Cecil Papers: March 1575

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1575', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp92-95 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1575', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp92-95.

"Cecil Papers: March 1575". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp92-95.

March 1575

237. Edward Woodshawe to Lord Burghley.
1574/5, March 4. As he may hereafter do great service, desires Burghley to aid him in his voyage to Spain with such a sum of money as his lordship thinks fit. Will return the same when he comes back in about four months' time, for he doubts not but to obtain both the money the King owes him, and all the other affairs he desires. There was never any of his nation, having served on that side, who would carry with him such letters of recommendation as he would. On the way he will procure the young French Queen's letters to her sister the Queen of Spain, and in travelling through Savoy towards Geneva, he doubts not but to obtain the Duke of Savoy's letters in his favour to the King's majesty himself, for the said Duke, at his departure from the government of the Low Countries, promised him great friendship, when occasion offered, and of this he will have the letters of the Duke's cousin, the Count de Reulx, to put his Grace in remembrance. As he hears that nothing passes in the Court of Spain without the Duke of Alva's advice, he will procure the letters of some of the said Duke's dearest friends in his behalf. At his departure from the Low Countries the Duke of Alva promised to do the writer a pleasure, “the wych I nevar cowld fynde in effeckt, and therfore I may be the bolder wyth hym. Hit is good some tymes to sett a can dell before the dyvyll.” Writes thus much because he purposes to start at the beginning of April, if possible. Had Burghley answered any of the writer's previous letters, he might have had occasion to have altered his pretended voyage. The gain of money is not “the prick he shoots at,” as Burghley should perceive, if the writer had wealth. Seeks only credit and power, wherewith he may do the Queen service. Begs for her Majesty's accustomed and bountiful liberality towards his voyage, as he expects to render great service, both in Spain, and, on his return, in these parts [the Low Countries]. Burghley shall find him given to another kind of inclination than in the race of life he has heretofore run. Asks for one trial.—Antwerp, 4 March, 1574.
[Postscript.]—News he has none, save that there is a very great hope of some accord to be made. Since his last letters to Burghley, the Earl of Westmoreland has sent to know if he has any news out of England, willing the writer to repair to him as soon as he has any, either from thence or from Moffett. Has not heard from the latter, since he and his wife went to dwell at Brydgis [Bruges]. Marvels much at this, for he wrote to Moffett of his being at Louvain, but could not hear from him. Does not know whether in his last he wrote to Burghley of his repairing to the ambassador immediately after his return from Louvain, to advertise his Excellency both of Moffett's dealings, and of what he [the writer] had done with the Earl of Westmoreland. According to the commandment in Burghley's letter to him, he gives the ambassador to understand all his doings, and advertises him of all things he can, or that his Excellency wills him to do. Has also of late received two letters from Mons. de la Motte, Governor of Gravelines, in which he touches very briefly on the good will he has to help forward their pretended service about Calais, &c. These letters he has shewn to the ambassador. As concerns his Spanish voyage, if it seems good to Burghley, their pretended service will be very well served by his obtaining, through the Queen's letters to the King of Spain, permission to levy men for the “journey against the Turk”; or else, by his obtaining a grant to levy or have the government of a company of 300 Catholics, who are continually coming out of England. Doubts not but that the most part of the rebels will come to him, either to serve, or else to keep him company; and the rather because they are in very great poverty and misery. Thinks also, they are like to shift for themselves, as regards any pensions they can have there. If these things come to pass (as he trusts they will) then Burghley shall be well assured to have them all together sent over in a pack, and yet the writer will keep his credit, that no man shall find fault in him. As for Martinfield, (renin, the Nortons, Liggens, Standen, and most of them all, he is assured they will come with him, and follow him in those parts, where he wills, and he doubts not but to intrap the chiefest head, the Earl himself. His wish for an interview with Burghley : will do any thing at his commandment. Trusts to hear very shortly.
Endorsed by Burghley : “4 Martii 1574. Edw. Woodshaw.”
3 pp.
238. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1574/5, March 4. The Queen requires that Creaghe, an Irishman sent over lately by the Lord Deputy, and committed to the Gatehouse at Westminster, be removed to the Tower. He is to be proceeded against according to law, the Attorney-General and the Recorder of London to examine him as to his allegiance, &c. upon such articles as Burghley shall think fit.—From Richmond, 4 March 1574.
Signed :—A Wardour, F. Bedford, R. Leycester, F. Knollys, James Croft, and T. Smith.
239. Examination of Wm Bremmycham [Birmingham] of Gray's Inn.
1574/5, March 7. Is son to Walter Bremmycham of Bullough, co. Dublin. Heard from Edward Nugent of Gray's Inn that Creagh was in the Gatehouse and thither he went Feb. 27, offering him anything he lacked. Afterwards took him clothes and books, Eusebius' Chronicle, Bible prayers in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Seagrave who lodges at the Black Bull, near Charing Cross, would not go to him because one Clinton of the Guard had troubled him.
Endorsed :—“7 Martii 1574, Wm Bremmychams examination.”
Burghley's hand. ¾ p.
240. Wm Bermyngham to Lord Burghley.
1574/5, March 8. Was with Creagh thrice or so. Did not know him before otherwise than by hearsay. On Sunday met Nugent and Neterveld in hall, and dined with Creagh and other prisoners. Creagh was troubled with a flux and prayed him for a gown. Brought him Seagrave's and his own, also shirts, head-kerchers, towel and handkerchief. When abont to depart he desired him to repair once or twice a week to him till he had procured a man, and gave him 10s. in silver to buy him Eusebius' History, Promptuarium Latinum, Precationes Bibliæ, which he did. Afterwards bought him a cap-case for 2s. 6d., a girdle for 3s. 4d., and a pair of woollen socks for 12d. Never had any other conference with him; only visited him for charity's sake. Begs release from imprisonment. From the Gatehouse, 8 March 1574.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“viij March 1574, Wm Byrmyncham.”
1 p.
241. Sir Henry Radeclyffe to Lord Burghley.
1575, March 28. Encloses the declaration of a man of Portsmouth who came the day before from France, touching the behaviour of some persons, not of great credit, who disorderly fled out of England. Thinks there can be no smoke without fire.
Endorsed :—“Sir Henry Radeclif to my lord with advertisment of 2 Englishmen fled into Fraunce.”
Enclosed :
Declaration touching the Englishmen.
Lytchfield, late servant to Lord Christopher Pawlett, left Winchester on account of the tyranny of the Bishop. Robert Crews went from near Exeter to Mons' Milleroyes, Governor and Lieutenant of Normandy, and there at breakfast with his host lamented the state of England, that men could not live there according to their conscience. Divers Scots sitting at the table fell to talk of the book of the coronation of the French King. Crews said many in England do not believe he is in France, but that he is dead, but there goeth a prophecy in England that a dead man shall rise that shall make all England rue it. Crews has a brother with Lord Dacres. It is a common speech amongst the Scots and others in France that they hope shortly to see the Queen of Scots there or at home at her liberty.
242. List of Prisoners.
1574/5, March. Rich. Ciray [Creagh] in the Gatehouse, Edwd Nugent with the Serjeant, Wm Brymycham in the Gatehouse, etc.
Endorsed :—“Mart. 1574, persons committed for repairing to the Irish priest.”
¼ p.
243. Richard Creagh (titular Archbishop of Armagh) to Lord Burghley.
[1574/5, March.] Thanks him for the singular prudence and mercy exercised towards him in so disposing of his weak body that it has been quickly restored to its former health. Promises that he will never return to Her Majesty's realm without first obtaining due licence, nor will he do anything outside that realm which could in any way be displeasing to Her Majesty.
Signed :—“Richardus Crevus, Hibernus.”
Endorsed by Lord Burghley :—“Mart. 1574.”
Latin. 1 p.