age, a lease in reversion for 21 years of lands to the value of £20 yearly may be granted to him, to the use of the tenant, without any fine.
Endorsed :—“6 Feb. 1579. The Queen's Majesty, being then moved by me in this suit, was pleased that this petitioner should have the benefit of the fine, but the lease to be made to the farmer in possession. Thomas Seckford.”
½ p.
816. The Earl of Leicester.
1579/80. Feb. 4, 6, 10. Examinations of several townsmen of Beaumaris, and others, describing the rejoicings that took place in that town, on the publication of the Queen's proclamation, dated 15 Dec. 1579. This proclamation was published at the high cross of Beaumaris on Jan. 2, 1580, and again on the 30th of the same month. Its purpose was to annul the commissions and grants that had been given to the Earl of Leicester touching the encroached lands of the forest of Snowdon. The examinations are nineteen in number. An endorsement on the sheet containing the last three runs, “Slanderous rumours spread in North Wales of the Earl of Leicester.”
29½ pp.
817. The Duke of Anjou, to the Queen.
[1579/80], Feb. 11. The tidings of Her Majesty have “restored his soul to his body” (mont remis lame au cors). He now experiences the kindness so much admired by all the world, for in his affliction she is the first to honour him by causing him to be visited and assured of the continuance of her favour. Will testify his gratitude by his actions. The Sieur Darcy will shortly return from Antwerp at his request, and by him he will not fail to render to Her Majesty a true and particular account of his actions, to the confusion of those who in recompense of all his kindness to them have accused him of things he would rather die than even think of.—“Dermonde,” 11 February.
French. 2 pp.
818. The Duke of Anjou, to the Queen.
[1579/80], Feb. 18. Has already by a former despatch rendered her most humble thanks for her care of him which but increases the number of proofs given him “de sete bonte si rare et si atmire de tout le monde de manière que mes louanges paroytroit coume unne petite chandelle contre la grande clerte du soulel.” With regard to the recent occurrences in this country informs her that, in the first place, his person has been in infinite dangers without any hope of a safety; secondly, as to the open contravention of all the articles of the treaty, this is so easy of proof that no one can dispute it; thirdly, for eight months past, continual attempts have been made to lessen his authority which he will show by a hundred distinct and open actions; in the fourth place, not a single hour has been lost in the attempt to render him odious to the people and to take away the credit which he had acquired with great hazard and pains; fifthly, whenever he caused forces to come into this country, attempts were made to hide them or rather to extinguish them, providing them with neither victuals nor money, and putting them in positions in which they could effect nothing but only suffer death as he will prove has happened to upwards of four thousand of them, “et ni aceur si deur heut il este qui voyant sela ne creve.” Would to God that they (the States-General) were willing to submit themselves to the judgment of honest people by whom he is assured they would be condemned as such actions deserve, but, in lieu thereof, they have not even been willing to give him the least determination respecting the articles he has caused to be proposed to them, thereby sufficiently demonstrating that it is not from to-day only, that they have had it in their minds “de fayre jouer ses tragedies;” for they live with him as if he was their greatest enemy, holding all his servants captive and retaining his household effects and papers in their own hands; opposing to all his most necessary journeys their Lieutenant-General, Norris, accompanied by several of her Majesty's subjects whom however he will never believe to be there by her Majesty's wish.—“Dermonde,” 18 February.
French. 4 pp.
819. Edward Caree and Lady Catherine Paget.
1579/80, Feb. 21. Warrant under the Sign Manual for grant in tail unto Edward Caree and the Lady Catherine Paget, his wife, jointly and to the heirs male of their two bodies, of the Park of Berkhamsted, together with the free-warren of conies and hares and the deer in the said park, and certain meadows, as contained in a lease to Sir Thomas Bengar, Knt., of the agistment of the said park; the interest in which lease the said Edward Caree, groom of the privy chamber, had.—21 February, 22 Eliz.
Signet affixed. The date filled in by Burghley.
Parchment, one membrane.
820. William Waad to Lord Burghley.
1579/80, Feb. 22. Last week he took occasion to let Lord Burghley understand of the Duke Casimir's being at Nancy in Lorraine, where he had received very great entertainment. Whereof they heard that his brother the Elector had conceived some suspicion, and had sent to the Duke Casimir at his return from Lorraine to have some advertisement of his doings. The Duke vouchsafed no answer to his brother's Ambassadors. The French king had sent into Switzerland to levy 10,000 Swiss, as was credibly affirmed by those who came daily thence. Besides it was said that Poulvier and the Count Hannibal of Ems had already levied four regiments of landsknechts for the king of Spain, whereof at several times divers had passed through Strasburg. The three ecclesiastical Electors, with the Bishops of Wurtzburg and Munster were furnishing out of their lands great quantity of victuals for the Spanish. In the mean season the landsknechts he had already, remained unpaid, and were spoiling all the country to Collen [Cologne], that men could not pass. No other occurrence of late, but certain discourses according to the conceits of men and conjectures. Beseeches his lordship to accept the good intent of his mind, desirous to do him service.—Strasburg, 22 Feb. 1580.
Seal. 1 p.
821. Edward Earl of Lincoln.
1579/80, Feb. 22. Warrant under the Sign Manual for an exchange between the Queen and Edward Earl of Lincoln. The Earl assigns in fee-simple three pastures, called “cow-pastures,” in Pointon, co. Lincoln, of the yearly value of £40 0s. 4d., in lieu of lands of like value.—Whitehall, 22 February, 22 Eliz.
Signet affixed. The date filled in by Burghley.
Parchment, one membrane.
822. Simier to the Queen.
1579/80, Feb. 25. Madame,—Je vous puis assurer qu'il n'a poinct tenu à vostre singe, qu'il n'est prins la charge de ce couryer pour vous aporter une lectre de la part de son mestre, envers lequel je faict le plus d'instance qu'il m'a esté possible pour le désir que j'avois d'estre supossé en la plasse du Capitene Bourg; désirent par ce moyen de voyr ancores ung coup vostre Ma, luy bayser en toute humilité très humblement ces belles & blanches mains, & vous dire que son Altesse despuis le partement du Sieur Destafort n'a peu trouver repos en son esperit, aultre que la souvenance de vos rares & grandes beaultés, sur lesquelles il a fondé tous ces désirs & le but de ses intantions. Espérant que vous luy feres ce bien de le continuer en vos bonnes grasses, dont il vous a pleu desjà luy fere tant de preuve qu'il vous en est resté beaucoup d'onneur & de réputation, & à luy une perpetuelle oblygation, laquelle luy çeroit d'autant plus grande, s'il vous plessit la luy lesser antyère, sans revoquer plus en doubte, ce quil vous a pleu cy devant luy acorder pour le faict de sa religion, lequel estant ce qui ce peut lymité & modéré pour ce conserver le repos en sa consience & des siens, sans aporter auqun esquandalle à vostre peuple ny atération aulx loys de vostre royaume. Me sanble qu'il ne ce peut après ung acort si solennel, ou la plus part de vos conselyers ont mis les mains, bonnemant par vous retracter, sans le préjudisse de vostre réputation & conseil, ny par luy honestement abandonner, & de moy je [j'ai] ceste ferme asurence que, quan bien [combien] pour la dévotion que je say que son Altesse porte à vostre servisse, il remetroit cest affayre, coume je say qu'il fera toutes aultres choses, mesmes la vye propre, en vostre antyère & lybre disposition; si auryes vous, je m'asure, tel esgard à la liberté de sa relygion & seureté de sa consience, que vostre Ma luy acorderoit, & Messieurs de vostre Conseil ausy, tout de nouveau ce qu'ilz font sanblent de trouver mauves. Qui est occasion, Madame, que je vous suplye très humblement trouver bon que vostre singe pregne hardiesse de vous suplyer, au non de son mestre, d'user de luy en cest endroit dignement, sans vous lesser porter à la pasion de ceus qui n'ont affection qu'à leur profit, & qui vosdroit bien, au despant de vostre honneur & grandeur, bastir leur fortune. Je ne vous dis pas cela sans cause, vous suplyent très humblement, Madame, me continuer de vos faveurs autant que la moindre de vos bestes, & la plus affectionnée de toutes le peut mériter; vous assurent que je ne veus conserver la vye de vostre singe que pour vous en fere ung sacrifice. Prien Dieu vous donner, Madame, en santé très hereuse & longue vye. D'engiers, se 25 Février 1580. Vostre très humble très hobisant & très fidelle serviteur
Symyer le Singe.
Addressed :—A la Royne d'Angleterre.
Seal, with pink silk.
Holograph. 4 pp.
823. John Marr.
1579/80, Feb. 28. Warrant reciting that John Marr, merchant, of Edinburgh, being in his trade of fishing in the isles of Scotland, was assailed by a pirate, who took from him a quantity of goods, and in recompense gave him 19 pieces of wax, which, being directed to Marr's partners, had been arrested at Tynemouth by the Queen's officers there. The Queen, in pursuance of the letters of the King of Scots, orders the wax to be restored to the said Marr.—Westminster, the last of February, 22 Eliz.
Sign Manual at head.
1 sheet.
824. The Low Countries.
1579/80, Feb. Affairs of the Low Countries, with reference to the Duke of Anjou.—Feb. 1580.
Dutch. 4 pp.