Cecil Papers: August 1573

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1573', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp55-58 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1573', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp55-58.

"Cecil Papers: August 1573". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp55-58.

August 1573

142. [Thomas Morgan ?] to Lord Burghley.
1573, Aug. 4. Gives details of the attempted relief of Haarlem by the Prince [of Orange] on the 9th of July. Ruse of the Spaniards whereby the Prince's force is defeated. On the 13th of July Haarlem surrenders to the Duke of Alva's son, on the advice of Captain Steinbach, an Allmain, and Captain Beaufort, a Scot, who parleyed with the enemy five days. Treatment of the garrison. “The slaughter of the burghers and common soldiers was so bloody in the streets, that they tied their heads between their legs and threw them into the mere.” On the 14th of July the Burgomasters of Alkmaar in Waterland presented the keys to Don Federigo, who said he would deliberate thereof the next day. Meanwhile certain of the Prince's power came to the town, were let in, and so the Spaniard was frustrate thereof. The Duke is at Nimeguen; he has sent 4,000 men overland from Haarlem to Antwerp to man certain ships there, and has also sent a power towards Alkmaar. The Prince makes great preparations at Flushing to meet the ships of Antwerp. Don Federigo is said to be sent for into Spain. Towns visited by the Prince between 23 and 31 July; has been lovingly received; on Aug. 2 he went to Skenehove, and returned to Dort next day.—Dordrecht, 4 Aug. 1573.
143. Sir Thomas Gresham to Lord Burghley.
1573, Aug. 9. Has received his lordship's letter, with Mr. Petre's warrant for the payment of 2,000l., which this day he will see fully paid to Mr. Spinola. The latter would be glad of help from his lordship to the sum of 2,000l. Craves Burghley's letter of discharge for Dr. Langton, one of his medical attendants, whom the physicians mean to send into Ireland, for which he is very unfit, being sore indebted and 60 years of age. Langton has been very evilly handled by one Dr. Ludford, “in plucking down his testimonial upon the Royal Exchange of the cures he hath done, here and otherwise, since his coming hither, which was never seen the like done.” Desires Burghley to procure the Queen's warrant to the physicians and all others that Langton be no further molested. “I believe, if it be your Lordship's pleasure to use him, he will, with the leave of God, heal you of your gout, if he do take upon him to do it.” Dr. Ludford is a fit man to be sent to Ireland, “as well for his experience of pothecary ware as for his physic.”—London, 9 Aug. 1573.
Seal.pp. [Murdin, p. 257. In part.]
144. Lord Cobham to Lord Burghley.
[1573], Aug. 14. The fishermen and town clerk are set at liberty. I have appointed them to be here at Cobham on Friday next, at which time I will lay before them their bad dealing, and will advise them to beware to return into the like; and so, according to their submission, dismiss them. I send your Lordship a letter that my son Maximilian hath written me upon his return from Geneva to Lyons, and another that I received from my brother John from Dunkirk for your lordship.—Cobham, 14 August.
Holograph. ½ p.
145. Sir Ralph Sadler to the Lord Keeper [Sir Nicholas Bacon].
1573, Aug. 24. Sends a book and letter, which were delivered last week at the Dean of St. Paul's house in London by a man unknown. The Dean, being much troubled and perplexed with the same, brought them to Sadler, who found them to be most false, lewd, and seditious, and therefore sends them to be further dealt with as shall seem good. Wishes he could send the author as well as the book.—Standon, 24 August.
Endorsed :—24 Aug. 1573.
1 p. Encloses :
Tom Truth” to the Dean of St. Paul's. Sends a book discovering divers treasons in part already practised, and opening others fully intended against our native country. It behoves the Dean to make known its contents. The book was sent from Paris, where it is published in French. Forwards the book out of natural love to his country.—Calais, 4 Aug. 1573. 1 p.
[Murdin, p. 258. In extenso]
146. The Lord Keeper to Lord Burghley.
1573, Aug. 25. Sends the two foregoing letters and the book. “The effect of it consisteth in 3 points: chiefly it is to change the religion that now is; the 2nd, to establish the Scottish Queen's party; the 3rd is, an invective against us two.” Likes the conjunction of the matter, though he mislikes the impudent lies of the author to maintain those matters. Thinks Burghley told him of this book when riding between his [the Lord Keeper's] house and Westminster a good while since. If the Queen knows not of it already, it were good she were made privy to it; the manner how he leaves to Burghley's consideration. “Such things be shrewd rewards for good service, but sana concientia murus ahenius.” If Burghley has the book, prays him to return this copy, for he would take a little pain with it. Has not for haste perused it as he gladly would. Desires to hear such news as Burghley has.—Grorhambury, 25 Aug. 1573.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“25 Aug. 1573. Lord Keeper with a letter from Sir R. Sadler. Sed. book.”
¾ p.
147. The Duke d'Alençon to the Queen.
[1573, Aug.] Has been twice near his last sigh. Is now, thank God, better, although he has a continual fever. Has been told that there are some in France who “par finese, cotele, ou ruze,” wish to bring it about that she should love him no longer. Begs her not to believe them, for if such should be the case he should die. Sends her a ring.
French. 1 p.
148. Crown Jewels of Scotland in the hands of the Marshal of Berwick [Sir William Drury].
[1573, August.] The memorial of the jewels presently resting in the Marshal of Berwick's hands :—
Certain buttons of gold set with rubies, containing in weight 2 lb. 6 oz.
Certain plain buttons, weight 3 lb. 5 oz.
Of “garneisings,” weight 2 lb. 5 oz.
One “garnesing” containing 11 diamonds, whereof there is a great diamond “tailzet” and certain pearls.
Nine great rubies and 40 great pearls.
Other pieces, being laid in “wod” to divers, were recovered and brought to Leith to the Laird of Grange, he then being in the Marshal's hands, and by him delivered to Master Archibald Douglas, who delivered them to the said Marshal.
More, a ring with a great diamond, which was the Queen's marriage ring.
One other great diamond.
One “garnesing” of diamonds enamelled with black, containing 16 diamonds and 16 roses of gold between.
One “les garnesing,” containing 18 diamonds and 19 roses of gold between.
One “carcat,” containing 13 great diamonds and 13 roses of gold.
These pieces, in like manner, were delivered to the Marshal by Mr. Ard Douglas, who had them in “wod” for sums of money.
More, 10 diamonds or white sapphires set in gold with 11 “knoppes” of gold between.
One belt of roses of diamonds and pearls, each one containing 10 and 20 “cordelewis” of gold between.
Three great rubies of “ajoure,” and a pearl at every one of them.
A “hinger” of a belt of pearl containing 11 knots, with three pearls in each one of them, and 11 “cordelevis” with 13 pearls in each one of them, with a hoop at the end thereof.
One hanging sapphire set in gold and a great pearl at the end of it.
One other sapphire “ajoure” [azure].
Three diamonds with three rubies.
Eighteen knots of pearl set in gold, with two pearls in each one of them.
One chain of pearls with two ranks of pearls, with 25 “merkes” of little diamonds and small rubies in gold, 10 pearls between every merk.
One “garnesing” containing nine roses of rubies and 10 “knoppes” of pearls, with a pearl hanging at each ruby.
A pair of bracelets of gold of musk containing, each bracelet, 4 pieces, and in every piece 8 diamonds and 7 rubies, and 11 pearls in them both.
Two “quaiffes,” a collar, and a pair of sleeves of pearl.
Two great sapphires set in gold.
A carcan of sapphires and pearls.
These pieces being in the hands of “vmqle” [umquhill] James Mosman, laid in “wod” to him by the Laird of Grange for certain sums of money, were re-delivered by Mosman to Grange, who put them in the hands of Mr. Archibald Douglas for payment of sums owing to him, and he put them in the hands of Sir William Drury, Marshal of Berwick.—Undated.
Endorsed :—A note of the jewels remaining in the Marshal of Berwick's hands.
[See Calendar of State Papers (Foreign), Elizabeth, 1572–4, Nos. 1034, 1117–1119, and 1507.]
149. Blewbery and Battle.
1573, [Aug.] State of the “long suit of F. K.” [Francis Knollys] for the lease of Blewbery and Battle, forfeited to her Majesty by Sir F. Englefield. There is a long endorsement as follows: “At the Court at Sissinghurst the xvjth of August, 1573. Upon the motion of this suit, her Highness well remembered, that Mr. Hatton (unto whom a suit for this cause was preferred) left off the same, for that he did understand that Mr. Treasurer had been a suitor therefor. and her Majesty also allowed thereof, so as it were not necessary to be kept in her hands, for provision of her stable at Reading. Thomas Sekford.”
¾ p.