Cecil Papers: June 1574

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp74-80 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp74-80.

"Cecil Papers: June 1574". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp74-80.

June 1574

197. Sir A. Champernoun to Lord Burghley.
1574, June 15. It was his hap in his return homewards to fall into the company of a gentleman who had been called to enter a league numbering half-a-dozen gentlemen “all of very good calling, who are determined in all matter of justice to join together, and amongst other things, the end of their confederacy is to aid the Queen of Scots with all their forces, if God should visit the Queen's Majesty; not that they mean any hurt to her person, whom they honour and love as dutiful subjects, but that they think after her death the right of the Kingdom to appertain unto the Queen of Scots.” Will not write or utter their names unless it please Burghley so to will it. Sir Giles Poole has written that Lady Chandos is free from Sir John Perrott and wishes the writer to repair to her. So also does the young Lord Chandos. Dartington the 15th of June 1574.
Endorsed by Burghley : “15 June 1574. Sir Arthur Champernoun.”
1 p.
198. John Undertre to W. S.
1574, June 19. “Ser,—“Answering you as I have good cause I have wrytene to you dyvers tymes. As towchinge the hyeste that dealt with us anye wordes that I have wrytene to you as neare as I cane have ben sayd bothe by theme and by others. Indeed theay have bene about pryntinge thys halfe yeare, but theas thinges have not bene longe in hand as you know, for as sone as I knew anye thinge you ded also. And yf you cane se nothynge agayneste the hyeste yt ys beter for theme, but that wheche I have sayd of theme, when tyme shall serve I cane brynge good proufe. And thys I have consydered withe myself that the m & others wheche be of great wealthe & some poore you thynke tyme to cote of the papeste & hys trayne, the wheche done, how cane you or anye other acuse theme & leaye thear owne wrytinge befor theme wheche be poore? You cane not onlye acuse theme but also the hyeste, of whome you have lytle proufe; the wheche well bred great conterversye betwene theme and you, and as far as I ame able to judge wold gete advantage of you. Therfor I pray bothe others and also you to waye your owne state & also myne. And for coting off of suche as you thynke not, I well not dysayre, for yf you pleas to pardon me extremete I ame in worse case thene anye of them, and agayne I ame not, consydering how all thynges be. I have also consydered that you have great cause to thynke evelye of me, consyderinge how oftene you have sent & gone at my requeste and bene deaceaved no way you have so great caus to thynke amyse of me. And I have had monye of you in my ned undysearved, but I truste so to ues myself towrdes you that yt shall be well bestoud. And I dysye to be rewarded at the lenthe as my dysartes be & no other ways. Yf you thynke amyse of me, for what caus or whye shold I go about to deaceave you? I ame not wearye of my lyfe, nayther was whene I begone to wryt to you. Have I had suche profete any ways that I shuld deall in suche maters without a caus? I have not. You know yt as well as I, and well agre bothe to the phaynes [sic] & gowd advysce in anye thynge that I can tell or learne for you save onlye to speake with you. Yeat I pray you waye of thys, and send me word howe you lyke anye thynge I have wrytene or lyke not, and what you wold have me do that ys reasone, and as sone as I cane I well answer your other leter mor at larg, yf cause & tyme searve me, and wold have wrytene now but I lake tyme. The Lord have you in hys kepinge!
Your humble S.,
Jhon Undertre.”
Endorsed by Burghley : “19 June 1574. Undertre to W. S.”
2 pp.
199. Information against Undertre, Cartwright & others.
1574, June 19. Begins “The first time after that aforesaid I was with him, & Mr. Lawrence which is now Mayor of Bedford with me, at Bugden at the B. of Lincoln's; & the next time at Ouborne, &c. Then I had a letter from the B. of Chester. The next after at Dunstable & then this matter begun &c.”
Two fragments in the same hand, one noted at foot “19 Junii hora 9 nocte.” Endorsed by Burghley :—“Undertre.”
200. Persons named in Undertre's Letters, and their abodes.
1574. June 20. Cartwright and Brown at Newport, Isle of Wight; Stroud at Ninon's the clothworker's house by the Three Cranes; Crokar in St. Catharines; Wilcocks; Field; Penny over against Leaden Hall; Rypley in Fenchurch Street; Harley in the Middle Temple; Lowther in the Inner Temple; Martyn, the goldsmith, at the Mint in Milk Street; Bodley, near the Three Cranes; Nynon, a clothworker between the Three Cranes and The Hythe; Laurence, Mayor of Bedford; Lynford in Bedford; Standon and Bonham in prison; Bradborn in Bermondsey Street, a hat maker; Swaldon, or Walden, by the Old Swan in Thames Street; Butlar with Ripley; Dyer in Bedford; Hurleston with Butler by Bedford at Thorley with one Harvy; Westerman, at St. Albans, sent Cartwright two letters; Wm. Clarke at St. Albans, delivered a horse to Undertre; Derby in letter 4; Burten gone into Ireland.
To be committed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Mr. Sackford's, Dr. Wilson's, Dean of Westminster, Arch. Stuarts, Mr. Solicitor, Attorney-General, Norton.
To examine them : Mr. Sackford, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Lewis, Mr. Wolley, the Recorder of London, Mr. Solicitor and Norton.
Endorsed : Persons to be apprehended and committed.
In Burghley's hand : “20 June 1574. The names of persons in Undertre lettres.”
201. — to —.
1574. June 20. Sir,—This Hopton, as far as I know, is called Luste [Lusty] Hopton, a student of the Temple and of a good house, born not far from the other two students; and as for what was said after supper I wrote to you. Our supper was at St. Catherine's, at a friend's house, whose name is called Fosete (?) [Fawset]. We were six in company, the two students, Littler, Langton, and one Lacy, who is our printer, and I. You shall have word when I go, and I will use things as you have willed, and I am sure either the tinker or the B. of Chester will write or both, and in my next letter you shall know more certainty of Hopton. Except I hear better news I will write no more, for, it is said amongst us, that there is a warrant out for me and Butler, so that I stand “fayer” to write. I have not offended that I know, if I have, send me word wherein, and you shall not need to send for me, I will come. I know no cause, except it be that I will not speak with you. If it be, send me word, I will come, though it be worse both for you and me. And to tell you truth, I think little friendship in you, neither in others, considering the pains I take to bring this to pass; more than ever I did before. I pray you write me an answer, and send it by “GG”; bid him give it to my cousin to bring to me, for I live in sorrow until I know your mind. For it is enough to mar all I have done if I should give this over with good will or evilly, what could I or you do? My pretence is to take the Papist and his train first, for they began all. You never saw Butler's hand-writing, but now I perceive you will show extremity against me for my reward. And if you do, what remedy? I will never fly, considering for what cause I do this; and in my next, I will write more than ever I did think, if cause serve me.—Undated.
Noted below : “Received the 20th at 11.”
Endorsed by Barghley : “20th June 1574.”
Modern copy of the preceding. 1½ pp.
202. John Undertree to [? W. S.].
1574, June 21. Wishes to know in what one thing he has been found contrary. Thanks him for his letter. If he has had any wrong opinion of him; he asks pardon. Was persuaded by his very friends that wait was laid for him. Has heard more since he wrote than before. His chief meaning is to bring things to pass which he will write of hereafter, but yet he lives in doubt. Fears too many know of these matters. Prays to be told, if he has written anything amiss. Will not speak to him, nor any other, until he has “finished something.”
Endorsed by Burghley : “21 June, 1574. Undertree.” ¾ p.
203. John Undertre to [W. S.].
1574, June 23. “Sir,—The cause wherfore I sayd I wold wryt no more so ys that you shall thynke no ungentelnes in me for my laste leter. And I thanke you that you make GG. pryevie in thes maters, and he dothe no lytle rejoysce therein and hathe tolde me he well be secrete in the same and you shall have warnynge betymes, and those wheche be threatoned on ys in your hous, called Pearsone wheche ys termed to be asydersus (sic) Parsone. The other I dare sacelye name but to you, therfor kepe yt secrete, who ys the Earle of Lester, and theay beare hyme evelye well for thys caus, thynkeing that yt ys he wheche hathe stayd the myneowes jornye. Thys was spokone bye the tynker & the studentes. Tow more wer named wheche you shall know in my next leter, and not for the myneowes cause alone, but also more for other thynges. And I praye you send me monye, and GG. well tell you more, & also I well learne mor then hertofor.
You humble S.
Jhon Undertre.
[P.S.]—I pray you send me word in your next leter what you thynke beste to be done aboute the papeste and others, or ells by word of mouthe, and geve GG. great charge in thes maters for he trustes to fynd you hys frend and allso do I, when thes maters be ended. xxiij. of June none.”
Endorsed by Burghley : “23 June 1574. Undertree.”
204. John Undertre to [W. S.].
1574, June 24. “Sir, — I praye you and also the phayens hold me escewsed, for I cane not come speake withe hyme, but sythe you be so earneste in the same I am contente at my retorne to speake withe hyme or anye othre, therfor I wold have thys done yf you thynke good, that you go to the phaynes, or send that he may se thys. I thynk good that hys honore send leters to some Justices at Newport & also to Southehamtone & Porchemothe, and the beste of all in my mynd ys that he send hys leter to the captayne of the ayland, who wold, I thynke, se all thynges well ordered; for I thynk yt very good that the papeste wer takone with other whome you shall thynke good. And I marvell moche whether the 1. of Beuerlye have spokone anye thynge brod. Suerlye I thynke he hathe not, for yf he had I shold have hard of yt, but I shall know sartaynlye whan I come there. I pray you send GG. bake with all sped that may be, for I thynke to get thynges whech you moste dyser, & GG. well tell you what and wherfore. The Lord have yow in hys keping. xxiiij of June none. Your humble S., Jhon Undertre.”
Endorsed by Burghley : “24 Junii 1574.”
1 p.
205. Richard Wendesley to Burghley.
1574, June 25. Received the two enclosed letters this day at Burghley House & went to Greenwich for Mr. Hatton. He was rid to London. Returned to his house but could by no means speak with him. Though he finds Burghley at dinner, yet considering the case is emboldened to write.
Endorsed by Burghley : “25 June 1574 Wensloo letter with Undertre's. Starr chamber.”
½ p.
Enclosed :
1. John Undertre to [W. S.].
Thys ys to let you understand that synce I wryt to you laste I have bene withe the students & others, & theay have thoughte good to set for the captayne before I go, & have conspayred to sleaye hym yf theay cane thys daye, for the wheche I praye you let the Captene see thys, and let GG go wthe you, yf so you thynke good, for he knowethe theme. I have not tyme to wryt at thys tyme, but GG will tell you what folowethe, & allso other thynges. And so the Lord have you in his kepinge.
Your humble S.
Jhon Undertre
hallffe howre after viij this xxv June
Endorsed by Burghley : “25 June 1574 Undertre.”
½ p.
2. [John Undertre] to [W. S.].
I pray you tell Mr Hatone that he cane not tell how manye enemyes he hathe. And I pray you ues thys mater as you thynke good, for I ame sent to Saynt Albones in haste with dyvers thynges by word of mouth, the whyche you shall know at my retorne, whan laysure servethe. And thys I comyt to you that the Phaynes take hed, & as for other I cannot wryt of now. And as for anye thynge elles GG well tell you & the Lord
at ix this xxv June.”
Superscribed at the head of this second enclosure [W. S.] to [Undertre] :—“I most hertly thanke you for this letter, and pray you to send Humfrey presently to me agayn, for I wyll take hym wyth me as you devyse. Farewell, hast.”
1 p.
206. The Queen to Lord Burghley and Sir Walter Mildmay, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
1574, June 26. Warrant, authorising them to prepare a lease for 41 years to Thomas Warcop, Esquire, on the nomination of Edward Scroope, Esquire, of lands worth 42l. a year, which were formerly Leonard Dacre's, and by him withheld from the Queen, but which by Scroope's travail and charges have been brought again into her Majesty's possession. Greenwich, 26 June 1574.
Signed. Sealed. Endorsed : “Warrant for Edward Scroope's sute.”
1 p.
207. The Lords Burghley and Leicester to the Recorder of London (Sir W. Fleetwood).
1574, June 26. The Queen willeth that he shall, very early in the morning, repair into Southwark, there apprehend one Bradborn, dwelling near the sign of the Red Leg, a hat maker, and search his house for printing-presses, letters, &c., belonging to printing. Also he is to take all books and writings that “belong to the maintenance of these precise innovators of rites in religion.” He is to be kept a close prisoner till the Queen's further orders. Greenwich, 26 June 1574.
Burghley's holograph. ¾ p.
208. The Bishop of London to Lord Burghley.
1574, June 26. His lordship's last speech has so troubled him that he could not have endured thus long if the testimony of a good conscience had not greatly relieved him. No man sustains more wrongs than himself, and he hoped that no devil had been so impudent as to have charged him with so great and manifest an untruth. Is too well acquainted with these calumnies, and God will still have him live under the cross; but it must needs out of measure grieve him that his faithful and painful travail should be thus requited, his upright dealings be thus brought into suspicion, and he with a prejudice be as it were condemned before being heard. Claims the like privilege with Paul, to be heard, the answer to be brought forth, and that he may be lawfully tried, and so will stand to justice and refuse all mercy. If he should openly preach, write, and publicly proceed against these innovators and disturbers of the state, and notwithstanding privily consent with them, maintain them, and aid them, truly no punishment were too hard for him; for he would think himself unworthy to live in any commonwealth. But being most untruly charged therewith, whilst he remains unpurged he remains blotted and defaced, his office is slandered, and the Gospel which he preaches is not listened to. Craves at his Lordship's hands, if ever he favoured him, if he be a friend to equity, to love the Gospel of God, to be a means to her Majesty that he may come to his trial and be indifferently heard.
Further favour he seeks not, this only he craves in friendship and justice, and this her Majesty in equity cannot deny him. Fulham, June 26, 1574.
1 p. [Murdin, p. 275. In extenso.]
209. Sir Wm. Fleetwood to Lords Burghley and Leicester.
1574, June 27 Between one & two o'clock in the morning, went to Southwark, and in Barmsey Street found the sign of the Red Leg, not far from the Bridge House. Being there with the Bridge master, perused the Bedel's book of all that part of Southwark, and found no such man there abiding, neither master nor servant. Made secret inquiry of the householders names, their menservants and guests. Could not find any such name as Bradborn, nor any likely to be suspected of his conduct. Travailed in the search from two till five without letting any know the cause. Men thought it was Scotch spies. Has left orders with Battes, the bridgemaster. Bacon House, 27th June, 1574.
210. Richard Wendesley to Lord Burghley.
1574, June 27. Reports watching the gates where “GG.” lieth till 3 in the morning, but the party came not. Harley is rid forth off the town. The most needful is left behind, viz., the tinker, of whom more may be known than of all the rest.
½ p.