Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1611

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp319-326 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp319-326.

"Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1611". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp319-326.

Miscellaneous 1611

The Privy Council to Lord—
[1611] Commencement wanting . . . The King having resolved to extirpate such vipers, either by his own forces or with others, although he has for special reasons granted a pardon to Easton and some other pirates: yet not knowing whether they will accept the required conditions, or if they should, it being not unlikely that others may betake themselves to the same ungodly course: and whereas the States are now setting forth a fleet against pirates, and as in like actions when they have had the pirates in chase they have many times fled into the ports and harbours of Ireland, they request leave for their men of war to pursue them into the havens and to have the assistance of his officers: his Majesty, knowing the cause is general, considering the good that may arise by joining his strength with others, has thought fit to yield to the request; with the restriction that before they enter his ports they shall give notice to his officers, and that they shall leave the goods they find in the pirates' possession in the custody of his ministers, to be restored to the true proprietors. Undated
Draftpp. (124 132)
Building of Hatfield House
[1611] Abstract of the work which has been done at Hatfield (more than was in the estimate made the 14th Dec. 1610) till the 24th Dec. 1611. Charge of the estimate, 2926l: 19: 0. Total of all changes more than was estimated, 6071 (fn. 1) :18:9½. (fn. 1)
3pp. (140 38)
Lady Howthe to the Earl of Salisbury
[1611] For favour to her distressed husband, and for better maintenance for herself and children. Undated
½ p. (P.1166)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1611–1618, p. 65]
Monsieur La Boderie to the Earl of Salisbury
[1611 or earlier] Complains that the bearer, a Frenchman, a sword cutler, has been arrested by "les maitres de l'art" on an order by the Council, and only released upon bail; on the grounds that strangers are prohibited by the law from working except under them. Details the circumstances of the man's employment, and prays that the bail be discharged and the man allowed to continue his trade. Undated
Signed French Seal Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "1596 [sic] Fr. Ambr. to my Lord." 1p. (174 64)
Thomas Osbaldeston to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1611] Was found guilty of the murder of Edward Walsh, but was granted a pardon, which is stayed at the Great Seal on the untrue suggestions of his adversaries. Prays Salisbury to move the Lord Chancellor for his pardon to pass. Undated
1p. (P.1102)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1611–1618, p.116.]
Draft Proclamations
[1611] Two proclamations. (fn. 2)
(1) Proclamation concerning rumours.
The King's most excellent Majesty having contained this Parliament together longer than hath been usual or might well have stood either with his Majesty's important affairs of Estate or with the public business of 4 several terms or with the occasions of the country, where the service and the hospitality of many persons of quality hath been missing, or with the ease and commodity of sundry particular persons themselves attending with charge and other hindrances, and this in expectation of a good conclusion of some weighty causes, which have been there stirred and handled: hath thought it necessary, both for his own honour for the preventing of vain and sinister tales and reports springing out of false grounds and variable conceits, to declare unto his loving subjects some such points as might most concern him in honour and were chiefly subject to mistakings, that they might the better know what to think with truth and what to speak with duty and reverence touching his Majesty's actions and proceedings. Wherein (first of all) it shall be least needful (as his Majesty supposeth) to remove from himself the cause of so long expense of time, since it is not unknown to those that know him least that it is so far from his disposition to take pleasure in long Parliaments as no person living either useth or desireth more speedily and compendiously to put business to a point than his Majesty doth, without confounding or enwrapping the same either with preposterous order or unnecessary circumstance; and therefore that the consumption of so many months in Parliament must be ascribed (if to anything else than the nature and difficulty of such consultations) partly to vanity of opinions and length of speeches common in the counsels of multitudes, partly to the jealousy and formality observed in those meetings and conferences which cause all things to move so slowly by compass and circuit as turns the business of hours into the business of days; and lastly to such an excess of liberty taken by some particular men to rip up and determine the ancient rights and prerogatives that have slept in peace under many kings our progenitors, as we know not to what to impute this strange encroachment (so far different from the ancient reverent forms) except it be conceived that this is the time wherein there shall be a court of inquisition erected over all the powers and privileges of the monarchy, and the arbitration thereof reserved to those persons in the Lower House who, being displeased with their own fortunes and in love only with their own wits, do give themselves wholly to censure magistracy and to call in question both the judgments of grave judges and practice of some of their best princes in cases of greatest consequence, even when we were content to yield them those favours and immunities for which no other subjects durst ever have been suitors in former ages. Concerning which offer of ours, because it is not strange (where princes deal with subjects) to meet with cross conceits and partial reports (most men being more disposed to seek their own praise than to yield their betters that they owe them), we are resolved, before we proceed on that part which shall contain our admonition to our subjects, to begin with a declaration of that which may make our people understand us better than otherwise they could do by those bruits which shall be dispersed to serve private turns.
Draft, corrected by Salisbury Incomplete Endorsed by Salisbury: 1611. (fn. 3) Parliament. A draught of a Proclamation concerning rumours." 2¼pp. (129 24)
(2) Proclamation concerning liberty of speech.
Concerning which liberty of speech and censure his Majesty requireth all his subjects, as well Parliament men as others, to take knowledge of a difference between time and place of Parliament and other times and places; for that the one (which is nevertheless not without limitations) may tend to the procuring and obtaining of remedy or relief, which without freedom both of complaint and debate can hardly be propounded and framed; whereas the other (having no such end) cannot but discover contempt in the speaker and work murmur and alienation of minds in others by taxing and censuring his Majesty's government, which course of presumption and undutiful aspersions his Majesty (who hath power as well as goodness) will be as far from enduring as he is from deserving. Not but that it is his Majesty's grace and pleasure (as he hath in divers of his excellent speeches fully expressed himself) that all his loving subjects as well singular persons as any several states, conditions or professions among them, should at all times without distinction in Parliament or out of Parliament present unto him any their petitions and grievances, containing particularity and being contained within that which is proper to their persons or vocations, and being done in a manner not clamorous or tumultuous. But for a general scanning or discovery of his actions and proceedings far above the capacities of private subjects, his Majesty expecteth it should be the more forborne out of Parliament by how much more he hath been contented to give a toleration of the same and to make good construction of it during the Parliament; and therefore commandeth all his loving subjects, now they are no more in body of Parliament nor deputies and procurators for the commonwealth but private and particular persons, to draw their discourses into the circle of their own places and fortunes, and to leave matters of state to his Majesty's own care and judgment and to such as are called to counsel and assist him therein.
But for the principal matters of consultation handled in these two last sessions of Parliament, they were of two natures. The one touching the supply of his Majesty's treasure and revenue, upon conditions most beneficial for the subject.
The other touching certain grievances and petitions presented to his Majesty by the House of Commons.
The former of which was the errand which his Majesty had principally in his intention joined with the point of honour for the creation and investiture of the noble prince Henry, Prince of Wales.
The other is a natural work of Parliament, seldom neglecting the opportunity of exhibiting grievances, be the cause more or less.
Therefore as to the former point his Majesty, as he hath divers times vouchsafed to speak to the body of the Parliament, and namely in that mirror which (being printed) he doubteth not but hath come to many of his subjects' hands, so now he is willing also by this his royal Proclamation so to speak universally to his people, as they may see whether they were so affected to the supply of his own wants as he would not have made them also the occasion of their own good. . . .
Draft Incomplete Endorsed by Salisbury: "Procl[amation]." 2¼pp. (129 26)
Queens' College, Cambridge
[? 1611]. Rough drafts of letters written by the Earl of Salisbury in reference to a dispute over the election of proctor in the above College; written consecutively on the same sheet of paper.
(1) To [? the Master]:
Whereas it hath pleased the King to write for one Mr Towers to be chosen proctor of your House, and you afterward with some of the fellows made petition to his Majesty to be left to the freedom of an election agreeable to the Statutes of your College and custom of the house and so accordingly . . .
(2) Mr Dean of Ely and the rest of the fellows. Here was one Turner of your College with instructions from you (as he saith) not to speak to the point of your election of one Haget (fn. 4) to the proctorship, whether it were agreeable to the statutes and orders of your house or no, in which point I desired by my letters to be informed by you, but to except against my jurisdiction and to call my authority into question as if the determination of no cause appertained to me unless I come in person to decide it among you. A thing which never was heretofore attempted neither in my father's time, whom I have often seen sitting in his house at London and deciding differences that had been risen among you, nor in my own, who have had some of no small consequence compounded by me.
(3) I have written to the Vice-Chancellor to hear only the matter of fact and so to certify me.
I require you in the meantime, because I mean to leave it to a free and fair election which you yourselves requested so earnestly at his Majesty's hands, that therefore you proceed to no innovation either of putting in or out to advance either part in point of suffrage, but that it may be chosen by the voice of them who then were reputed fellows among you, that so it may appear whether is thought by the greater part to be fitter for it.
(4) Mr Vice-Chancellor. Understanding of late of some difference in Queens' College in point of election of a proctor wherein the Master, as I am informed, by indirect means doth sway the business contrary to Statute and the liberty and customs of that College; because it appertains to me to see the Statutes executed and to give relief to any that shall duly fly to me in their necessity for fast protection, these are to require you to take to you one or two of the senior Doctors and to call before you so many of them as may inform you truly of every particular, and so to send me up a brief of the same. That so I understanding from you matter of fact may put such remedy to it as appertains to my place, for the well ordering of this business and establishing peace among them which by faction and humour in this pursuit hath been distempered. Undated
1 p. (136 208)
Answer to the refusal of the Master of Queens' College to accept the sentence of the Chancellor in a disputed election of a proctor in that College on pretence that all causes are to be decided in the University et non alibi neque alio in loco with reasons why the Chancellor should settle the dispute. Undated
Unsigned 1 p. (136 206)
Thomas Bellott to the Earl of Salisbury
[?1611]. For furtherance of his suit to the King. Undated ½ p. (P.1153)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1611–1618, p. 36].
Morgan Colman to Lord [?Salisbury]
[? c 1611]. Thanks for the honourable countenance extendep towards him.
1 p. (P.1907)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1611–1618, pp. 13, 22, 23]
Robert Goodshawe to the Earl of Salisbury
[1611]. Was commanded to take into custody and attend upon Mr Charles Topcliffe, which he did for three months. Topcliffe being arrested for debt, refuses to pay his fees. Prays for satisfaction. Undated
½ p. (P.246)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1611–1618, p. 72].
John Howard, for the tenants of the Queen's Manor of Pulham, Norfolk, to the Queen's Council
[? c 1611]. For composition of their fines, etc, at the rate of 8d the acre, as heretofore allowed. Undated
½ p. (P.1249)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1611–1618, p. 46].
Edward Robinson to the Earl of Salisbury
[1611 or before]. For enlargement. Has used all the means he could to the Lords of Scotland, and especially Lord Dunbar, (fn. 5) but is turned off with delays.
1 p. (P.499)
Information of Captain Francis Burnell
[1611 or before]. As to the wardship of Margaret Gilbert. Complains of the plottings of Sir William Herbert and Reynold Francis. Undated
1 p. (P.1197)
Sir Robert Sherley to the King
[?1611]. The great Sophy Abbas, Emperor of Persia (whom I now serve by your Majesty's sufferance) in the letter he has written to your Majesty prays you to give me entire credit in all that in his name I shall say unto you, and has commanded me to give these few articles in writing to the end he may receive an answer punctual.
The King of Persia has commanded me to assure you of the great affection he wishes to you and your affairs; and has ordained me expressly to inquire if he may do your Majesty any service, offering himself cordially as your professed friend and brother.
The King of Persia with other Christian potentates is joined in league against the common enemy. Your Majesty he desires that whereas you have a league with the Turks merely for trade and 'contractation', you would as well command your subjects to trade with him. For what they have in brief of the Turk are not commodities which grow in that country, but are transported thither either by land from Persia or from the Indies through the Red Sea. Those commodities which grow in Persia, and others which come by land from Mugur and Cattai the King of Persia was wont to give free passage to be transported into the Turk's country, but now is resolved to restrain the same, or at least all such commodities as the Turk did utter to the merchants of Christendom, having found that his enemy by this makes to himself a double infinite benefit: the first by the customs he takes in Babylon, Voyn, Charraemitt, Bittles, and other places, whereby he not only pays strong garrisons upon the frontiers of Persia, but is able in a small time to gather so great a treasure that without relief from other places the Turk taking his occasions is able to make and continue a harmful war. Secondly, he makes the Christians his friends by letting them truck for the Persian commodities, which are raw silk worth many millions, drugs, cotton wool and yarn, indigo, pearl, and precious stones of all sorts, and many other rich commodities needless here to nominate, and by the truck of these he is accommodated from Christendom with money, and that in such quantities as if the Indian mines were under his jurisdictions, besides munition both for sea and land. And having well considered these things, the King of Persia offers your Majesty ports in Gulfo Persico, as Rashell, Damaim and Bezar, all or any of them for your subjects to come, remain or return at their pleasures, and to be free to buy, sell or truck with as much liberty as if they were free born amongst them. Moreover, the King of Persia will defend them being once within his precincts, and procure them if need shall be secure ports with Indian princes his friends and neighbours. And if they will come by the way of Muscovia and so pass the Caspian Sea, then shall they have for their ports Derbent, Baccu, Cuszal Agatch and Langarru. Their consuls or factors shall have their residence in what place they shall think most fit for them, their consciences shall be free, not subject to any law, living discreetly under their own governors; and if the ports have any defects he will spare no cost to mend and fortify them.
Thus much I have written by warrant from the King of Persia, which if it be not thought sufficient I am ready to offer further satisfaction, so that it be not to the prejudice of the King that has sent me, and likewise to subscribe it with my name and seal it with the seal I have from the King for like purposes. Undated
Unsigned Endorsed by Salisbury: 'Sir Robt. Sherley.' 22/3 pp. (129 112)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1611–1618, pp. 88, 140]
Robert Curwen to Lord —
[Before 1611]. Is tenant of Ingerside Hall, Lancashire, which one Kinpe has put in Mr Serjeant Phillips' book and passed in fee farm. Prays him to speak to Phillips, to compound with him before any other. Undated
¾ p. (P.1624)
Prince Henry to the Earl of Salisbury
1611 [?June]. My Lord, I thought to have spoken with you myself this day of the business whereof I made my master write to you concerning Sir Henry Carie, (fn. 6) but since his Majesty comes not to London, I must by letter let you know that as Sir Henry Carie hath bargained with the King my father for his land, so I mean to give him a composition for Barkhampstead. Now because I and he are not agreed of the sum which I am to give him, I would be content absolutely to take upon me his debt, and pay it to the King my father, if ye durst adventure to trust me. For though I am like enough to prove an unthrift, yet I will be loth to lose my credit in my first undertaking if ye will give me reasonable days of payment. And therefore, I would have you signify so much to Sir Harry Carie this day when he comes to you, that he may go through with his bargain in the mean while till I have the occasion to talk with you thereof at more length. So giving you thanks for your last news which were better than the first, I continue, your good friend.
Signed: 'Henry' Endorsed by Salisbury: 'The Pr. his Highness to me.' 1 p. (134 163)
Sir Robert Johnson to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
[? 1611]. If at your leisure you vouchsafe the perusal of this book or any part thereof, I am not so presumptuous as once to imagine I can add one jot to your deep judgment in these things, but that you will let them attend you as remembrancers when occasion is offered to question of those businesses. Whatsoever else shall result of this enterprise, I beseech your favourable interpretation, having very often been encouraged by your acceptation of such like endeavour. Undated
Holograph 2/3 p. (129 15)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1611–1618, p. 3]


  • 1. The first two pages are printed in Clutterbuck's History of Hertfordshire, Vol. 2, Appendix p. 12.
  • 2. These are drafts of two proclamations probably never issued as they do not appear in any of the collections of such documents. They were probably prepared soon after the dissolution of the Parliament by proclamation on 31 December, 1610. [See Cal.S.P.D., 1603–1610, p. 655], which refers in much the same terms as those in the first of the above proclamations to the too great prolongation of that Parliament. One of the grievances brought forward in that Parliament was that of proclamations, and it may have been in view of the feelings then expressed that it was finally decided to issue the above two.
  • 3. This word is scored through by Salisbury.
  • 4. Stephen Haggett was proctor of Queens' College, 1612–1613.
  • 5. George Home, Earl of Dunbar, died on 20 January, 1610–1611.
  • 6. Adam Newton, tutor to Prince Henry, wrote to the Earl of Salisbury on this matter on June 5, 1611. See C.S.P.Dom, 1611–1618, p. 39. Sir Henry Carey of Berkhampstead, co. Herts, was Master of the Jewels.