Cecil Papers: June 1573

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1573', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp52-54 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1573', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp52-54.

"Cecil Papers: June 1573". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp52-54.

June 1573

132. [The Bishop of London to Lord Burghley.]
1573, June 3. Prays that Mr. Deryng may be released of his “unadvised offer” before the Council, and be suffered to read his lecture, “so that he only teach sound doctrine, exhort on to virtue, and dehort from vice, and, touching matters of order and policy, meddle not with them, but leave them to the magistrate, to whom reformation pertaineth.” “These are dangerous days, full of itching ears, mislying minds, and ready to forget all obedience and duty.” Thinks that “a soft plaster is better than a sharp corosy to be applied to this sore.” If Mr. Deryng be somewhat spared, yet “wal scoled,” the others, being manifest offenders, may be dealt withal, according to their deserts. If Burghley gives him commission to deal with Mr. Deryng, he would gladly do so.—From my house at F[ulham], 3 June 1573.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“20 Junii 1573. Copy of a letter from the Bishop of London to me.”
1 p. [Murdin, pp. 255, 256. In extenso.]
133. Peter Kemp to Lord Burghley.
1573, June 7. I shall deal as well with Mr. Wake as I can, and the assurance to be made by Mr. Francis Haryngton. Yesternight about 3 of the clock Mr. Thomas Cecil came home well, and my mistress your mother was come to Burghley two hours before him. The gown that you would make, it must be for every day, and yet because it comes from you, except you write to her to the contrary, she will make it her holiday gown. Whereof she hath great store already both of silk and cloth, but I think, sir, if you make her one of cloth with some velvet upon it, with your letter to desire her for your sake to wear it daily, she would accustom herself with it; so as she would forget to go any longer in such base apparel as she hath used to have a delight in, which is too mean for one of a lower estate than she is of. She likes well of all things as yet, but for that there is not one that is in the ministry to do service daily there, which she much desires, that she may serve God twice a day. You may have at your pleasure from Cambridge some one that for lack of exhibition would be glad for a year or two to do service there daily, which would much content her. The woods are so wet that men cannot carry, and before they carry they pay not.—Stamford, 7 June 1573.
Endorsed :—“Received at Hampton the 10 of June at 2 and past in the afternoon. Received at Caxlon the 10 of June at 4 and past in the afternoon. Received at Ware the 11th of June at eleven in the forenoon.”
Noted by Burghley :—“A gown—A minister from Cambridge for Burghley.”
1 p.
134. Stanhope v. Welby.
1573, June 11. A true declaration of the contents of the bills exhibited into the Chancery by Edward Stanhope, Esq., against Henry Welby and others”; relating to premises at Goxhill, co. Lincoln.
Endorsed:— 11 June 1573.
2 pp.
135. Peter Kemp to Lord Burghley.
1573, June 16. Mr. Thomas Cecil and myself have concluded with Wake for his land, and Mr. Haryngton hath the assurance to make. I have received six fodders of lead from Fotheringay, whether your pleasure be that I shall pay for it, or that you will pay lead again; the price is £7 the fodder, which is 20s. under the common price in this country. I have caused 60 trees to be felled for you in the forest.—16 June 1573.
Endorsed :—Received at Caxton the 18 of June at almost one in the afternoon. Received at Stilton the 18 day at 8 of clock in the forenoon. Received at Waltham Cross the 18th of June at 8 in the afternoon.
1 p.
136. Lord Edward Windsor to Queen Elizabeth.
1573, June 24. Sends, as of duty, to her Majesty a book which came unto him by a post unknown, that brought letters unto the Italian merchants to the Spa. Found that the book touched a discourse of the government of England. After he had read it, he never spake with any of it, nor showed it unto any, but has kept it to himself. Begs her Majesty to keep to herself whence the book comes, “for I am not without your Majesty's favour to bear half his displeasure.” Weighs her safety and her realm more than the displeasure of any, “although for my part, in mine opinion, I suppose he is too wise to be overtaken in many of those things which he is touched withal.” If her Majesty is satisfied, he will be a sure and a secret servant of hers, who “shall never be found a blab, or an utterer of matter of state, but as sure as a column of marble, for in that consisteth true nobility.” Begs her, after the reading of the book, to “commit it to Vulcan,” or as she best likes.—From the Spa, this 24 of June, 1573.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“24 June 1573, Lord Windsor to the Queen's Majesty, with a lewd book.”
Seal. 2 pp.
137. “T. G.” to Christopher Hatton.
1573, June 25. Reminds him that he was first baptized in the Catholic faith, that he continued therein for many years, and of the danger in forsaking the same. He (Hatton) is known to be in the good favour of his prince, and would advance to her knowledge whatsoever threateneth her state, and the cutting off the rightful succession of the same, as also to repair her dishonours and infamies procured by such as she accounted her faithful subjects. Encloses a Table of Treasons collected out of a book lately come out of France, in order that it may pass directly to her Highness's hands.—Antwerp, 25 June 1573.
P.S.—After concluding these presents thought good to search for the treatise, and to direct it to him for his private use.
Endorsed by Burghley:—A seditious letter from T. G.
1 p. [Murdin, p. 256. In extenso.]