Cecil Papers: January-June 1621

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: January-June 1621', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp140-151 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January-June 1621', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp140-151.

"Cecil Papers: January-June 1621". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp140-151.

January-June 1621

The Palatinate.
1620–21, January 13 to February 11.
(1) "List of a Royall Armie, 1620." "Commissioners names that were appointed by his Matie to consider and consult upon this busines:
Earle of Oxford
Earle of Essex
Earle of Leicester
Lo. Viscount Lisle
Lo. Viscount Willmott
Lo. Danvers
Lo. Caulfeild
Sir Edward Sacvill
Sir Edward Cecill
Sir Richard Morrison
Capt. John Bingham
Sir Horatio Vere and Sir John Connoway if they retorne whilst this Committee doe continue."
(2) "Att the Court at Whithall the 13th of January, 1621. Present:
Lord Archbishop of Canterbury
Lord Chancellor
Lord Digbie
Lord Treasurer
Mr Treasurer
Lord Privy Seale
Lord Steward
Lord Marshal Hambleton
Lord Chamberlyn
Earl of Arrundell
Earle of Kellie
Lord Vis. Doncaster
Lord Vis. Ffaukland
Lord Carew
Mr Secretary Naunton
Mr Secretary Calvert
Mr Chan. of Excheqr
Mr of the Rowlles
Mr of the Wardes
Sir Edward Corke
His Matie beinge resolved to make some Royall preparation for the recovery and protection of the Pallattinate, beinge the auncient inheritance of his Maties sonne in law and grandchildren, did in his high wisdome thinke meete to apoint some persons of knowledge and experience in the war to consider and give theire advise in such proportion as shalbe made unto them from this Board for the better expeditinge of that service. To which purpose the E. of Oxford, the E. of Essex (both lately retourned from the Pallattinate), the E. of Leicester, Lo. Viscount Willmott and others before spoken of together with Sir Horatio Vere and Sir Edw. Connawaye, if they retourne into England while this Committee shall continue; the Earles before named and others to that service apointed weare called to the table and make (sic) acquainted with his Maties pleasure that they or any ffive or more of them shall undertake this service, and have theire meettings and assemblies in the old Counsell chamber here in Whithall touchinge thaffaires before mentioned. And that for theire better assistance they call unto them such others of experience, whose advise and opinion they shall thinke meete to make use of in theire severall consultations upon such things as shalbe soe referred unto them from the Board, which they are to persecute without intercession or delay untill they shall make report of theire opinions, which is to be done in wrichtinge under ffive of theire hands att the least.
The particulars offered to their considerations are these. Ffirst, what proposition or number of men as well horse as ffoote with munition, vittal, shippinge and treasure wilbe sufficient for that enterprise.
And secondly, by what tyme it wilbe meete that these fforces be in a readiness and where the armes, munition and vittuall may best be provided, together with such other circumstances as are incident to any of these heads for theire better direction. Mr Secretaries will acquaint them with such intelligences as they have received touchinge the strength of the enymies fforces nowe in the Pallattinate."
(3) February 11, 1620–21. "The list of a Royall army consistinge of twenty ffive thousand foote, ffive thousand horsse, twenty peeces of attillirie and all other habillements of war fitt for an interprise soe difficult and remote, with our opinion and estimate of everie particular set downe accordinge to the directions and grounded upon such advertisements of the enymies strength as wee have received from the Secretaries of State.
The alloweaunce of officers and all entertainement to this armie are extracted from divers former presedents in the severall imployments of our owne nation and onely supplied by the best institutions in practice where they have beene defective.
Raising 25000 foot and equipping them with apparel and weapons, viz, 20000 pikes and muskets and 5000 calivers. 77836l 8s
Raising 5000 horse, viz, 3500 'cuiraseeres' and 1500 'carbins'. 126900l
Transporting the foot to the river of Maisrssed. 5000l
Transporting the horse to the same place. 4500l
20 pieces of battery and field ordnance, with mortar pieces, and implements to serve them (details in schedule annexed to the report). 4455l 17s
Shot and powder. 26200l
Match. 5022l
Round shot for the battery ordnance. 2478l 10s
Bullets for muskets and calivers. 2208l
Transport of ordnance and munition overseas. 869l
Horse transport for ordnance and munition. 10412
horses estimated necessary;
if bought they will cost, 93708l
if hired they will cost daily, 1044l 4s
Permanent pool of horses for use of ordnance. 3000l
The several payes of all the Officers, Bands and Troupes of the said foote, horse and teame of the Artillerie:
Summa total to the officers and Bands of 25000 ffootmen for theire enterteynements for one mounth of 28 daies amounteth to the summe of, 29352l 3s 4d
Summa total to the Officers and Troupes of horsemen for theire entertaynement for one mounth of 28 daies amounteth to the summe of, 15607l 4s
Summa total to the Officers, artificers and attendants in the Artillery for theire entertaynement for one mounth of 28 daies and for the charge of the said [200] horsses and waggons amounteth to, 3351l 18s 4d
Ffor the raysinge of the horsses for Curaseeres and Carbines wee count some good number may be had in this kingdome and the rest in the Low Cuntrys, and the Lieutenants or deputy Lieutenants may (if it please his Matie) be required to certifie what proportion [of] horsses fitt for his service each shyre or county can afford.
Ffor vittuals his Matie is not to be at any charge more then for such waggons as in some cases of necessitie shalbe requisite, ffor all mens dietts must be discharged by their owne payes and enterteynements.
Concerninge the provision of powder, musketts, calivars and other munition and armes fitt for such an army, wee have called unto us both Mr Evelyn, the powder maker, and the cheiff of the Companies of Armorers, Gun-makers and Cutlers in and about the Citty of London. And wee doe find them able to supply soe litle in any kind upon soe short a warning as three mounthes, that the greatest parte of powder and of armes both for horsse and ffoote must be provided in the Lowe Cuntrys where (we conceave) it may be best had. And for such provisions as cane be made here, the artificers doe humbley desire to receave speedy directions that they may sett themselves on worke accordingly.
And lastly, for the tyme when it would be meete that these fforces shoulbe in a redinesse, wee are of opinion that it is presently necessary to use all expedition to make ready the same, as well for that soe great quantitys both of powder and armes of all sorts must be provided in fforreigne partes, as for that the soldiers both horse and ffoote, which shalbe imployed in this service against enemyes of such experience, had need to be well trayned before they come to fight.
The totall charge of raysinge, armieinge and clothinge the whole army as aforesaid with 200 cartts horsses onely to bee bought for the use of the Artillery, all the rest to be hired as there shalbe occasion, will amount to the summe of 207736l.
The totall charge of the transportation of the whole army and of all the teame [of artillery] and provisions aforesaid will amount to the summe of 10369l 5s.
The totall charge of all the provision of powder, match, shot, lead, field carriages, etc., 40264l 7s.
The totall charge of raisinge the army of foote and horsse, 200 cart horsses, and all the provision of powder, armes, etc, and its transportation, 258370l.
The totall charge of mounthly payes of all Officers, Bands and Troupes of horsse and foote and Artillery, 48311l 5s 8d.
Soe the totall of all the mounthly payes includinge the hire of horsses for the Artillery [estimated at 22758l 12s] amounteth to the sume of 760649l 17s 8d.
There be divers other contingent charges which cannot fall into any certaine rate as namely, ffirst, allowance for the wasts of munition and armes; secondly, rewards for intelligences and aproches; thirdly, for divers small materialls and tooles necessary for armorers, gun-makers, ffurbushers, and divers other artificers. And, lastly, for all such provisions necessary for the traine of artillery or for any parte of the army, which are mentioned in the schedule hereunto annexed, and for savinge the charge of transportation and cariage are directed to be provided in the partes beyond the seas as occasion shall require. Ffor all which services and occasions and for victualls money must be advanced to the Treasurer by way of imprest, to be issued by him as he shall receave order by warrant from the Lord Generall ffor which the said Treasurer must account.
The proportion of expence above mentioned wilbe in som measure eased by the conveniency of those provisions which are best to be had in the Low Cuntrys. And much more may welbe saved when the army shall arrive in the Pallattinate, but can hardly suffer any signall abatements for the first ffive monthes."
Signed: Earle of Oxford
Earle of Essex
Earle of Leicester
Lo. Vis. Lisle
Lo. Vis. Wilmott
Lo. Danvers
Lo. Caulfeild
Sir Edw: Sackvile
Sir Edw: Cecill
Sir Rich. Morrison
Capt. John Bingham
There follows a schedule of ordnance parts, tools, provisions and supplementary stocks of weapons to be sent from England (estimated cost £4455:17:0) or to be provided in the Low Countries. Signed: Francis Monce, Clerk of the Committee.
27 pp. Inscribed: "Phillip Shotbolt his Booke." (253. 7.)
W. Dowthwaite to Roger Reseigh, Mayor of Markasiew [Marazion].
1620–21, January 25. Has received the indenture, but if the sheriff will not return it, it is in vain to strive to have it allowed in the Parliament House unless they had records to warrant the same, of which he can find none. His petition was delivered to my Lord, who will give any assistance that shall be fitting. If he purposes to proceed in Easter term, advises him to send up a solicitor.—Salisbury House, 25 January 1620.
Holograph. 1 p. (206. 77.)
[? 1620–21, January 25]. Application for an attachment in the cause Rex versus Richard Synney and other inhabitants of Penzance. Judgment has been passed against the defendants for holding a weekly market and disobeying several injunctions.— Undated.
Endorsed: "Marghasiowe versus Penzance." 1¼ pp. (206. 66.)
[Possibly refers to the matter in the preceding letter.]
The Enclosure.
[? 1621], May 21. Statement in the same cause.—May 21.
3 pp. (206. 68.)
Prince Charles's Speech.
[? 1620–21, January or February]. My Lord Treasurer having by his Majesty's command made relation of the present necessity of his Majesty's estate, some doubts did arise what the King's end might be. I was then present in the House when this doubt did arise, and therefore thought it fit to give my sense thereof. The King by this intends you shall see that upon the Council he was not able of himself and of his own strength to engage himself in a war without your assistance. Thereupon the Lords commanded me to declare it unto you, fearing lest the same doubt might arise amongst you. I conceived this his desire was not that we should consider of his own estate presently, but when we have resolved of the first, then will it appear that it is no difficult matter to establish his own estate. Another doubt there was in mine own mind that some amongst you might fear that when those businesses were settled, the King would be slow in calling you together again. I will put you in mind of the last part of the King's speech, (fn. 1) that he hoped to be in love with Parliament; but having occasions to send to the King upon other occasions I find him willing and very willing to call you often; but this I speak of mine own head. I desire you now to consider how far the business is gone, and that it requires expedition, as the King my father desired in his last speech: how far the year is passed; how far you have exasperated those who we conceive hereafter may be our enemies; prepare yourselves so as that you may not only show your teeth but bite also if there be occasion. Consider also how much the King's honour and mine much more are engaged; if you should fail in this it would be dishonourable to yourselves as well as to me. You shall oblige me who am now entering into the world; and when time shall serve hereafter you shall not think the labour ill bestowed.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The Prince's speech." 1 p. (130. 45.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620–21, February 28. Ordering a general muster for co. Herts. and the supply of defects.—Court at Whitehall, 28 February, 1620.
Signed: Fr. St. Alban, Can; H. Manndeville; E. Worcester; Lenox; Hamilton; Pembroke; T. Arundell; Kellie; Doncaster; H. Falkland; T. Edmondes; Geo. Calvert; Fulke Grevyll; Jul. Caesar; C. Edmondes. 1 p. (196. 73.)
Sir Edward Sackfield.
[? 1620–21, February]. Sir Edward Sackfield's speech at this Parliament.—Undated.
Begins: "Since a supply (fn. 2) unto his Majesty is now in question . . ."
4 pp. (130. 52.)
Grants by Ecclesiastical Corporations to Queen Elizabeth.
[1620–21, March 13]. An Act for enabling and making good of grants made by collegiate and ecclesiastical corporations to the late Queen Elizabeth, after the second day of April, 13 Elizabeth (1571) and before the 8th February, 25 Elizabeth (1583).—Undated.
Contemporary copy. 9 pp. (220. 8.)
[See Commons Journals 1. 550.]
Lord Chancellor St. Albans to the House of Lords.
1620–21, March 19. I pray your Lordships all to make a true construction of my absence; it is no feigning nor fainting but sickness both of my heart and of my back, though joined with that comfort of mind that persuades me I am not far from heaven whereof I feel the first fruits. And because whether I live or die I would preserve my honour and fame as far as I am worthy, hearing that some complaints of base bribery are come before your Lordships my requests are: first, that you will maintain me in your good opinion without prejudice until my cause be heard; secondly, that in regard I have sequestered my mind in great part from worldly matters, thinking of my account and answer in a higher court, you would give me convenient time, according to the course of other Courts, to advise with my counsel and make my answer, wherein nevertheless my counsel's part will be the least, for I shall not by the grace of God trick up an innocency with cavillations, but plainly and ingeniously (as you know my manner is) declare what I know or remember; thirdly, that according to the course of justice I may be allowed to except to the witnesses against me, and to move questions to your Lordships for their cross-examination, and to produce my own witnesses for discovery of the truth; and lastly, if there come any more petitions of the like nature, that you would not take any prejudice of any number or muster of them, specially against a judge that makes 2000 decrees and orders in a year (not to speak of the courses that have been taken for hunting out of complaints against me), but that I may answer them according to the rules of justice severally. These requests, I hope, appear to your Lordships no other than just; so thinking myself happy to have so noble peers and reverend prelates to discern my cause, and desiring no privilege of greatness for subterfuge of guiltinness, but meaning to deal fairly and plainly with your Lordships and put myself upon your favours, I pray God to bless your counsels and your persons.—19 March, 1620.
Copy. 1 p. (129. 177.)
[For the original of this letter see Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–23. p. 236.]
Charles Kynesley to Christopher Keighley.
1621, March 20 no. sti. Begs him to excuse him for breaking his promise not to write to Keighley until he had heard from him. The reason is that he sends a packet which he requests him urgently to deliver safely to the Earl of Salisbury.—Paris, this 29th of Mars 1621 new stile.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr Kynderslays letter to Mr Keighley." ½ p. (General 81/43.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1621, March 25. Thanks Salisbury for his letter and his nobleness towards him.
We speak and preach the wars here, and make preparations accordingly; yet if his Majesty compound the business of the Palatinate (whereof depends that of the rest of Germany, and who else are like enough to compound for themselves), we shall have but a hard bargain of it; for either we must undertake a defensive war, and bear the burden on our own shoulders and that alone, or else (his Majesty not sticking by us) must receive dishonourable and disadvantageous conditions, which this State will never do; they will sink first, and then others must see (say they) to their own swimming. But I hope his Majesty (who holds the balance) will not cast his best friends into such extremities.
The King and Queen of Bohemia's coming into these parts is diversely spoken of. It is said her Majesty comes no further than Arnhem. The King comes hither, and shall (say some) be lodged in the Haghe here, others say at the Prince's house at Delft.— Haghe, 25 March, 1621 veteri.
Holograph. 2 pp. (130. 36.)
Sir Giles Mompesson
1621, March 26. Judgment on Sir Giles Mompesson. [See Parliamentary History, p. 384, 26 March, 1621.]
At foot: a short note by the Earl of Salisbury of the judgments on Lord Chancellor Bacon and Sir Francis Mitchell.
1 p. (130. 51.)
Lord Chancellor Saint Albans.
1621, April 22. The Lord Chancellor's submission and supplication to the Lords of the Parliament House. 22 April, 1621.
3 pp. (130. 37.)
[See Parliamentary History, p. 399.]
1621, April 28. A petition to the "Knights, Citizens and Burgesses in the Commons house of Parliament". The Mayor and Burgesses of Hertford declare that the town formerly enjoyed the right to send two burgesses to Parliament, but had forborne to do so for a considerable time on account of their poverty. Now that they have recovered much of their prosperity, they wish to exercise that privilege once again. They support their claim by appending extracts from early documents which accord them the right of representation in Parliament. 28 April, 1621.
14 pp. (Legal 55/11.)
Sir Henry Yelverton.
1621, April 30. "Sir Henry Yelverton brought to the Barre spake to the effect following, viz:
I cannott present my selfe withowt much sorrowe and more greife, being justly compassed about with so many terrors from his Matie which might make mee hide my selfe as did Adam. I humbly desier I may bee admitted to defend my honestie and innocencye much more prised by mee then my lief.
I doe now come creeping uppon the ground not dispayring of his Mats grace and favour, hoping that hee will not take awaye my armour of defence nor opportunitie of accusing of others in my owne excuse.
[Marginal note: committement] Sir Edward Villers and Ffowles (the pattentee for gould and silver thread) brought mee a letter from the King for this bussines, commanding the commytment of every one that should oppose this worke, which letter I ymparted not to my fellowe, being perswaded that the King was rather abused then well informed in the procuring thereof.
But this was returned uppon mee thus, that if the Silkemen bee not brought to seale unto these bondes, the bussines would fall and the King loose 5000l per annum.
They put mee in mynd of the Lord Admyrall because this concerned Sir Edward Villers; and Mr Christopher Villers did putt mee in mynd of itt by his letter.
They dealt roundly with mee, and threatned to complayne of mee yf the worke should faile by my neglect, and thereuppon I commytted them, but first offered to putt owt of the bond whatsoever they would object against itt.
I did not this in a base feare of Sir Edward Villers and Mompesson. I knewe them to bee but shadowes of a greater.
Sir Edward Villers was my paynted friend, and Sir Giles Mompesson an obdurate enemye. I feared them not, but him that was above them, whose shaddowe they were. I feared the power of the Lord of Buckingham who was ever present att his Mats elbowe, readie to hewe mee downe.
Heere I would willingly stoppe, for what followes cannot but bee distastfull unto some, and therefore I had rather weepe alone then speake what I have to saye.
[Marginal note: being willed to proceede]. When I had stayed theis proceedinges a message was brought mee by Mr Emerson, that dwels att Barnett, that Sir Giles Mompesson was to tell mee that I was not to keepe my place long yf I stopped theis Quo Warrantos.
And a while after Mompesson said that hee had a message to mee from the Lord of Buckingham that I should not hould my place a month if I did not better conforme my selfe in theis matters of Innes.
Whereby I thought this was a great part of regall power assumed, to place and displace officers.
This staggerd mee, ffor yf Sir Giles Mompesson said true in this message (which I feare wilbee too truly proved), you shall see I was in a straight whether to obaye the King or my Lord of Buckingham. I was as stubborn as Mordethay.
I found this message in fewe months after performed.
Itt was penall, itt was fatall to many clyents that came unto mee.
By reason of the cedars above mee and the shrubbes under mee, I made no profitt of my place. The profittes thereof were deverted to one of my Lord's worthies.
I honour his Lordships name (which he had from his father) of all the gents. of England. I wished his Lordshippe had byn pleased to have read the articles against Hugh Spencer in this place for taking upon him to place and displace officers.
Heere hee was interrupted, etc.
[Marginal note: willed to proceede]. Ytt is true that for my opposition to his Lordshippe in this Patent of Innes and other thinges which I opposed (I humbly say itt), I suffer in my estate and fortune. I meant no other thing the other daye; ffor in this patent and in the stopping of the proceedinges thereof I had his Maties approbation.
I will humbly explaine my selfe. I suffer (justly) in my bodie by the sentence of the Starrechamber, the which I confess justly ymposed uppon mee and sweetly, and therefore I had no ayme to blemysh that sentence. I honour the sentence and will kneele under itt for 4 respects.
Ffirst, I was sent to the best place of restraint (the Tower); 2, I have had the libertie of the place; 3, my ffine of 4000l is not yett demanded; 4, by slyding owt of this place, my lief is become easie and of repose.
I beseeche his Matie that I may resemble the woman of Canaan, though his Matie shall kill mee, I will honour him for I ever found his gratious favour heretofore, and now I doubt not but to prove whatsoever I have said. I give your Lordships humble thankes for your patience to heare mee." xxxmo Aprilis, 1621.
4 pp. (141. 303.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–23, p. 252.]
Lord Spencer's Speech.
1621, May 8. The submission to the House.
Whereas I did my Lord Spencer wrong in some words, uttered in this House in heat and by mistaking, and by those have given this House just cause of offence, I am sorry for it and humbly desire the House's pardon.
Satisfaction to the Lord Spencer.
My Lord, I confess that upon mistaking of your words I did you wrong. I am sorrow (sic) for it, and desire you to forgive it and forget it.
8 May, 1621 [The words spoken that day of the Earl of Arundel].
My Lords, I do acknowledge that my ancestors have suffered, and it may be for doing their King and country good service, and in such times as when perhaps that Lord's ancestors (which spake last) kept sheep.
The words spoken that day by the Lord Spencer.
The Lord which spake last might worst speak against this motion of any man in this House, for that two honourable persons of his ancestors (the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Surrey) were condemned here in Parliament without being heard.
1½ pp. (130. 39.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–23, p. 254.]
William Dowthwaite to Roger Oliver.
1621, May 13. Acknowledges recipt of a copy of the town's charter and copies of the legal proceedings affecting Marazion. Regrets that he has not the time to prosecute the matter himself, and suggests that some competent person be sent up to London. Promises his assistance and that of the Earl of Salisbury's counsel as to what legal course to pursue.—13 May, 1621.
Holograph. 1 p. (General 81/11.)
The Mayor and Burgesses of Hertford to the House of Commons.
[1621, May 18]. The town has been an ancient borough town, and used to send two burgesses to Parliament; but by reason of poverty they have long forborne to send them. Now having recovered their estates in some competent measure, they are willing to do that service to their country as other borough towns do, and pray that a writ may be sent for the election of two burgesses.—Undated.
Draft. 1 p. (P. 2075.)
[See Commons Journal, Vol. 1, 624.]
Defence of Religion.
1621, June 4. A Declaration of the Commons House of Parliament made 4th of June, 1621, with respect to the defence of the Christian religion.
1 p. (130. 40.)
[See Parliamentary History, p. 472.]


  • 1. Delivered on 30 January, 1620–21.
  • 2. Supply was mentioned in the Parliamentary debate on 5 February, 1620–21.